Michael Livi

My name is Michael Livi and I am 24 years old. I am married to my wonderful wife Naomi. I was blessed to attend North Shore Hebrew Academy my entire life, graduating as Speaker of the Class in 2017. I was privileged to then study at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh in Jerusalem for one year upon graduating High School. I just graduated from the Honors Program at Yeshiva University Sy Syms School of Business, with a a Major degree in Finance and a two Minors in both Real Estate and Accounting. My service to the wonderful Great Neck community officially began in high school for the Gym Minyan (a Minyan for High School teens of all backgrounds), where, alongside 2 peers, I helped run a Minyan that catered to 150+ teens every week. I was first exposed to NCSY by Jonathan Zar as a young high school student, falling in love with what NCSY offers. Upon my return from Yeshiva, I applied to be (and was accepted as) an Shevet Glaubach Fellow working with the New York (Great Neck) region and I currently seek to give back more to my community. Currently, I volunteer for Hatzala in Great Neck as well. I currently spend my mornings learning Torah and afternoons working in a Lab Grown Diamond company that I started almost a year ago. My nights are dedicated to learning, teaching and community service.