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  • Aryeh Hirt

    Aryeh Hirt

    Aryeh Hirt, originally from the bustling city of Los Angeles, is currently a pre-med student at Yeshiva University. He’s thrilled about the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it offers him a unique opportunity to connect with others who share his passion for community building and Jewish values. Aryeh is eager to develop his leadership skills

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Yechiel Hyman

    Yechiel Hyman

    Yechiel Hyman grew up in Teaneck, NJ, where he was and avid NCSY participant in high school. He had the priviledge of learning in yeshiva at Mevaseret for two years, at the end which he decided to continue his yeshiva studies at the Yeshiva Gedolah of Greater Washington, where he has been for the past

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Dina Joseph

    Dina Joseph

    Dina Joseph is presently a student at the Bernard Revel Graduate School for Judaic Studies. She is also a high school Jewish history teacher, and possesses a deep appreciation for both formal and informal education. Dina is currently in her third year as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow and is eagerly anticipating the chance to gain

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Shayna Kahane

    Shayna Kahane

    Shayna Kahane, from Memphis TN, is a current senior at Stern College for Women. Shayna is majoring in Political Science and plans to continue into a career in law. Shayna has been involved in NCSY since she was in 5th grade and was an active member of her region, serving as both MIdwest regional president

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Eitan Kastner

    Eitan Kastner

    Eitan Kastner is initially from Long Island, NY. He is currently in Semikha and getting his Masters in Business in addition to a Masters in Jewish Studies from YU. Eitan is super excited about the opportunities afforded by NCSY to be able to do his part for the Jewish people and to be a resource

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Akiva Katz

    Akiva Katz

    Hey I’m Akiva katz in touro college/ landers college. I pressuring a degree in maths as well as a degree in engineering. This is going to be my second year in NCSY and I can’t wait to experience more of the excitement that comes with it, like: sushi and shmooze, latte and learn, NCSY BBQs,

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Shlomit Katz

    Shlomit Katz

    Shlomit Katz is from Toronto, she currently lives in Hamilton where she attends McMaster University and is currently studying psychology and neuroscience. she’s beyond excited to meet new NCSY’ers and get involved in new communities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Shabbos Kestenbaum

    Shabbos Kestenbaum

    Shabbos Kestenbaum is a graduate student at Harvard University researching the intersections between religious communities and contemporary public policy. Originally from Riverdale, Shabbos is no stranger to NCSY, having served as founding City Director for NCSY Westchester, Assistant Director for TJJ AP, Advisor for NCSY Southwest, and current Head Advisor for Olami Launch. Shabbos is

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Rikki Kestenbaum

    Rikki Kestenbaum

    Rikki kestenbaum is finishing up her psychology degree at Queens college, and is on her way becoming a physical therapist. She is from Woodmere, NY. Rikki is very passionate about NCSY and is always looking for opportunities to do kiruv and contribute to help grow the future of klal Yisrael! With the help of Shevet

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • David Kleiman

    David Kleiman

    David Kleiman from Detroit, Michigan. David is in YU studying Psychology and is very connect with different Jewish neshamos

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
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