Sarah Abbou
From Toronto, ON

Hi, my name is Sarah Abbou. I am from Toronto, Canada and am currently studying OT in Touro. I am very excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this year!!! BzH looking forward to becoming more involved with the teens and a year full of personal connections, learning and inspiration!

Talya Abrams
From Newton, MA

Talya Abrams is a senior at Stern College for Women studying psychology and business. She is from Newton, MA and went to Midreshet Harova for shana bet. Talya is excited for the opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship offers. She looks forward to strengthening her involvement as an advisor, as well as strengthening her abilities to ask questions, answer questions, and make connections. She is so excited for the opportunity to learn from all the teens!

Ariella Addi
From Fairlawn, NJ

Hi!!! My name is Ariella Addi and I’m from Fair Lawn, NJ. I’m currently a Senior at Stern College where I’m studying Finance and Business Analytics. I went to Ma’ayanot for high school and had the zechus of going to Tiferet for seminary the year after!! I’m super excited for the opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship has to offer and I can’t wait for an amazing year of inspiration and ruach.

Adina Adelman
From Cedarhurst, NY

Adina Adelman lives in Cedarhurst, NY and is currently a senior at Queens College. Adina is a psychology major and going for Physical Therapy. Adina can’t wait to be apart of the NCSY team and play a role in their holy and important mission of spreading the beauty of Torah and Judaism to her brothers and sisters. Adina is looking forward to the fun and meaningful experiences that NCSY has to offer!

Tziporah Akbashov
From Queens, NY

Hi my name is Tziporah Akbashov and I’m from Queens, NY. I spent two years learning at Ba’er Miriam seminary and I am currently studying speech and language pathology at Sara Schenirer College. I’m so excited to be apart of NCSY Shevet Glaubach this year and I can’t wait to take advantage of this incredible opportunity!

Ariella Aronson
From Toronto, ON

Hi! I’m Ariella Aronson, I’m from Toronto but currently studying speech pathology and audiology at Stern. I’m looking forward to growing, learning, and forming many new connections with everyone this year!

Gavi Aspler
From Montreal, QC

Gavi Aspler is from Montreal and is currently a junior at Yeshiva University, where he is studying Data Analytics and Entrepreneurship. He is thrilled about the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and the opportunities it presents, including meeting new people, forming lasting friendships, and growing alongside others in this enriching experience.

Oriel Atias
From Great Neck, NY

Oriel Atias, hailing from Great Neck, New York, is a proud alumnus of HANC High School and Yeshivat Sha’alvim. He is currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science at Yeshiva University. Enthusiastically embracing the opportunities provided by NCSY and the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, Oriel is eager to contribute to the community while fostering both personal growth and the growth of others. He looks forward to the meaningful impact this journey will have on his life and those around him.

Bat-Tzion Atik
From Flushing, NY

Bat-Tzion Atik is from Queens New York, went to YUHSG for high school and spent an incredible year in MMY. Bat-Tzion is now a junior at Stern College for Women majoring in Psychology and minoring in Judaic Studies. Bat-Tzion herself was active in NCSY in high school, serving as chapter president of Queens NCSY and the New York NCSY National Board representative. Bat-Tzion is looking forward to giving back to the organization that gave her so much. Bat-Tzion loves learning with and connecting with her NCSYers and looks forward to an amazing second year in the fellowship.

Maya August
From Cleveland, OH

Maya August was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. She attended Fuchs Mizrachi school for high school, then Midreshet HaRova for seminary. Maya is currently a Sophomore at Stern College, pursuing a major in the field of Education. She is looking forward to an incredible year of Torah learning and connection through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Adella Baker
From Miami, FL

Adella Baker was born and raised in Miami, Florida. She is pursing a degree in social work at the University of West Florida and is very excited to be a part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship for the second year.

Nechama Banarer
From Dallas, TX

Nechama Banarer, a native of Dallas, is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the UT Health Cizik School of Nursing in Houston. Raised in a community focused on personal growth and leadership, Nechama witnessed first-hand the profound impact of NCSY on those around her. Inspired by community leaders who dedicated themselves to uplifting others, she is eager to do the same for the next generation. Through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, Nechama looks forward to honing her leadership skills and giving back to the community that has shaped her journey.

David Barrocas
From Boca Raton, FL

David is from Boca Raton, FL currently studying Pre-Med at St. Peter University with Sara Schenirer majoring in Psychology. David started his journey with NCSY in 9th grade back in 2018. Being involved in NCSY has helped him become part of who he is today. For this reason, David is very excited to give back to the NCSY community and all those who helped him along the way by giving teens like you the fun and amazing opportunities he had in high school.

Julia Benarroch
From Los Angeles, CA

Hi! My name is Julia Benarroch and I’m from Los Angeles, CA. I attended Shaalvim for Women and am currently in my senior year at Stern studying Psychology. I was lucky enough to spend two summers on TJJ, and am looking forward to a year of continued growth and inspiration.

Moshe Benhamu
From Brooklyn, NY

Moshe Benhamu is from Brooklyn, New York, and currently attending the RIETS Semikha program at YU. This is Moshe’s third year as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow and he is tremendously excited to continue the incredible journey that has been NCSY Southwest. Throughout the years, Moshe has utilized his position as an SGF advisor to cultivate relationships, while both giving over and receiving Torah and wisdom from the hundreds of different people he has been privileged enough to interact with.

Leora Bennett
From Lawrence, NY

Hiii my name is Leora Bennett. 🙂 I am physically from Lawrence, NY but my heart is always in Eretz Yisrael. <3 I go to Touro Manhattan and I am studying Computer Science, BezH finishing soon- major senioritis!! I am very excited about the opportunities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because I will be able to give what I can to impact Klal Yisrael and I know I will be tremendously inspired by the amazing people involved!

Joelle Bensadon
From Hollywood, FL

Joelle Bensadon was born in Montreal but raised in Florida. She finished two years in Sharfman’s Seminary and now studying computer science in Touro LCW.

Tzvi Berke
From Highland Park, NJ

Tzvi Berke is originally from Cedarhurst, NY and recently moved to Highland Park, NJ. Tzvi attended NYIT for architecture in Long Island and Manhattan. Tzvi is very excited for the opportunity to meet other people who value Torah, personal growth, and working with the Jewish people; as well as to have the chance to make an impact on people’s lives.

Mo Berlin
From Detroit, MI

My name is Mo Berlin. I am currently a Junior at YU studying Finance, as well as a minor in Real Estate. I am excited to return as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow because it allows me to further give back to the organization that gave me so much growing up.

Gabby Blechner
From Scarsdale, NY

Gabby Blechner is from Scarsdale, NY. She had the zechus of spending a year and a half learning in Shaalvim for Women. Gabby is currently a junior at Stern College for Women majoring in Jewish Education and pursuing a career in nursing. She is very excited to be a part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and build relationships with her teens.

Ruthie Blumberg
From Columbus, OH

My name is Ruthie Blumberg and I’m from Columbus, Ohio. I’m currently a freshman at Binghamton studying Psychology, and I’m excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because I want to be able to give NCSYers an experience like I had from my advisors. I want to show them that learning and growing can happen in many different ways and I want to show that it’s ok if you don’t always feel connected. It’s hard to feel connected to Judaism 24/7. Instead I’ll show them the beauty of being connected and how far you can go with it.

Max Blumenthal
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Max Blumenthal and I am from Woodmere, New York. I went to DRS for high school and spent 2 great years learning in Yeshivat Shaalvim. I am currently a junior at Yeshiva University and am majoring in Psychology. I spent one summer on NCSY Kollel and worked as a counselor in Camp Kaylie and Camp HASC. I am excited for all the opportunities the Shevet Glaubach fellowship will provide to help me inspire, connect and learn with teens on a deeper level.

Donny Book
From Teaneck, NJ

Donny Book is incredibly excited for the upcoming year in the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. Donny lives in Teaneck NJ and is currently a Sy Syms School for Business student at Yeshiva University. Donny is looking forward to all kinds of opportunities present in NCSY and cant wait to get started!

Zev Bosin
From Memphis, TN

Zev Bosin is from Memphis, Tennessee. He currently attends Lander College for Men after having been in yeshiva for two years at Mevaseret. He is studying finance in university. Zev is excited about the opportunities that will be available through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship due to the ability to foster new long-lasting relationships with other neshamas. He will also be able to help more fellow Jews connect to Hakodesh Barachu and their Yiddishkeit.

Yair Bouhadana
From Montreal, QC

Yair Bouhadana is from Montreal, and attended Hebrew Academy. He went to Yeshivat HaKotel, Jerusalem, and is now in Touro University, studying in its pre-med program. He is excited to meet and connect with so many new people, and is looking forward to a year of growth together.

Tamar Brody
From Miami, FL

Tamar is a student at Stern College for Women. She is from Miami, Florida. She is currently pursing a degree in Biology. She is driven to inspire the Jewish community and this fellowship gives her the best opportunity to inspire others.

Shoshana Brunner
From Woodmere, NY

My name is Shoshana Brunner. I am from Woodmere and I’m currently in Queens College. I’m so exited to join the program because of all the amazing growth that I know will come for not only the teens but also the impact the program will have on me.

Zahava Chefitz
From Potomac, MD

Hi everyone! My name is Zahava Chefitz, all the way from Potomac, Maryland! I am currently a Senior at Lander College for Women studying Psychology. I can’t wait to BZH start off my second year with NCSY Shevet Glaubach. I am so excited to IYH grow and be inspired with all my fellows and awesome NCSYERS!

Lizi Bugay
From Miami, FL
Ali Cohen
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi everyone! My name is Ali Cohen and I am from Teaneck, NJ. I spent my Shana Aleph in Midreshet Moriah and am now a Junior at Stern studying biochemistry. I was an NCSY advisor last year, but I am looking forward to becoming more involved as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow!

Coby Cohen
From Toronto, ON

Coby Cohen is from Toronto and is currently majoring in Finance in Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business. Coby is most looking forward to building relationships and connecting with all the NCSY members. He also can’t wait for the most incredible, unforgettable Shabbatons!

Rafi Cornick
From East Brunswick, NJ

My name is Rafi Cornick, and I’m from East Brunswick, New Jersey. I spent the past two years studying in Mevaseret and am currently majoring in Accounting at Yeshiva University. During my time as a camper at Camp Mesorah and NCSY Kollel, I had the privilege of learning from incredible counselors and role models. Recognizing the profound impact they had on me, I feel a responsibility to give back to teens, hoping to inspire them in the same way. I am very excited about the opportunity to contribute to NCSYers’ growth and to build lifelong relationships along the way.

Aliza Dachevski
From Ottawa, ON

Aliza Dachevski, originally from Ottawa, is a third-year Psychology student at York University. She is excited about the opportunities offered by the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, which will enable her to visit different communities, connect with more NCSYers, and make a meaningful impact on their lives. Building on a rewarding year at Toronto Learn and Earn, Aliza is enthusiastic about gaining more experience working with students and getting to know them better.

Avi Dadoun
From Toronto, ON

Hi, my name is Avi Dadoun. I am 21 and from Toronto, Ontario. I am currently applying for PA school in Touro next September. In the meantime I’m studying in yeshivas Ner Aron. After being a part of NCSY southern this past summer I realized that I need to be apart of this. The atmosphere and teens absolutely rock. The energy and staff are unmatched – best people out there!

Abby Dennis
From Miami, FL

Abby Dennis is from Miami, Fl. She is currently in Touro University’s School of Health Sciences studying nursing. She is excited for all the opportunities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship as it will allow her to better help klal yisroel in every that she can.

Tori Diamond
From Potomac, MD

Hi! My name is Tori Diamond and I am from Potomac, Maryland! I am currently a senior in Stern College pursuing a degree in Sociology/Social work! I’m excited for the opportunities that will be provided through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, like building relationships with NCSYers through new experiences and learning Torah!

Greg Eiseman
From San Diego, CA

Gregory Eiseman, originally from San Diego, California, had the privilege of studying at Aish HaTorah for two years, and is now in his first year at Touro/Landers. Throughout high school, he was involved with NCSY. Greg is eager to help Jewish teens connect with their heritage and to offer them a genuine experience of Torah-true Judaism. His background and commitment reflect his passion for guiding others on their own Jewish journeys and fostering a deeper appreciation for their roots.

Charli Ernstein
From Overland Park, KS

Charli Ernstein hails from Overland Park, Kansas and is studying and exploring at Stern College for Women, currently with an undecided major. Previously having been involved in NCSY throughout middle and high school, she is excited to have the opportunity to become involved with the Houston Jewish community and give back to NCSY and the broader Jewish community by helping to inspire and assist Jewish teens to find what connects them to Judaism.

From Manhattan, NY

Shevy Epstein lives in Manhattan on the Upper West Side. Shevy Epstein goes to Stern College and is studying Psychology. Shevy is excited to meet and learn from new people through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship!

Nitay Eshed
From New Milford, NJ

Hailing from Teaneck, Nitay is a senior at CCNY majoring in psychology with an interest in education. He’s excited to connect with teens in a group setting and to share Torah that inspires and develops into lasting growth. Jewish education is an area that Nitay is really passionate about; he hopes b’ezrat Hashem to give to the community, improve as an educator, learn from everyone present, and build lasting relationships.

Sol Feder
From Boston, MA

Hi, I’m Sol Feder, and I call Brookline, Massachusetts my hometown. I’m currently a student at Yeshiva University, majoring in biology. I’m incredibly excited about the opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship offers. It’s not only a chance for me to connect with the kids, but also a platform to nurture my leadership skills and continue to inspire those around me.

Tali Finkelstein
From Teaneck, NJ

Tali Finkelstein is from Teaneck, New Jersey and is a Junior at Stern College studying Judaic Studies and Psychology. Since she was young, she always dreamed of being part of NCSY’s magic in impacting the Jewish future and can’t wait to be an advisor for Southern!

Yael Fishman
From Silver Spring, MD

Hi! My name is Yael Fishman and I am from Silver Spring, MD. I went to Berman Hebrew Academy for high school, and then spent a year and a half at Sha’alvim for Women. I am currently a junior in Stern possibly majoring in physical sciences. I am so excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach team and have the opportunity to build meaningful relationships with teens by both teaching and learning Torah!!! Wahoo

Rockie Frankenthal
From Chicago, IL

Rockie Frankenthal, from Chicago, Illinois, is in her second year at Stern College, where she is studying marketing and psychology. She is enthusiastic about the opportunity to engage in meaningful projects and initiatives and to forge deep connections with NCSYers.

Marlee Fried
From Montreal, QC

Marlee Fried grew up in Montreal, Canada and is now studying as a Junior at Yeshiva University majoring in Speech Pathology and Audiology. After being involved in NCSY for the past 5 years, Marlee is excited for more opportunities to help motivate and inspire those around her. Marlee is committed to learning and developing deeper connections with her NCSYers and will continue building her skills and the rest of our global Jewish community through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Ayelet Friedman
From Baltimore, MD

My name is Ayelet Friedman, and I was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. I am a Political Science major studying at Stern College of Yeshiva University. I am thrilled to join the Shevet Glaubuch Fellowship and NCSY, where I can connect with like-minded individuals who are exploring their Jewish heritage. I feel deeply honored to be part of a rich and vibrant Jewish legacy, and I am excited to share my enthusiasm and passion with others, fostering meaningful relationships and inspiring a sense of community and belonging.

Tani Frisch
From Cedarhurst, NY

Tani is from Cedarhurst, NY and is in YU graduate school going for an MS in Marketing. He is excited to work with his fellow Glaubach members in working to inform and keep building a Jewish future amongst today’s youth.

