Sarah Abbou
From Toronto, ON

Hi, my name is Sarah Abbou. I am from Toronto, Canada and am currently studying OT in Touro. I am very excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this year!!! BzH looking forward to becoming more involved with the teens and a year full of personal connections, learning and inspiration!

Talya Abrams
From Newton, MA

Talya Abrams is a senior at Stern College for Women studying psychology and business. She is from Newton, MA and went to Midreshet Harova for shana bet. Talya is excited for the opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship offers. She looks forward to strengthening her involvement as an advisor, as well as strengthening her abilities to ask questions, answer questions, and make connections. She is so excited for the opportunity to learn from all the teens!

Ariella Addi
From Fairlawn, NJ

Hi!!! My name is Ariella Addi and I’m from Fair Lawn, NJ. I’m currently a Senior at Stern College where I’m studying Finance and Business Analytics. I went to Ma’ayanot for high school and had the zechus of going to Tiferet for seminary the year after!! I’m super excited for the opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship has to offer and I can’t wait for an amazing year of inspiration and ruach.

Adina Adelman
From Cedarhurst, NY

Adina Adelman lives in Cedarhurst, NY and is currently a senior at Queens College. Adina is a psychology major and going for Physical Therapy. Adina can’t wait to be apart of the NCSY team and play a role in their holy and important mission of spreading the beauty of Torah and Judaism to her brothers and sisters. Adina is looking forward to the fun and meaningful experiences that NCSY has to offer!

Tziporah Akbashov
From Queens, NY

Hi my name is Tziporah Akbashov and I’m from Queens, NY. I spent two years learning at Ba’er Miriam seminary and I am currently studying speech and language pathology at Sara Schenirer College. I’m so excited to be apart of NCSY Shevet Glaubach this year and I can’t wait to take advantage of this incredible opportunity!

Ariella Aronson
From Toronto, ON

Hi! I’m Ariella Aronson, I’m from Toronto but currently studying speech pathology and audiology at Stern. I’m looking forward to growing, learning, and forming many new connections with everyone this year!

Gavi Aspler
From Montreal, QC

Gavi Aspler is from Montreal and is currently a junior at Yeshiva University, where he is studying Data Analytics and Entrepreneurship. He is thrilled about the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and the opportunities it presents, including meeting new people, forming lasting friendships, and growing alongside others in this enriching experience.

Oriel Atias
From Great Neck, NY

Oriel Atias, hailing from Great Neck, New York, is a proud alumnus of HANC High School and Yeshivat Sha’alvim. He is currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science at Yeshiva University. Enthusiastically embracing the opportunities provided by NCSY and the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, Oriel is eager to contribute to the community while fostering both personal growth and the growth of others. He looks forward to the meaningful impact this journey will have on his life and those around him.

Bat-Tzion Atik
From Flushing, NY

Bat-Tzion Atik is from Queens New York, went to YUHSG for high school and spent an incredible year in MMY. Bat-Tzion is now a junior at Stern College for Women majoring in Psychology and minoring in Judaic Studies. Bat-Tzion herself was active in NCSY in high school, serving as chapter president of Queens NCSY and the New York NCSY National Board representative. Bat-Tzion is looking forward to giving back to the organization that gave her so much. Bat-Tzion loves learning with and connecting with her NCSYers and looks forward to an amazing second year in the fellowship.

Maya August
From Cleveland, OH

Maya August was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. She attended Fuchs Mizrachi school for high school, then Midreshet HaRova for seminary. Maya is currently a Sophomore at Stern College, pursuing a major in the field of Education. She is looking forward to an incredible year of Torah learning and connection through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Adella Baker
From Miami, FL

Adella Baker was born and raised in Miami, Florida. She is pursing a degree in social work at the University of West Florida and is very excited to be a part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship for the second year.

Nechama Banarer
From Dallas, TX

Nechama Banarer, a native of Dallas, is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the UT Health Cizik School of Nursing in Houston. Raised in a community focused on personal growth and leadership, Nechama witnessed first-hand the profound impact of NCSY on those around her. Inspired by community leaders who dedicated themselves to uplifting others, she is eager to do the same for the next generation. Through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, Nechama looks forward to honing her leadership skills and giving back to the community that has shaped her journey.

David Barrocas
From Boca Raton, FL

David is from Boca Raton, FL currently studying Pre-Med at St. Peter University with Sara Schenirer majoring in Psychology. David started his journey with NCSY in 9th grade back in 2018. Being involved in NCSY has helped him become part of who he is today. For this reason, David is very excited to give back to the NCSY community and all those who helped him along the way by giving teens like you the fun and amazing opportunities he had in high school.

Julia Benarroch
From Los Angeles, CA

Hi! My name is Julia Benarroch and I’m from Los Angeles, CA. I attended Shaalvim for Women and am currently in my senior year at Stern studying Psychology. I was lucky enough to spend two summers on TJJ, and am looking forward to a year of continued growth and inspiration.

Moshe Benhamu
From Brooklyn, NY

Moshe Benhamu is from Brooklyn, New York, and currently attending the RIETS Semikha program at YU. This is Moshe’s third year as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow and he is tremendously excited to continue the incredible journey that has been NCSY Southwest. Throughout the years, Moshe has utilized his position as an SGF advisor to cultivate relationships, while both giving over and receiving Torah and wisdom from the hundreds of different people he has been privileged enough to interact with.

Leora Bennett
From Lawrence, NY

Hiii my name is Leora Bennett. 🙂 I am physically from Lawrence, NY but my heart is always in Eretz Yisrael. <3 I go to Touro Manhattan and I am studying Computer Science, BezH finishing soon- major senioritis!! I am very excited about the opportunities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because I will be able to give what I can to impact Klal Yisrael and I know I will be tremendously inspired by the amazing people involved!

Joelle Bensadon
From Hollywood, FL

Joelle Bensadon was born in Montreal but raised in Florida. She finished two years in Sharfman’s Seminary and now studying computer science in Touro LCW.

Tzvi Berke
From Highland Park, NJ

Tzvi Berke is originally from Cedarhurst, NY and recently moved to Highland Park, NJ. Tzvi attended NYIT for architecture in Long Island and Manhattan. Tzvi is very excited for the opportunity to meet other people who value Torah, personal growth, and working with the Jewish people; as well as to have the chance to make an impact on people’s lives.

Mo Berlin
From Detroit, MI

My name is Mo Berlin. I am currently a Junior at YU studying Finance, as well as a minor in Real Estate. I am excited to return as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow because it allows me to further give back to the organization that gave me so much growing up.

Gabby Blechner
From Scarsdale, NY

Gabby Blechner is from Scarsdale, NY. She had the zechus of spending a year and a half learning in Shaalvim for Women. Gabby is currently a junior at Stern College for Women majoring in Jewish Education and pursuing a career in nursing. She is very excited to be a part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and build relationships with her teens.

Ruthie Blumberg
From Columbus, OH

My name is Ruthie Blumberg and I’m from Columbus, Ohio. I’m currently a freshman at Binghamton studying Psychology, and I’m excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because I want to be able to give NCSYers an experience like I had from my advisors. I want to show them that learning and growing can happen in many different ways and I want to show that it’s ok if you don’t always feel connected. It’s hard to feel connected to Judaism 24/7. Instead I’ll show them the beauty of being connected and how far you can go with it.

