Elisheva Adouth
Elisheva Adouth, from Miami Florida, just finished a year in Israel at Sha’alvim for Women. She
is planning on attending Stern College for Women this fall and plans to study Jewish Studies IYH. She did NCSY all throughout high school (summer programs, regionals, learn and earn, etc), and upon returning home from Israel early due to the Coronavirus pandemic she began learning with an NCSYer a year below her. She engaged heavily in a Chaburah Workshop in seminary in preparation for learning with students in the future, as she wants to go into Jewish Education IYH. She is excited about the opportunities through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because she has already been learning with someone for a few months and would like to be able to learn with more NCSYers who are open to that. Additionally, she feels as if the resources within the fellowship will allow her to learn a lot about teaching and bringing people closer to Hashem in general. She really wants to be able to be as involved in NCSY and with the NCSYers as possible. She felt that so many of her advisors were with her. She would love to use what she has to help others with what people once helped her with.