Sarah Abbou
Assigned to Southern
From Toronto, ON

Sarah Abbou is from Toronto, Canada. After learning in Sha’alvim, she is currently working towards her masters in Occupational Therapy at Touro University. This year, she is excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellow team, and can’t wait for an incredible and meaningful year with the NCSYers and her fellow advisors.

Danielle Abekassis
Assigned to New York
From Five Towns, NY

Hi, my name is Daniella Abekassis. I am from North Woodmere, New York and I am currently a grad student at Ferkauf. I am so excited for this upcoming year with the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and gd willing being able to do more in person events with our teens!

Eric Abraham
Assigned to Southern
From Boynton Beach, FL

Hi my name is Eric Abraham, I am from Palm Beach Florida, and I study business among many other things. I’m excited about oppertunities I get from being a Glaubach Fellow because they are absolutely life changing. As a fellow I get to be a part of a teens journey and guide them with the knowledge we get from these awesome seminars. The results are exponential. On a smaller scale I’m excited for the shabbatons and the learning we do with the teens. Those events really show the impact the fellows have on the teens and the impact the teens have on us.

Talya Abrams
Assigned to Northeast
From Newton, MA

Talya Abrams is a junior at Stern college for Women studying psychology and business. She is from Newton, MA and went to Midreshet Harova for shana bet. Talya is excited for the opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship offers. She looks forward to strengthening her involvement as an advisor, as well as strengthening her abilities to ask questions, answer questions, and make connections

Ariella Addi
Assigned to Southwest
From Fair Lawn, NJ

Hi!!! My name is Ariella Addi and I’m from Fair Lawn, NJ. I’m currently a junior at Stern College where I’m studying Finance and Business Analytics. I went to Ma’ayanot for high school and had the zechus of going to Tiferet for seminary the year after!! I’m super excited for the opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship has to offer and I can’t wait for an amazing year of inspiration and ruach.

Tziporah Akbashov
Assigned to Southern
From Forest Hills, NY

Hi my name is Tziporah Akbashov and I’m from Queens, NY. I spent two yers learning at Ba’er Miriam seminary and I am currently studying speech and language pathology at Sara Schenirer college.I’m so excited to be apart of NCSY Shevet Glaubach this year and I can’t wait to to take advantage of this incredible opportunity!

Nancy Alexander
Assigned to Southern
From Richmond, VA

Nancy is from Richmond, VA and is a currently a Junior at Stern College for women. She is studying Philosophy and Jewish Education and hopes to pursue a career in Chinuch! As a fellow last year Nancy loved having more opportunities to develop a personal connection with her teens and the community that she served in Savannah, GA. She is excited for another incredible year!

Bat-Tzion Atik
Assigned to Southern
From Queens, NY

Bat-Tzion Atik is from Queens, New York, attended Central for high school and spent a year in Israel in MMY. Bat-Tzion is so excited to be able to connect with NCSYers and gaining tools to further her love of Torah and spreading that to others. Bat-Tzion herself was an NCSYer, serving as the New York NCSY representative on the national board and knows firsthand the impact NCSY can have. Bat-Tzion is looking forward to an awesome year and experience in the fellowship.

Yishai Attias
Assigned to New York
From Lawrence, NY

My name is Yishai Attias and I’m from the Five Towns in New York, after going to DRS for high school I spent two years in Yeshivat Lev Aharon and then a third year in Yeshivat Mir Yerushalayim, after spending some time in Queens College after yeshiva I’ve made the switch back to yeshiva here in the five towns. In high school my only experience with NCSY were the two summers I spent on NCSY Euro ICE (now known just as Euro Israel) by chance I found myself on Euro again this time as an advisor in the summer of 2022 and have been getting more and more involved with NCSY since. The Shevet Glaudbach Fellowship allows for more opportunities to do the same job I’ve been enjoying so much. Connecting and learning with teens has quickly become the highlight of my week and something I look forward to and all the more so with this new platform.

Kaden Balkany
Assigned to West Coast
From Seattle, WA

Kaden Balkany grew up in the rainy & caffeinated city of Seattle and is now studying as a Junior at Yeshiva University towards her degree in Psychology. After founding her own business in 8th grade, Kaden is excited for more opportunities to help motivate and inspire those around her. Kaden’s palpable passion for NCSY was exemplified by becoming the first ever Regional West Coast President from Seattle. Kaden is committed to learning and developing deeper connections with her NCSYers and will continue building her skills and the rest of our global Jewish community through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Pinny Balsam
Assigned to Central East
From Bergenfield, NJ

What is good! My name is Pinny Balsam and I’m in my junior year In YU studying finance. I’m from Bergenfield NJ. Im extremely excited about the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because It gives me more opportunities to create a kesher and help more teens grow and discover ways to connect through Judaism which they never thought were possible.

Nechama Banarer
Assigned to Southwest
From Dallas, TX

Nechama Banarer is from Dallas and is studying for her bachelors in science of nursing. She grew up in a kiruv oriented home, which allowed her to see first hand the impact NCSY had on the people around her and how the different leaders of her community stepped up to help others grow. She realized that it is not enough to just look up to them as role models, but that she wants to be able to have a positive influence on the world around her. This fellowship will refine the tools she was given to become a better leader and therefore giving to the people around her.

Shmuel Barg
Assigned to Southern
From Monsey, NY

Hello! I’m Shmuel Barg. I’m from Monsey NY and am currently studying psychology in YU. I’m excited to get involved in building the future of Klal Yisroel! I’m looking forward to participating in and building programs to help everyone connect to Judaism no matter what background they’re from. I hope to learn and develope skills and to gain experience to help me become a leader in Klal Yisrael.

Ezra Baron
Assigned to Southern
From Teaneck, NJ

Ezra Baron is from Teaneck, NJ. Ezra had the privilege of attending TABC for high school before attending Yeshivat Sha’alvim for two years. Ezra is currently studying at the Sy Syms Business School at Yeshiva University and is majoring in Accounting. Ezra is super excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this coming year as it will allow him to develop relationships with like-minded individuals who want to inspire the Jewish future.

Avital Basalel
Assigned to West Coast
From Kew Garden Hills, NY

Hi! My Name is Avital Basalel and I’m from Kew Garden Hills NY. I’m currently a Junior at Stern College majoring in Jewish Education. I’m looking forward to iyh continuing to build relationships with the teens and continuing to learn and grow with and from them.

Elijia Bauman
Assigned to Southern
From Parkland, FL

Elisha Bauman recently moved to Parkland, FL from New York. He is currently learning in Yeshiva of South Florida in Boca Raton. Elisha is excited for the opportunity to join NCSY for the first time and connect with people from his new home-state.

Sydney Beberman
Assigned to New York
From Highland Park, NY

This is Sydney Beberman and she is from Highland Park, NJ. She is currently a senior at Yeshiva University and is studying psychology. Her plan is to work in non-profit management. She is excited for the opportunity to learn, grow and connect with more NCSYers.

Katherine Belilty
Assigned to Southwest
From Frisco, TX

Katherine Belilty is from Frisco, TX, and is currently in her fourth year studying neuroscience at Princeton University. Her religious journey began at the JSU club at her public high school, and flourished through her ongoing involvement with NCSY. Through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, she looks forward to giving back, to continuing to grow, and to connecting with teens as her advisors did with her.

Batya Belizon
Assigned to Southern
From Boca Raton, FL

Hey everyone meet Batya Belizon she is from Boca Raton, Florida. She is currently studying in Stern College for women and she is majoring in biology hopefully going to pursue a carrier in the medical field. She can’t wait to meet everyone and form so many amazing connection and to continue to learn and grow from everyone around her.

Julia Benarroch
Assigned to West Coast
From Los Angeles, CA

Hi! My name is Julia Benarroch and I’m from Los Angeles, CA. I attended Shaalvim for Women and I’m currently a senior at Stern College studying Finance and Psychology. I was lucky enough to spend two summers on TJJ Action, and am looking forward to a year of continued growth and inspiration!