Ruti Frohlich
From Bergenfield, NJ

Hi! My name is Ruti Frohlich, and I’m from Beregnfield, NJ. I’m currently studying Psychology at Yeshiva University. I’m excited to take part in the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because the fellowship represents the meaningful ideals that are close to my heart. Specifically, I enjoy teaching Torah and enculcating the joy of Judaism to high school students. Not only that, but being able to simply connect with high schoolers from different backgrounds is an amazing opportunity.

Isaac Fromen
From Englewood, NJ

Isaac is from Englewood, New Jersey went to Aish in Israel for 2 year and is currently in Shor Yoshuv and Touro at nights studying pre-law. Isaac loves spending his time learning with others and giving over what he has learnt from his Rabbis. He is looking forward to another amazing year of being involved in NCSY!

Yaakov Fuchs
From Teaneck, NJ

Yaakov Fuchs is from Teaneck, New Jersey. Yaakov is currently studying Finance and Accounting at Yeshiva University. He also spent two years learning in Yeshivat Mevaseret Tzion. He is excited to be part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, which offers him the opportunity to inspire and guide teens in their spiritual growth and help them build a closer connection with Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Through this fellowship, Yaakov is eager to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others.

Hayley Geiger
From Los Angeles, CA

Hi! I am Hayley Geiger. I am from Los Angeles and I’m currently a sophomore at Stern College studying political science. #PreLaw ???? I am excited to be apart of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship – I’ve wanted to be an NCSY advisor since I was in high school because they’re so cool – I hope to be cool and inspiring too. NCSY was a catalyst in my Jewish journey, and I’m excited to give back to the organization that helped me find my Jewish Identity. I hope to inspire the next generation of Jewish Leaders and look forward to being inspired by them.

Rami Gertler
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi, my name is Rami Gertler, and I’m from Teaneck. I’m in YU studying computer science, and I’m excited for the chance to grow as a person and help out my community as much as I can!

Jessica Ghitis
From Weston, FL

Jessica Ghitis is from Weston, Florida and she is currently a student in Touro University School of Health Sciences studying Occupational Therapy. She is so thrilled to have the opportunity to take part in the community, relationships, and learning offered by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship!

Lauren Giller
From West Hempstead, NY

Lauren Giller is from West Hempstead, NY. She is a first year graduate student at Hofstra University going for her master’s in speech-language pathology. She is so excited to be a part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because she is super passionate about connecting with teens and learning Torah together. She is looking forward to a growth-oriented and fun year!

Nathan Ginsburg
From Potomac, MD

Nathan Ginsburg is from Potomac, Maryland, and just started his first year at YU. Nathan is super excited to be a SGF Fellow and to learn with NCSYers by Chavrusa and in Chaburas.

Avraham Glatter
From Teaneck, NJ

Avraham is from Teaneck, New Jersey and is currently at junior at YU majoring in Accounting. He is looking forward to a year of growth, fun and spiritual inspiration with NSCY Central East and is grateful for the opportunity that the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship gives him to do just that!

Ava Goldberg
From Hollywood, FL

Hi! I am Ava Goldberg and I grew up in Hollywood, FL. I am currently attending Stern College. I am majoring in Biology, and plan to pursue a career in medicine IY’H. Last year I was in Sharfman’s. NCSY has come to hold a very special place in my heart. Shevet Glaubach, which expects their advisors to attend many shabbatons a year, as well as to have a certain number of chavrusas throughout the year, would be a great opportunity for me to become the best advisor that I can be.

Maya Goldberg
From Hollywood, FL

Hi! My name is Maya Goldberg and I am from Hollywood, Florida! I am currently studying biology (and Torah) at Stern, and had the privilege of going to Machon Maayan for seminary. I am super excited to create connections with the teens and give back to the Jewish community!

Zack Goldberg
From Great Neck, NY

What’s cooking?? My name is Zack Goldberg repping from Great Neck, New York ???? AKA Little Persia (I’m also an Israeli citizen). I spent this past year living and learning in Washington Heights (also graduated NYU with a degree in ???? ????). Fun fact: my youngest brother’s name spells out the names of me and my other siblings ????. You can find me ⛷ , playing ???? or ????ing any time of day. I have massive FOMO issues and could DMC for a living so HMU about legit anything. Esgetit 

Yehuda Goldman
From Brookline, MA

Yehuda Goldman is from Brookline, MA and is currently a student at Yeshiva University studying psychology and finance. Through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowships, Yehuda is excited to learn Torah with NCSY teens, build connections, and learn from the next generation of the Jewish people.

Esther Halpert
From Fort Lauderdale, FL

Hi, my name is Esther Halpert. I am from Hollywood, Florida. I am so excited to be a part of NCSY. I have been an NCSYer before and always said that one day I will be an advisor.

Eliana Hanstater
From London, UK

Eliana Hanstater is from London and is studying Mathematics at Yeshiva University. She is extremely excited to be working with the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and be a part of such a transformative, religious experience for so many people. She has been a part of Kiruv organisations in the past and can’t wait to use these skills and enhance them through bringing people closer to Hashem. She is most looking forward to sharing her love of Judaism and values with her NCSYers and make long, lasting connections with them. She is eager to grow alongside her NCSYers as you can learn something from everyone!

Talia Hazan
From Queens, NY

Talia Hazan is from Queens, NY. She attended Central YUHSG for High School and Learned in Israel at Shaalvim For Women. Talia is currently a junior at Stern College studying Biology on the Pre-Dental track. She is super excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship; she looks forward to sharing her passion for learning Torah and connecting with Klal Yisrael!

Benny Herskowitz
From Brooklyn, NY

Hey guys, my name is Benny Herskowitz, and I’m really excited to be involved with NCSY this year! I’m from Brooklyn NY and went to Rambam Mesivta for high school (Go Ravens!). After two amazing years in Yeshivat Mevaseret, I am currently a Junior in YU studying psychology (when I’m not studying Torah 🙂 ). In my spare time I love playing guitar, jamming to rock music and Jewish and being involved with Yachad. Can’t wait to meet and connect with you guys, get ready for an amazing year!!

Chanie Hertz
From Lawrence, NY

Hi! My name is Chanie Hertz and I am from Lawrence, NY. I go to Touro and I am studying psychology. I went to Shulamith High School and to Michlalah Shana Alef and Bet. This is my first year as an NCSY advisor and I am so excited to connect to and share Torah with many different types of Jews.

Eidan Horn
From Potomac, MD

Hi! My name is Eidan Horn. I grew up in Potomac, MD where I attended Berman Hebrew Academy and was a proud NCSYer. I spent two summers at NCSY Camp Sports learning, growing, and balling out. After high school, I spent two years in Israel at Yeshivat Lev HaTorah. I’m currently a senior at the Sy Syms School of Business (YU) studying business strategy. I have been an NCSYer for four years and an advisor for two years (Greater Washington and Baltimore). I’m excited to spend my seventh year in NCSY as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow growing as a Jewish leader and connecting with members of Am Yisroel.

Yechiel Hyman
From Teaneck, NJ

Yechiel Hyman grew up in Teaneck, NJ, where he was an avid NCSY participant in high school. He had the priviledge of learning in yeshiva at Mevaseret for two years, at the end which he decided to continue his yeshiva studies at the Yeshiva Gedolah of Greater Washington, where he has been for the past 5 and half years. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Talmudic Law from Yeshiva College of The Nation’s Capital as well an MS in Business and Management from the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. He has been an advisor during the year in Greater Washington as well as at Camp Sports during the Summer since 2019. He is looking forward to continuing to grow as an advisor through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Meira Ives
From Los Angeles, CA

Meira Ives is from Los Angeles, CA and is so excited to be a West Coast NCSY advisor! Meira went to YULA for high school, Michlalah for a year and half, and is now a Junior at Stern College studying biology! In high school, Meira went on NCSY’s Michlelet summer program and was blown away by the leadership of her advisors and the impact that they unknowingly made on her life. Meira is excited to pass on the enthusiasm for Judaism that her advisors infused in her, and to bring her passion for Torah and the magic of NCSY to the West Coast!

Avishai Jeselsohn
From Newton, MA

Avishai Jeselsohn is from Boston. He is studying mechanical engineering at MIT. He is very excited to be able to create stronger and longer lasting connections and relationships with teens through SGF.

Levana Kampeas
From Davie, FL

Hi! My name is Levana and I am from Florida. I go to Yeshiva University and I am studying psychology and Judaic studies. I am most excited about being able to create personal relationships with the NCSYers and be there to help and guide them through their own personal growth and Bzh be able to give advice and help out in any way.

Aryeh Keller
From Toronto, ON

Aryeh Keller, originally from Toronto, ON, is currently pursuing a degree in accounting at Yeshiva University in New York. He is enthusiastic about his participation in Shevet Glaubach, looking forward to inspiring both himself and others in Jewish growth. Aryeh is also eager to forge connections with the participants, fellow advisors, and the directors of NCSY, valuing the opportunity to engage with and contribute to the community.

Minna Katz
From London, UK
Rikki Kestenbaum
From Woodmere, NY

Hey, it’s Rikki Kestenbaum. I grew up in Woodmere, NY with a few other Jews. I’m on my way to becoming a nurse at Downstate University. This is going to be my fourth year with NCSY and can’t wait to meet more incredible teens. I don’t think there’s anything better than seeing the future of klal yisrael. Super excited as always to be a part of something bigger than myself, and feel incredibly privileged for the opportunity to spread Torah and enthusiasm for Judaism.

Betty Khirman
From Bay Area, CA

Hi, my name is Betty Khirman, and I was born and raised in the Bay Area, California. Fortunately, most of my family now lives in Israel. I’m currently a junior at Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women, where I’m studying psychology. My journey with NCSY began in public school through my involvement with JSU and NCSY, eventually leading me to spend a year studying at Meorot in Israel. You could say that NCSY has been a constant presence in my life ever since. After spending four summers at Camp Kesher NCSY, I’m incredibly excited to be part of Shevet Glaubach and to have the opportunity to continue growing our Jewish community.

David Kleiman
From Oak Park, MI

I’m David Kleiman from Detroit, Michigan. I’m a Junior at YU studying Psychology and hope to receive Semicha as well. I’m so excited for all the amazing opportunities this year and the kesharim that are able to form through the Shabbatons and chavrusos!

Gabi Kraines
From Boca Raton, FL

Gabi is from Boca Raton, FL and spent a few years in Israel at Aish HaTorah. He now learns at Shor Yoshuv and is studying accounting at Lander College for Men. Gabi is thrilled to join the SGF team!

Gabriel Lallouz
From Montreal, QC

Gabriel Lallouz is from Montreal and is currently studying business management and accounting in Yeshiva University. Passionate about making a positive impact in their community, Gabriel is thrilled to be part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. They are excited about the opportunity to grow as a leader, connect with like-minded peers, and contribute to meaningful projects that align with their values and commitment to helping others. Through the fellowship, Gabriel looks forward to deepening their understanding of Jewish leadership and creating lasting change.

Ben Lando
From West Orange, NJ

My name is Ben Lando, and I am from West Orange, NJ. I am currently a freshman at YU studying Computer Science, and I am incredibly excited to be a part of NCSY. After a childhood of reaping the benefits of living in a vibrant Jewish community with day schools, camps, and yeshivas, I can’t wait to give what I have experienced to those without the same privileges as I had.

Sarah Leiderman
From Cedarhurst, NY

My name is Sarah Leiderman and I’m from Cedarhurst, NY. I’m currently majoring in biology at Stern hoping to go for a Psy. D along with teaching! I’m incredibly excited to make meaningful connections with the awesome teens and to hopefully help them on their journeys!

Noach Lerman
From Silver Spring, MD

Noach Lerman is a Junior at Yeshiva University, where he’s pursuing a double major in Math and Physics through the Yeshiva Program. Originally from South Bend, Indiana, Noach moved to Silver Spring, Maryland at the age of ten and graduated from the Berman Hebrew Academy. After spending two years at Yeshivat Hakotel, he discovered a passion for outreach and became an advisor on New Jersey’s TJJ bus. His commitment to this work led him to join the Glaubach Fellowship last year, and after a rewarding year at YU, he returned to TJJ NJ/NY/Canada this past summer. Noach is eager to continue deepening his relationships with the teens he’s mentored and to connect with new ones. Thanks to the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, he’ll be attending many NCSY events across New Jersey, New York, and Canada, and he’s excited to make an even greater impact.

Dani Lerman
From Detroit, MI

Dani Lerman hails from Detroit and is currently a junior at Yeshiva University, where he is majoring in Finance, minoring in Psychology, and learning in MYP. After spending two years at Yeshivat Shaarei Mevaseret Tzion (“Mevs”), Dani developed a strong passion for Torah learning, and a greater appreciation for his Yiddishkeit. He is excited about the opportunities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it allows him to grow as a leader and make a positive impact on the Jewish community. Dani is always ready to lend a hand and is committed to ensuring that everyone around him is happy.

Daniella Lerner
From Toronto, ON

Daniella Lerner is from Toronto, Canada. She is a biology major at Touro University in New York City. Daniella is excited to take on a more active role in the greater Jewish community through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. She is hoping to inspire and be inspired.

Sara Lesczynski
From New York, NY

Hi! My name is Sara Lesczynski, I am a senior at Stern College for Women majoring in Political Science. I am super excited for this upcoming year as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow for many reasons, but I’m mostly excited to make kesharim with the next generation of Jewish leaders.

Daniel Levy
From São Paulo, BR

Hi guys! My name is Daniel Levy, and I’m from São Paulo, Brazil. I’m currently a senior at Lander College for Men, majoring in Finance. I’m really excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and NCSY, and I can’t wait to start this amazing journey together with Shabbatons, chavrusas, and so much more. I’m excited to make a difference and learn a lot from all of you!

Joshua Lieberman
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Joshua Lieberman and I am from Woodmere, NY. I went to DRS for high school followed by a year and a half in Mevaseret. I recently graduated YU with a degree in Finance and currently work as an Investment Sales broker at Meridian Capital. I am looking forward to another year as a SGC fellow and advisor. I am excited for the opportunity to continue to have a positive impact on our teens by meeting, learning, and helping them grow.

Shayna Lieberman
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! I’m Shayna Lieberman from Woodmere, NY. I graduated from Queens College with a degree in psychology, and I’m currently enrolled in the accelerated nursing program at SUNY Downstate College of Nursing. I’m thrilled to be back for another amazing year with the best region, Central East! I’m especially excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship Program again and look forward to meeting new teens, learning together, and building lasting relationships with incredible NCSYers.

Yaki Liebesman
From Columbus, OH

Yaki Liebesman was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. He is currently a Sophomore at Yeshiva University where he is studying Finance in the Sy Syms School of Business. Yaki grew up in Central East NCSY and his connection to Judaism and learning was significantly impacted by the individuals he was exposed to there. After spending two years focused on his growth as a person and developing his abilities in learning at Yeshivat Sha’alvim, he returns to America with a sense of responsibility to generate the same impact he experienced and invigorated to inspire the next generation.

Matt Loren
From Scarsdale, NY

Matt Loren is an NCSY hailing from Scarsdale, NY. After spending two incredible years in Eretz Yisroel, he is currently a junior at YU studying accounting. He is excited for the opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship will present him to grow personally and as a leader in his community and take achrayus for the klal! He is thrilled to IYH meet, build a kesher, and share Torah with teens throughout the country.

Zechariah Mainzer
From Atlanta, GA

Zechariah Mainzer was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, where he went to school at the Atlanta Jewish Academy for most of his schooling career. After two inspiring years studying in Eretz Yisrael at Yeshivat Kerem b’Yavneh, he is starting his third year at Yeshiva University, where he is majoring in psychology and minoring in music. As he pursues a career in the rabbinate, Zechariah looks forward to opportunities to spread Torah and foster communal connection to Judaism through the opportunities presented through the Shevet Glaubah fellowship.