Max Blumenthal
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Max Blumenthal and I am from Woodmere, New York. I went to DRS for high school and spent 2 great years learning in Yeshivat Shaalvim. I am currently a junior at Yeshiva University and am majoring in Psychology. I spent one summer on NCSY Kollel and worked as a counselor in Camp Kaylie and Camp HASC. I am excited for all the opportunities the Shevet Glaubach fellowship will provide to help me inspire, connect and learn with teens on a deeper level.

Donny Book
From Teaneck, NJ

Donny Book is incredibly excited for the upcoming year in the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. Donny lives in Teaneck NJ and is currently a Sy Syms School for Business student at Yeshiva University. Donny is looking forward to all kinds of opportunities present in NCSY and cant wait to get started!

Zev Bosin
From Memphis, TN

Zev Bosin is from Memphis, Tennessee. He currently attends Lander College for Men after having been in yeshiva for two years at Mevaseret. He is studying finance in university. Zev is excited about the opportunities that will be available through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship due to the ability to foster new long-lasting relationships with other neshamas. He will also be able to help more fellow Jews connect to Hakodesh Barachu and their Yiddishkeit.

Yair Bouhadana
From Montreal, QC

Yair Bouhadana is from Montreal, and attended Hebrew Academy. He went to Yeshivat HaKotel, Jerusalem, and is now in Touro University, studying in its pre-med program. He is excited to meet and connect with so many new people, and is looking forward to a year of growth together.

Tamar Brody
From Miami, FL

Tamar is a student at Stern College for Women. She is from Miami, Florida. She is currently pursing a degree in Biology. She is driven to inspire the Jewish community and this fellowship gives her the best opportunity to inspire others.

Shoshana Brunner
From Woodmere, NY

My name is Shoshana Brunner. I am from Woodmere and I’m currently in Queens College. I’m so exited to join the program because of all the amazing growth that I know will come for not only the teens but also the impact the program will have on me.

Zahava Chefitz
From Potomac, MD

Hi everyone! My name is Zahava Chefitz, all the way from Potomac, Maryland! I am currently a Senior at Lander College for Women studying Psychology. I can’t wait to BZH start off my second year with NCSY Shevet Glaubach. I am so excited to IYH grow and be inspired with all my fellows and awesome NCSYERS!

Lizi Bugay
From Miami, FL
Ali Cohen
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi everyone! My name is Ali Cohen and I am from Teaneck, NJ. I spent my Shana Aleph in Midreshet Moriah and am now a Junior at Stern studying biochemistry. I was an NCSY advisor last year, but I am looking forward to becoming more involved as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow!

Coby Cohen
From Toronto, ON

Coby Cohen is from Toronto and is currently majoring in Finance in Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business. Coby is most looking forward to building relationships and connecting with all the NCSY members. He also can’t wait for the most incredible, unforgettable Shabbatons!

Rafi Cornick
From East Brunswick, NJ

My name is Rafi Cornick, and I’m from East Brunswick, New Jersey. I spent the past two years studying in Mevaseret and am currently majoring in Accounting at Yeshiva University. During my time as a camper at Camp Mesorah and NCSY Kollel, I had the privilege of learning from incredible counselors and role models. Recognizing the profound impact they had on me, I feel a responsibility to give back to teens, hoping to inspire them in the same way. I am very excited about the opportunity to contribute to NCSYers’ growth and to build lifelong relationships along the way.

Aliza Dachevski
From Ottawa, ON

Aliza Dachevski, originally from Ottawa, is a third-year Psychology student at York University. She is excited about the opportunities offered by the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, which will enable her to visit different communities, connect with more NCSYers, and make a meaningful impact on their lives. Building on a rewarding year at Toronto Learn and Earn, Aliza is enthusiastic about gaining more experience working with students and getting to know them better.

Avi Dadoun
From Toronto, ON

Hi, my name is Avi Dadoun. I am 21 and from Toronto, Ontario. I am currently applying for PA school in Touro next September. In the meantime I’m studying in yeshivas Ner Aron. After being a part of NCSY southern this past summer I realized that I need to be apart of this. The atmosphere and teens absolutely rock. The energy and staff are unmatched – best people out there!

Abby Dennis
From Miami, FL

Abby Dennis is from Miami, Fl. She is currently in Touro University’s School of Health Sciences studying nursing. She is excited for all the opportunities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship as it will allow her to better help klal yisroel in every that she can.

Tori Diamond
From Potomac, MD

Hi! My name is Tori Diamond and I am from Potomac, Maryland! I am currently a senior in Stern College pursuing a degree in Sociology/Social work! I’m excited for the opportunities that will be provided through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, like building relationships with NCSYers through new experiences and learning Torah!

Greg Eiseman
From San Diego, CA

Gregory Eiseman, originally from San Diego, California, had the privilege of studying at Aish HaTorah for two years, and is now in his first year at Touro/Landers. Throughout high school, he was involved with NCSY. Greg is eager to help Jewish teens connect with their heritage and to offer them a genuine experience of Torah-true Judaism. His background and commitment reflect his passion for guiding others on their own Jewish journeys and fostering a deeper appreciation for their roots.

Charli Ernstein
From Overland Park, KS

Charli Ernstein hails from Overland Park, Kansas and is studying and exploring at Stern College for Women, currently with an undecided major. Previously having been involved in NCSY throughout middle and high school, she is excited to have the opportunity to become involved with the Houston Jewish community and give back to NCSY and the broader Jewish community by helping to inspire and assist Jewish teens to find what connects them to Judaism.

From Manhattan, NY

Shevy Epstein lives in Manhattan on the Upper West Side. Shevy Epstein goes to Stern College and is studying Psychology. Shevy is excited to meet and learn from new people through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship!

Nitay Eshed
From New Milford, NJ

Hailing from Teaneck, Nitay is a senior at CCNY majoring in psychology with an interest in education. He’s excited to connect with teens in a group setting and to share Torah that inspires and develops into lasting growth. Jewish education is an area that Nitay is really passionate about; he hopes b’ezrat Hashem to give to the community, improve as an educator, learn from everyone present, and build lasting relationships.

Sol Feder
From Boston, MA

Hi, I’m Sol Feder, and I call Brookline, Massachusetts my hometown. I’m currently a student at Yeshiva University, majoring in biology. I’m incredibly excited about the opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship offers. It’s not only a chance for me to connect with the kids, but also a platform to nurture my leadership skills and continue to inspire those around me.

Tali Finkelstein
From Teaneck, NJ

Tali Finkelstein is from Teaneck, New Jersey and is a Junior at Stern College studying Judaic Studies and Psychology. Since she was young, she always dreamed of being part of NCSY’s magic in impacting the Jewish future and can’t wait to be an advisor for Southern!

Yael Fishman
From Silver Spring, MD

Hi! My name is Yael Fishman and I am from Silver Spring, MD. I went to Berman Hebrew Academy for high school, and then spent a year and a half at Sha’alvim for Women. I am currently a junior in Stern possibly majoring in physical sciences. I am so excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach team and have the opportunity to build meaningful relationships with teens by both teaching and learning Torah!!! Wahoo

Rockie Frankenthal
From Chicago, IL

Rockie Frankenthal, from Chicago, Illinois, is in her second year at Stern College, where she is studying marketing and psychology. She is enthusiastic about the opportunity to engage in meaningful projects and initiatives and to forge deep connections with NCSYers.