Moshe Benhamu
Assigned to Southwest
From Brooklyn, NY

Moshe Benhamu was born in the small town of Brooklyn, New York. He recently graduated YU and is currently attending the RIETS Semikha program. Moshe can’t wait to be back with Southwest NCSY for his second year (#Yeehaw!!). He is tremendously excited to continue to live, learn, and walk through life together with the NCSYers!

Leora Bennett
Assigned to Southern
From Lawrence, NY

Hi! I’m Leora Bennett and I am super excited about this amazing opportunity!! I live in Lawrence, NY, and went to SKA High School, followed by a year and a half of learning in seminary at Sha’alvim for Women. I currently go to Touro Manhattan and my major is Computer Science. I am looking forward to an awesome time creating relationships and having fun, while kindling the flame of Torah in others and in myself!

Yona Berzon
Assigned to Southern
From Baltimore, MD

Hi everyone! I’m Yona I’m from Baltimore, MD and I recently graduated from Stern! I’m looking forward to all the great Shabbatonim and chavrua’s that make the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and NCSY amazing!

Mo Berlin
Assigned to Central East
From Detroit, MI

Mo Berlin is a Yeshiva University student studying Finance, currently in his sophomore year of college. Mo grew up in Detroit, MI and has been actively involved in NCSY from a young age. He is looking forward to giving back to the NCSY community through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and is excited to get more involved in making a difference in young NCSYers lives.

Edan Bitas
Assigned to Central East
From Philadelphia, PA

Edan Bitas is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is currently a student at Yeshiva University and is studying Finance. He is very excited to be joining the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it gives him the unique experience of working with Jewish teenagers all over the country.

Shalom Brauser
Assigned to Southern
From Hollywood, FL

Hey there! My name is Shalom Brauser, coming to you from Hollywood, FL. After attending Katz Yeshiva High School in Boca, I spent two years at Yeshivat Sha’alvim in Israel, and am now in my second year at Yeshiva University, studying Torah and other great classes for an incredibly useful History major. After working on NCSY Next Step for the past two summers, and being a Southern Glaubach Fellow last year, I’m supremely pumped to continue partnering with the other epic fellows in working directly with Jewish communities and teens to build the Jewish future.

Tamar Brody
Assigned to New Jersey
From Miami, FL

Tamar is a student at Stern college for women. She is from Miami, Florida. She is currently pursing a degree in Biology. She is driven to inspire the Jewish community and this fellowship gives her the best opportunity to inspire others.

Zahava Chefitz
Assigned to Southern
From Potomac, MD

Hi everyone! My name is Zahava Chefitz, all the way from Potomac Maryland! I am currently a Junior at Lander College for Women studying Psychology. I can’t wait to start off my first year with NCSY Shevet Glaubach. I am so excited to grow and be inspired with all my fellows and awesome NCSYERS!

Jordy Chowaiki
Assigned to Atlantic Seaboard
From San Diego, CA

Jordy Chowaiki is from San Diego, California. He is a junior at Lander College for Men studying to be an actuary. He is very excited for the opportunity to give back to the Jewish community and be an advisor through the fellowship.

Leeyan Cohen
Assigned to Southern
From Miami, FL

Hi! My name is Leeyan Cohen. I am from Miami, FL. I went to Sharfman’s seminary for my gap year, which was unfortunately cut short due to Corona. I am currently studying education in Broward College. I was a NCSYer myself in my Junior and Senior years of high school, where i started my religious journey. My senior year, I was Southern NCSY Regional president and now I’m so lucky to be back as a fellow and give back to the organization that gave so much to me but most importantly, be there for NCSYers who are in the same shoes i was just a few years ago!

Nataly Cohen
Assigned to New York
From Great Neck, NY

Nataly Cohen is from Great Neck, NY. She is a senior at Adelphi University and is a nursing student. Though the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, Nataly is excited to plan events for the teens in the community and to create and strengthen these relationships!

Pelah Cohen
Assigned to Central East
From Chicago, IL

Hi! My name is Pelah Cohen and I’m currently a Junior at Stern College for Women studying to be a Speech Pathologist! I was born and raised in Chicago but my family made Aliyah a couple years ago (I hope to join them soon) so I guess you can say that my home is half way across the world 😉 I am so excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow and have the opportunity to spend weekends hanging out and growing with the amazing Cleveland community!

Chanah Cramer
Assigned to West Coast
From Los Angeles, CA

Chanah Cramer is from Los Angeles and currently attending Landers College for Women, where she’s studying Speech Therapy. She’s excited to be part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and is looking forward to all the educational opportunities it offers.

Daniel Cywiak
Assigned to Southern
From Woodmere, NY

Hi everyone, my name is Daniel Cywiak. I grew up in Woodmere, NY and I am majoring in Accounting at the Sy Syms School of Business at Yeshiva University. I am so excited to start my second year as an Shevet Glaubach Fellow. I am privileged to have the opportunity to IY”H make an impact on the next generation of heylige yidden, and to spread the beauty of yiddishkeit.

Abby Dennis
Assigned to New York
From North Miami Beach, FL

Abby Dennis is from North Miami Beach Florida and is currently studying nursing in Touro university. She’s super excited to work with the SGF team for a second year and together bring klal yisroel one step closer to geula

Malkie Derdik
Assigned to Southern
From Cedarhurst, NY

My name is Malkie Derdik, I’m from Cedarhurst NY. I am currently studying Psychology at Queens College. I’m really excited for all the opportunities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. I’m looking forward to meeting new people, instilingl a love and appreciation of Judaism in the Southern teens and having a great time!

Gavi Domsky
Assigned to Southern
From Chicago, IL

H!! My name is Gavi Domsky, I grew up in Chicago Illinois where I attended THE Yeshiva. I then learnt in Yeshivat Shaalvim in Israel for 2 years . I’m currently learning in LandersCollege and attempting to major in business. I’m super excited about being apart of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and meeting everyone else apart of this incredible group of people! I hope to bring a great new energy to the Shabbatons. Can’t wait to connect and grow with everyone in a meaningful and spiritual way

Yisrael Einhorn
Assigned to Southern
From Los Angeles, CA

Hi! My name is Yisrael Einhorn and I am from Los Angeles, California. I’m currently in Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to grow as a person all while helping others grow through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Ezra Emerson
Assigned to Midwest
From Bergenfield, NJ

Howdy y’all, the name’s Ezra Emerson. Ezra’s from good ole Bergenfield, NJ. Ezra went to yeshiva university Syms school of business, and graduated this past may with a degree in strategy and entrepreneurship. Ezra is really excited about being a part of the fellowship because he loves working with NCSY, and appreciates the connections and work that he does for the kids, and the relationship that comes out of it.

Sol Feder
Assigned to Northeast
From Brookline, MA

Hi, I’m Sol Feder, and I call Brookline, Massachusetts, my hometown. I’m currently a student at Yeshiva University, majoring in biology. I’m incredibly excited about the opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship offers. It’s not only a chance for me to connect with the kids, but also a platform to nurture my leadership skills and continue to inspire those around me.

Leora Finkelstein
Assigned to New Jersey
From New Brunswick, NJ

Leora Finkelstein grew up in Teaneck, NJ, and currently lives in New Brunswick. Leora is currently in her last year at Rutgers, and finishes in January. She is majoring in psychology and minoring in criminology, and plans on starting an MSW in the fall. Shevet Glaubach opens up countless opportunities for Leora with more access to events, growing in Torah learning, and creating meaningful connections with NCSYers. She cannot wait for the year to come.

Eli Fisher
Assigned to West Coast
From Edison, NJ

Hey Everyone!!! My name is Eli and I’m currently in my first year of law school at Fordham. I’m originally from Edison, NJ, but I live in the beautiful Washington Heights now. I was previously an advisor in Orange County and went on TJJ twice, and now as a Fellow, I can’t wait to continue building even stronger connections.

Anna Freiman
Assigned to West Coast
From Miami, FL

Anna Freiman is originally from Miami, FL but is now studying Computer Science at Touro! She believes in the value of mentorship and education and is extremely appreciative of the platform NCSY/SGF provides. She can’t wait for an amazing year full of growth, connection, and inspiration!

