Avigail Sheinbein
Hi! My name is Avigail Sheinbein, I live in Bergenfield, NJ and I am currently a junior in Stern College, Yeshiva University studying Biology! My past education includes RYNJ, Bruriah High School, and 1.5 years at Midreshet Moriah. While I enjoy a good adventure or a solid kumzits, I’m also passionate about creating strong heartfelt relationships that enable others to feel connected to klal yisrael. I strongly believe that every person has their own spark to add to the world, and I look forward to delving deeper into NCSY and growth through Torah. A Glaubach fellow is more than just positive energy, as it demands hard-work and deep thought. I hope to sharpen my understanding of true Avodas Hashem as I surround myself with people who are looking to understand more about who we are on an individual and national level. Can’t wait to establish vibrant energies and a newfound appreciation for Judaism!!