Idan Malka
From Las Vegas, NV

Idan is a motivated and passionate person. He attended Advanced Technologies Academy for High School and is now a Sophomore at Touro’s Lander for Men where he is studying Finance. Excited for the new year, Idan is looking forward to an amazing year filled with inspiration and fun.

Julia Malove
From Aventura, Fl

I am studying Psychology at Touro University and am excited to connect to and inspire Klal Yisroel!

Tali Margolese
From Seattle, WA

Tali Margolese grew up in Seattle, Washington, and recently moved to Toms River, NJ with her family. Tali is currently studying Psychology at Touro University in Manhattan. This is Tali’s second year as an NCSY Shevet Glaubach fellow, and she is looking forward to being a continued source of support within the NCSY family. Tali is passionate about fostering Judaic growth and development, and building valuable relationships with others.

Eitan Markovitz
From Woodmere, NY

Eitan Markovitz lives in Woodmere, New York and is in his second year at Yeshiva University pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Computer Science. His involvement in NCSY began as an advisor with Camp Sports in the Summer of 2023, and ever since he has been committed to being a source of inspiration for the next generation. Eitan’s growth-oriented approach to yiddishkeit is his most valued trait, as he understands that every Jew has his own route to connection with Hashem. He looks forward to capitalizing on the opportunities the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship provides, in order that he can grow along with his NCSYers this coming year.

Orli Mashiach
From Chicago, IL

Hi, my name is Orli Mashiach, and I am thrilled about this incredible opportunity! I live in Chicago, IL, and attended Hanna Sacks for high school, followed by a year at Shaalvim for Women. I am currently studying Business Marketing at Touro Manhattan. I look forward to learning, growing, and, above all, having an epic time!

Brandon Melamed
From Jacksonville, FL

Shalom y’all! Brandon Melamed is from Jacksonville, Florida and currently a senior in YU studying psychology and beginning a master’s degree in Judaic studies. He is super excited for his third year as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow and looking forward to taking advantage of all the learning and professional development opportunities that exist, including hearing from scholars in residence, joining seminars and exploring more opportunities in the Jewish professional world.

Sara Menasse
From Monsey, NY

Hey! My name is Sara Menasse and I’m from Monsey, NY. I went to Naaleh for high school and MMY for seminary. I am currently a junior at Stern majoring in marketing and minoring in psychology. These past two summers I had the opportunity to work on NCSY summer programs and I’m so excited to continue doing that through the year with the Shevet Glaubach fellowship. I’m really looking forward to building meaningful relationships with NCSYers through learning torah and hanging out with them!

Daniella Mercer
From Miami, FL

My name is Daniella Mercer and I am originally from Miami Florida. I am working as a case manager with Ohel and studying for my MSW at the University of West Florida. I am super pumped to be a fellow because of the incredible opportunities it provides to connect with NCSYers. Being a fellow for the past 2 years has shown me how the relationships we build with our teens can change both their lives and ours. I am looking forward to a life-changing year!

Nerya Miller
From Chicago, IL

Hi, I’m Nerya!

Ari Morgenstern
From Cherry Hill, NJ

Ari Morgenstern is a proud graduate of Yeshiva University currently working as a Junior Marketing Associate at a startup marketing firm in Philadelphia. He previously attended yeshiva in Israel at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh (KBY), where he found his love for learning Jewish Philosophy and Halacha. He enjoys connecting with people of all ages and backgrounds which is what brought him to NCSY.

He is excited to participate in the opportunity provided by the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, where he can form deeper connections with teens on their journeys, fostering mutual Torah growth and development.

Yosef Morrison
From Teaneck, NJ

My name is Yosef Morrison, and I am from Teaneck, NJ. I am currently a senior at Yeshiva University studying finance, and I’m excited to be joining NCSY to help teens connect to Hashem from where they are in their journey.

Aliza Mosenkis
From Cleveland, OH

Aliza Mosenkis is originally from Cleveland, and her family had the zechus to make aliyah to Ramat Beit Shemesh a few years ago. She went to Michlalah for seminary, Touro for college, and is planning on pursuing a PsyD in clinical psychology. This year Aliza lives in the Heights and is working for the OU as an executive fellow for Yachad. Aliza is so excited to be a part of the Shevet Glabauch Fellowship and help inspire the future generation of klal yisrael!

Eli Nagel
From Highland Park, NJ

Hi, I’m Eli Nagel from Highland Park, New Jersey. I go to Lander College for Men and I’m majoring in management and marketing. I’m super excited to create new opportunities to meet people and become a better individual by learning from my peers.

Manny Nagel
From Teaneck, NJ

My name is Manny Nagel and I am from Teaneck. I was lucky enough to spend two years in Eretz Yisroel at Aish Gesher. I am now a senior at Yeshiva University studying Computer Science and have started Semicha as well. I was an advisor on TJJ and am a year-round advisor in Baltimore. I have been blessed to have been inspired, taught, and invested in by my rabeim, and the most natural manifestation of receiving bracha is to share it with others. I am really excited to continue to develop my skills as a mechanech and to further develop relationships and inspire teens as best as I can.

David Nisanov
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi, I’m David Nisanov. I’m from New York and went to high school at DRS. After graduating I spent 2 years at Aish Hatorah in Jerusalem where I was inspired to give back and join NCSY.

Yonatan Noach
From Brooklyn, NY

As a Shevet Glaubach Fellow for the past years as well as TJJ, it is such a gift and privilege to be a part of an organization dedicated to showing others the immense authenticity and beauty in Torah and Judaism. I find tremendous inspiration in this holy work and I am tremulously looking forward to a year of growth and light.

Hayley Orgel
From Edison, NJ

Hi! My name is Hayley Orgel, I am from Edison NJ, and I am currently in my third year in Stern studying speech pathology. I am so excited to be an advisor this year and form amazing relationships with teens!

Uri Ostrin
From Highland Park, NJ

Coming all the way from Highland Park in Central NJ, Uri Ostrin is a second year vet on NCSY SGF. Uri is currently a Junior, in his second year, in YU. Uri went to Yeshiva in Mevaseret Tzion in Eretz Yisroel for two out-of-this-world years. Before that, Uri attended the Torah Academy of Bergen County (TABC). Uri loves being with the Holy Holy Chevra and can’t wait to spend many Shabbosim and other incredible moments with the NCSY SGF Mishpacha.

Shmuely Pak
From Cedarhurst, NY

Shmuely Pak is from Cedarhurst, New York and is currently a student in YU majoring in Psychology. After an amazing year last year with NCSY, he is super excited to continue being a Shevet Glaubach Fellow because it enables him to meet and connect with so many amazing people throughout the country.

Shira Palti
From Miami, FL

Shira Palti lives in Miami, FL, where she works as an Elementary School teacher. She’s been an advisor for the past two years and looks forward to another year of growth and connection with NCSY.

Daniel Papilsky
From Woodmere, NY

My name is Daniel Papilsky from Woodmere, New York. I am currently a finance major at Yeshiva University. I am very excited for the opportunity to go on Shabbatons and get know the NCSYers.

Aviel Parente
From Las Vegas, NV

Aviel Parente is from Las Vegas and is very excited for his second year as a Fellow. He currently work in property management and plans on making Aliyah in the near future. He is excited for the opportunity to engage in a meaningful way with NCSYers.

Aviel Plotkin
From Delray Beach, FL

Hi! My name is Aviel Plotkin, I’m from Delray Beach, Florida and I’m a finance major at Yeshiva University. I love sports and am ready to play basketball at any moment. I’m super hype to connect and build a connections that will last forever!

Tamar Pollock
From West Hempstead, NY

Hi! I’m Tamar Pollock, from West Hempstead, NY, and I am currently a Judaic Studies teacher at HAFTR Middle School. This will be my third year as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow, and I am so excited to spend more quality time with my NCSYers learning, growing, and having fun. Shevet Galubach offers me so many amazing opportunities for growth amongst the teens and fellows and it is truly an honor to be apart of something so incredible.

Avi Polotsky
From Denver, CO

Hi! My name is Avi Polotsky, I’m from Denver, Colorado, and I’m a senior at YU. I’m studying history and hoping to go into law. I’m looking forward to the opportunities provided by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because I can continue to be an NCSY advisor for a 3rd year and continue to do something I love. Doing my part to enrich the lives of others, even if I can only do so much with my limited abilities, is an amazing privilege that I’m grateful to SGF for providing.

Sarah Rabitz
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi! My name is Sarah Rabitz and I am from Teaneck, New Jersey. I went to Frisch for High School, spent a year at Sha’alvim for Women and I am now a Junior at Stern studying psychology. I am so excited to build and strengthen relationships with my NCSY’ers and all the fellows and I cannot wait to inspire, and more importantly be inspired by all the amazing people I will meet along the way!

Moshe Restler
From Jacksonville, FL

Moshe Restler is from Miami, Florida. Moshe goes to school at YU. He is very excited about the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship opportunities because he is able to hang out with the teens and give back to NCSY which helped him.

Shira Robkin
From Dallas, TX

Hi! I’m Shira Robkin, originally from Plano, Texas. I recently graduated from Touro University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Currently, I’m part of the OU fellowship, where I’m working in marketing for NCSY. I’m thrilled to be in a position where I can contribute to the community I grew up in and excited about the opportunity to take on a Jewish leadership role.

Yaffa Rochwarger
From Teaneck, NJ
Kenny Rosenfeld
From Lawrence, NY

My name is Kenny Rosenfeld. I’m hoping to be a 3rd year fellow in this fellowship program. I’m in my third year of YU studying mathematics. I’m exited to be a SGF again because I love seeing people grow in their Judaism and seeing people work hard to grow pushes me to grow myself as well.

Ayelet Rosman
From North Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Ayelet Rosman, and I’m from North Woodmere, NY. I went to SKA for high school, spent a year and a half in Michlalah seminary, and am now a Senior in Stern majoring in Psychology! I am so excited to be back as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow for a second year! I can’t wait to meet and learn with/from everyone, and am looking forward to an incredible year of growth and lots of fun!

Rikki Rosman
From Pomona, NY

Hi! My name is Rikki Rosman and I’m from Monsey, NY. I went to Bar Ilan XP for my gap year and am now studying pre-dental at RCC. I can’t wait for all the amazing opportunities of growth and leadership NCSY Shevet Glaubuch Fellowship has to offer!!

Roya Rostamian
From Weston, FL

Roya Rostamian is from Weston, Florida, and is currently attending Touro University in New York, where she is pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in Business Management. With a passion for Jewish education and youth engagement, Roya is excited to be part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. She looks forward to the extraordinary opportunities to inspire and mentor the next generation, drawing on her own transformative experiences with NCSY. Through the fellowship, Roya hopes to make a meaningful impact while continuing to grow both personally and professionally in the Jewish community.

Eliav Sacknovitz
From West Hempstead, NY

Eliav Sacknovitz grew up in West Hempstead, New York, and is currently a junior at Yeshiva University. He is pursuing a degree in Business, fueled by his passion for entrepreneurship and innovation. Eliav is excited to become an NCSY advisor because it gives him the opportunity to guide NCSYers in strengthening their Jewish identity through enjoyable experiences.

Elianna Samimi
From Woodmere, NY

Elianna Samimi, is an educator at HANC HS and lives in Woodmere, New York. She studied at MBR Seminary for a year after high school, and is pursuing a Masters in Psychology at Touro College. Throughout her summer experiences and travels, she has had many opportunities to connect and learn with so many types of Yidden. She approaches Yiddishkeit with compassion and honesty, and is passionate about empowering the youth of today to use their strengths to continue the legacy of Klal Yisrael.

Nina Samson
From Toronto, ON

Hi! My name is Nina Samson. I’m from Toronto, I go to McMaster University and I am studying Electrical Engineering. I’m so excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow as it gives me the opportunity to learn more about the Ottawa Jewish community and to form impactful relationships with the teens there.

Rebecca Schenker
From Englewood, NJ

Rebecca Schenker is from Englewood, NJ, She went to Frisch High School and then Midmo for seminary in Israel, She is in Lander College for Women studying speech therapy. Rebecca was an Avid NCSYer through out high school, serving as the New Jersey representative on the national board. She knows firsthand the impact that NCSY can have and she is so excited to be able to be a part of it in a new way.

Kiki Schlanger
From Los Angeles, CA

Kiki Schlanger is from Los Angeles, California. She is currently a Sophomore at Stern College for Women, studying Biology. She is so excited to be apart of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and create new relationships with the NCSYers in order for them to create their own path and grow towards their goals!

Sarit Schwartz
From Jackson, NJ

Hi, my name is Sarit Schwartz and I’m from Jackson, NJ. I’m currently studying at Sara Scheinerer and I plan on becoming a Dentel Hygenist. I’m so excited to be working with NCSY where I’ll have a chance to connect and inspire others. I’m all about creating a positive atmosphere and making everyone feel welcome whether it’s in the dental office or the NCSY event.

Sarah Schwartz
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi! My name is Sarah Schwartz, I am from Teaneck, NJ, and I am currently a senior in Stern studying Finance and Business Analytics. I am so excited to be an advisor this year and form amazing relationships with teens!

Zevi Segal
From East Brunswick, NJ

Zevi Segal, from East Brunswick, NJ is currently a sophomore in yeshiva university and is studying finance/accounting. He is so excited to forge new relationships and grow together!

Josh Shapiro
From Highland Park, NJ

Josh grew up in the small central Jersey town of Highland Park. He attended Highland Park High School and then went on to study a year and a half at Yeshiva Mevaseret in Eretz Yisrael. Currently, he is studying at Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv and pursuing a degree in finance through Lander College. As an NCSY and JSU alum, Josh has a passion for Jewish outreach and helping others. Josh hopes to be able to give back to NCSY and inspire Jewish youth just as his advisors did for him.

Jonathan Sherman
From Queens, NY

Hey guys! My name is Jonathan Sherman from Queens, NY. I have been involved in NCSY since 8th grade, attending every event possible. I spent four amazing years at MTA for high school. I had #bestsummerever after 10th grade on BILT in Israel. After high school I spent two inspiring years at Mevaseret. After spending some time in Lander studying psychology, I currently go to the Yeshiva of South Florida in Boca Raton. I spent my summer as the assistant director of NCSY Derech in Israel. I loved being a SGF fellow last year and connected with all the amazing teens in Southwest.

Atara Sicklick
From Woodmere, NY

Atara Sicklick is from Woodmere, New York and went to SKA. She then studied for a year and a half in Sha’alvim, and she is currently in Stern studying computer science. Atara is excited to meet all the NCSYers and to bez’H create inspiration with them!

Zach Sicklick
From Lawrence, NY

Zachary Sicklick grew up in Lawrence, New York. Zach went to Torat Shraga for 2 years in Israel, and while he was there he spent a bunch of his afternoons volunteering at Shalva. He is currently a sophomore at YU in Sy Syms, and he plans to major in finance. He is very excited to be part of NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because he wants to help make a difference in other Jewish communities and make great relationships with the teens who will be our leaders of tomorrow.

Madi Silber
From Montreal, QC

Hi! My name is Madi Silber and I’m from Montreal. I go to school at Stern College for Women and I’m studying Speech Pathology and Audiology. It’s my second year participating in the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and I can’t wait to continue!

Rebecca Silvera
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Rebecca Silvera and I am from Woodmere, New York. I went to Central for high school and MMY for seminary. I am now in my senior year at Stern College studying biology. I am so excited for the Shevet Glaubach fellowship because I think the mission is an important one that can really impact and inspire so many.

Daniel Simon
From Livingston, NJ

Daniel Simon hails all the way from Livingston, New Jersey. He went to Kushner for high school, and then spent two years in Israel learning at Yeshivat Shaalvim. He is currently in his second year at Yeshiva University where he is pursuing a degree in accounting. He is excited for the unique opportunity offered by the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to inspire teens to get closer to Hashem and to help guide them in their journey of spiritual growth.

