Moshe Benhamu
Hi! My name is Moshe Benhamu, hailing from Brooklyn, NY. I am currently a senior studying in Yeshiva University, majoring in Strategy and Entrepreneurship and looking to go into the REITS Semicha program after I graduate. I was an advisor on NCSY Next Step during the 2022 summer and had a life-changing experience on the program. I learned so much from the teenagers on the program, as well as gave over what I could as someone who has been around the different cultures within the Jewish world. I am absolutely thrilled to be given the opportunity to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow for the first time to give over all that I learned from the summer. The Fellowship doubles as an extremely exciting opportunity for someone who has primarily been exposed to the New York Jewish communities to travel across the country and experience new areas and people. As a Sephardic Jew who went to an Ashkenaz high school and Yeshiva, my primary takeaway is just how much there is to learn about the varying cultures of different Jewish communities, as well as how similar and connected we all are when it comes to our values and ideals.