Marlee Fried
From Montreal, QC

Marlee Fried grew up in Montreal, Canada and is now studying as a Junior at Yeshiva University majoring in Speech Pathology and Audiology. After being involved in NCSY for the past 5 years, Marlee is excited for more opportunities to help motivate and inspire those around her. Marlee is committed to learning and developing deeper connections with her NCSYers and will continue building her skills and the rest of our global Jewish community through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Ayelet Friedman
From Baltimore, MD

My name is Ayelet Friedman, and I was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. I am a Political Science major studying at Stern College of Yeshiva University. I am thrilled to join the Shevet Glaubuch Fellowship and NCSY, where I can connect with like-minded individuals who are exploring their Jewish heritage. I feel deeply honored to be part of a rich and vibrant Jewish legacy, and I am excited to share my enthusiasm and passion with others, fostering meaningful relationships and inspiring a sense of community and belonging.

Tani Frisch
From Cedarhurst, NY

Tani is from Cedarhurst, NY and is in YU graduate school going for an MS in Marketing. He is excited to work with his fellow Glaubach members in working to inform and keep building a Jewish future amongst today’s youth.

Ruti Frohlich
From Bergenfield, NJ

Hi! My name is Ruti Frohlich, and I’m from Beregnfield, NJ. I’m currently studying Psychology at Yeshiva University. I’m excited to take part in the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because the fellowship represents the meaningful ideals that are close to my heart. Specifically, I enjoy teaching Torah and enculcating the joy of Judaism to high school students. Not only that, but being able to simply connect with high schoolers from different backgrounds is an amazing opportunity.

Isaac Fromen
From Englewood, NJ

Isaac is from Englewood, New Jersey went to Aish in Israel for 2 year and is currently in Shor Yoshuv and Touro at nights studying pre-law. Isaac loves spending his time learning with others and giving over what he has learnt from his Rabbis. He is looking forward to another amazing year of being involved in NCSY!

Yaakov Fuchs
From Teaneck, NJ

Yaakov Fuchs is from Teaneck, New Jersey. Yaakov is currently studying Finance and Accounting at Yeshiva University. He also spent two years learning in Yeshivat Mevaseret Tzion. He is excited to be part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, which offers him the opportunity to inspire and guide teens in their spiritual growth and help them build a closer connection with Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Through this fellowship, Yaakov is eager to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others.

Hayley Geiger
From Los Angeles, CA

Hi! I am Hayley Geiger. I am from Los Angeles and I’m currently a sophomore at Stern College studying political science. #PreLaw ???? I am excited to be apart of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship – I’ve wanted to be an NCSY advisor since I was in high school because they’re so cool – I hope to be cool and inspiring too. NCSY was a catalyst in my Jewish journey, and I’m excited to give back to the organization that helped me find my Jewish Identity. I hope to inspire the next generation of Jewish Leaders and look forward to being inspired by them.

Rami Gertler
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi, my name is Rami Gertler, and I’m from Teaneck. I’m in YU studying computer science, and I’m excited for the chance to grow as a person and help out my community as much as I can!

Jessica Ghitis
From Weston, FL

Jessica Ghitis is from Weston, Florida and she is currently a student in Touro University School of Health Sciences studying Occupational Therapy. She is so thrilled to have the opportunity to take part in the community, relationships, and learning offered by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship!

Lauren Giller
From West Hempstead, NY

Lauren Giller is from West Hempstead, NY. She is a first year graduate student at Hofstra University going for her master’s in speech-language pathology. She is so excited to be a part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because she is super passionate about connecting with teens and learning Torah together. She is looking forward to a growth-oriented and fun year!

Nathan Ginsburg
From Potomac, MD

Nathan Ginsburg is from Potomac, Maryland, and just started his first year at YU. Nathan is super excited to be a SGF Fellow and to learn with NCSYers by Chavrusa and in Chaburas.

Avraham Glatter
From Teaneck, NJ

Avraham is from Teaneck, New Jersey and is currently at junior at YU majoring in Accounting. He is looking forward to a year of growth, fun and spiritual inspiration with NSCY Central East and is grateful for the opportunity that the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship gives him to do just that!

Ava Goldberg
From Hollywood, FL

Hi! I am Ava Goldberg and I grew up in Hollywood, FL. I am currently attending Stern College. I am majoring in Biology, and plan to pursue a career in medicine IY’H. Last year I was in Sharfman’s. NCSY has come to hold a very special place in my heart. Shevet Glaubach, which expects their advisors to attend many shabbatons a year, as well as to have a certain number of chavrusas throughout the year, would be a great opportunity for me to become the best advisor that I can be.

Maya Goldberg
From Hollywood, FL

Hi! My name is Maya Goldberg and I am from Hollywood, Florida! I am currently studying biology (and Torah) at Stern, and had the privilege of going to Machon Maayan for seminary. I am super excited to create connections with the teens and give back to the Jewish community!

Zack Goldberg
From Great Neck, NY

What’s cooking?? My name is Zack Goldberg repping from Great Neck, New York ???? AKA Little Persia (I’m also an Israeli citizen). I spent this past year living and learning in Washington Heights (also graduated NYU with a degree in ???? ????). Fun fact: my youngest brother’s name spells out the names of me and my other siblings ????. You can find me ⛷ , playing ???? or ????ing any time of day. I have massive FOMO issues and could DMC for a living so HMU about legit anything. Esgetit 

Yehuda Goldman
From Brookline, MA

Yehuda Goldman is from Brookline, MA and is currently a student at Yeshiva University studying psychology and finance. Through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowships, Yehuda is excited to learn Torah with NCSY teens, build connections, and learn from the next generation of the Jewish people.

Esther Halpert
From Fort Lauderdale, FL

Hi, my name is Esther Halpert. I am from Hollywood, Florida. I am so excited to be a part of NCSY. I have been an NCSYer before and always said that one day I will be an advisor.

Eliana Hanstater
From London, UK

Eliana Hanstater is from London and is studying Mathematics at Yeshiva University. She is extremely excited to be working with the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and be a part of such a transformative, religious experience for so many people. She has been a part of Kiruv organisations in the past and can’t wait to use these skills and enhance them through bringing people closer to Hashem. She is most looking forward to sharing her love of Judaism and values with her NCSYers and make long, lasting connections with them. She is eager to grow alongside her NCSYers as you can learn something from everyone!

Talia Hazan
From Queens, NY

Talia Hazan is from Queens, NY. She attended Central YUHSG for High School and Learned in Israel at Shaalvim For Women. Talia is currently a junior at Stern College studying Biology on the Pre-Dental track. She is super excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship; she looks forward to sharing her passion for learning Torah and connecting with Klal Yisrael!

Benny Herskowitz
From Brooklyn, NY

Hey guys, my name is Benny Herskowitz, and I’m really excited to be involved with NCSY this year! I’m from Brooklyn NY and went to Rambam Mesivta for high school (Go Ravens!). After two amazing years in Yeshivat Mevaseret, I am currently a Junior in YU studying psychology (when I’m not studying Torah 🙂 ). In my spare time I love playing guitar, jamming to rock music and Jewish and being involved with Yachad. Can’t wait to meet and connect with you guys, get ready for an amazing year!!