Malky Slatus
From Savannah, GA

Malky Slatus lives in Savannah, Georgia and is currently pursuing a degree in nursing. Through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, she is looking forward to an amazing year of learning, building relationships and strengthening Judaism with teens!

Oren Snyder
From Coral Springs, FL

Hi guys, my name is Oren Snyder. I’m from Coral Springs Florida. I’m currently studying Marine Sciences at Florida Atlantic University. I’m so excited to be able to give back to the organization that gave me so much and the opportunity to be able to spread yiddishkeit.

Avigail Sokol
From Fort Lauderdale, FL

Avigail Sokol currently lives in Hollywood, Florida. She is in enrolled in Touro College. NCSY Shevet Glaubach fellowship will give her a chance to connect and grow with many Jewish kids all over the state.

Tali Sperber
From Teaneck, NJ

Tali Sperber is from Teaneck, New Jersey. She is in her senior year at Stern College studying business. She is looking forward to being part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this year and is excited for the opportunities it will bring. She can’t wait to connect with amazing teens and build lasting relationships!

Sara Stein
From Lawrence, NY

Sara is from Lawrence, NY. She is currently teaching Tanach at North Shore High School, while getting her Master’s in Jewish Education, Special Education, and General Education from Touro. Sara has been involved with NCSY over the past few years and loves spending time with her teens. She has seen the tremendous impact of the programming and relationships that are built and is truly inspired by her NCSYers. Sara has gained so much from NCSY and looks forward to her second year as a fellow, enabling more opportunities for connection and growth!

Shany Steinberg
From Brooklyn, NY

Shany is currently a Freshman at Yeshiva University and majoring in biology. She is looking forward to being a part of NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to help educate and inspire young teens.

Gabriella Steinberg
From Great Neck, NY

Gabriella Steinberg is from Great Neck, NY and is currently a senior at Stern College majoring in Jewish Education. While she loves playing sports, her love for Torah is unmatched. Having experienced the profound impact of NCSY as both a camper and madricha during her summers on Michlelet, she is looking forward to dedicating time to NCSY throughout the year! She is psyched to give over her passion for Torah, Yiddishkeit, and love of life to teens!

Ezra Stern
From Woodmere, NY

Hey there! My name is Ezra Stern. I’m from Woodmere, New York. I went to HAFTR for high school and then shallavim for two years. I’m currentkly enrolled in YU and study psychology. I’m very excited to connect to the neshamos of other Jews and help them get closer to Hakadosh Baruch HU. I’m also really excited to learn a lot from them about different ways to approach a relationship to Hashem.

Daniel Sternthal
From Montreal, QC

Hi! My name is Daniel Sternthal, and I am from Montreal. I am studying Biology at Yeshiva University, and I aim to get into med school. I love Montreal, and I hope I can give back to the youth in my community in any way possible.

Ariel Strick
From Chicago, IL

Ariel Strick is an accounting major at Yeshiva University, originally from Chicago, Illinois. Ariel began his journey as an NCSY Midwest advisor last year, and has gained close relationships with many incredible NCSYers. The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship will provide Ariel with opportunities to grow as an advisor, and help him develop leadership skills needed for the future.

Brianna Swedarsky
From Woodmere, NY

Hi everyone! My name is Brianna Swedarsky, and I’m from Five Towns, New York. I attended SKA for high school and then had the privilege of studying at Midreshet AMIT seminary in Israel last year. I’m currently a sophomore at Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women. I am currently majoring in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology, with the goal of, I”YH, becoming a speech therapist for children with special needs.
I have been involved in NCSY since I was in 12th grade, as an NCSYer in the Central East region as well as in New York, as the Five Towns Chapter President. NCSY has profoundly shaped who I am today, and I’m thrilled to join Central East as an advisor this coming year. Being a role model for every NCSYer has been my dream since I was an NCSYer myself, just as my advisors were role models for me. I’m thrilled about the opportunity to grow alongside them! Joining NCSY Shevet Glaubach will offer me more opportunities to get involved and provide the support and motivation I need to strengthen myself and be an excellent role model for my NCSYers.

Leora Tiger
From Bergenfield, NJ

Leora Tiger is from Bergenfield, New Jersey and a Junior at Stern studying Biology (and Torah!). She has been looking forward to being an NCSY advisor since before she can remember and is really grateful and excited for this opportunity!

Dovid Trencher
From Sharon, MA

Dovid Trencher is from Connecticut, Maryland, and most recently Massachusetts. He spent a year and a half at Yeshivat Orayta and is now majoring in Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business. NCSY has played a significant role in the Trencher family, as Dovid’s older sisters were all very involved in the group, and his parents actually met in NCSY in high school. Looking ahead, Dovid is excited about the opportunity offered by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. He sees it as an excellent opportunity to further develop his capacity to help NCSY participants engage in meaningful discussions about self-identity, the Jewish people, and their spirituality. He hopes to use the skills he gains to continue to contribute to inspiring the future of the Jewish community.

Judah Troodler
From Merion Station, PA

Hi, my name is Judah Troodler and I am from Lower Merion, Pennsylvania. I am currently attending Yeshiva University in New York City, where I am studying Finance and Business Analytics. Following my amazing summers on TJJ Midwest and Jolt respectively, I am beyond excited to continue developing the relationships I began forming while enriching and growing myself. I have no doubt that the opportunities provided to me through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship will be nothing short of life-changing.

Tamar Vann
From Boca Raton, FL

My name is Tamar and I’m from Boca Raton, FL! I’m currently getting my masters of Social Work from Sara Schenirer’s Werzweiler program. I am incredibly honored and excited for this zechus of connecting with the teens and empowering them on their journey of growing closer to Hashem and Torah/Mitzvos בס״ד!!

Eliana Wachstock
From Queens, NY

Eliana Wachstock is from Queens, NY. She is a currently a senior at Stern College studying Biology. Eliana can’t wait to build meaningful relationships, learn, and grow with the opportunities provided through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Ezra Wallach
From Woodmere, NY

Ezra Wallach is a Senior at Yeshiva University, currently studying Finance and History. He comes from Woodmere, NY, and is pumped to get more involved with the Baltimore Chevra. Through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, Ezra looks forward to learning and growing with the best of Klal Yisrael!

Kayla Wang
From Long Island, NY

Kayla Wang is from North Woodmere, NY. She went to SKA for high school, Sha’alvim for seminary, and is currently in her first year at the Queens College Macaulay program. She is majoring in Psychology and hopes to pursue a career in the medical field, but is not exactly sure as what yet. She is excited to join the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because throughout high school and seminary she has seen firsthand how powerful it can be to have someone inspiring in your life, and wants to be that person for someone else.

Amanda Wannon
From Los Angeles, CA

Hi everyone! My name is Amanda Wannon and I’m originally from Los Angeles. I’m currently in my second year at Stern College for Women studying to be a Social Worker. This is my second year as an NCSY advisor and I’m so grateful to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. I hope to continue to deepen my kesharim with the teens as well as help grow and enhance NCSY Montreal! Looking forward to an amazing year ahead bzh!!!!

Aharon Weiden
From Atlanta, GA

Aharon Weiden hails from THE A T L, capital of the south, and well known for blowing 28-3 leads. He had the privilege of attending Yeshiva Mevaseret and Senters for 2.5 years. Aharon is in his last semester at Yeshiva University studying Finance. He participated in NCSY Atlanta during his freshman and sophomore years, before traveling up north for his junior and senior years at Torah Academy of Bergen County. Aharon is in his 4th year as an advisor for central east NCSY. To be a role model for every NCSYer is a dream come true, just as his advisors were role models for him, and he can’t wait to be able to grow along side his incredible NCSYers!

Daniella Weil
From Southfield, MI

Daniella Weil is a Junior at Yeshiva University, Stern college for Women majoring in finance and minoring in biology, hoping to pursue a career in nursing. Originally from Detroit, Michigan, Daniella is so excited to be involved with her very own region, Central East NCSY for the second year. She is looking forward to building on her past experiences and relationships while also pursuing new ones. 2024-2025 NCSY is going to be great!

Marnie Weingarten
From Queens, NY

Hi everyone! My name is Marnie Weingarten and I am from Queens, New York. I had the privilege of attending Stern College and currently am studying to be a psychologist at Hofstra University. There is nothing as special as building connections which are founded in religious growth and forged with the intention to strengthen the Jewish people! I am so grateful to be a fourth year fellow and I cant wait for an inspiring year of inspiration, growth and impact Bezrat Hashem!

Yosef Weiss
From Cedarhurst, NY
Rena Wogan
From Memphis, TN

Hi! My name is Rena Wogan and I am from Memphis, TN. I am in Lander College for Women studying psychology. I am so excited for this coming year with the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and all of the opportunities it has to offer! I am also very excited to create relationships with the NCSYers that I will get to meet.

Rina Yahav
From Chicago, IL

Hi! I’m Rina Yahav and I’m from Chicago, Illinois. I’m currently enrolled at Stern and I am undecided in what I am studying but leaning towards biology. I am so excited to be a part of the NCSY shevet Glaubach Fellowship since it will give me the chance to connect with so many different NCSYers!

Arielle Yarmish
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Arielle Yarmish and I’m from Woodmere, NY. I’m currently a senior at Stern majoring in psych and minoring in bio. I went to SKA for high school followed by an incredible year at Sha’alvim for Women. I’m super excited to form lasting connections with teens from other communities, share my passion for Judaism and learn from one another through the opportunities given to us by Shevet Glaubach.

Aliza Zilberberg
From Cedarhurst, NY

Aliza Zilberberg is from the Five Towns and is currently a student at Macaulay Honors College at Queens College as an undeclared major. She is very excited to be a part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship program because she is greatly interested in making the greatest impact that she can make, and because she wants to be the best advisor she can be for the teens of NCSY.

Sarah Abbou
Assigned to Southern
From Toronto, ON

Sarah Abbou is from Toronto, Canada. After learning in Sha’alvim, she is currently working towards her masters in Occupational Therapy at Touro University. This year, she is excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellow team, and can’t wait for an incredible and meaningful year with the NCSYers and her fellow advisors.

Danielle Abekassis
Assigned to New York
From Five Towns, NY

Hi, my name is Daniella Abekassis. I am from North Woodmere, New York and I am currently a grad student at Ferkauf. I am so excited for this upcoming year with the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and gd willing being able to do more in person events with our teens!

Eric Abraham
Assigned to Southern
From Boynton Beach, FL

Hi my name is Eric Abraham, I am from Palm Beach Florida, and I study business among many other things. I’m excited about oppertunities I get from being a Glaubach Fellow because they are absolutely life changing. As a fellow I get to be a part of a teens journey and guide them with the knowledge we get from these awesome seminars. The results are exponential. On a smaller scale I’m excited for the shabbatons and the learning we do with the teens. Those events really show the impact the fellows have on the teens and the impact the teens have on us.

Talya Abrams
Assigned to Northeast
From Newton, MA

Talya Abrams is a junior at Stern college for Women studying psychology and business. She is from Newton, MA and went to Midreshet Harova for shana bet. Talya is excited for the opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship offers. She looks forward to strengthening her involvement as an advisor, as well as strengthening her abilities to ask questions, answer questions, and make connections

Ariella Addi
Assigned to Southwest
From Fair Lawn, NJ

Hi!!! My name is Ariella Addi and I’m from Fair Lawn, NJ. I’m currently a junior at Stern College where I’m studying Finance and Business Analytics. I went to Ma’ayanot for high school and had the zechus of going to Tiferet for seminary the year after!! I’m super excited for the opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship has to offer and I can’t wait for an amazing year of inspiration and ruach.

Tziporah Akbashov
Assigned to Southern
From Forest Hills, NY

Hi my name is Tziporah Akbashov and I’m from Queens, NY. I spent two yers learning at Ba’er Miriam seminary and I am currently studying speech and language pathology at Sara Schenirer college.I’m so excited to be apart of NCSY Shevet Glaubach this year and I can’t wait to to take advantage of this incredible opportunity!

Nancy Alexander
Assigned to Southern
From Richmond, VA

Nancy is from Richmond, VA and is a currently a Junior at Stern College for women. She is studying Philosophy and Jewish Education and hopes to pursue a career in Chinuch! As a fellow last year Nancy loved having more opportunities to develop a personal connection with her teens and the community that she served in Savannah, GA. She is excited for another incredible year!

Bat-Tzion Atik
Assigned to Southern
From Queens, NY

Bat-Tzion Atik is from Queens, New York, attended Central for high school and spent a year in Israel in MMY. Bat-Tzion is so excited to be able to connect with NCSYers and gaining tools to further her love of Torah and spreading that to others. Bat-Tzion herself was an NCSYer, serving as the New York NCSY representative on the national board and knows firsthand the impact NCSY can have. Bat-Tzion is looking forward to an awesome year and experience in the fellowship.

Yishai Attias
Assigned to New York
From Lawrence, NY

My name is Yishai Attias and I’m from the Five Towns in New York, after going to DRS for high school I spent two years in Yeshivat Lev Aharon and then a third year in Yeshivat Mir Yerushalayim, after spending some time in Queens College after yeshiva I’ve made the switch back to yeshiva here in the five towns. In high school my only experience with NCSY were the two summers I spent on NCSY Euro ICE (now known just as Euro Israel) by chance I found myself on Euro again this time as an advisor in the summer of 2022 and have been getting more and more involved with NCSY since. The Shevet Glaudbach Fellowship allows for more opportunities to do the same job I’ve been enjoying so much. Connecting and learning with teens has quickly become the highlight of my week and something I look forward to and all the more so with this new platform.

Kaden Balkany
Assigned to West Coast
From Seattle, WA

Kaden Balkany grew up in the rainy & caffeinated city of Seattle and is now studying as a Junior at Yeshiva University towards her degree in Psychology. After founding her own business in 8th grade, Kaden is excited for more opportunities to help motivate and inspire those around her. Kaden’s palpable passion for NCSY was exemplified by becoming the first ever Regional West Coast President from Seattle. Kaden is committed to learning and developing deeper connections with her NCSYers and will continue building her skills and the rest of our global Jewish community through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Pinny Balsam
Assigned to Central East
From Bergenfield, NJ

What is good! My name is Pinny Balsam and I’m in my junior year In YU studying finance. I’m from Bergenfield NJ. Im extremely excited about the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because It gives me more opportunities to create a kesher and help more teens grow and discover ways to connect through Judaism which they never thought were possible.

Nechama Banarer
Assigned to Southwest
From Dallas, TX

Nechama Banarer is from Dallas and is studying for her bachelors in science of nursing. She grew up in a kiruv oriented home, which allowed her to see first hand the impact NCSY had on the people around her and how the different leaders of her community stepped up to help others grow. She realized that it is not enough to just look up to them as role models, but that she wants to be able to have a positive influence on the world around her. This fellowship will refine the tools she was given to become a better leader and therefore giving to the people around her.

Shmuel Barg
Assigned to Southern
From Monsey, NY

Hello! I’m Shmuel Barg. I’m from Monsey NY and am currently studying psychology in YU. I’m excited to get involved in building the future of Klal Yisroel! I’m looking forward to participating in and building programs to help everyone connect to Judaism no matter what background they’re from. I hope to learn and develope skills and to gain experience to help me become a leader in Klal Yisrael.

Ezra Baron
Assigned to Southern
From Teaneck, NJ

Ezra Baron is from Teaneck, NJ. Ezra had the privilege of attending TABC for high school before attending Yeshivat Sha’alvim for two years. Ezra is currently studying at the Sy Syms Business School at Yeshiva University and is majoring in Accounting. Ezra is super excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this coming year as it will allow him to develop relationships with like-minded individuals who want to inspire the Jewish future.

Avital Basalel
Assigned to West Coast
From Kew Garden Hills, NY

Hi! My Name is Avital Basalel and I’m from Kew Garden Hills NY. I’m currently a Junior at Stern College majoring in Jewish Education. I’m looking forward to iyh continuing to build relationships with the teens and continuing to learn and grow with and from them.