Ilan Frenkel
Assigned to Southern
From Woodmere, NY

Hi!!! I’m Ilan Frenkel from Woodmere, NY and I’m currently studying Behavioral Economics at Yeshiva University. I am excited for the opportunity to build community and a sense of leadership within a structure that has such a beautiful and important vision in building our people.

Jakey Friedman
Assigned to Southern
From West Hempstead, NY

My name is Jakey Friedman, and I am from West Hempstead, New York. I attended DRS for high school and then had the privilege of learning in Yeshivat Shaalvim for two years in Eretz Yisroel. I am currently in my first year of full time Smeicha in Yeshiva University. Throughout my childhood and teenage years I was blessed with incredible role models, counselors, and Rebbeim, and it has been a dream of mine to be able to give over what I have received from them.

Tani Frisch
Assigned to West Coast
From Cedarhurst, NY

Raised in Cedarhurst, NY and recently graduating from Touro in Marketing, Tani is a two year advisor on West Coast as well as a two time advisor on WC TJJ. He is excited to work with his fellow Glaubach members in working to inform and keep building a Jewish future amongst todays youth.

Isaac Fromen
Assigned to New Jersey
From Englewood, NJ

Hello, my name is Isaac Fromen and I’m from Englewood NJ. I’m currently learning in Shor Yoshuv and doing classes at landers with a major in psychology. I am so grateful to be accepted into the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship so that I continue to stay connected to campers. This fellowship will enable us to learn, meet up, and spend more time together. For that reason I am honored to have been chosen.

Dovie Gecovich
Assigned to Southwest
From Cleveland, OH

My name is Dovie Gecovich. I am from Cleveland Ohio. I am a sophomore at Yeshiva University studying biology. I am excited to join the NSCY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and develop my skills in chinuch, continue to learn about Kiruv and how to best connect with and inspire teens .

Menachem Gewirtz
Assigned to Southern
From Valley Stream, NY

My name is Menachem Gewirtz, and I’m from North Woodmere, NY. I had the privilege of attending DRS for high school before attending Yeshivat Sha’alvim for two years. I am in my second year in Yeshiva University and am going for a degree in accounting. I am super excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this coming year as I am looking forward to investing time and effort in the personal and religious growth of the youth of the American Jewish community.

Jessica Ghitis
Assigned to Southern
From Weston, FL

Hi my name is Jessica Ghitis! I’m from Weston Florida and I’m currently a student at Touro Lander College for Women studying biology. I’m so thrilled to have the opportunity to take part in the community, relationships, and learning offered by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship!

Eva Gidalowitz
Assigned to Southern
From Springfield, NJ

Hi! I am Eva Gidalowitz from Springfield, NJ. I am currently finishing up my bachlors in psychology at Touro Lander College for Women. I cannot wait to start as an NCSY Shevet Glaubach fellow this year! I am looking foward to creating lasting relationships through time spent learning and schmoozing, and witnessing the growth and religious streangth of the teens in my region!

Noah Gidari
Assigned to Canada
From Montreal, QC

My name is Noah Gidari, i attended herzliah high school in montreal, i’m 22 years old and have been working with ncsy as an advisor for the past year. I’m looking forward to organizing amazing shabbatons and activities and give back to the communities. The fellowship provides a unique platform for personal growth, inspiring Torah learning, and meaningful connections within the Jewish community. I’m super excited to be part of a program that fosters leadership skills, cultivates a love for Judaism, and empowers individuals to make a positive impact on the world. Through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, looking forward to engaging others, deepening the understanding of Jewish values, and gaining the tools necessary to become a strong advocate for positive changes in the world around us.

Maya Goldberg
Assigned to Southern
From Hollywood, FL

Hi! My name is Maya Goldberg and I am from Hollywood Florida! I am currently studying biology (and Torah) at Stern, and had the privilege of going to Machon Maayan for seminary. I am super excited to create connections with the teens and give back to the jewish community!

Zack Goldberg
Assigned to Southern
From Great Neck, NY

Shalom chevra. My name is Zack Goldberg. I’m from Great Neck New York and attend NYU for classes in something to related to computers, I think. I am studying Meseches Yevamos this year as well as some Meseches Brachos. NCSY has taught me a ton over the past few years and I could not be more excited to spend the year growing with everyone and continuing to change Am Yisrael for the better. The shtarker the better.

Akiva Goldman
Assigned to Canada
From Toronto, ON

Hi!! My name is Akiva Goldman and I am from Toronto. I got involved with NCSY over the last year and a bit and I have so much respect and awe for each and every NCSYer I work with. You guys are so incredible and I’m excited to meet you all and excited to help in any way I can to help you continue to make people like me super proud to work with incredible individuals like you!!!!

Rachel Goodman
Assigned to Atlantic Seaboard
From Scarsdale, NY

My name is Rachel Goodman and I’m from Scarsdale, NY. I’m currently a senior at Stern majoring in Finance. I’m excited to learn and grow with klal yisrael!

Mordy Greenland
Assigned to Midwest
From Chicago, IL

Mordy Greenland is from Chicago, IL, currently studying business management at YU. He is super excited to be able to have an impact on the Memphis community as a whole and get to know kids on a deeper level to help them grow as bnei/bnot Torah.

Joe Gross
Assigned to Midwest
From Jamaica, NY

My name is Joe Gross. I am from Queens, NY. I am in Sy Syms School of Business and studying Marketing and Business Analytics. I am excited about the opportunities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because this partnership focuses highly on relationship building and mentorship which is something I strive to be my best at and this opportunity is perfect for growth in that exact field while continue to strengthen the lives of others as well.

Gabe Hafter
Assigned to West Coast
From Las Vegas, NV

My name is Gabriel Hafter. I am from Las Vegas. I am currently in my penultimate semester at UNLV studying film. I have already made three films. One is currently successful on Youtube and another premiered at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. I spent this past summer working as the video guy at Yeshiva Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem. I have a strong drive to help others especially in their Judaism. I am the president of the Chabad at my university helping the Jews on campus feel safe and comfortable. I love reaching out to people of all types and increasing my learning while helping others.

Gidon Hagler
Assigned to Southern
From Elizabeth, NJ

What up squad?! My name is Gidon Hagler and I was born and raised in a farm town called Elizabeth, New Jersey (it’s not actually a farm town btw). I went to JEC for high school, spent two years in Yeshivat Sha’alvim, just graduated from YU with a degree in accounting, and am now working full time as a consultant. But I was lucky enough to be an advisor on TJJ southern this past summer (#LionPride) so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to stay involved and be a southern advisor for the third straight year cuz that is definitely where my passion lies. Looking forward to becoming more friiim together and saving the world!

Aryeh Hirt
Assigned to Southern
From Los Angeles, CA

Aryeh Hirt, originally from the bustling city of Los Angeles, is currently a pre-med student at Yeshiva University. He’s thrilled about the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it offers him a unique opportunity to connect with others who share his passion for community building and Jewish values. Aryeh is eager to develop his leadership skills and make a meaningful impact in his local Jewish community, believing that this fellowship will provide him with the ideal platform for personal, professional, and spiritual growth, while forging lasting connections.

Yechiel Hyman
Assigned to Atlantic Seaboard
From Silver Spring, MD

Yechiel Hyman grew up in Teaneck, NJ, where he was and avid NCSY participant in high school. He had the priviledge of learning in yeshiva at Mevaseret for two years, at the end which he decided to continue his yeshiva studies at the Yeshiva Gedolah of Greater Washington, where he has been for the past 4 and half years. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Talmudic Law from Yeshiva College of The Nation’s Capital as well an MS in Business and Management from the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. He has been an advisor during the year in Greater Washington as well as at Camp Sports during the Summer since 2019. He is looking forward to continuing to grow as an advisor thorough the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Dina Joseph
Assigned to West Coast
From Monsey, NY

Dina Joseph is presently a student at the Bernard Revel Graduate School for Judaic Studies. She is also a high school Jewish history teacher, and possesses a deep appreciation for both formal and informal education. Dina is currently in her third year as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow and is eagerly anticipating the chance to gain knowledge from esteemed leaders in the Jewish community and collaborate with other enthusiastic and talented individuals.