Chanie Hertz
From Lawrence, NY

Hi! My name is Chanie Hertz and I am from Lawrence, NY. I go to Touro and I am studying psychology. I went to Shulamith High School and to Michlalah Shana Alef and Bet. This is my first year as an NCSY advisor and I am so excited to connect to and share Torah with many different types of Jews.

Eidan Horn
From Potomac, MD

Hi! My name is Eidan Horn. I grew up in Potomac, MD where I attended Berman Hebrew Academy and was a proud NCSYer. I spent two summers at NCSY Camp Sports learning, growing, and balling out. After high school, I spent two years in Israel at Yeshivat Lev HaTorah. I’m currently a senior at the Sy Syms School of Business (YU) studying business strategy. I have been an NCSYer for four years and an advisor for two years (Greater Washington and Baltimore). I’m excited to spend my seventh year in NCSY as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow growing as a Jewish leader and connecting with members of Am Yisroel.

Yechiel Hyman
From Teaneck, NJ

Yechiel Hyman grew up in Teaneck, NJ, where he was an avid NCSY participant in high school. He had the priviledge of learning in yeshiva at Mevaseret for two years, at the end which he decided to continue his yeshiva studies at the Yeshiva Gedolah of Greater Washington, where he has been for the past 5 and half years. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Talmudic Law from Yeshiva College of The Nation’s Capital as well an MS in Business and Management from the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. He has been an advisor during the year in Greater Washington as well as at Camp Sports during the Summer since 2019. He is looking forward to continuing to grow as an advisor through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Meira Ives
From Los Angeles, CA

Meira Ives is from Los Angeles, CA and is so excited to be a West Coast NCSY advisor! Meira went to YULA for high school, Michlalah for a year and half, and is now a Junior at Stern College studying biology! In high school, Meira went on NCSY’s Michlelet summer program and was blown away by the leadership of her advisors and the impact that they unknowingly made on her life. Meira is excited to pass on the enthusiasm for Judaism that her advisors infused in her, and to bring her passion for Torah and the magic of NCSY to the West Coast!

Avishai Jeselsohn
From Newton, MA

Avishai Jeselsohn is from Boston. He is studying mechanical engineering at MIT. He is very excited to be able to create stronger and longer lasting connections and relationships with teens through SGF.

Levana Kampeas
From Davie, FL

Hi! My name is Levana and I am from Florida. I go to Yeshiva University and I am studying psychology and Judaic studies. I am most excited about being able to create personal relationships with the NCSYers and be there to help and guide them through their own personal growth and Bzh be able to give advice and help out in any way.

Aryeh Keller
From Toronto, ON

Aryeh Keller, originally from Toronto, ON, is currently pursuing a degree in accounting at Yeshiva University in New York. He is enthusiastic about his participation in Shevet Glaubach, looking forward to inspiring both himself and others in Jewish growth. Aryeh is also eager to forge connections with the participants, fellow advisors, and the directors of NCSY, valuing the opportunity to engage with and contribute to the community.

Minna Katz
From London, UK
Rikki Kestenbaum
From Woodmere, NY

Hey, it’s Rikki Kestenbaum. I grew up in Woodmere, NY with a few other Jews. I’m on my way to becoming a nurse at Downstate University. This is going to be my fourth year with NCSY and can’t wait to meet more incredible teens. I don’t think there’s anything better than seeing the future of klal yisrael. Super excited as always to be a part of something bigger than myself, and feel incredibly privileged for the opportunity to spread Torah and enthusiasm for Judaism.

Betty Khirman
From Bay Area, CA

Hi, my name is Betty Khirman, and I was born and raised in the Bay Area, California. Fortunately, most of my family now lives in Israel. I’m currently a junior at Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women, where I’m studying psychology. My journey with NCSY began in public school through my involvement with JSU and NCSY, eventually leading me to spend a year studying at Meorot in Israel. You could say that NCSY has been a constant presence in my life ever since. After spending four summers at Camp Kesher NCSY, I’m incredibly excited to be part of Shevet Glaubach and to have the opportunity to continue growing our Jewish community.

David Kleiman
From Oak Park, MI

I’m David Kleiman from Detroit, Michigan. I’m a Junior at YU studying Psychology and hope to receive Semicha as well. I’m so excited for all the amazing opportunities this year and the kesharim that are able to form through the Shabbatons and chavrusos!

Gabi Kraines
From Boca Raton, FL

Gabi is from Boca Raton, FL and spent a few years in Israel at Aish HaTorah. He now learns at Shor Yoshuv and is studying accounting at Lander College for Men. Gabi is thrilled to join the SGF team!

Gabriel Lallouz
From Montreal, QC

Gabriel Lallouz is from Montreal and is currently studying business management and accounting in Yeshiva University. Passionate about making a positive impact in their community, Gabriel is thrilled to be part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. They are excited about the opportunity to grow as a leader, connect with like-minded peers, and contribute to meaningful projects that align with their values and commitment to helping others. Through the fellowship, Gabriel looks forward to deepening their understanding of Jewish leadership and creating lasting change.

Ben Lando
From West Orange, NJ

My name is Ben Lando, and I am from West Orange, NJ. I am currently a freshman at YU studying Computer Science, and I am incredibly excited to be a part of NCSY. After a childhood of reaping the benefits of living in a vibrant Jewish community with day schools, camps, and yeshivas, I can’t wait to give what I have experienced to those without the same privileges as I had.

Sarah Leiderman
From Cedarhurst, NY

My name is Sarah Leiderman and I’m from Cedarhurst, NY. I’m currently majoring in biology at Stern hoping to go for a Psy. D along with teaching! I’m incredibly excited to make meaningful connections with the awesome teens and to hopefully help them on their journeys!

Noach Lerman
From Silver Spring, MD

Noach Lerman is a Junior at Yeshiva University, where he’s pursuing a double major in Math and Physics through the Yeshiva Program. Originally from South Bend, Indiana, Noach moved to Silver Spring, Maryland at the age of ten and graduated from the Berman Hebrew Academy. After spending two years at Yeshivat Hakotel, he discovered a passion for outreach and became an advisor on New Jersey’s TJJ bus. His commitment to this work led him to join the Glaubach Fellowship last year, and after a rewarding year at YU, he returned to TJJ NJ/NY/Canada this past summer. Noach is eager to continue deepening his relationships with the teens he’s mentored and to connect with new ones. Thanks to the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, he’ll be attending many NCSY events across New Jersey, New York, and Canada, and he’s excited to make an even greater impact.

Dani Lerman
From Detroit, MI

Dani Lerman hails from Detroit and is currently a junior at Yeshiva University, where he is majoring in Finance, minoring in Psychology, and learning in MYP. After spending two years at Yeshivat Shaarei Mevaseret Tzion (“Mevs”), Dani developed a strong passion for Torah learning, and a greater appreciation for his Yiddishkeit. He is excited about the opportunities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it allows him to grow as a leader and make a positive impact on the Jewish community. Dani is always ready to lend a hand and is committed to ensuring that everyone around him is happy.