Elijia Bauman
Assigned to Southern
From Parkland, FL

Elisha Bauman recently moved to Parkland, FL from New York. He is currently learning in Yeshiva of South Florida in Boca Raton. Elisha is excited for the opportunity to join NCSY for the first time and connect with people from his new home-state.

Sydney Beberman
Assigned to New York
From Highland Park, NY

This is Sydney Beberman and she is from Highland Park, NJ. She is currently a senior at Yeshiva University and is studying psychology. Her plan is to work in non-profit management. She is excited for the opportunity to learn, grow and connect with more NCSYers.

Katherine Belilty
Assigned to Southwest
From Frisco, TX

Katherine Belilty is from Frisco, TX, and is currently in her fourth year studying neuroscience at Princeton University. Her religious journey began at the JSU club at her public high school, and flourished through her ongoing involvement with NCSY. Through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, she looks forward to giving back, to continuing to grow, and to connecting with teens as her advisors did with her.

Batya Belizon
Assigned to Southern
From Boca Raton, FL

Hey everyone meet Batya Belizon she is from Boca Raton, Florida. She is currently studying in Stern College for women and she is majoring in biology hopefully going to pursue a carrier in the medical field. She can’t wait to meet everyone and form so many amazing connection and to continue to learn and grow from everyone around her.

Julia Benarroch
Assigned to West Coast
From Los Angeles, CA

Hi! My name is Julia Benarroch and I’m from Los Angeles, CA. I attended Shaalvim for Women and I’m currently a senior at Stern College studying Finance and Psychology. I was lucky enough to spend two summers on TJJ Action, and am looking forward to a year of continued growth and inspiration!

Moshe Benhamu
Assigned to Southwest
From Brooklyn, NY

Moshe Benhamu was born in the small town of Brooklyn, New York. He recently graduated YU and is currently attending the RIETS Semikha program. Moshe can’t wait to be back with Southwest NCSY for his second year (#Yeehaw!!). He is tremendously excited to continue to live, learn, and walk through life together with the NCSYers!

Leora Bennett
Assigned to Southern
From Lawrence, NY

Hi! I’m Leora Bennett and I am super excited about this amazing opportunity!! I live in Lawrence, NY, and went to SKA High School, followed by a year and a half of learning in seminary at Sha’alvim for Women. I currently go to Touro Manhattan and my major is Computer Science. I am looking forward to an awesome time creating relationships and having fun, while kindling the flame of Torah in others and in myself!

Yona Berzon
Assigned to Southern
From Baltimore, MD

Hi everyone! I’m Yona I’m from Baltimore, MD and I recently graduated from Stern! I’m looking forward to all the great Shabbatonim and chavrua’s that make the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and NCSY amazing!

Mo Berlin
Assigned to Central East
From Detroit, MI

Mo Berlin is a Yeshiva University student studying Finance, currently in his sophomore year of college. Mo grew up in Detroit, MI and has been actively involved in NCSY from a young age. He is looking forward to giving back to the NCSY community through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and is excited to get more involved in making a difference in young NCSYers lives.

Edan Bitas
Assigned to Central East
From Philadelphia, PA

Edan Bitas is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is currently a student at Yeshiva University and is studying Finance. He is very excited to be joining the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it gives him the unique experience of working with Jewish teenagers all over the country.

Shalom Brauser
Assigned to Southern
From Hollywood, FL

Hey there! My name is Shalom Brauser, coming to you from Hollywood, FL. After attending Katz Yeshiva High School in Boca, I spent two years at Yeshivat Sha’alvim in Israel, and am now in my second year at Yeshiva University, studying Torah and other great classes for an incredibly useful History major. After working on NCSY Next Step for the past two summers, and being a Southern Glaubach Fellow last year, I’m supremely pumped to continue partnering with the other epic fellows in working directly with Jewish communities and teens to build the Jewish future.

Tamar Brody
Assigned to New Jersey
From Miami, FL

Tamar is a student at Stern college for women. She is from Miami, Florida. She is currently pursing a degree in Biology. She is driven to inspire the Jewish community and this fellowship gives her the best opportunity to inspire others.

Zahava Chefitz
Assigned to Southern
From Potomac, MD

Hi everyone! My name is Zahava Chefitz, all the way from Potomac Maryland! I am currently a Junior at Lander College for Women studying Psychology. I can’t wait to start off my first year with NCSY Shevet Glaubach. I am so excited to grow and be inspired with all my fellows and awesome NCSYERS!

Jordy Chowaiki
Assigned to Atlantic Seaboard
From San Diego, CA

Jordy Chowaiki is from San Diego, California. He is a junior at Lander College for Men studying to be an actuary. He is very excited for the opportunity to give back to the Jewish community and be an advisor through the fellowship.

Leeyan Cohen
Assigned to Southern
From Miami, FL

Hi! My name is Leeyan Cohen. I am from Miami, FL. I went to Sharfman’s seminary for my gap year, which was unfortunately cut short due to Corona. I am currently studying education in Broward College. I was a NCSYer myself in my Junior and Senior years of high school, where i started my religious journey. My senior year, I was Southern NCSY Regional president and now I’m so lucky to be back as a fellow and give back to the organization that gave so much to me but most importantly, be there for NCSYers who are in the same shoes i was just a few years ago!

Nataly Cohen
Assigned to New York
From Great Neck, NY

Nataly Cohen is from Great Neck, NY. She is a senior at Adelphi University and is a nursing student. Though the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, Nataly is excited to plan events for the teens in the community and to create and strengthen these relationships!

Pelah Cohen
Assigned to Central East
From Chicago, IL

Hi! My name is Pelah Cohen and I’m currently a Junior at Stern College for Women studying to be a Speech Pathologist! I was born and raised in Chicago but my family made Aliyah a couple years ago (I hope to join them soon) so I guess you can say that my home is half way across the world 😉 I am so excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow and have the opportunity to spend weekends hanging out and growing with the amazing Cleveland community!

Chanah Cramer
Assigned to West Coast
From Los Angeles, CA

Chanah Cramer is from Los Angeles and currently attending Landers College for Women, where she’s studying Speech Therapy. She’s excited to be part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and is looking forward to all the educational opportunities it offers.

Daniel Cywiak
Assigned to Southern
From Woodmere, NY

Hi everyone, my name is Daniel Cywiak. I grew up in Woodmere, NY and I am majoring in Accounting at the Sy Syms School of Business at Yeshiva University. I am so excited to start my second year as an Shevet Glaubach Fellow. I am privileged to have the opportunity to IY”H make an impact on the next generation of heylige yidden, and to spread the beauty of yiddishkeit.

Abby Dennis
Assigned to New York
From North Miami Beach, FL

Abby Dennis is from North Miami Beach Florida and is currently studying nursing in Touro university. She’s super excited to work with the SGF team for a second year and together bring klal yisroel one step closer to geula

Malkie Derdik
Assigned to Southern
From Cedarhurst, NY

My name is Malkie Derdik, I’m from Cedarhurst NY. I am currently studying Psychology at Queens College. I’m really excited for all the opportunities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. I’m looking forward to meeting new people, instilingl a love and appreciation of Judaism in the Southern teens and having a great time!

Gavi Domsky
Assigned to Southern
From Chicago, IL

H!! My name is Gavi Domsky, I grew up in Chicago Illinois where I attended THE Yeshiva. I then learnt in Yeshivat Shaalvim in Israel for 2 years . I’m currently learning in LandersCollege and attempting to major in business. I’m super excited about being apart of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and meeting everyone else apart of this incredible group of people! I hope to bring a great new energy to the Shabbatons. Can’t wait to connect and grow with everyone in a meaningful and spiritual way

Yisrael Einhorn
Assigned to Southern
From Los Angeles, CA

Hi! My name is Yisrael Einhorn and I am from Los Angeles, California. I’m currently in Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to grow as a person all while helping others grow through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Ezra Emerson
Assigned to Midwest
From Bergenfield, NJ

Howdy y’all, the name’s Ezra Emerson. Ezra’s from good ole Bergenfield, NJ. Ezra went to yeshiva university Syms school of business, and graduated this past may with a degree in strategy and entrepreneurship. Ezra is really excited about being a part of the fellowship because he loves working with NCSY, and appreciates the connections and work that he does for the kids, and the relationship that comes out of it.

Sol Feder
Assigned to Northeast
From Brookline, MA

Hi, I’m Sol Feder, and I call Brookline, Massachusetts, my hometown. I’m currently a student at Yeshiva University, majoring in biology. I’m incredibly excited about the opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship offers. It’s not only a chance for me to connect with the kids, but also a platform to nurture my leadership skills and continue to inspire those around me.

Leora Finkelstein
Assigned to New Jersey
From New Brunswick, NJ

Leora Finkelstein grew up in Teaneck, NJ, and currently lives in New Brunswick. Leora is currently in her last year at Rutgers, and finishes in January. She is majoring in psychology and minoring in criminology, and plans on starting an MSW in the fall. Shevet Glaubach opens up countless opportunities for Leora with more access to events, growing in Torah learning, and creating meaningful connections with NCSYers. She cannot wait for the year to come.

Eli Fisher
Assigned to West Coast
From Edison, NJ

Hey Everyone!!! My name is Eli and I’m currently in my first year of law school at Fordham. I’m originally from Edison, NJ, but I live in the beautiful Washington Heights now. I was previously an advisor in Orange County and went on TJJ twice, and now as a Fellow, I can’t wait to continue building even stronger connections.

Anna Freiman
Assigned to West Coast
From Miami, FL

Anna Freiman is originally from Miami, FL but is now studying Computer Science at Touro! She believes in the value of mentorship and education and is extremely appreciative of the platform NCSY/SGF provides. She can’t wait for an amazing year full of growth, connection, and inspiration!

Ilan Frenkel
Assigned to Southern
From Woodmere, NY

Hi!!! I’m Ilan Frenkel from Woodmere, NY and I’m currently studying Behavioral Economics at Yeshiva University. I am excited for the opportunity to build community and a sense of leadership within a structure that has such a beautiful and important vision in building our people.

Jakey Friedman
Assigned to Southern
From West Hempstead, NY

My name is Jakey Friedman, and I am from West Hempstead, New York. I attended DRS for high school and then had the privilege of learning in Yeshivat Shaalvim for two years in Eretz Yisroel. I am currently in my first year of full time Smeicha in Yeshiva University. Throughout my childhood and teenage years I was blessed with incredible role models, counselors, and Rebbeim, and it has been a dream of mine to be able to give over what I have received from them.

Tani Frisch
Assigned to West Coast
From Cedarhurst, NY

Raised in Cedarhurst, NY and recently graduating from Touro in Marketing, Tani is a two year advisor on West Coast as well as a two time advisor on WC TJJ. He is excited to work with his fellow Glaubach members in working to inform and keep building a Jewish future amongst todays youth.

Isaac Fromen
Assigned to New Jersey
From Englewood, NJ

Hello, my name is Isaac Fromen and I’m from Englewood NJ. I’m currently learning in Shor Yoshuv and doing classes at landers with a major in psychology. I am so grateful to be accepted into the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship so that I continue to stay connected to campers. This fellowship will enable us to learn, meet up, and spend more time together. For that reason I am honored to have been chosen.

Dovie Gecovich
Assigned to Southwest
From Cleveland, OH

My name is Dovie Gecovich. I am from Cleveland Ohio. I am a sophomore at Yeshiva University studying biology. I am excited to join the NSCY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and develop my skills in chinuch, continue to learn about Kiruv and how to best connect with and inspire teens .

Menachem Gewirtz
Assigned to Southern
From Valley Stream, NY

My name is Menachem Gewirtz, and I’m from North Woodmere, NY. I had the privilege of attending DRS for high school before attending Yeshivat Sha’alvim for two years. I am in my second year in Yeshiva University and am going for a degree in accounting. I am super excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this coming year as I am looking forward to investing time and effort in the personal and religious growth of the youth of the American Jewish community.

Jessica Ghitis
Assigned to Southern
From Weston, FL

Hi my name is Jessica Ghitis! I’m from Weston Florida and I’m currently a student at Touro Lander College for Women studying biology. I’m so thrilled to have the opportunity to take part in the community, relationships, and learning offered by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship!

Eva Gidalowitz
Assigned to Southern
From Springfield, NJ

Hi! I am Eva Gidalowitz from Springfield, NJ. I am currently finishing up my bachlors in psychology at Touro Lander College for Women. I cannot wait to start as an NCSY Shevet Glaubach fellow this year! I am looking foward to creating lasting relationships through time spent learning and schmoozing, and witnessing the growth and religious streangth of the teens in my region!

Noah Gidari
Assigned to Canada
From Montreal, QC

My name is Noah Gidari, i attended herzliah high school in montreal, i’m 22 years old and have been working with ncsy as an advisor for the past year. I’m looking forward to organizing amazing shabbatons and activities and give back to the communities. The fellowship provides a unique platform for personal growth, inspiring Torah learning, and meaningful connections within the Jewish community. I’m super excited to be part of a program that fosters leadership skills, cultivates a love for Judaism, and empowers individuals to make a positive impact on the world. Through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, looking forward to engaging others, deepening the understanding of Jewish values, and gaining the tools necessary to become a strong advocate for positive changes in the world around us.

Maya Goldberg
Assigned to Southern
From Hollywood, FL

Hi! My name is Maya Goldberg and I am from Hollywood Florida! I am currently studying biology (and Torah) at Stern, and had the privilege of going to Machon Maayan for seminary. I am super excited to create connections with the teens and give back to the jewish community!

Zack Goldberg
Assigned to Southern
From Great Neck, NY

Shalom chevra. My name is Zack Goldberg. I’m from Great Neck New York and attend NYU for classes in something to related to computers, I think. I am studying Meseches Yevamos this year as well as some Meseches Brachos. NCSY has taught me a ton over the past few years and I could not be more excited to spend the year growing with everyone and continuing to change Am Yisrael for the better. The shtarker the better.

Akiva Goldman
Assigned to Canada
From Toronto, ON

Hi!! My name is Akiva Goldman and I am from Toronto. I got involved with NCSY over the last year and a bit and I have so much respect and awe for each and every NCSYer I work with. You guys are so incredible and I’m excited to meet you all and excited to help in any way I can to help you continue to make people like me super proud to work with incredible individuals like you!!!!

Rachel Goodman
Assigned to Atlantic Seaboard
From Scarsdale, NY

My name is Rachel Goodman and I’m from Scarsdale, NY. I’m currently a senior at Stern majoring in Finance. I’m excited to learn and grow with klal yisrael!

Mordy Greenland
Assigned to Midwest
From Chicago, IL

Mordy Greenland is from Chicago, IL, currently studying business management at YU. He is super excited to be able to have an impact on the Memphis community as a whole and get to know kids on a deeper level to help them grow as bnei/bnot Torah.

Joe Gross
Assigned to Midwest
From Jamaica, NY

My name is Joe Gross. I am from Queens, NY. I am in Sy Syms School of Business and studying Marketing and Business Analytics. I am excited about the opportunities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because this partnership focuses highly on relationship building and mentorship which is something I strive to be my best at and this opportunity is perfect for growth in that exact field while continue to strengthen the lives of others as well.

Gabe Hafter
Assigned to West Coast
From Las Vegas, NV

My name is Gabriel Hafter. I am from Las Vegas. I am currently in my penultimate semester at UNLV studying film. I have already made three films. One is currently successful on Youtube and another premiered at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. I spent this past summer working as the video guy at Yeshiva Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem. I have a strong drive to help others especially in their Judaism. I am the president of the Chabad at my university helping the Jews on campus feel safe and comfortable. I love reaching out to people of all types and increasing my learning while helping others.

