Josh Wiener
Josh Wiener is a 20 year old YU student living in Woodmere, NY. He is fortunate to have 5 sisters and be the only male sibling in his family. He feels very strongly about the continuity of the Jewish people. He realizes that observing a Torah way of life is the only guarantee that we, as diaspora Jews have, in order to continue the link to our past heritage. He has joined with his grandparents to visit many Jewish communities as part of his grandfather, Steve Savitsky’s, speaking engagements. As a former OU president, he has been very active with NCSY. Josh has witnessed first hand the tremendous impact that NCSY has made on Jewish teens. This has motivated him to do all that he can to stop assimilation and intermarriage in our community. He has been involved in Partners in Torah, an organization that fosters one on one learning between a mentor and a mentee. On the local level, he has been involved in Yachad as an advisor and have attended many shabbatonim. It would be an honor to be a Shevet Glaubach fellow and spend the next year fulfilling his dreams and aspirations to help the Jewish community.