Shayna Kahane
Assigned to Midwest
From Memphis, TN

Shayna Kahane, from Memphis TN, is a current senior at Stern College for Women. Shayna is majoring in Political Science and plans to continue into a career in law. Shayna has been involved in NCSY since she was in 5th grade and was an active member of her region, serving as both MIdwest regional president and a member of the national board during her senior year. After returning from a year and a half in Israel, Shayna quickly shifted from the role of NCSYer to advisor for the Midwest. For the past two summers Shayna has also had the privilege of working on NCSY Euro Israel, which she enjoyed greatly. Shayna is extremely excited to continue furthering her relationship with NCSYers through the Shever Glaubach Fellowship as this will allow her to connect even more with teens and reconnect then with their Yiddishkeit.

Eitan Kastner
Assigned to Southern
From Valley Stream, NY

Eitan Kastner is initially from Long Island, NY. He is currently in Semikha and getting his Masters in Business in addition to a Masters in Jewish Studies from YU. Eitan is super excited about the opportunities afforded by NCSY to be able to do his part for the Jewish people and to be a resource to the people around him.

Akiva Katz
Assigned to Northeast
From Spring Valley, NY

Hey I’m Akiva katz in touro college/ landers college. I pressuring a degree in maths as well as a degree in engineering. This is going to be my second year in NCSY and I can’t wait to experience more of the excitement that comes with it, like: sushi and shmooze, latte and learn, NCSY BBQs, Bonfires, sports and more! Most importantly and by far the best part is hanging with the guys have a fun, intelligent and real conversations. Shevet will give me an opportunity to gain a new perspective and new found knowledge to help facilitate a real positive environment full of excitement and connection. I can’t wait to take my next step on my NCSy journey to connect Jews with a deep sense of love to being a Jew and loving hashem! Can’t wait!!

Shlomit Katz
Assigned to Canada
From Toronto, ON

Shlomit Katz is from Toronto, she currently lives in Hamilton where she attends McMaster University and is currently studying psychology and neuroscience. she’s beyond excited to meet new NCSY’ers and get involved in new communities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Rikki Kestenbaum
Assigned to Southwest
From Woodmere, NY

Rikki kestenbaum is finishing up her psychology degree at Queens college, and is on her way becoming a physical therapist. She is from Woodmere, NY. Rikki is very passionate about NCSY and is always looking for opportunities to do kiruv and contribute to help grow the future of klal Yisrael! With the help of Shevet Glaubach she will have more opportunities to connect to teens and make a difference in small communities. With her positive and inspiring personality, she is very excited to be apart of something bigger.

Shabbos Kestenbaum
Assigned to New York
From Riverdale, NY

Shabbos Kestenbaum is a graduate student at Harvard University researching the intersections between religious communities and contemporary public policy. Originally from Riverdale, Shabbos is no stranger to NCSY, having served as founding City Director for NCSY Westchester, Assistant Director for TJJ AP, Advisor for NCSY Southwest, and current Head Advisor for Olami Launch. Shabbos is passionate about Holocaust education and has worked extensively in Poland, most recently with the Ukrainian refugee community in Krakow.

David Kleiman
Assigned to Southern
From Detroit, MI

David Kleiman from Detroit, Michigan. David is in YU studying Psychology and is very connect with different Jewish neshamos

Shaina Knobel
Assigned to Southern
From Miami, FL

Hi! My name is Shaina Knobel. I’m from sunny Miami! I went to Hillel, Bais Yaakov, Shaarei Bina & Darchei Bina Seminary. I am currently working as a Bridal & Event Hairstylist in Miami. I’m so excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow because I love teaching people about Judaism 🙂

Shira Kramer
Assigned to Atlantic Seaboard
From Baltimore, MD

Hi! I’m Shira Kramer from Baltimore, Maryland. Currently, I am in my second year of college at Stern College for Women in New York City. After graduating, I hope to go to law school. I am excited to be involved in the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because I love learning and inspiring the brightest teens, NCSYers.

Gabe Kurlander
Assigned to Southern
From Woodmere, NY

Gabe Kurlander is from Woodmere, NY and attended HAFTR high school, Yeshivat Shaalvim, and is in his freshman year of YU. He’s very excited about getting to meet and connect to other YIDDEN

Nili Kushner
Assigned to New Jersey
From West Hempstead, NY

Hello! My name is Nili Kushner and I live in the great community of West Hempstead, NY. I am currently a senior in Touro University in Manhattan. I’m majoring in biology and am on the pre-med path. I’m looking forward to being a fellow this year and participating in growth oriented and jam packed programming coming up!

Ariel Lawton
Assigned to Central East
From Cleveland, OH

Ariel Lawton is a Cleveland native who is currently studying Psychology on the OT track at Touro Lander College for Women in Manhattan. As someone who was vastly and positively impacted by NCSY as a teen, Ariel is immensely passionate about paying it forward. Being a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship is yet another exciting opportunity in which to further give back to the current and future generations of NCSYers. It’s no secret that Judaism revolves around a variety of relationships. This fellowship offers yet another path to interact with Jewish teens on a deeper level and enhance a more personal relationship of Ben Adam Le’Chavero.

Ayelet Landsman
Assigned to West Coast
From Queens, NY

Ayelet is from Queens, NY and is currently a Junior at Queens College, studying Business and Psychology. She graduated high school from Central, and then spent a year learning at MMY. She loves studying and teaching Torah and is excited to learn with and from the people around her. She hopes to build strong relationships with teens to last a lifetime.

Sarah Leiderman
Assigned to Southern
From Cedarhurst, NY

Hi! My name is Sarah Leiderman and I’m from cedarhurst, New York. I go to stern college and I’m currently studying biology. I can’t wait for an amazing year of connecting to the most unbelievable teens!

Ali Lenefsky
Assigned to Midwest
From West Hempstead, NY

Ali Lenefsky is from West Hempstead, NY. Currently, Ali is finishing off her last semester at Queens College studying Psychology. She is super excited about the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because she is really looking forward to connecting with more amazing teens and learning more Torah with them.

Noach Lerman
Assigned to New Jersey
From Silver Spring, MD

Noach Lerman is a sophomore at Yeshiva University in the Yeshiva Program and studying physics and economics. He’s originally from South Bend, Indiana but moved to Silver Spring, Maryland when he was ten where he attended the Berman Hebrew Academy until he graduated. After spending 2 years at Yeshivat Hakotel, Noach decided to spend his summer with New Jersey NCSY’s TJJ program as an advisor. He’s excited to continue expanding his relationships with the teens he bonded with over the summer and to meet new teens. Thanks to the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship he’ll be able to attend many of New Jersey NCSY’s events and he can’t wait.

Daniella Lerner
Assigned to Southern
From Toronto, ON

Daniella Lerner is from Toronto, Canada. She is a biology major at Touro University in New York City. Daniella is excited to take on a more active role in the greater Jewish community through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Sara Lesczynski
Assigned to West Coast
From New York, NY

Sara is a native New Yorker and a Junior at Stern College for Women. She is double majoring in Political Science and Media Studies, hoping to pursue a career in International Relations. Sara is absolutely thrilled about the opportunities one can be exposed to through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. Being a fellow can/will help advisors help teens fire and illuminate their enthusiasm for yidishkite.

Leah Levin
Assigned to Southwest
From Jamaica, NY

Leah Levin is from Jamaica Estates, NY. She is currently in Queens College studying psychology. She is so excited to be a part of The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship for the leadership and inspiration opportunities!

Joshua Lieberman
Assigned to Central East
From Woodmere, NY

My name is Joshua Lieberman and I am from Woodmere, NY. I went to DRS for high school followed by a year and a half in Mevaseret. I am currently a senior at YU majoring in Finance and minoring in Strategy and Entrepeneurship. Although I spent this past summer on West Coast TJJ I am looking forward to my 3rd year as a Central East Advisor and 1st as a SGC fellow. I am excited for the opportunity to continue to have a positive impact on our teens by meeting, learning, and helping them grow.

