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  • Shaina Knobel

    Shaina Knobel

    Hi! My name is Shaina Knobel. I’m from sunny Miami! I went to Hillel, Bais Yaakov, Shaarei Bina & Darchei Bina Seminary. I am currently working as a Bridal & Event Hairstylist in Miami. I’m so excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow because I love teaching people about Judaism 🙂

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Shira Kramer

    Shira Kramer

    Hi! I’m Shira Kramer from Baltimore, Maryland. Currently, I am in my second year of college at Stern College for Women in New York City. After graduating, I hope to go to law school. I am excited to be involved in the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because I love learning and inspiring the brightest teens,

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Gabe Kurlander

    Gabe Kurlander

    Gabe Kurlander is from Woodmere, NY and attended HAFTR high school, Yeshivat Shaalvim, and is in his freshman year of YU. He’s very excited about getting to meet and connect to other YIDDEN

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Nili Kushner

    Nili Kushner

    Hello! My name is Nili Kushner and I live in the great community of West Hempstead, NY. I am currently a senior in Touro University in Manhattan. I’m majoring in biology and am on the pre-med path. I’m looking forward to being a fellow this year and participating in growth oriented and jam packed programming

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Ayelet Landsman

    Ayelet Landsman

    Ayelet is from Queens, NY and is currently a Junior at Queens College, studying Business and Psychology. She graduated high school from Central, and then spent a year learning at MMY. She loves studying and teaching Torah and is excited to learn with and from the people around her. She hopes to build strong relationships

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Ariel Lawton

    Ariel Lawton

    Ariel Lawton is a Cleveland native who is currently studying Psychology on the OT track at Touro Lander College for Women in Manhattan. As someone who was vastly and positively impacted by NCSY as a teen, Ariel is immensely passionate about paying it forward. Being a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship is yet another

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Sarah Leiderman

    Sarah Leiderman

    Hi! My name is Sarah Leiderman and I’m from cedarhurst, New York. I go to stern college and I’m currently studying biology. I can’t wait for an amazing year of connecting to the most unbelievable teens!

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Ali Lenefsky

    Ali Lenefsky

    Ali Lenefsky is from West Hempstead, NY. Currently, Ali is finishing off her last semester at Queens College studying Psychology. She is super excited about the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because she is really looking forward to connecting with more amazing teens and learning more Torah with them.

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Noach Lerman

    Noach Lerman

    Noach Lerman is a sophomore at Yeshiva University in the Yeshiva Program and studying physics and economics. He’s originally from South Bend, Indiana but moved to Silver Spring, Maryland when he was ten where he attended the Berman Hebrew Academy until he graduated. After spending 2 years at Yeshivat Hakotel, Noach decided to spend his

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Daniella Lerner

    Daniella Lerner

    Daniella Lerner is from Toronto, Canada. She is a biology major at Touro University in New York City. Daniella is excited to take on a more active role in the greater Jewish community through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
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