Jaclyn Kholodenko
Jaclyn Kholodenko is from Toronto, Canada. She spent the last two years learning in seminary in Israel and Brooklyn, New York. She is a first year at University of Toronto majoring in Cognitive Science. It is a fundamental idea that every Jewish soul has their personal stake in Torah, regardless of background and therefore it is our responsibility to ensure that every Jew has the capacity to realize how precious they are as a member of Klal Yisrael. It is largely for this reason that I’m passionate about the work NCSY does. NCSY is where she, along with many others, are given a once in a lifetime opportunity to discover the meaning of Jewish identity and use it to create a palpable connection to our past, present, and future. She was an active participant in NCSY in high school, serving as vice president for our Student Board in her senior year of high school. In her time as an NCSYer, she found that the most meaningful and impactful experiences came in the form of leadership programming. She looks back on those leadership seminars and summer programs with so much fondness and gratitude because it was through them that she was able to carve out a personal identity in the bigger picture of Jewish nationhood. She is especially excited about Shevet Glaubach’s mission of building a cohesive unit of like-minded individuals committed to the preservation of tradition. She looks forward to the opportunity to discuss issues our respective communities face and collaborate on strategies to bring the Jewish world closer together.