Shayna Lieberman
Assigned to Central East
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Shayna Lieberman and I am from Woodmere, NY. I recently graduated from Queens College with a degree in psychology, and I am currently in the accelerated nursing program at the Downstate College of Nursing. I had the pleasure of being a Central East advisor last year and I am looking forward to being a part of this year’s Shevet Glaubach Fellowship Program where I can continue to meet, learn, and create long lasting relationships with incredible NCSYers.

Racheli Lipner
Assigned to Atlantic Seaboard
From Teaneck. NJ

Hi! My name is Racheli Lipner and I’m from Teaneck, New Jersey. I went to Bruriah for high school and then spent a year and a half learning in MMY. After MMY, I completed a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Stern College and got my Masters in Jewish Education from Azrieli. I am currently teaching Limudei Kodesh at Bruriah High School. I am so excited about the opportunities that the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship offers, and the ability to connect to the future leaders of klal yisroel. Through the fellowship, I hope to actualize all the skills and Torah that my role models have invested within me all these years, and give back to the Jewish community. I am eager to take part in this fellowship and gain valuable skills in leadership and community development that will benefit me inside and outside the classroom. I hope I can bring more Jews closer to Hashem, share Torah with friends, and Bez”H grow together!

Eden Lippe
Assigned to Northeast
From Fair Lawn, NJ

Eden Lippe is originally from Fair Lawn, NJ and is a Junior at Stern College for Women. She is planning to major in Judaic Studies with a concentration on Jewish History and Bible, and minoring in Art and Art History. Eden is excited about the opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship offers as she is looking forward to taking her leadership skills to the next level and make a difference.

Michael Livi
Assigned to New York
From Great Neck, NY
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Arieh Livieim
Assigned to New York
From Great Neck, NY

My name is Arieh Livieim and I am from Great Neck New York. I am currently learning in the SBM Kollel and working part time. Growing up as a kid I always wanted a mentor that could spend time with me and give me the attention I need. So I feel that through the Glaubach Fellowship I will be able to show attention and help all the teens that need it.

Tuvya Macklin
Assigned to Northeast
From Teaneck, NJ

Tuvya Macklin was born and raised in Teaneck, New Jersey. He currently is studying computer science at Yeshiva University. He is excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow because of the incentive it gives to contributing more to NCSY and his region – that being Northeast.

Akiva Magder
Assigned to Southern
From Atlantic Beach, NY

Hi my name is Akiva Magder. I’m from Atlantic Beach NY and went to DRS and Shaalavim. I am currently in YU majoring political science. Looking forward to growing as a Yid together with other kids.

Gaby Mamane
Assigned to Canada
From Montreal, QC

Gaby is from Montreal and is studying Civil Engineering at McGill University. He is so excited to serve the Jewish People through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach fellowship as it facilitates bringing the light of NCSY to communities that sadly don’t have the infrastructure or the manpower to produce such programming on their own. Additionally, this will be’ezrat hashem be his third year with the community of Ottawa and he aims to continue inspiring teens there this year.

Rivka Marcus
Assigned to Southern
From Springfield, NJ

Hey chevra! I’m Rivka Marcus from Springfield, (a tiny town in NJ) but I’m currently in NYC at YU’s Sy Syms School of Business studying to be a girlboss. I will iy’H be entering my third year as an advisor and second year as a Glaubach Fellow. Through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship I’ve been able to create genuine connections and watch the next generation of Jewish leaders grow. Looking forward to another amazing year!

Tali Margolese
Assigned to Central East
From Seattle, WA

Tali Margolese was born and raised in Seattle, WA. Her family recently moved to Toms River, NJ., and she is studying Psychology at Touro University in Manhattan. Tali is looking forward to being a source of support within the NCSY Shevet Glaubach community. She is passionate about fostering Judaic growth and development, and building valuable relationships with others. NCSY Shevet Glaubach offers incredibly rewarding opportunities, and it is an honor to be part of a team dedicated to making such a positive impact.

Jessica Marshak
Assigned to Southern
From Los Angeles, CA

Jessica Marshak is from Los Angeles, CA and currently studying in Touro NY. She is graduating this year with a Business Management/ Marketing degree with the hope to soon open up her own company. Jessica is very excited to be a part of NCSY this year. She has a passion to give and make a difference in the lives of others. She looks forward to the opportunities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship that will enable her to help positively impact our communities, build relationships, and share with people the light they may have never known was missing.

Tamar Mayer
Assigned to Midwest
From Queens, NY

Hi, my name is Tamar Mayer, I live in Kew Gardens, and I currently attend Queens College studying Psychology (hopefully fir a career in Nursing). I’m excited about the opportunities for the NCSY Shevet Glaubach fellowship program because it allows me to continue to give back and grow from a community of teens that have taught me so much about Judaism. Their personal discovery of Judaism has not only enriched my own journey but has also helped me rediscover and reimagine what Judaism means to me. I couldn’t feel more blessed to continue with this program!

Noah Meimoun
Assigned to Southwest
From Houston, TX

Noah is from Houston, Texas and is in his third and final year at Yeshiva University where he spends his afternoons as a premed student. As an NCSY alumnus, NCSY holds a special place in his heart. He is going into his third year as an advisor and cannot wait to strengthen the existing relationships he has with teens, continue to form connections with new NCSYers, and strive to impact Klal Yisroel in any way he can!

Brandon Melamed
Assigned to West Coast
From Jacksonville, FL

Shalom! My name is Brandon Melamed and I’m from Jacksonville, Florida! I’m currently a junior at YU and majoring in something science related. I’m excited for this year as my second one as a Glaubach fellow and looking forward to returning to my community from last year, engaging with teens even more, meeting new ones, and other opportunities that the SGF has to offer!

Reuben Melzer
Assigned to Southern
From Teaneck, NJ

Hey guys! My name is Reuben Melzer from Teaneck, NJ. I went to Frisch for High School, Yeshivat HaKotel for two years, and I’m now a Junior in YU studying Finance and Data Analytics. I’m extremely excited to hit the ground running with the Southern mishpacha! Really looking forward to meeting everybody and iyh creating long lasting meaningful relationships with other members of the fellowship, teens, and communities!

Daniella Mercer
Assigned to Southern
From Miami, FL

Hello! My name is Daniella Mercer and I am originally from Miami, but am currently studying Psychology at Touro University. I feel very lucky to have been an advisor for Southern NCSY for the past year, working with the region has taught me a lot. I am super pumped to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this year because I think it is an awesome opportunity to invest more in my teens and in NCSY in general. I find what we do as advisors to be extremely meaningful and important work, so I want to do as much as I can to make an impact. Sending a HUGE thank you to the Glaubach for helping us maximize our role as advisors!!

Leora Muskat
Assigned to Southwest
From Oceanside, NY

My name is Leora Muskat and I am from Oceanside NY. I went to Central for high school and then spent a year and a half in Migdal Oz. Currently, I am pursuing a major in Jewish Studies in Stern College and am in my first year learning in Yeshiva University’s GPATs. I am thrilled to be part of NCSY Shevet Glaubach because it is an incredible opportunity to create lasting relationships through learning Torah and meaningful experiences!

Ari Needle
Assigned to Southern
From Passaic, NJ

Ari Needle is from Passaic, New Jersey, and went to TABC for High School. Following High school he had the privilege of learning for 2 years at Yeshivat Sha’alvim in Israel. Ari is a Junior at Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business. Ari has spent 5 summers collectively as a member of an NCSY summer program both in Israel and America, and views NCSY as a major part of his life. Ari is extremely excited and honored to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow. He is most looking forward to meeting new people, building new relationships and ultimately help build the future of the Jewish People.

Mikey Neusner
Assigned to Northeast
From Brookline, MA

Meet Mikey Neusner from Brookline, Massachusetts! He graduated from Maimonides High School in 2021 and went on to study at Yeshivat Hakotel for the past two years. He is currently at YU studying Finance and Accounting at the Sy Syms School of Business. He is excited about the opportunities this fellowship will present me as he enjoys inspiring others and fostering meaningful connections. Mikey eagerly awaits the valuable learning experiences and enriching opportunities that lie ahead!

