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  • Pinny Balsam

    Pinny Balsam

    What is good! My name is Pinny Balsam and I’m in my junior year In YU studying finance. I’m from Bergenfield NJ. Im extremely excited about the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because It gives me more opportunities to create a kesher and help more teens grow and discover ways to connect through Judaism which they

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Nechama Banarer

    Nechama Banarer

    Nechama Banarer is from Dallas and is studying for her bachelors in science of nursing. She grew up in a kiruv oriented home, which allowed her to see first hand the impact NCSY had on the people around her and how the different leaders of her community stepped up to help others grow. She realized

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Shmuel Barg

    Shmuel Barg

    Hello! I’m Shmuel Barg. I’m from Monsey NY and am currently studying psychology in YU. I’m excited to get involved in building the future of Klal Yisroel! I’m looking forward to participating in and building programs to help everyone connect to Judaism no matter what background they’re from. I hope to learn and develope skills

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Ezra Baron

    Ezra Baron

    Ezra Baron is from Teaneck, NJ. Ezra had the privilege of attending TABC for high school before attending Yeshivat Sha’alvim for two years. Ezra is currently studying at the Sy Syms Business School at Yeshiva University and is majoring in Accounting. Ezra is super excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this coming

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Avital Basalel

    Avital Basalel

    Hi! My Name is Avital Basalel and I’m from Kew Garden Hills NY. I’m currently a Junior at Stern College majoring in Jewish Education. I’m looking forward to iyh continuing to build relationships with the teens and continuing to learn and grow with and from them.

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Elijia Bauman

    Elijia Bauman

    Elisha Bauman recently moved to Parkland, FL from New York. He is currently learning in Yeshiva of South Florida in Boca Raton. Elisha is excited for the opportunity to join NCSY for the first time and connect with people from his new home-state.

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Sydney Beberman

    Sydney Beberman

    This is Sydney Beberman and she is from Highland Park, NJ. She is currently a senior at Yeshiva University and is studying psychology. Her plan is to work in non-profit management. She is excited for the opportunity to learn, grow and connect with more NCSYers.

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Katherine Belilty

    Katherine Belilty

    Katherine Belilty is from Frisco, TX, and is currently in her fourth year studying neuroscience at Princeton University. Her religious journey began at the JSU club at her public high school, and flourished through her ongoing involvement with NCSY. Through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, she looks forward to giving back, to continuing to grow, and

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Batya Belizon

    Batya Belizon

    Hey everyone meet Batya Belizon she is from Boca Raton, Florida. She is currently studying in Stern College for women and she is majoring in biology hopefully going to pursue a carrier in the medical field. She can’t wait to meet everyone and form so many amazing connection and to continue to learn and grow

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
  • Julia Benarroch

    Julia Benarroch

    Hi! My name is Julia Benarroch and I’m from Los Angeles, CA. I attended Shaalvim for Women and I’m currently a senior at Stern College studying Finance and Psychology. I was lucky enough to spend two summers on TJJ Action, and am looking forward to a year of continued growth and inspiration!

    posted on September 21, 2023, with No Comments
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