Daniella Lerner
From Toronto, ON

Daniella Lerner is from Toronto, Canada. She is a biology major at Touro University in New York City. Daniella is excited to take on a more active role in the greater Jewish community through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. She is hoping to inspire and be inspired.

Sara Lesczynski
From New York, NY

Hi! My name is Sara Lesczynski, I am a senior at Stern College for Women majoring in Political Science. I am super excited for this upcoming year as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow for many reasons, but I’m mostly excited to make kesharim with the next generation of Jewish leaders.

Daniel Levy
From São Paulo, BR

Hi guys! My name is Daniel Levy, and I’m from São Paulo, Brazil. I’m currently a senior at Lander College for Men, majoring in Finance. I’m really excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and NCSY, and I can’t wait to start this amazing journey together with Shabbatons, chavrusas, and so much more. I’m excited to make a difference and learn a lot from all of you!

Joshua Lieberman
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Joshua Lieberman and I am from Woodmere, NY. I went to DRS for high school followed by a year and a half in Mevaseret. I recently graduated YU with a degree in Finance and currently work as an Investment Sales broker at Meridian Capital. I am looking forward to another year as a SGC fellow and advisor. I am excited for the opportunity to continue to have a positive impact on our teens by meeting, learning, and helping them grow.

Shayna Lieberman
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! I’m Shayna Lieberman from Woodmere, NY. I graduated from Queens College with a degree in psychology, and I’m currently enrolled in the accelerated nursing program at SUNY Downstate College of Nursing. I’m thrilled to be back for another amazing year with the best region, Central East! I’m especially excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship Program again and look forward to meeting new teens, learning together, and building lasting relationships with incredible NCSYers.

Yaki Liebesman
From Columbus, OH

Yaki Liebesman was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. He is currently a Sophomore at Yeshiva University where he is studying Finance in the Sy Syms School of Business. Yaki grew up in Central East NCSY and his connection to Judaism and learning was significantly impacted by the individuals he was exposed to there. After spending two years focused on his growth as a person and developing his abilities in learning at Yeshivat Sha’alvim, he returns to America with a sense of responsibility to generate the same impact he experienced and invigorated to inspire the next generation.

Matt Loren
From Scarsdale, NY

Matt Loren is an NCSY hailing from Scarsdale, NY. After spending two incredible years in Eretz Yisroel, he is currently a junior at YU studying accounting. He is excited for the opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship will present him to grow personally and as a leader in his community and take achrayus for the klal! He is thrilled to IYH meet, build a kesher, and share Torah with teens throughout the country.

Zechariah Mainzer
From Atlanta, GA

Zechariah Mainzer was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, where he went to school at the Atlanta Jewish Academy for most of his schooling career. After two inspiring years studying in Eretz Yisrael at Yeshivat Kerem b’Yavneh, he is starting his third year at Yeshiva University, where he is majoring in psychology and minoring in music. As he pursues a career in the rabbinate, Zechariah looks forward to opportunities to spread Torah and foster communal connection to Judaism through the opportunities presented through the Shevet Glaubah fellowship.

Idan Malka
From Las Vegas, NV

Idan is a motivated and passionate person. He attended Advanced Technologies Academy for High School and is now a Sophomore at Touro’s Lander for Men where he is studying Finance. Excited for the new year, Idan is looking forward to an amazing year filled with inspiration and fun.

Julia Malove
From Aventura, Fl

I am studying Psychology at Touro University and am excited to connect to and inspire Klal Yisroel!

Tali Margolese
From Seattle, WA

Tali Margolese grew up in Seattle, Washington, and recently moved to Toms River, NJ with her family. Tali is currently studying Psychology at Touro University in Manhattan. This is Tali’s second year as an NCSY Shevet Glaubach fellow, and she is looking forward to being a continued source of support within the NCSY family. Tali is passionate about fostering Judaic growth and development, and building valuable relationships with others.

Eitan Markovitz
From Woodmere, NY

Eitan Markovitz lives in Woodmere, New York and is in his second year at Yeshiva University pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Computer Science. His involvement in NCSY began as an advisor with Camp Sports in the Summer of 2023, and ever since he has been committed to being a source of inspiration for the next generation. Eitan’s growth-oriented approach to yiddishkeit is his most valued trait, as he understands that every Jew has his own route to connection with Hashem. He looks forward to capitalizing on the opportunities the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship provides, in order that he can grow along with his NCSYers this coming year.

Orli Mashiach
From Chicago, IL

Hi, my name is Orli Mashiach, and I am thrilled about this incredible opportunity! I live in Chicago, IL, and attended Hanna Sacks for high school, followed by a year at Shaalvim for Women. I am currently studying Business Marketing at Touro Manhattan. I look forward to learning, growing, and, above all, having an epic time!

Brandon Melamed
From Jacksonville, FL

Shalom y’all! Brandon Melamed is from Jacksonville, Florida and currently a senior in YU studying psychology and beginning a master’s degree in Judaic studies. He is super excited for his third year as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow and looking forward to taking advantage of all the learning and professional development opportunities that exist, including hearing from scholars in residence, joining seminars and exploring more opportunities in the Jewish professional world.

Sara Menasse
From Monsey, NY

Hey! My name is Sara Menasse and I’m from Monsey, NY. I went to Naaleh for high school and MMY for seminary. I am currently a junior at Stern majoring in marketing and minoring in psychology. These past two summers I had the opportunity to work on NCSY summer programs and I’m so excited to continue doing that through the year with the Shevet Glaubach fellowship. I’m really looking forward to building meaningful relationships with NCSYers through learning torah and hanging out with them!

Daniella Mercer
From Miami, FL

My name is Daniella Mercer and I am originally from Miami Florida. I am working as a case manager with Ohel and studying for my MSW at the University of West Florida. I am super pumped to be a fellow because of the incredible opportunities it provides to connect with NCSYers. Being a fellow for the past 2 years has shown me how the relationships we build with our teens can change both their lives and ours. I am looking forward to a life-changing year!

Nerya Miller
From Chicago, IL

Hi, I’m Nerya!

Ari Morgenstern
From Cherry Hill, NJ

Ari Morgenstern is a proud graduate of Yeshiva University currently working as a Junior Marketing Associate at a startup marketing firm in Philadelphia. He previously attended yeshiva in Israel at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh (KBY), where he found his love for learning Jewish Philosophy and Halacha. He enjoys connecting with people of all ages and backgrounds which is what brought him to NCSY.

He is excited to participate in the opportunity provided by the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, where he can form deeper connections with teens on their journeys, fostering mutual Torah growth and development.

Yosef Morrison
From Teaneck, NJ

My name is Yosef Morrison, and I am from Teaneck, NJ. I am currently a senior at Yeshiva University studying finance, and I’m excited to be joining NCSY to help teens connect to Hashem from where they are in their journey.

Aliza Mosenkis
From Cleveland, OH

Aliza Mosenkis is originally from Cleveland, and her family had the zechus to make aliyah to Ramat Beit Shemesh a few years ago. She went to Michlalah for seminary, Touro for college, and is planning on pursuing a PsyD in clinical psychology. This year Aliza lives in the Heights and is working for the OU as an executive fellow for Yachad. Aliza is so excited to be a part of the Shevet Glabauch Fellowship and help inspire the future generation of klal yisrael!