Liora Nimchinsky
Assigned to Southern
From Houston, TX

Liora Nimchinsky is originally from Houston TX and is currently studying Jewish Education in Azreli. Baurch Hashem thanks to the opportunities she was granted from previous years she has been involved with the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship she found a deep love for using her kochos to service the Jewish people. She hopes to develop in her skills as both a formal and informal educator and inspire Jewish teens to grow in their yiddishkeit and their closeness to Hashem, and add chiyus meaning to their lives.

Shira Nimchinsky
Assigned to Southern
From Houston, TX

Shira Nimchinsky is originally from Houston, Texas. She is currently working as a Case Planner for foster kids and in graduate school for social work. She is excited about the opportunities through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because she loves kiruv and values her relationship with her teens that she’s had for the last five years.

Yonatan Noach
Assigned to Southern
From Brooklyn, NY

As a Shevet Glaubach Fellow for three years as well as TJJ, it is such a gift and privilege to be a part of an organization dedicated to showing others the immense authenticity and beauty in Torah and Judaism. I find tremendous inspiration in this holy work and I am tremulously looking forward to a year of growth and light.

Uri Ostrin
Assigned to Central East
From Highland Park, NJ

Coming all the way from Highland Park in Central NJ, Uri Ostrin is a rookie to NCSY SGF. Uri is currently a Sophomore, in his first year, in YU. Uri went to Yeshiva in Mevaseret Tzion in Eretz Yisroel for two epic years. Before that, Uri attended Torah Academy of Bergen County (TABC). Uri loves being with the Holy Holy Chevra and can’t wait to spend many Shabbosim and other incredible moments with the NCSY SGF Mishpacha.

Shmuely Pak
Assigned to Southwest
From Cedarhurst, NY

Shmuely Pak is from Cedarhurst, New York. He is currently a student at Yeshiva University and is studying Psychology. He is very excited to be joining the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it gives him such an incredible opportunity to meet so many inspiring people from all over the country.

Shira Palti
Assigned to Southern
From Miami, FL

My name is Shira Palti and I live in Miami, FL. I’m a graduate of Maalot Yerushalayim and Thomas Edison State Iniversity and I currently work as a 5th grade teacher in my hometown. I am exciting to continue being a part of NCSY, to connect with new people, hopefully be an inspiration to and be inspired by others.

Zevi Pancer
Assigned to New York
From Brooklyn, NY

Zevi Pancer hails from Brooklyn, New York. He attended MTA for high school before taking his talents over to Yeshiva Mevaseret in Eretz Yisroel for a year and a half. Currently, he is in his second semester at Yeshiva University, and so far, his plan is to major in accounting, but perhaps also finance. Zevi has only recently, this summer, started being involved in NCSY, and he looks forward to being more involved with all that the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship has to offer.

Aviel Parente
Assigned to West Coast
From Las Vegas, NV

Born in Manhattan, New York, moved to the Midwest, grew up in Los Angeles, made his way to Las Vegas, attended Yeshiva in Yerushalayim, Aviel Parente now studies at Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business. Throughout high school, he became heavily involved in his local NCSY chapter, a chapter that in that time won back-to-back Regional Chapter of the Year. His involvement with the organization sparked a passion within Aviel to pursue a life of helping others along their spiritual and religious journeys. He is excited, and more importantly ready, to get back into the ring through the programs and opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship have to offer.

Dovid Pearlman
Assigned to Southwest
From Staten Island, NY

Hi! My name is Dovid Pearlman and I’m from Staten Island, NY. I recently graduated from Lander College for Men with a bachelors in Psychology and plan on continuing my education for a doctorate in Psychology. I’ve had the privilege of being an advisor on TJJ Southwest this past summer, and now am excited about continuing as an advisor for the NCSY Southwest region! I look forward to working together with NCSY’s Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to continue fostering an environment of community and an appreciation of Yiddishkeit among our teens together with the incredible advisors and directors of the NCSY Southwest region!

Tamar Pollock
Assigned to Atlantic Seaboard
From West Hempstead, NY

Tamar Pollock, from West Hempstead, NY, is currently a Judaic Studies teacher as well as Athletics Director at YUHSG, Central High School. Returning for her second year as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow, Tamar is excited to spend quality time with her NCSYers learning, growing, and having fun. Shevet Galubach offers many wonderful opportunities for growth amongst the teens and fellows and it is truly an honor to be apart of something so incredible.

Avi Polotsky
Assigned to Southwest
From Denver, CO

Avi Polotsky, originally from Denver, Colorado, is currently a history student at Yeshiva University. He is excited about the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, as it provides a valuable opportunity for personal growth and allows him to continue his role as an NCSY advisor, helping young individuals on their Jewish journeys.

Josh Pomerantz
Assigned to New York
From Lawrence, NY

Josh Pomerantz is from Lawrence, NY studying Accounting and Finance in his Junior year at YU. I am excited about the opportunity to learn with and from each NCSYer as part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, both in the realm of Torah inside the sefarim as well as from the conversations built on each thing we learn!

Aharon Price
Assigned to New York
From Passaic, NJ

Hey guys!! My name is Aharon Price and I’m from Passaic, New Jersey, born and raised. I’m currently in my senior year at Lander College for Men as a Bio major en route to becoming an REI. Although growing up in Passaic and going to Toras Moshe (aka ToMo) in Israel might not be the conventional path for a typical Shevet Glaubach fellow, I’m looking forward to using my experiences in the Jewish community to forge relationships with the up-and-coming generation of Klal Yisrael’s future leaders.

Matan Rockowitz
Assigned to Southern
From Fair Lawn, NJ

What’s up Chevra how we doing?!?! My name is Matan Rockowitz and I’m extremely excited to be back for my 3rd year as a fellow in the Southern region! I’m currently in my last semester in Touro University and doing Night Seder in Shor Yoshuv. I can’t wait to be back with the Lion Pride and it’s my biggest zchus to get Friiiiiim with the Klal!!!

Kenny Rosenfeld
Assigned to Southern
From Lawrence, NY

Hi! My name is Kenny Rosenfeld. I am from Lawrence NY, went to DRS for high school, Shaalvim for yeshivah, and I am currently in YU majoring in Math. After being a SCF Fellow last year, I can’t wait to keep on growing, hanging out, and learning with the teens!

Ayelet Rosman
Assigned to Southern
From North Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Ayelet Rosman, and I’m from North Woodmere, NY. I went to SKA for high school, spent a year and a half in Michlalah seminary, and am now a junior in Stern majoring in Psychology! I am so excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow, and I hope to be able to give over my love for Yiddishkeit and Torah to others. I hope to be able to inspire, as well as be inspired by everyone I get the zechus to meet!

Sheyna Ryvkin
Assigned to New York
From Brooklyn, NY

Hi! My name is Sheyna Ryvkin and I’m from Brooklyn NY. I went to Darchei Binah Seminary am now a grad student at TTI-Daemen University and going for a degree in Special Education. I am super excited for the opportunities at NCSY Shevet Glabauch as being a part of NCSY allows me to live beyond myself and help others engage with Torah in a way perfect for each individual. I am excited to combine heart and soul in the journey of inspiring neshamos all over the world!

Eliav Sacknovitz
Assigned to Southern
From West Hempstead, NY

Eliav Sacknovitz grew up in West Hempstead, New York, and is currently a junior at Yeshiva University. He is pursuing a degree in Business, fueled by his passion for entrepreneurship and innovation. Eliav is excited to become an NCSY advisor because it gives him the opportunity to guide NCSYers in strengthening their Jewish identity through enjoyable experiences.

Saphira Samuels
Assigned to Southwest
From Hollywood, FL
Ethan Schechter
Assigned to Southern
From Englewood, NJ

Ethan Schechter is from Englewood, NJ. He is currently a junior in YU majoring in Business Analytics. I am extremely excited to get to connect to all the NCSYers and have an impact on the Jewish people.