Gidon Hagler
Assigned to Southern
From Elizabeth, NJ

What up squad?! My name is Gidon Hagler and I was born and raised in a farm town called Elizabeth, New Jersey (it’s not actually a farm town btw). I went to JEC for high school, spent two years in Yeshivat Sha’alvim, just graduated from YU with a degree in accounting, and am now working full time as a consultant. But I was lucky enough to be an advisor on TJJ southern this past summer (#LionPride) so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to stay involved and be a southern advisor for the third straight year cuz that is definitely where my passion lies. Looking forward to becoming more friiim together and saving the world!

Aryeh Hirt
Assigned to Southern
From Los Angeles, CA

Aryeh Hirt, originally from the bustling city of Los Angeles, is currently a pre-med student at Yeshiva University. He’s thrilled about the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it offers him a unique opportunity to connect with others who share his passion for community building and Jewish values. Aryeh is eager to develop his leadership skills and make a meaningful impact in his local Jewish community, believing that this fellowship will provide him with the ideal platform for personal, professional, and spiritual growth, while forging lasting connections.

Yechiel Hyman
Assigned to Atlantic Seaboard
From Silver Spring, MD

Yechiel Hyman grew up in Teaneck, NJ, where he was and avid NCSY participant in high school. He had the priviledge of learning in yeshiva at Mevaseret for two years, at the end which he decided to continue his yeshiva studies at the Yeshiva Gedolah of Greater Washington, where he has been for the past 4 and half years. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Talmudic Law from Yeshiva College of The Nation’s Capital as well an MS in Business and Management from the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. He has been an advisor during the year in Greater Washington as well as at Camp Sports during the Summer since 2019. He is looking forward to continuing to grow as an advisor thorough the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Dina Joseph
Assigned to West Coast
From Monsey, NY

Dina Joseph is presently a student at the Bernard Revel Graduate School for Judaic Studies. She is also a high school Jewish history teacher, and possesses a deep appreciation for both formal and informal education. Dina is currently in her third year as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow and is eagerly anticipating the chance to gain knowledge from esteemed leaders in the Jewish community and collaborate with other enthusiastic and talented individuals.

Shayna Kahane
Assigned to Midwest
From Memphis, TN

Shayna Kahane, from Memphis TN, is a current senior at Stern College for Women. Shayna is majoring in Political Science and plans to continue into a career in law. Shayna has been involved in NCSY since she was in 5th grade and was an active member of her region, serving as both MIdwest regional president and a member of the national board during her senior year. After returning from a year and a half in Israel, Shayna quickly shifted from the role of NCSYer to advisor for the Midwest. For the past two summers Shayna has also had the privilege of working on NCSY Euro Israel, which she enjoyed greatly. Shayna is extremely excited to continue furthering her relationship with NCSYers through the Shever Glaubach Fellowship as this will allow her to connect even more with teens and reconnect then with their Yiddishkeit.

Eitan Kastner
Assigned to Southern
From Valley Stream, NY

Eitan Kastner is initially from Long Island, NY. He is currently in Semikha and getting his Masters in Business in addition to a Masters in Jewish Studies from YU. Eitan is super excited about the opportunities afforded by NCSY to be able to do his part for the Jewish people and to be a resource to the people around him.

Akiva Katz
Assigned to Northeast
From Spring Valley, NY

Hey I’m Akiva katz in touro college/ landers college. I pressuring a degree in maths as well as a degree in engineering. This is going to be my second year in NCSY and I can’t wait to experience more of the excitement that comes with it, like: sushi and shmooze, latte and learn, NCSY BBQs, Bonfires, sports and more! Most importantly and by far the best part is hanging with the guys have a fun, intelligent and real conversations. Shevet will give me an opportunity to gain a new perspective and new found knowledge to help facilitate a real positive environment full of excitement and connection. I can’t wait to take my next step on my NCSy journey to connect Jews with a deep sense of love to being a Jew and loving hashem! Can’t wait!!

Shlomit Katz
Assigned to Canada
From Toronto, ON

Shlomit Katz is from Toronto, she currently lives in Hamilton where she attends McMaster University and is currently studying psychology and neuroscience. she’s beyond excited to meet new NCSY’ers and get involved in new communities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Rikki Kestenbaum
Assigned to Southwest
From Woodmere, NY

Rikki kestenbaum is finishing up her psychology degree at Queens college, and is on her way becoming a physical therapist. She is from Woodmere, NY. Rikki is very passionate about NCSY and is always looking for opportunities to do kiruv and contribute to help grow the future of klal Yisrael! With the help of Shevet Glaubach she will have more opportunities to connect to teens and make a difference in small communities. With her positive and inspiring personality, she is very excited to be apart of something bigger.

Shabbos Kestenbaum
Assigned to New York
From Riverdale, NY

Shabbos Kestenbaum is a graduate student at Harvard University researching the intersections between religious communities and contemporary public policy. Originally from Riverdale, Shabbos is no stranger to NCSY, having served as founding City Director for NCSY Westchester, Assistant Director for TJJ AP, Advisor for NCSY Southwest, and current Head Advisor for Olami Launch. Shabbos is passionate about Holocaust education and has worked extensively in Poland, most recently with the Ukrainian refugee community in Krakow.

David Kleiman
Assigned to Southern
From Detroit, MI

David Kleiman from Detroit, Michigan. David is in YU studying Psychology and is very connect with different Jewish neshamos

Shaina Knobel
Assigned to Southern
From Miami, FL

Hi! My name is Shaina Knobel. I’m from sunny Miami! I went to Hillel, Bais Yaakov, Shaarei Bina & Darchei Bina Seminary. I am currently working as a Bridal & Event Hairstylist in Miami. I’m so excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow because I love teaching people about Judaism 🙂

Shira Kramer
Assigned to Atlantic Seaboard
From Baltimore, MD

Hi! I’m Shira Kramer from Baltimore, Maryland. Currently, I am in my second year of college at Stern College for Women in New York City. After graduating, I hope to go to law school. I am excited to be involved in the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because I love learning and inspiring the brightest teens, NCSYers.

Gabe Kurlander
Assigned to Southern
From Woodmere, NY

Gabe Kurlander is from Woodmere, NY and attended HAFTR high school, Yeshivat Shaalvim, and is in his freshman year of YU. He’s very excited about getting to meet and connect to other YIDDEN

Nili Kushner
Assigned to New Jersey
From West Hempstead, NY

Hello! My name is Nili Kushner and I live in the great community of West Hempstead, NY. I am currently a senior in Touro University in Manhattan. I’m majoring in biology and am on the pre-med path. I’m looking forward to being a fellow this year and participating in growth oriented and jam packed programming coming up!

Ariel Lawton
Assigned to Central East
From Cleveland, OH

Ariel Lawton is a Cleveland native who is currently studying Psychology on the OT track at Touro Lander College for Women in Manhattan. As someone who was vastly and positively impacted by NCSY as a teen, Ariel is immensely passionate about paying it forward. Being a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship is yet another exciting opportunity in which to further give back to the current and future generations of NCSYers. It’s no secret that Judaism revolves around a variety of relationships. This fellowship offers yet another path to interact with Jewish teens on a deeper level and enhance a more personal relationship of Ben Adam Le’Chavero.

Ayelet Landsman
Assigned to West Coast
From Queens, NY

Ayelet is from Queens, NY and is currently a Junior at Queens College, studying Business and Psychology. She graduated high school from Central, and then spent a year learning at MMY. She loves studying and teaching Torah and is excited to learn with and from the people around her. She hopes to build strong relationships with teens to last a lifetime.

Sarah Leiderman
Assigned to Southern
From Cedarhurst, NY

Hi! My name is Sarah Leiderman and I’m from cedarhurst, New York. I go to stern college and I’m currently studying biology. I can’t wait for an amazing year of connecting to the most unbelievable teens!

Ali Lenefsky
Assigned to Midwest
From West Hempstead, NY

Ali Lenefsky is from West Hempstead, NY. Currently, Ali is finishing off her last semester at Queens College studying Psychology. She is super excited about the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because she is really looking forward to connecting with more amazing teens and learning more Torah with them.

Noach Lerman
Assigned to New Jersey
From Silver Spring, MD

Noach Lerman is a sophomore at Yeshiva University in the Yeshiva Program and studying physics and economics. He’s originally from South Bend, Indiana but moved to Silver Spring, Maryland when he was ten where he attended the Berman Hebrew Academy until he graduated. After spending 2 years at Yeshivat Hakotel, Noach decided to spend his summer with New Jersey NCSY’s TJJ program as an advisor. He’s excited to continue expanding his relationships with the teens he bonded with over the summer and to meet new teens. Thanks to the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship he’ll be able to attend many of New Jersey NCSY’s events and he can’t wait.

Daniella Lerner
Assigned to Southern
From Toronto, ON

Daniella Lerner is from Toronto, Canada. She is a biology major at Touro University in New York City. Daniella is excited to take on a more active role in the greater Jewish community through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Sara Lesczynski
Assigned to West Coast
From New York, NY

Sara is a native New Yorker and a Junior at Stern College for Women. She is double majoring in Political Science and Media Studies, hoping to pursue a career in International Relations. Sara is absolutely thrilled about the opportunities one can be exposed to through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. Being a fellow can/will help advisors help teens fire and illuminate their enthusiasm for yidishkite.

Leah Levin
Assigned to Southwest
From Jamaica, NY

Leah Levin is from Jamaica Estates, NY. She is currently in Queens College studying psychology. She is so excited to be a part of The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship for the leadership and inspiration opportunities!

Joshua Lieberman
Assigned to Central East
From Woodmere, NY

My name is Joshua Lieberman and I am from Woodmere, NY. I went to DRS for high school followed by a year and a half in Mevaseret. I am currently a senior at YU majoring in Finance and minoring in Strategy and Entrepeneurship. Although I spent this past summer on West Coast TJJ I am looking forward to my 3rd year as a Central East Advisor and 1st as a SGC fellow. I am excited for the opportunity to continue to have a positive impact on our teens by meeting, learning, and helping them grow.

Shayna Lieberman
Assigned to Central East
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Shayna Lieberman and I am from Woodmere, NY. I recently graduated from Queens College with a degree in psychology, and I am currently in the accelerated nursing program at the Downstate College of Nursing. I had the pleasure of being a Central East advisor last year and I am looking forward to being a part of this year’s Shevet Glaubach Fellowship Program where I can continue to meet, learn, and create long lasting relationships with incredible NCSYers.

Racheli Lipner
Assigned to Atlantic Seaboard
From Teaneck. NJ

Hi! My name is Racheli Lipner and I’m from Teaneck, New Jersey. I went to Bruriah for high school and then spent a year and a half learning in MMY. After MMY, I completed a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Stern College and got my Masters in Jewish Education from Azrieli. I am currently teaching Limudei Kodesh at Bruriah High School. I am so excited about the opportunities that the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship offers, and the ability to connect to the future leaders of klal yisroel. Through the fellowship, I hope to actualize all the skills and Torah that my role models have invested within me all these years, and give back to the Jewish community. I am eager to take part in this fellowship and gain valuable skills in leadership and community development that will benefit me inside and outside the classroom. I hope I can bring more Jews closer to Hashem, share Torah with friends, and Bez”H grow together!

Eden Lippe
Assigned to Northeast
From Fair Lawn, NJ

Eden Lippe is originally from Fair Lawn, NJ and is a Junior at Stern College for Women. She is planning to major in Judaic Studies with a concentration on Jewish History and Bible, and minoring in Art and Art History. Eden is excited about the opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship offers as she is looking forward to taking her leadership skills to the next level and make a difference.

Michael Livi
Assigned to New York
From Great Neck, NY

My name is Michael Livi and I am 24 years old. I am married to my wonderful wife Naomi. I was blessed to attend North Shore Hebrew Academy my entire life, graduating as Speaker of the Class in 2017. I was privileged to then study at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh in Jerusalem for one year upon graduating High School. I just graduated from the Honors Program at Yeshiva University Sy Syms School of Business, with a a Major degree in Finance and a two Minors in both Real Estate and Accounting. My service to the wonderful Great Neck community officially began in high school for the Gym Minyan (a Minyan for High School teens of all backgrounds), where, alongside 2 peers, I helped run a Minyan that catered to 150+ teens every week. I was first exposed to NCSY by Jonathan Zar as a young high school student, falling in love with what NCSY offers. Upon my return from Yeshiva, I applied to be (and was accepted as) an Shevet Glaubach Fellow working with the New York (Great Neck) region and I currently seek to give back more to my community. Currently, I volunteer for Hatzala in Great Neck as well. I currently spend my mornings learning Torah and afternoons working in a Lab Grown Diamond company that I started almost a year ago. My nights are dedicated to learning, teaching and community service.

Arieh Livieim
Assigned to New York
From Great Neck, NY

My name is Arieh Livieim and I am from Great Neck New York. I am currently learning in the SBM Kollel and working part time. Growing up as a kid I always wanted a mentor that could spend time with me and give me the attention I need. So I feel that through the Glaubach Fellowship I will be able to show attention and help all the teens that need it.

Tuvya Macklin
Assigned to Northeast
From Teaneck, NJ

Tuvya Macklin was born and raised in Teaneck, New Jersey. He currently is studying computer science at Yeshiva University. He is excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow because of the incentive it gives to contributing more to NCSY and his region – that being Northeast.

Akiva Magder
Assigned to Southern
From Atlantic Beach, NY

Hi my name is Akiva Magder. I’m from Atlantic Beach NY and went to DRS and Shaalavim. I am currently in YU majoring political science. Looking forward to growing as a Yid together with other kids.

Gaby Mamane
Assigned to Canada
From Montreal, QC

Gaby is from Montreal and is studying Civil Engineering at McGill University. He is so excited to serve the Jewish People through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach fellowship as it facilitates bringing the light of NCSY to communities that sadly don’t have the infrastructure or the manpower to produce such programming on their own. Additionally, this will be’ezrat hashem be his third year with the community of Ottawa and he aims to continue inspiring teens there this year.

Rivka Marcus
Assigned to Southern
From Springfield, NJ

Hey chevra! I’m Rivka Marcus from Springfield, (a tiny town in NJ) but I’m currently in NYC at YU’s Sy Syms School of Business studying to be a girlboss. I will iy’H be entering my third year as an advisor and second year as a Glaubach Fellow. Through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship I’ve been able to create genuine connections and watch the next generation of Jewish leaders grow. Looking forward to another amazing year!

Tali Margolese
Assigned to Central East
From Seattle, WA

Tali Margolese was born and raised in Seattle, WA. Her family recently moved to Toms River, NJ., and she is studying Psychology at Touro University in Manhattan. Tali is looking forward to being a source of support within the NCSY Shevet Glaubach community. She is passionate about fostering Judaic growth and development, and building valuable relationships with others. NCSY Shevet Glaubach offers incredibly rewarding opportunities, and it is an honor to be part of a team dedicated to making such a positive impact.

Jessica Marshak
Assigned to Southern
From Los Angeles, CA

Jessica Marshak is from Los Angeles, CA and currently studying in Touro NY. She is graduating this year with a Business Management/ Marketing degree with the hope to soon open up her own company. Jessica is very excited to be a part of NCSY this year. She has a passion to give and make a difference in the lives of others. She looks forward to the opportunities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship that will enable her to help positively impact our communities, build relationships, and share with people the light they may have never known was missing.

Tamar Mayer
Assigned to Midwest
From Queens, NY

Hi, my name is Tamar Mayer, I live in Kew Gardens, and I currently attend Queens College studying Psychology (hopefully fir a career in Nursing). I’m excited about the opportunities for the NCSY Shevet Glaubach fellowship program because it allows me to continue to give back and grow from a community of teens that have taught me so much about Judaism. Their personal discovery of Judaism has not only enriched my own journey but has also helped me rediscover and reimagine what Judaism means to me. I couldn’t feel more blessed to continue with this program!