Eli Nagel
From Highland Park, NJ

Hi, I’m Eli Nagel from Highland Park, New Jersey. I go to Lander College for Men and I’m majoring in management and marketing. I’m super excited to create new opportunities to meet people and become a better individual by learning from my peers.

Manny Nagel
From Teaneck, NJ

My name is Manny Nagel and I am from Teaneck. I was lucky enough to spend two years in Eretz Yisroel at Aish Gesher. I am now a senior at Yeshiva University studying Computer Science and have started Semicha as well. I was an advisor on TJJ and am a year-round advisor in Baltimore. I have been blessed to have been inspired, taught, and invested in by my rabeim, and the most natural manifestation of receiving bracha is to share it with others. I am really excited to continue to develop my skills as a mechanech and to further develop relationships and inspire teens as best as I can.

David Nisanov
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi, I’m David Nisanov. I’m from New York and went to high school at DRS. After graduating I spent 2 years at Aish Hatorah in Jerusalem where I was inspired to give back and join NCSY.

Yonatan Noach
From Brooklyn, NY

As a Shevet Glaubach Fellow for the past years as well as TJJ, it is such a gift and privilege to be a part of an organization dedicated to showing others the immense authenticity and beauty in Torah and Judaism. I find tremendous inspiration in this holy work and I am tremulously looking forward to a year of growth and light.

Hayley Orgel
From Edison, NJ

Hi! My name is Hayley Orgel, I am from Edison NJ, and I am currently in my third year in Stern studying speech pathology. I am so excited to be an advisor this year and form amazing relationships with teens!

Uri Ostrin
From Highland Park, NJ

Coming all the way from Highland Park in Central NJ, Uri Ostrin is a second year vet on NCSY SGF. Uri is currently a Junior, in his second year, in YU. Uri went to Yeshiva in Mevaseret Tzion in Eretz Yisroel for two out-of-this-world years. Before that, Uri attended the Torah Academy of Bergen County (TABC). Uri loves being with the Holy Holy Chevra and can’t wait to spend many Shabbosim and other incredible moments with the NCSY SGF Mishpacha.

Shmuely Pak
From Cedarhurst, NY

Shmuely Pak is from Cedarhurst, New York and is currently a student in YU majoring in Psychology. After an amazing year last year with NCSY, he is super excited to continue being a Shevet Glaubach Fellow because it enables him to meet and connect with so many amazing people throughout the country.

Shira Palti
From Miami, FL

Shira Palti lives in Miami, FL, where she works as an Elementary School teacher. She’s been an advisor for the past two years and looks forward to another year of growth and connection with NCSY.

Daniel Papilsky
From Woodmere, NY

My name is Daniel Papilsky from Woodmere, New York. I am currently a finance major at Yeshiva University. I am very excited for the opportunity to go on Shabbatons and get know the NCSYers.

Aviel Parente
From Las Vegas, NV

Aviel Parente is from Las Vegas and is very excited for his second year as a Fellow. He currently work in property management and plans on making Aliyah in the near future. He is excited for the opportunity to engage in a meaningful way with NCSYers.

Aviel Plotkin
From Delray Beach, FL

Hi! My name is Aviel Plotkin, I’m from Delray Beach, Florida and I’m a finance major at Yeshiva University. I love sports and am ready to play basketball at any moment. I’m super hype to connect and build a connections that will last forever!

Tamar Pollock
From West Hempstead, NY

Hi! I’m Tamar Pollock, from West Hempstead, NY, and I am currently a Judaic Studies teacher at HAFTR Middle School. This will be my third year as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow, and I am so excited to spend more quality time with my NCSYers learning, growing, and having fun. Shevet Galubach offers me so many amazing opportunities for growth amongst the teens and fellows and it is truly an honor to be apart of something so incredible.

Avi Polotsky
From Denver, CO

Hi! My name is Avi Polotsky, I’m from Denver, Colorado, and I’m a senior at YU. I’m studying history and hoping to go into law. I’m looking forward to the opportunities provided by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because I can continue to be an NCSY advisor for a 3rd year and continue to do something I love. Doing my part to enrich the lives of others, even if I can only do so much with my limited abilities, is an amazing privilege that I’m grateful to SGF for providing.

Sarah Rabitz
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi! My name is Sarah Rabitz and I am from Teaneck, New Jersey. I went to Frisch for High School, spent a year at Sha’alvim for Women and I am now a Junior at Stern studying psychology. I am so excited to build and strengthen relationships with my NCSY’ers and all the fellows and I cannot wait to inspire, and more importantly be inspired by all the amazing people I will meet along the way!

Moshe Restler
From Jacksonville, FL

Moshe Restler is from Miami, Florida. Moshe goes to school at YU. He is very excited about the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship opportunities because he is able to hang out with the teens and give back to NCSY which helped him.

Shira Robkin
From Dallas, TX

Hi! I’m Shira Robkin, originally from Plano, Texas. I recently graduated from Touro University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Currently, I’m part of the OU fellowship, where I’m working in marketing for NCSY. I’m thrilled to be in a position where I can contribute to the community I grew up in and excited about the opportunity to take on a Jewish leadership role.

Yaffa Rochwarger
From Teaneck, NJ
Kenny Rosenfeld
From Lawrence, NY

My name is Kenny Rosenfeld. I’m hoping to be a 3rd year fellow in this fellowship program. I’m in my third year of YU studying mathematics. I’m exited to be a SGF again because I love seeing people grow in their Judaism and seeing people work hard to grow pushes me to grow myself as well.

Ayelet Rosman
From North Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Ayelet Rosman, and I’m from North Woodmere, NY. I went to SKA for high school, spent a year and a half in Michlalah seminary, and am now a Senior in Stern majoring in Psychology! I am so excited to be back as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow for a second year! I can’t wait to meet and learn with/from everyone, and am looking forward to an incredible year of growth and lots of fun!

Rikki Rosman
From Pomona, NY

Hi! My name is Rikki Rosman and I’m from Monsey, NY. I went to Bar Ilan XP for my gap year and am now studying pre-dental at RCC. I can’t wait for all the amazing opportunities of growth and leadership NCSY Shevet Glaubuch Fellowship has to offer!!

Roya Rostamian
From Weston, FL

Roya Rostamian is from Weston, Florida, and is currently attending Touro University in New York, where she is pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in Business Management. With a passion for Jewish education and youth engagement, Roya is excited to be part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. She looks forward to the extraordinary opportunities to inspire and mentor the next generation, drawing on her own transformative experiences with NCSY. Through the fellowship, Roya hopes to make a meaningful impact while continuing to grow both personally and professionally in the Jewish community.

Eliav Sacknovitz
From West Hempstead, NY

Eliav Sacknovitz grew up in West Hempstead, New York, and is currently a junior at Yeshiva University. He is pursuing a degree in Business, fueled by his passion for entrepreneurship and innovation. Eliav is excited to become an NCSY advisor because it gives him the opportunity to guide NCSYers in strengthening their Jewish identity through enjoyable experiences.

Elianna Samimi
From Woodmere, NY

Elianna Samimi, is an educator at HANC HS and lives in Woodmere, New York. She studied at MBR Seminary for a year after high school, and is pursuing a Masters in Psychology at Touro College. Throughout her summer experiences and travels, she has had many opportunities to connect and learn with so many types of Yidden. She approaches Yiddishkeit with compassion and honesty, and is passionate about empowering the youth of today to use their strengths to continue the legacy of Klal Yisrael.