Yedidya Schechter
Assigned to West Coast
From Monsey, NY

Hi! My name is Yedidya Schechter from monsey NY, and I’m studying psychology at Yeshiva University. I have been involved with NCSY the past few years through summer programs, shabbatons, chaburahs, and events; it truly has been an incredible experience. The ability to inspire and be inspired at the same time is so beautiful. NCSY is harmoniously meaningful, enjoyable, impactful, exciting, and growth oriented. I look forward to furthering connections with teens, bolstering my ability to teach, and learn from everyone I encounter. The Shevet Glaubach will help facilitate greater growth and opportunities which I am so excited and lucky to be a part of.

Emma Schenker
Assigned to Southwest
From Hollywood, FL

Emma Schenker, from Hollywood Florida, was in seminary at Shaalvim for Women this past year and she is now studying be an OT at Lander College for Women. Emma is excited to be an advisor for the Glaubach Fellowship this year! She is most excited to learn Torah with and from the members of the region and have an amazing time together.

Eli Schloss
Assigned to Southern
From Bergenfield, NJ

Hi! My name is Eli Schloss, from Bergenfield, NJ. I currently attend YU, and I am in the Sy Syms School of Business. I am excited to get involved with NCSY’s Shevet Glaubach Fellowship for the third time, and getting to know some of my brothers and sisters down south. I am looking forward to growing with many of you, whether it be on Shabatonim, learning Torah with some of you, or just even hanging out.

Sarah Schwartz
Assigned to Southwest
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi! My name is Sarah Schwartz, I am from Teaneck NJ, and I am currently in my second year in Stern studying Finance and Business Analytics. I am so excited to be an advisor this year and form amazing relationships with teens!

Shira Schwartz
Assigned to Southern
From Woodmere, NY

Hi!! I’m Shira Schwartz from Woodmere, New York. I went to Central for high school, MMY for seminary, and now I’m a Senior in Queens College majoring in Psychology and minoring in Business and Liberal Arts, History, and Jewish Studies. I’m so excited to be part of Shevet Glaubach, and to combine my passions for learning Torah and forming lasting relationships to inspire Klal Yisrael!

Aaron Sebbag
Assigned to Southwest
From Passaic, NJ

My name is Aaron Sebbag and I am from Passaic, New Jersey. I am currently a senior at Lander College for Men studying biology. I have had the distinct opportunity to be a part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship for the past two years where I have been able to see first hand the important work that fellows get to do every day. I am excited and look forward to contributing to the vibrant NCSY community while deepening my understanding of Jewish values and traditions.

Esther Sebbag
Assigned to New Jersey
From Passaic, NJ

Esther Sebbag lives in Passaic New Jersey, and is double majoring in Political Science and Middle Eastern studies at Rutgers University New Brunswick. She’s very excited about being apart of the Shevet Glaubach fellowship because of the incredible opportunity she had to be an advisor on TJJ this summer and hopes to continue that throughout the year!

Sarah Setareh
Assigned to Central East
From Queens, NY

Hi! My name is Sarah Setareh. I’m from Queens, New York and I’m currently a senior at Touro Lander College for Women. I’m getting a degree in biology iyh and hope to work in health care in the future. I’m excited to chill with teens and learn more Torah through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach fellowship!

Avigail Sheinbein
Assigned to Southwest
From Bergenfield, NJ
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Batsheva Shekhter
Assigned to Northeast
From Hollywood, FL

Batsheva Shekhter is originally from Hollywood, Florida and is currently a junior at Columbia University studying Computer Science. She’s so excited to be a Glaubach Fellow for the third year and have yet another opportunity to learn and grow with the incredible Northeast NCSY community.

Flora Shemtob
Assigned to Midwest
From Brooklyn, NY

Flora Shemtob, originally from Brooklyn, is a senior in Stern College for Women. She is majoring in psychology and minoring in music; she hopes to make Aliyah after graduation and continue to get her masters in social work. She is excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it means that there will be more opportunities to create relationships with teens and inspire them. After doing TJJ Midwest, this past summer, she can’t wait to keep up those relationships and continue to inspire and be inspired.

Jonathan Sherman
Assigned to Southwest
From Queens, NY

Hey guys! My name is Jonathan Sherman from Queens, NY. I have been involved in NCSY since 8th grade, attending every event possible. I spent four amazing years at MTA for high school. I had #bestsummerever after 10th grade on BILT in Israel. After high school I spent two inspiring years at Mevaseret. I am now in Lander College in Queens studying psychology. I have been an advisor at Camp Sports for two summers.

Madi Silber
Assigned to Canada
From Montreal, QC

Madi Silber is from Montreal and studying Speech Pathology and Audiology at Stern College. She is very excited to be a Shevet Glaubach fellow this year and to grow, learn and connect with you all!

Rebecca Silvera
Assigned to New Jersey
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Rebecca Silvera and I am from Woodmere, New York. I went to Central for high school and MMY for seminary. I am now in my junior year at Stern College studying biology. I am so excited for the Shevet Glaubach fellowship because I think the mission is an important one that can really impact and inspire so many.

Ari Smith
Assigned to New Jersey
From Beachwood, OH

My name is Ari Smith, I come from Cleveland and go to school at YU. I am excited about the opportunities made possible through the Glaubach Fellowship because it enables me to maintain and develop the relationships that came about over the Summer.

Oren Mordechai Snyder
Assigned to Southern
From Coral Springs, FL

Hi my name is Oren Mordechai Snyder. I am from Coral Springs Fl and am currently studying marine biology at Florida Atlantic University. I am very excited about the opportunities that I will get to give back to an organization that did so much for me in building my connection with Torah and Hashem.

Avigail Sokol
Assigned to Southern
From Coral Springs, FL

Avigail Sokol currently lives in Hollywood Florida. She is in enrolled in Touro College. Ncsy shevet Glaubach fellowship will give her a chance to connect and grow with many jewish kids all over the state.

Emma Spirgel
Assigned to Northeast
From Woodmere, NY

Emma Spirgel is from Woodmere New York, and is currently studying Psychology at Queens College. This is Emma’s third year with Northeast NCSY and cannot wait to have a meaningful and exciting year with them. Emma finds her passion for NCSY through connecting with the teens, being a role model but also learning from them. She is most excited to take the opportunities offered by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to better herself as an advisor and help make more meaningful programs for the teens.

Shira Sredni
Assigned to Southern
From Miami, FL

Shira Sredni is from Miami, FL and is currently a Bio Major at Stern College. She’s most excited to meet the new teens coming this year and get to know each and every one of them!!

Danny Srulowitz
Assigned to Southern
From Lawrence, NY

Danny Srulowitz is from Lawrence NY and he is studying business at YU Sy Syms. He is thrilled to join SGF once again because of the immediate impact that he has seen them have on so many teens around Florida and so many other regions as well.

Sara Stein
Assigned to New York
From Lawrence, NY

Sara is from Lawrence, N.Y., and is currently in her third year at Queens College. She is studying history, psychology, and Jewish studies, and plans on pursuing a Master’s in education. As an NCSY advisor, she has seen the tremendous impact of the programming and connections that are built, and is truly inspired by her NCSYers. Sara has gained so much from being a part of NCSY and looks forward to furthering her involvement with this incredible organization through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, and making it an amazing year!

Daniel Sternthal
Assigned to Canada
From Montreal, QC

Hi! My name is Daniel Sternthal, and I am from Montreal. I am currently studying Biology at Yeshiva University, and I do not know what I want to do with that degree. This summer, I did TJJ and had a blast, and I would love to continue my growth with my campers. Being a part of the Montreal team will facilitate the continual growth and relationship with many campers.

Batel Suissa
Assigned to Canada
From Toronto, ON

Batel is 21 years old from Toronto, Canada. Attended Bnei Akiva school, took a gap year and now is studying business management at SUNY empire state university of New York. This is Batel’s second year as a Shevet Glaubach fellow and she’s super excited to be involved and work with the students. This experience has shown her nothing but true leadership and the importance of believing in every child. She’s looking forward to an amazing year ahead!