Noah Meimoun
Assigned to Southwest
From Houston, TX

Noah is from Houston, Texas and is in his third and final year at Yeshiva University where he spends his afternoons as a premed student. As an NCSY alumnus, NCSY holds a special place in his heart. He is going into his third year as an advisor and cannot wait to strengthen the existing relationships he has with teens, continue to form connections with new NCSYers, and strive to impact Klal Yisroel in any way he can!

Brandon Melamed
Assigned to West Coast
From Jacksonville, FL

Shalom! My name is Brandon Melamed and I’m from Jacksonville, Florida! I’m currently a junior at YU and majoring in something science related. I’m excited for this year as my second one as a Glaubach fellow and looking forward to returning to my community from last year, engaging with teens even more, meeting new ones, and other opportunities that the SGF has to offer!

Reuben Melzer
Assigned to Southern
From Teaneck, NJ

Hey guys! My name is Reuben Melzer from Teaneck, NJ. I went to Frisch for High School, Yeshivat HaKotel for two years, and I’m now a Junior in YU studying Finance and Data Analytics. I’m extremely excited to hit the ground running with the Southern mishpacha! Really looking forward to meeting everybody and iyh creating long lasting meaningful relationships with other members of the fellowship, teens, and communities!

Daniella Mercer
Assigned to Southern
From Miami, FL

Hello! My name is Daniella Mercer and I am originally from Miami, but am currently studying Psychology at Touro University. I feel very lucky to have been an advisor for Southern NCSY for the past year, working with the region has taught me a lot. I am super pumped to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this year because I think it is an awesome opportunity to invest more in my teens and in NCSY in general. I find what we do as advisors to be extremely meaningful and important work, so I want to do as much as I can to make an impact. Sending a HUGE thank you to the Glaubach for helping us maximize our role as advisors!!

Leora Muskat
Assigned to Southwest
From Oceanside, NY

My name is Leora Muskat and I am from Oceanside NY. I went to Central for high school and then spent a year and a half in Migdal Oz. Currently, I am pursuing a major in Jewish Studies in Stern College and am in my first year learning in Yeshiva University’s GPATs. I am thrilled to be part of NCSY Shevet Glaubach because it is an incredible opportunity to create lasting relationships through learning Torah and meaningful experiences!

Ari Needle
Assigned to Southern
From Passaic, NJ

Ari Needle is from Passaic, New Jersey, and went to TABC for High School. Following High school he had the privilege of learning for 2 years at Yeshivat Sha’alvim in Israel. Ari is a Junior at Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business. Ari has spent 5 summers collectively as a member of an NCSY summer program both in Israel and America, and views NCSY as a major part of his life. Ari is extremely excited and honored to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow. He is most looking forward to meeting new people, building new relationships and ultimately help build the future of the Jewish People.

Mikey Neusner
Assigned to Northeast
From Brookline, MA

Meet Mikey Neusner from Brookline, Massachusetts! He graduated from Maimonides High School in 2021 and went on to study at Yeshivat Hakotel for the past two years. He is currently at YU studying Finance and Accounting at the Sy Syms School of Business. He is excited about the opportunities this fellowship will present me as he enjoys inspiring others and fostering meaningful connections. Mikey eagerly awaits the valuable learning experiences and enriching opportunities that lie ahead!

Liora Nimchinsky
Assigned to Southern
From Houston, TX

Liora Nimchinsky is originally from Houston TX and is currently studying Jewish Education in Azreli. Baurch Hashem thanks to the opportunities she was granted from previous years she has been involved with the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship she found a deep love for using her kochos to service the Jewish people. She hopes to develop in her skills as both a formal and informal educator and inspire Jewish teens to grow in their yiddishkeit and their closeness to Hashem, and add chiyus meaning to their lives.

Shira Nimchinsky
Assigned to Southern
From Houston, TX

Shira Nimchinsky is originally from Houston, Texas. She is currently working as a Case Planner for foster kids and in graduate school for social work. She is excited about the opportunities through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because she loves kiruv and values her relationship with her teens that she’s had for the last five years.

Yonatan Noach
Assigned to Southern
From Brooklyn, NY

As a Shevet Glaubach Fellow for three years as well as TJJ, it is such a gift and privilege to be a part of an organization dedicated to showing others the immense authenticity and beauty in Torah and Judaism. I find tremendous inspiration in this holy work and I am tremulously looking forward to a year of growth and light.

Uri Ostrin
Assigned to Central East
From Highland Park, NJ

Coming all the way from Highland Park in Central NJ, Uri Ostrin is a rookie to NCSY SGF. Uri is currently a Sophomore, in his first year, in YU. Uri went to Yeshiva in Mevaseret Tzion in Eretz Yisroel for two epic years. Before that, Uri attended Torah Academy of Bergen County (TABC). Uri loves being with the Holy Holy Chevra and can’t wait to spend many Shabbosim and other incredible moments with the NCSY SGF Mishpacha.

Shmuely Pak
Assigned to Southwest
From Cedarhurst, NY

Shmuely Pak is from Cedarhurst, New York. He is currently a student at Yeshiva University and is studying Psychology. He is very excited to be joining the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it gives him such an incredible opportunity to meet so many inspiring people from all over the country.

Shira Palti
Assigned to Southern
From Miami, FL

My name is Shira Palti and I live in Miami, FL. I’m a graduate of Maalot Yerushalayim and Thomas Edison State Iniversity and I currently work as a 5th grade teacher in my hometown. I am exciting to continue being a part of NCSY, to connect with new people, hopefully be an inspiration to and be inspired by others.

Zevi Pancer
Assigned to New York
From Brooklyn, NY

Zevi Pancer hails from Brooklyn, New York. He attended MTA for high school before taking his talents over to Yeshiva Mevaseret in Eretz Yisroel for a year and a half. Currently, he is in his second semester at Yeshiva University, and so far, his plan is to major in accounting, but perhaps also finance. Zevi has only recently, this summer, started being involved in NCSY, and he looks forward to being more involved with all that the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship has to offer.

Aviel Parente
Assigned to West Coast
From Las Vegas, NV

Born in Manhattan, New York, moved to the Midwest, grew up in Los Angeles, made his way to Las Vegas, attended Yeshiva in Yerushalayim, Aviel Parente now studies at Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business. Throughout high school, he became heavily involved in his local NCSY chapter, a chapter that in that time won back-to-back Regional Chapter of the Year. His involvement with the organization sparked a passion within Aviel to pursue a life of helping others along their spiritual and religious journeys. He is excited, and more importantly ready, to get back into the ring through the programs and opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship have to offer.

Dovid Pearlman
Assigned to Southwest
From Staten Island, NY

Hi! My name is Dovid Pearlman and I’m from Staten Island, NY. I recently graduated from Lander College for Men with a bachelors in Psychology and plan on continuing my education for a doctorate in Psychology. I’ve had the privilege of being an advisor on TJJ Southwest this past summer, and now am excited about continuing as an advisor for the NCSY Southwest region! I look forward to working together with NCSY’s Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to continue fostering an environment of community and an appreciation of Yiddishkeit among our teens together with the incredible advisors and directors of the NCSY Southwest region!

Tamar Pollock
Assigned to Atlantic Seaboard
From West Hempstead, NY

Tamar Pollock, from West Hempstead, NY, is currently a Judaic Studies teacher as well as Athletics Director at YUHSG, Central High School. Returning for her second year as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow, Tamar is excited to spend quality time with her NCSYers learning, growing, and having fun. Shevet Galubach offers many wonderful opportunities for growth amongst the teens and fellows and it is truly an honor to be apart of something so incredible.

Avi Polotsky
Assigned to Southwest
From Denver, CO

Avi Polotsky, originally from Denver, Colorado, is currently a history student at Yeshiva University. He is excited about the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, as it provides a valuable opportunity for personal growth and allows him to continue his role as an NCSY advisor, helping young individuals on their Jewish journeys.

Josh Pomerantz
Assigned to New York
From Lawrence, NY

Josh Pomerantz is from Lawrence, NY studying Accounting and Finance in his Junior year at YU. I am excited about the opportunity to learn with and from each NCSYer as part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, both in the realm of Torah inside the sefarim as well as from the conversations built on each thing we learn!

Aharon Price
Assigned to New York
From Passaic, NJ

Hey guys!! My name is Aharon Price and I’m from Passaic, New Jersey, born and raised. I’m currently in my senior year at Lander College for Men as a Bio major en route to becoming an REI. Although growing up in Passaic and going to Toras Moshe (aka ToMo) in Israel might not be the conventional path for a typical Shevet Glaubach fellow, I’m looking forward to using my experiences in the Jewish community to forge relationships with the up-and-coming generation of Klal Yisrael’s future leaders.

Matan Rockowitz
Assigned to Southern
From Fair Lawn, NJ

What’s up Chevra how we doing?!?! My name is Matan Rockowitz and I’m extremely excited to be back for my 3rd year as a fellow in the Southern region! I’m currently in my last semester in Touro University and doing Night Seder in Shor Yoshuv. I can’t wait to be back with the Lion Pride and it’s my biggest zchus to get Friiiiiim with the Klal!!!

Kenny Rosenfeld
Assigned to Southern
From Lawrence, NY

Hi! My name is Kenny Rosenfeld. I am from Lawrence NY, went to DRS for high school, Shaalvim for yeshivah, and I am currently in YU majoring in Math. After being a SCF Fellow last year, I can’t wait to keep on growing, hanging out, and learning with the teens!

Ayelet Rosman
Assigned to Southern
From North Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Ayelet Rosman, and I’m from North Woodmere, NY. I went to SKA for high school, spent a year and a half in Michlalah seminary, and am now a junior in Stern majoring in Psychology! I am so excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow, and I hope to be able to give over my love for Yiddishkeit and Torah to others. I hope to be able to inspire, as well as be inspired by everyone I get the zechus to meet!

Sheyna Ryvkin
Assigned to New York
From Brooklyn, NY

Hi! My name is Sheyna Ryvkin and I’m from Brooklyn NY. I went to Darchei Binah Seminary am now a grad student at TTI-Daemen University and going for a degree in Special Education. I am super excited for the opportunities at NCSY Shevet Glabauch as being a part of NCSY allows me to live beyond myself and help others engage with Torah in a way perfect for each individual. I am excited to combine heart and soul in the journey of inspiring neshamos all over the world!

Eliav Sacknovitz
Assigned to Southern
From West Hempstead, NY

Eliav Sacknovitz grew up in West Hempstead, New York, and is currently a junior at Yeshiva University. He is pursuing a degree in Business, fueled by his passion for entrepreneurship and innovation. Eliav is excited to become an NCSY advisor because it gives him the opportunity to guide NCSYers in strengthening their Jewish identity through enjoyable experiences.

Saphira Samuels
Assigned to Southwest
From Hollywood, FL
Ethan Schechter
Assigned to Southern
From Englewood, NJ

Ethan Schechter is from Englewood, NJ. He is currently a junior in YU majoring in Business Analytics. I am extremely excited to get to connect to all the NCSYers and have an impact on the Jewish people.

Yedidya Schechter
Assigned to West Coast
From Monsey, NY

Hi! My name is Yedidya Schechter from monsey NY, and I’m studying psychology at Yeshiva University. I have been involved with NCSY the past few years through summer programs, shabbatons, chaburahs, and events; it truly has been an incredible experience. The ability to inspire and be inspired at the same time is so beautiful. NCSY is harmoniously meaningful, enjoyable, impactful, exciting, and growth oriented. I look forward to furthering connections with teens, bolstering my ability to teach, and learn from everyone I encounter. The Shevet Glaubach will help facilitate greater growth and opportunities which I am so excited and lucky to be a part of.

Emma Schenker
Assigned to Southwest
From Hollywood, FL

Emma Schenker, from Hollywood Florida, was in seminary at Shaalvim for Women this past year and she is now studying be an OT at Lander College for Women. Emma is excited to be an advisor for the Glaubach Fellowship this year! She is most excited to learn Torah with and from the members of the region and have an amazing time together.

Eli Schloss
Assigned to Southern
From Bergenfield, NJ

Hi! My name is Eli Schloss, from Bergenfield, NJ. I currently attend YU, and I am in the Sy Syms School of Business. I am excited to get involved with NCSY’s Shevet Glaubach Fellowship for the third time, and getting to know some of my brothers and sisters down south. I am looking forward to growing with many of you, whether it be on Shabatonim, learning Torah with some of you, or just even hanging out.

Sarah Schwartz
Assigned to Southwest
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi! My name is Sarah Schwartz, I am from Teaneck NJ, and I am currently in my second year in Stern studying Finance and Business Analytics. I am so excited to be an advisor this year and form amazing relationships with teens!

Shira Schwartz
Assigned to Southern
From Woodmere, NY

Hi!! I’m Shira Schwartz from Woodmere, New York. I went to Central for high school, MMY for seminary, and now I’m a Senior in Queens College majoring in Psychology and minoring in Business and Liberal Arts, History, and Jewish Studies. I’m so excited to be part of Shevet Glaubach, and to combine my passions for learning Torah and forming lasting relationships to inspire Klal Yisrael!

Aaron Sebbag
Assigned to Southwest
From Passaic, NJ

My name is Aaron Sebbag and I am from Passaic, New Jersey. I am currently a senior at Lander College for Men studying biology. I have had the distinct opportunity to be a part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship for the past two years where I have been able to see first hand the important work that fellows get to do every day. I am excited and look forward to contributing to the vibrant NCSY community while deepening my understanding of Jewish values and traditions.

Esther Sebbag
Assigned to New Jersey
From Passaic, NJ

Esther Sebbag lives in Passaic New Jersey, and is double majoring in Political Science and Middle Eastern studies at Rutgers University New Brunswick. She’s very excited about being apart of the Shevet Glaubach fellowship because of the incredible opportunity she had to be an advisor on TJJ this summer and hopes to continue that throughout the year!

Sarah Setareh
Assigned to Central East
From Queens, NY

Hi! My name is Sarah Setareh. I’m from Queens, New York and I’m currently a senior at Touro Lander College for Women. I’m getting a degree in biology iyh and hope to work in health care in the future. I’m excited to chill with teens and learn more Torah through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach fellowship!

Avigail Sheinbein
Assigned to Southwest
From Bergenfield, NJ

Avigail Sheinbein, making an appearance for her 3rd consecutive year in Southwest NCSY, originally grew up in Bergenfield, NJ and is currently working at Suss Dental group. Avigail’s past education includes RYNJ, Bruriah High School, 1.5 years at Midreshet Moriah and most recently a biology degree from Stern/Yeshiva University. While Avigail enjoys a good adventure or a solid kumzits, she’s incredibly passionate about creating heartfelt relationships that enable others to feel connected to klal yisrael —which has lead her to remain a part of the year NCSY staff. Avigail strongly believes that every person has their own spark to add to the world, and she can’t wait to delve deeper into the realm of connection and growth through Torah with new and old NCSYers. A Glaubach fellow envelops more than just positive energy, as it demands hard-work and deep thought; knowing this Avigail hopes to sharpen her understanding of true Avodas Hashem as she surrounds herself with people who are looking to understand more about who the Jewish people are on an individual and national level. Avigail can’t wait to establish vibrant energies and a newfound appreciation for Judaism as a SGF!

Batsheva Shekhter
Assigned to Northeast
From Hollywood, FL

Batsheva Shekhter is originally from Hollywood, Florida and is currently a junior at Columbia University studying Computer Science. She’s so excited to be a Glaubach Fellow for the third year and have yet another opportunity to learn and grow with the incredible Northeast NCSY community.

Flora Shemtob
Assigned to Midwest
From Brooklyn, NY

Flora Shemtob, originally from Brooklyn, is a senior in Stern College for Women. She is majoring in psychology and minoring in music; she hopes to make Aliyah after graduation and continue to get her masters in social work. She is excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it means that there will be more opportunities to create relationships with teens and inspire them. After doing TJJ Midwest, this past summer, she can’t wait to keep up those relationships and continue to inspire and be inspired.