Nina Samson
From Toronto, ON

Hi! My name is Nina Samson. I’m from Toronto, I go to McMaster University and I am studying Electrical Engineering. I’m so excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow as it gives me the opportunity to learn more about the Ottawa Jewish community and to form impactful relationships with the teens there.

Rebecca Schenker
From Englewood, NJ

Rebecca Schenker is from Englewood, NJ, She went to Frisch High School and then Midmo for seminary in Israel, She is in Lander College for Women studying speech therapy. Rebecca was an Avid NCSYer through out high school, serving as the New Jersey representative on the national board. She knows firsthand the impact that NCSY can have and she is so excited to be able to be a part of it in a new way.

Kiki Schlanger
From Los Angeles, CA

Kiki Schlanger is from Los Angeles, California. She is currently a Sophomore at Stern College for Women, studying Biology. She is so excited to be apart of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and create new relationships with the NCSYers in order for them to create their own path and grow towards their goals!

Sarit Schwartz
From Jackson, NJ

Hi, my name is Sarit Schwartz and I’m from Jackson, NJ. I’m currently studying at Sara Scheinerer and I plan on becoming a Dentel Hygenist. I’m so excited to be working with NCSY where I’ll have a chance to connect and inspire others. I’m all about creating a positive atmosphere and making everyone feel welcome whether it’s in the dental office or the NCSY event.

Sarah Schwartz
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi! My name is Sarah Schwartz, I am from Teaneck, NJ, and I am currently a senior in Stern studying Finance and Business Analytics. I am so excited to be an advisor this year and form amazing relationships with teens!

Zevi Segal
From East Brunswick, NJ

Zevi Segal, from East Brunswick, NJ is currently a sophomore in yeshiva university and is studying finance/accounting. He is so excited to forge new relationships and grow together!

Josh Shapiro
From Highland Park, NJ

Josh grew up in the small central Jersey town of Highland Park. He attended Highland Park High School and then went on to study a year and a half at Yeshiva Mevaseret in Eretz Yisrael. Currently, he is studying at Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv and pursuing a degree in finance through Lander College. As an NCSY and JSU alum, Josh has a passion for Jewish outreach and helping others. Josh hopes to be able to give back to NCSY and inspire Jewish youth just as his advisors did for him.

Jonathan Sherman
From Queens, NY

Hey guys! My name is Jonathan Sherman from Queens, NY. I have been involved in NCSY since 8th grade, attending every event possible. I spent four amazing years at MTA for high school. I had #bestsummerever after 10th grade on BILT in Israel. After high school I spent two inspiring years at Mevaseret. After spending some time in Lander studying psychology, I currently go to the Yeshiva of South Florida in Boca Raton. I spent my summer as the assistant director of NCSY Derech in Israel. I loved being a SGF fellow last year and connected with all the amazing teens in Southwest.

Atara Sicklick
From Woodmere, NY

Atara Sicklick is from Woodmere, New York and went to SKA. She then studied for a year and a half in Sha’alvim, and she is currently in Stern studying computer science. Atara is excited to meet all the NCSYers and to bez’H create inspiration with them!

Zach Sicklick
From Lawrence, NY

Zachary Sicklick grew up in Lawrence, New York. Zach went to Torat Shraga for 2 years in Israel, and while he was there he spent a bunch of his afternoons volunteering at Shalva. He is currently a sophomore at YU in Sy Syms, and he plans to major in finance. He is very excited to be part of NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because he wants to help make a difference in other Jewish communities and make great relationships with the teens who will be our leaders of tomorrow.

Madi Silber
From Montreal, QC

Hi! My name is Madi Silber and I’m from Montreal. I go to school at Stern College for Women and I’m studying Speech Pathology and Audiology. It’s my second year participating in the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and I can’t wait to continue!

Rebecca Silvera
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Rebecca Silvera and I am from Woodmere, New York. I went to Central for high school and MMY for seminary. I am now in my senior year at Stern College studying biology. I am so excited for the Shevet Glaubach fellowship because I think the mission is an important one that can really impact and inspire so many.

Daniel Simon
From Livingston, NJ

Daniel Simon hails all the way from Livingston, New Jersey. He went to Kushner for high school, and then spent two years in Israel learning at Yeshivat Shaalvim. He is currently in his second year at Yeshiva University where he is pursuing a degree in accounting. He is excited for the unique opportunity offered by the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to inspire teens to get closer to Hashem and to help guide them in their journey of spiritual growth.

Malky Slatus
From Savannah, GA

Malky Slatus lives in Savannah, Georgia and is currently pursuing a degree in nursing. Through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, she is looking forward to an amazing year of learning, building relationships and strengthening Judaism with teens!

Oren Snyder
From Coral Springs, FL

Hi guys, my name is Oren Snyder. I’m from Coral Springs Florida. I’m currently studying Marine Sciences at Florida Atlantic University. I’m so excited to be able to give back to the organization that gave me so much and the opportunity to be able to spread yiddishkeit.

Avigail Sokol
From Fort Lauderdale, FL

Avigail Sokol currently lives in Hollywood, Florida. She is in enrolled in Touro College. NCSY Shevet Glaubach fellowship will give her a chance to connect and grow with many Jewish kids all over the state.

Tali Sperber
From Teaneck, NJ

Tali Sperber is from Teaneck, New Jersey. She is in her senior year at Stern College studying business. She is looking forward to being part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this year and is excited for the opportunities it will bring. She can’t wait to connect with amazing teens and build lasting relationships!

Sara Stein
From Lawrence, NY

Sara is from Lawrence, NY. She is currently teaching Tanach at North Shore High School, while getting her Master’s in Jewish Education, Special Education, and General Education from Touro. Sara has been involved with NCSY over the past few years and loves spending time with her teens. She has seen the tremendous impact of the programming and relationships that are built and is truly inspired by her NCSYers. Sara has gained so much from NCSY and looks forward to her second year as a fellow, enabling more opportunities for connection and growth!

Shany Steinberg
From Brooklyn, NY

Shany is currently a Freshman at Yeshiva University and majoring in biology. She is looking forward to being a part of NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to help educate and inspire young teens.

Gabriella Steinberg
From Great Neck, NY

Gabriella Steinberg is from Great Neck, NY and is currently a senior at Stern College majoring in Jewish Education. While she loves playing sports, her love for Torah is unmatched. Having experienced the profound impact of NCSY as both a camper and madricha during her summers on Michlelet, she is looking forward to dedicating time to NCSY throughout the year! She is psyched to give over her passion for Torah, Yiddishkeit, and love of life to teens!

Ezra Stern
From Woodmere, NY

Hey there! My name is Ezra Stern. I’m from Woodmere, New York. I went to HAFTR for high school and then shallavim for two years. I’m currentkly enrolled in YU and study psychology. I’m very excited to connect to the neshamos of other Jews and help them get closer to Hakadosh Baruch HU. I’m also really excited to learn a lot from them about different ways to approach a relationship to Hashem.