Aryeh Teller
Assigned to New York
From Bergenfield, NJ

Hi! My name is Aryeh Teller. I come from Bergenfield, NJ and am currently a Junior in YU, majoring in accounting. I was privileged to have worked as an SGF last yr and look forward to continuing this year! As much as SGF strives for NCSYers to grow as young adults, there is also incredible opportunities for fellows, like myself, to gain in all aspects of life, both in leadership and lasting relationships.

Dovid Trencher
Assigned to New Jersey
From Sharon, MA

Dovid Trencher is from Connecticut; Maryland; and most recently, Massachusetts. He spent a year and a half at Yeshivat Orayta and is now majoring in Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business. NCSY has played a significant role in the Trencher family, as Dovid’s older sisters were all very involved in the group, and his parents actually met in NCSY in high school. Looking ahead, Dovid is excited about the opportunity offered by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. He sees it as an excellent opportunity to further develop his capacity to help NCSY participants engage in meaningful discussions about self-identity, the Jewish people, and their spirituality. He hopes to use the skills he gains to continue to contribute to inspiring the future of the Jewish community.

Aerin Tripp
Assigned to Southern
From Boca Raton, FL

Hi! My name is Aerin Tripp and I am from Boca Raton, Florida. I go to Touro Manhattan and am studying speech. I am so excited to be part of such an incredible opportunity. I am looking forward to being inspired by all the amazing staff, students, and fellow fellows. I am so excited to create friendships rooted in Torah and to be a part of something much bigger than myself.

Judah Troodler
Assigned to Midwest
From Merion Station, PA

Hi, my name is Judah troodler and I am from Lower Merion, Pennsylvania. I currently attend Yeshiva University in New York City, studying Finance and Business Analytics. Following my amazing summer on TJJ I am beyond excited to continue to develop the relationships I began forming while also enriching and growing myself. I have no doubt that the opportunities provided to me through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship will be nothing short of life changing.

Rena Vegh
Assigned to New York
From Philadelphia, PA

Rena Vegh is a senior at Touro and is graduating in January, 2024 with a Bachelors in sociology. She is from Philly and currently lives in Brooklyn. Rena enjoys listening to music, good conversations, and the Oxford comma (and hopes to pursue a career in writing and editing books). Rena is looking forward to becoming a NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellow to spread and receive the light of Judaism on an interpersonal level.

Eliana Wachstock
Assigned to Southern
From Holliswood, NY

Hi!!! I’m Eliana Wachstock from Queens, NY. I went to Central for high school, MMY for a year and a half, and am now a junior studying biology in Stern. I can’t wait to build meaningful relationships, learn, and grow together with the opportunities provided through Shevet Glaubach!

Mattie Watson
Assigned to Northeast
From Silver Spring, MD

Hi! My name is Mattie Watson and I am from Silver Spring, MD. I went to JDS for high school and then attended Midreshet Moriah for a year. I am currently a senior in Stern studying sociology. I’m super excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because I hope to inspire teens to love Torah and Judaism as much as I do. In high school, NCSY and my advisors had a huge impact on my life and I hope to have the same affect on the teens.

Aharon Weiden
Assigned to Central East
From Atlanta, GA

Aharon Weiden hails from THE A T L, capital of the south, and well known for blowing 28-3 leads. He had the privilege of attending Yeshivat Mevaseret Tzion and Senters for 2.5 years. Aharon is in his forth semester at Yeshiva University studying Finance. He participated in NCSY Atlanta during his freshman and sophomore years, before traveling up north for his junior and senior years at Torah Academy of Bergen County. To be a role model for every NCSYer is a dream come true, just as his advisors were role models for him, and he can’t wait to be able to grow long side them!

Daniella Weil
Assigned to Central East
From Southfield, MI

Daniella Weil grew up in Southfield, MI and is currently attending Sy Syms School of Business at Stern College for Women. She is looking forward to the exciting opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship has to offer including getting to know many teens from around the country and having the privilege of learning with them and from them.

Marnie Weingarten
Assigned to Southern
From Holliswood, NY

Hi! My name is Marnie Weingarten and I am from Queens, New York. I had the privilege of attending Stern College and currently am studying to be a psychologist at Hofstra University. I am so grateful for all that NCSY continuously does to inspire and cultivate a love for yiddeshkeit amongst its broad population of teens. As a third year fellow I cant wait to meet new faces and to continue growing with and learning from the teens we are given the privilege of working with bezras hashem!

Michelle Weingarten
Assigned to New York
From Hollis, NY

Hi! I’m Michelle Weingarten from Queens, New York. I went to Central for high school and then attended Michlalah for seminary. I graduated from Stern College with a degree in Psychology and I am currently in Touro Dental School. As a Shevet Glaubach Fellow, I am looking forward to making an impact and forging relationships.

Daniella Weiss
Assigned to New York
From Boca Raton, FL

Daniella Weiss is from Boca Raton, Florida. She is currently a member of the Stern Honors Program where she pursues intellectual enrichment and her love of knowledge as she majors in education. Daniella Weiss loves to support others and is devoted to helping people who have special needs, playing piano music to nursing home residents and being a team player. This is seen in her leadership as Captain of an Intramural Basketball Team where she enjoyed the success that comes from working as a member of a team. She is looking forward to using her unique abilities to develop meaningful Jewish programming for the broader Jewish community as part of the Glaubach Fellowship. She is excited for this incredible opportunity and is grateful to be able to contribute to this amazing community.

Bear Weitz
Assigned to New Jersey
From Yonkers, NY

Bear Weitz is originally from Riverdale, New York. He is currently a junior at Touro College, majoring in psychology, while also studying at Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv. While Bear had limited exposure to NCSY during his high school years, he was captivated by the organization’s mission and its commitment to fostering connections among Jewish youth from diverse backgrounds. This past summer, Bear eagerly embraced the opportunity to join the NCSY team as a TJJ advisor, further cementing his dedication to the cause. Bear’s passion for NCSY’s mission, which focuses on strengthening ties within the Jewish community across all spectrums, fuels his enthusiasm for his role within the organization. He is genuinely excited to continue nurturing existing relationships and forging new ones with the students of NCSY, all made possible by the invaluable work of NCSY Shevet Glaubach.

Leah Wenger
Assigned to Southern
From Bergenfield, NJ

Hi, my name is Leah Wenger and I am from Bergenfield, New Jersey. I am currently in my senior year in Stern College studying Jewish Education in the Legacy Joint Program with Azraeli as well as in GPATS Tanach Track. I am super excited to be apart of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because of my passion for Jewish Leadership and Education. I want to help teens develop strong relationships to their Jewish roots and feel passionate about their Jewish Identity to go out and be the next future leaders of Klal Yisrael.

Zippy Wilson
Assigned to Southern
From San Diego, CA

Zippy Wilson is from San Diego, CA. She is currently a Sophomore at Barnard College. Although she hasn’t quite decided on her major yet, she has plenty of time to figure it out. She went to Torah High School and spent her seminary year at Sha’alvim for Women. Zippy is so excited to have the opportunity, through Shevet Glaubach, to further develop her leadership skills and meet all the incredible teens this year! Let’s go southern lions!

Zachary Winters
Assigned to Southern
From Silver Spring, MD

My name is Zachary Winters, I am from Maryland, I go to YU studying (Business and Poli Sci) I am so excited to work with NCSY to develop a closer relationship with the kids and work together with the madrichim to foster a healthy and exciting Jewish enviroment for teens

Arielle Yarmish
Assigned to Southern
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Arielle Yarmish and I’m from Woodmere, NY. I’m currently a junior at Stern majoring in psych and minoring in bio. I went to SKA for high school followed by an incredible year at Sha’alvim for Women. I’m super excited to form lasting connections with teens from other communities, share my passion for Judaism and learn from one another through the opportunities given to us by Shevet Glaubach.

Yardena Zobin
Assigned to Canada
From Toronto, ON

This is Yardena Zobin, she’s from Montreal, Québec and now she’s studying Law at York University in Toronto. She’s very excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach fellowship for the crazy amazing shabbatons and the fun ruach during shabbos. She’s very excited to meet you all. Can’t wait!