Daniel Sternthal
From Montreal, QC

Hi! My name is Daniel Sternthal, and I am from Montreal. I am studying Biology at Yeshiva University, and I aim to get into med school. I love Montreal, and I hope I can give back to the youth in my community in any way possible.

Ariel Strick
From Chicago, IL

Ariel Strick is an accounting major at Yeshiva University, originally from Chicago, Illinois. Ariel began his journey as an NCSY Midwest advisor last year, and has gained close relationships with many incredible NCSYers. The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship will provide Ariel with opportunities to grow as an advisor, and help him develop leadership skills needed for the future.

Brianna Swedarsky
From Woodmere, NY

Hi everyone! My name is Brianna Swedarsky, and I’m from Five Towns, New York. I attended SKA for high school and then had the privilege of studying at Midreshet AMIT seminary in Israel last year. I’m currently a sophomore at Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women. I am currently majoring in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology, with the goal of, I”YH, becoming a speech therapist for children with special needs.
I have been involved in NCSY since I was in 12th grade, as an NCSYer in the Central East region as well as in New York, as the Five Towns Chapter President. NCSY has profoundly shaped who I am today, and I’m thrilled to join Central East as an advisor this coming year. Being a role model for every NCSYer has been my dream since I was an NCSYer myself, just as my advisors were role models for me. I’m thrilled about the opportunity to grow alongside them! Joining NCSY Shevet Glaubach will offer me more opportunities to get involved and provide the support and motivation I need to strengthen myself and be an excellent role model for my NCSYers.

Leora Tiger
From Bergenfield, NJ

Leora Tiger is from Bergenfield, New Jersey and a Junior at Stern studying Biology (and Torah!). She has been looking forward to being an NCSY advisor since before she can remember and is really grateful and excited for this opportunity!

Dovid Trencher
From Sharon, MA

Dovid Trencher is from Connecticut, Maryland, and most recently Massachusetts. He spent a year and a half at Yeshivat Orayta and is now majoring in Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business. NCSY has played a significant role in the Trencher family, as Dovid’s older sisters were all very involved in the group, and his parents actually met in NCSY in high school. Looking ahead, Dovid is excited about the opportunity offered by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. He sees it as an excellent opportunity to further develop his capacity to help NCSY participants engage in meaningful discussions about self-identity, the Jewish people, and their spirituality. He hopes to use the skills he gains to continue to contribute to inspiring the future of the Jewish community.

Judah Troodler
From Merion Station, PA

Hi, my name is Judah Troodler and I am from Lower Merion, Pennsylvania. I am currently attending Yeshiva University in New York City, where I am studying Finance and Business Analytics. Following my amazing summers on TJJ Midwest and Jolt respectively, I am beyond excited to continue developing the relationships I began forming while enriching and growing myself. I have no doubt that the opportunities provided to me through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship will be nothing short of life-changing.

Tamar Vann
From Boca Raton, FL

My name is Tamar and I’m from Boca Raton, FL! I’m currently getting my masters of Social Work from Sara Schenirer’s Werzweiler program. I am incredibly honored and excited for this zechus of connecting with the teens and empowering them on their journey of growing closer to Hashem and Torah/Mitzvos בס״ד!!

Eliana Wachstock
From Queens, NY

Eliana Wachstock is from Queens, NY. She is a currently a senior at Stern College studying Biology. Eliana can’t wait to build meaningful relationships, learn, and grow with the opportunities provided through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Ezra Wallach
From Woodmere, NY

Ezra Wallach is a Senior at Yeshiva University, currently studying Finance and History. He comes from Woodmere, NY, and is pumped to get more involved with the Baltimore Chevra. Through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, Ezra looks forward to learning and growing with the best of Klal Yisrael!

Kayla Wang
From Long Island, NY

Kayla Wang is from North Woodmere, NY. She went to SKA for high school, Sha’alvim for seminary, and is currently in her first year at the Queens College Macaulay program. She is majoring in Psychology and hopes to pursue a career in the medical field, but is not exactly sure as what yet. She is excited to join the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because throughout high school and seminary she has seen firsthand how powerful it can be to have someone inspiring in your life, and wants to be that person for someone else.

Amanda Wannon
From Los Angeles, CA

Hi everyone! My name is Amanda Wannon and I’m originally from Los Angeles. I’m currently in my second year at Stern College for Women studying to be a Social Worker. This is my second year as an NCSY advisor and I’m so grateful to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. I hope to continue to deepen my kesharim with the teens as well as help grow and enhance NCSY Montreal! Looking forward to an amazing year ahead bzh!!!!

Aharon Weiden
From Atlanta, GA

Aharon Weiden hails from THE A T L, capital of the south, and well known for blowing 28-3 leads. He had the privilege of attending Yeshiva Mevaseret and Senters for 2.5 years. Aharon is in his last semester at Yeshiva University studying Finance. He participated in NCSY Atlanta during his freshman and sophomore years, before traveling up north for his junior and senior years at Torah Academy of Bergen County. Aharon is in his 4th year as an advisor for central east NCSY. To be a role model for every NCSYer is a dream come true, just as his advisors were role models for him, and he can’t wait to be able to grow along side his incredible NCSYers!

Daniella Weil
From Southfield, MI

Daniella Weil is a Junior at Yeshiva University, Stern college for Women majoring in finance and minoring in biology, hoping to pursue a career in nursing. Originally from Detroit, Michigan, Daniella is so excited to be involved with her very own region, Central East NCSY for the second year. She is looking forward to building on her past experiences and relationships while also pursuing new ones. 2024-2025 NCSY is going to be great!

Marnie Weingarten
From Queens, NY

Hi everyone! My name is Marnie Weingarten and I am from Queens, New York. I had the privilege of attending Stern College and currently am studying to be a psychologist at Hofstra University. There is nothing as special as building connections which are founded in religious growth and forged with the intention to strengthen the Jewish people! I am so grateful to be a fourth year fellow and I cant wait for an inspiring year of inspiration, growth and impact Bezrat Hashem!

Yosef Weiss
From Cedarhurst, NY
Rena Wogan
From Memphis, TN

Hi! My name is Rena Wogan and I am from Memphis, TN. I am in Lander College for Women studying psychology. I am so excited for this coming year with the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and all of the opportunities it has to offer! I am also very excited to create relationships with the NCSYers that I will get to meet.

Rina Yahav
From Chicago, IL

Hi! I’m Rina Yahav and I’m from Chicago, Illinois. I’m currently enrolled at Stern and I am undecided in what I am studying but leaning towards biology. I am so excited to be a part of the NCSY shevet Glaubach Fellowship since it will give me the chance to connect with so many different NCSYers!

Arielle Yarmish
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Arielle Yarmish and I’m from Woodmere, NY. I’m currently a senior at Stern majoring in psych and minoring in bio. I went to SKA for high school followed by an incredible year at Sha’alvim for Women. I’m super excited to form lasting connections with teens from other communities, share my passion for Judaism and learn from one another through the opportunities given to us by Shevet Glaubach.

Aliza Zilberberg
From Cedarhurst, NY

Aliza Zilberberg is from the Five Towns and is currently a student at Macaulay Honors College at Queens College as an undeclared major. She is very excited to be a part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship program because she is greatly interested in making the greatest impact that she can make, and because she wants to be the best advisor she can be for the teens of NCSY.