Jonathan Sherman
Assigned to Southwest
From Queens, NY

Hey guys! My name is Jonathan Sherman from Queens, NY. I have been involved in NCSY since 8th grade, attending every event possible. I spent four amazing years at MTA for high school. I had #bestsummerever after 10th grade on BILT in Israel. After high school I spent two inspiring years at Mevaseret. I am now in Lander College in Queens studying psychology. I have been an advisor at Camp Sports for two summers.

Madi Silber
Assigned to Canada
From Montreal, QC

Madi Silber is from Montreal and studying Speech Pathology and Audiology at Stern College. She is very excited to be a Shevet Glaubach fellow this year and to grow, learn and connect with you all!

Rebecca Silvera
Assigned to New Jersey
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Rebecca Silvera and I am from Woodmere, New York. I went to Central for high school and MMY for seminary. I am now in my junior year at Stern College studying biology. I am so excited for the Shevet Glaubach fellowship because I think the mission is an important one that can really impact and inspire so many.

Ari Smith
Assigned to New Jersey
From Beachwood, OH

My name is Ari Smith, I come from Cleveland and go to school at YU. I am excited about the opportunities made possible through the Glaubach Fellowship because it enables me to maintain and develop the relationships that came about over the Summer.

Oren Mordechai Snyder
Assigned to Southern
From Coral Springs, FL

Hi my name is Oren Mordechai Snyder. I am from Coral Springs Fl and am currently studying marine biology at Florida Atlantic University. I am very excited about the opportunities that I will get to give back to an organization that did so much for me in building my connection with Torah and Hashem.

Avigail Sokol
Assigned to Southern
From Coral Springs, FL

Avigail Sokol currently lives in Hollywood Florida. She is in enrolled in Touro College. Ncsy shevet Glaubach fellowship will give her a chance to connect and grow with many jewish kids all over the state.

Emma Spirgel
Assigned to Northeast
From Woodmere, NY

Emma Spirgel is from Woodmere New York, and is currently studying Psychology at Queens College. This is Emma’s third year with Northeast NCSY and cannot wait to have a meaningful and exciting year with them. Emma finds her passion for NCSY through connecting with the teens, being a role model but also learning from them. She is most excited to take the opportunities offered by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to better herself as an advisor and help make more meaningful programs for the teens.

Shira Sredni
Assigned to Southern
From Miami, FL

Shira Sredni is from Miami, FL and is currently a Bio Major at Stern College. She’s most excited to meet the new teens coming this year and get to know each and every one of them!!

Danny Srulowitz
Assigned to Southern
From Lawrence, NY

Danny Srulowitz is from Lawrence NY and he is studying business at YU Sy Syms. He is thrilled to join SGF once again because of the immediate impact that he has seen them have on so many teens around Florida and so many other regions as well.

Sara Stein
Assigned to New York
From Lawrence, NY

Sara is from Lawrence, N.Y., and is currently in her third year at Queens College. She is studying history, psychology, and Jewish studies, and plans on pursuing a Master’s in education. As an NCSY advisor, she has seen the tremendous impact of the programming and connections that are built, and is truly inspired by her NCSYers. Sara has gained so much from being a part of NCSY and looks forward to furthering her involvement with this incredible organization through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, and making it an amazing year!

Daniel Sternthal
Assigned to Canada
From Montreal, QC

Hi! My name is Daniel Sternthal, and I am from Montreal. I am currently studying Biology at Yeshiva University, and I do not know what I want to do with that degree. This summer, I did TJJ and had a blast, and I would love to continue my growth with my campers. Being a part of the Montreal team will facilitate the continual growth and relationship with many campers.

Batel Suissa
Assigned to Canada
From Toronto, ON

Batel is 21 years old from Toronto, Canada. Attended Bnei Akiva school, took a gap year and now is studying business management at SUNY empire state university of New York. This is Batel’s second year as a Shevet Glaubach fellow and she’s super excited to be involved and work with the students. This experience has shown her nothing but true leadership and the importance of believing in every child. She’s looking forward to an amazing year ahead!

Aryeh Teller
Assigned to New York
From Bergenfield, NJ

Hi! My name is Aryeh Teller. I come from Bergenfield, NJ and am currently a Junior in YU, majoring in accounting. I was privileged to have worked as an SGF last yr and look forward to continuing this year! As much as SGF strives for NCSYers to grow as young adults, there is also incredible opportunities for fellows, like myself, to gain in all aspects of life, both in leadership and lasting relationships.

Dovid Trencher
Assigned to New Jersey
From Sharon, MA

Dovid Trencher is from Connecticut; Maryland; and most recently, Massachusetts. He spent a year and a half at Yeshivat Orayta and is now majoring in Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business. NCSY has played a significant role in the Trencher family, as Dovid’s older sisters were all very involved in the group, and his parents actually met in NCSY in high school. Looking ahead, Dovid is excited about the opportunity offered by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. He sees it as an excellent opportunity to further develop his capacity to help NCSY participants engage in meaningful discussions about self-identity, the Jewish people, and their spirituality. He hopes to use the skills he gains to continue to contribute to inspiring the future of the Jewish community.

Aerin Tripp
Assigned to Southern
From Boca Raton, FL

Hi! My name is Aerin Tripp and I am from Boca Raton, Florida. I go to Touro Manhattan and am studying speech. I am so excited to be part of such an incredible opportunity. I am looking forward to being inspired by all the amazing staff, students, and fellow fellows. I am so excited to create friendships rooted in Torah and to be a part of something much bigger than myself.

Judah Troodler
Assigned to Midwest
From Merion Station, PA

Hi, my name is Judah troodler and I am from Lower Merion, Pennsylvania. I currently attend Yeshiva University in New York City, studying Finance and Business Analytics. Following my amazing summer on TJJ I am beyond excited to continue to develop the relationships I began forming while also enriching and growing myself. I have no doubt that the opportunities provided to me through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship will be nothing short of life changing.

Rena Vegh
Assigned to New York
From Philadelphia, PA

Rena Vegh is a senior at Touro and is graduating in January, 2024 with a Bachelors in sociology. She is from Philly and currently lives in Brooklyn. Rena enjoys listening to music, good conversations, and the Oxford comma (and hopes to pursue a career in writing and editing books). Rena is looking forward to becoming a NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellow to spread and receive the light of Judaism on an interpersonal level.

Eliana Wachstock
Assigned to Southern
From Holliswood, NY

Hi!!! I’m Eliana Wachstock from Queens, NY. I went to Central for high school, MMY for a year and a half, and am now a junior studying biology in Stern. I can’t wait to build meaningful relationships, learn, and grow together with the opportunities provided through Shevet Glaubach!

Mattie Watson
Assigned to Northeast
From Silver Spring, MD

Hi! My name is Mattie Watson and I am from Silver Spring, MD. I went to JDS for high school and then attended Midreshet Moriah for a year. I am currently a senior in Stern studying sociology. I’m super excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because I hope to inspire teens to love Torah and Judaism as much as I do. In high school, NCSY and my advisors had a huge impact on my life and I hope to have the same affect on the teens.

Aharon Weiden
Assigned to Central East
From Atlanta, GA

Aharon Weiden hails from THE A T L, capital of the south, and well known for blowing 28-3 leads. He had the privilege of attending Yeshivat Mevaseret Tzion and Senters for 2.5 years. Aharon is in his forth semester at Yeshiva University studying Finance. He participated in NCSY Atlanta during his freshman and sophomore years, before traveling up north for his junior and senior years at Torah Academy of Bergen County. To be a role model for every NCSYer is a dream come true, just as his advisors were role models for him, and he can’t wait to be able to grow long side them!

Daniella Weil
Assigned to Central East
From Southfield, MI

Daniella Weil grew up in Southfield, MI and is currently attending Sy Syms School of Business at Stern College for Women. She is looking forward to the exciting opportunities that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship has to offer including getting to know many teens from around the country and having the privilege of learning with them and from them.

Marnie Weingarten
Assigned to Southern
From Holliswood, NY

Hi! My name is Marnie Weingarten and I am from Queens, New York. I had the privilege of attending Stern College and currently am studying to be a psychologist at Hofstra University. I am so grateful for all that NCSY continuously does to inspire and cultivate a love for yiddeshkeit amongst its broad population of teens. As a third year fellow I cant wait to meet new faces and to continue growing with and learning from the teens we are given the privilege of working with bezras hashem!

Michelle Weingarten
Assigned to New York
From Hollis, NY

Hi! I’m Michelle Weingarten from Queens, New York. I went to Central for high school and then attended Michlalah for seminary. I graduated from Stern College with a degree in Psychology and I am currently in Touro Dental School. As a Shevet Glaubach Fellow, I am looking forward to making an impact and forging relationships.

Daniella Weiss
Assigned to New York
From Boca Raton, FL

Daniella Weiss is from Boca Raton, Florida. She is currently a member of the Stern Honors Program where she pursues intellectual enrichment and her love of knowledge as she majors in education. Daniella Weiss loves to support others and is devoted to helping people who have special needs, playing piano music to nursing home residents and being a team player. This is seen in her leadership as Captain of an Intramural Basketball Team where she enjoyed the success that comes from working as a member of a team. She is looking forward to using her unique abilities to develop meaningful Jewish programming for the broader Jewish community as part of the Glaubach Fellowship. She is excited for this incredible opportunity and is grateful to be able to contribute to this amazing community.

Bear Weitz
Assigned to New Jersey
From Yonkers, NY

Bear Weitz is originally from Riverdale, New York. He is currently a junior at Touro College, majoring in psychology, while also studying at Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv. While Bear had limited exposure to NCSY during his high school years, he was captivated by the organization’s mission and its commitment to fostering connections among Jewish youth from diverse backgrounds. This past summer, Bear eagerly embraced the opportunity to join the NCSY team as a TJJ advisor, further cementing his dedication to the cause. Bear’s passion for NCSY’s mission, which focuses on strengthening ties within the Jewish community across all spectrums, fuels his enthusiasm for his role within the organization. He is genuinely excited to continue nurturing existing relationships and forging new ones with the students of NCSY, all made possible by the invaluable work of NCSY Shevet Glaubach.

Leah Wenger
Assigned to Southern
From Bergenfield, NJ

Hi, my name is Leah Wenger and I am from Bergenfield, New Jersey. I am currently in my senior year in Stern College studying Jewish Education in the Legacy Joint Program with Azraeli as well as in GPATS Tanach Track. I am super excited to be apart of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because of my passion for Jewish Leadership and Education. I want to help teens develop strong relationships to their Jewish roots and feel passionate about their Jewish Identity to go out and be the next future leaders of Klal Yisrael.

Zippy Wilson
Assigned to Southern
From San Diego, CA

Zippy Wilson is from San Diego, CA. She is currently a Sophomore at Barnard College. Although she hasn’t quite decided on her major yet, she has plenty of time to figure it out. She went to Torah High School and spent her seminary year at Sha’alvim for Women. Zippy is so excited to have the opportunity, through Shevet Glaubach, to further develop her leadership skills and meet all the incredible teens this year! Let’s go southern lions!

Zachary Winters
Assigned to Southern
From Silver Spring, MD

My name is Zachary Winters, I am from Maryland, I go to YU studying (Business and Poli Sci) I am so excited to work with NCSY to develop a closer relationship with the kids and work together with the madrichim to foster a healthy and exciting Jewish enviroment for teens

Arielle Yarmish
Assigned to Southern
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Arielle Yarmish and I’m from Woodmere, NY. I’m currently a junior at Stern majoring in psych and minoring in bio. I went to SKA for high school followed by an incredible year at Sha’alvim for Women. I’m super excited to form lasting connections with teens from other communities, share my passion for Judaism and learn from one another through the opportunities given to us by Shevet Glaubach.

Yardena Zobin
Assigned to Canada
From Toronto, ON

This is Yardena Zobin, she’s from Montreal, Québec and now she’s studying Law at York University in Toronto. She’s very excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach fellowship for the crazy amazing shabbatons and the fun ruach during shabbos. She’s very excited to meet you all. Can’t wait!

Eric Abraham
From Boynton Beach, FL

Hey everyone my name is Eric Abraham and I’m from Florida. I currently study business with my family. I’m excited about the opportunities Shevet Glaubach Fellows offer because they give me the opportunity to help inspire the next generation of teens. To give them that is a once in a life time opportunity that I am proud to be a part of.

Estee Ackerman
From West Hempstead, NY

Hi! My name is Estee Ackerman, I am from West Hempstead NY, and I am currently a senior in Stern College. I am majoring in Judaic studies and minoring in business management. I am so excited for all the opportunities through Shevet Glaubuch Fellowship because I love spreading the light of Torah onto others. I look forward to sharing my passion for Yiddishkeit through the amazing programs and activities we have in store!

Dina Aflalo
From Plantation, FL

Hi my name is Dina Aflalo and I am from the sunshine state (Florida)! I’m currently a junior in Lander College for Women studying Psychology. I’m so excited to start my first year with NCSY Shevet Glaubach. I cannot wait to grow along side my fellows and NCSYERS.

Nancy Alexander
From Richmond, VA

Hi! I’m Nancy Alexander from Richmond VA. I’m studying Political Science at YU. I’m so excited to be an advisor for Southern and to get to meet and to make relationships with teens from many different backgrounds! I am also so grateful to have the opportunity to work with and learn from the incredible staff and my fellow advisors in southern!

Rafael Almoslino
From Phoenix, AZ

Hi my name is Rafael Almoslino and I am from Phoenix, Arizona. I just graduated as a Biology major from Lander College for Men this spring and I plan to continue my learning in their Bais Medrish program. NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship will enable me to really develop life-long relationships with the NCSYers and will provide me with the platform I need to take my Kiruv to the next level!

Esther Avidan
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi! My name is Esther Avidan and I am from Teaneck, NJ. I am majoring in psychology (& minoring in Judaic studies) at Landers College for Women. I am so excited about the opportunities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because I think it will provide me with the tools and resources needed to best give back to klal yisrael.

Aviel Avidan
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi, my name is Aviel Avidan and I am from Teaneck, NJ. I recently graduated from Yeshiva University, Sy Syms School of Business where I majored in entrepreneurship and minored in marketing. I am B”H currently learning in REITS and plan to spend the next three year there receiving semikha. I am excited about the opportunities through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it’s clear that the resources and vision of the fellowship are setting us up for tremendous impact and it really is a zechut to be part of such a team!

Shira Balakhaneh
From Great Neck, NY

My name is Shira Balakhaneh and I’m from Great Neck, NY! I have my masters in Jewish Education from Azrieli Graduate School, and I’m a teacher at Shaarei Zion High School for Girls. I love learning and developing my skills however I can, so I’m really looking forward to the opportunities the fellowship provides!

Ezra Baron
From Teaneck, NJ

My name is Ezra Baron, and I’m from Teaneck, NJ. I had the privilege of attending TABC for high school before attending Yeshivat Sha’alvim for two years. I just started studying at the Sy Syms business school  at Yeshiva University and have no idea what I’m going to major in. I am super excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this coming year as it will allow me to develop relationships with like-minded individuals who want to inspire the Jewish future.

Avital Basalel
From Kew Garden Hills, NY

My name is Avital Basalel, I’m from Kew Garden Hills, NY. I went to Central for high school and Shaalvim for Women for my year in Israel. I’m now in my first year at stern college majoring in Jewish education. I’m really excited for the opportunity to learn and grow together with the ncsyers and iyh bring us all closer in our avodat hahsem!!

Julia Benarroch
From Los Angeles, CA

Hi! My name is Julia Benarroch and I’m from Los Angeles, California. I am currently a junior at Stern College, where I’m studying business. This past summer I had the amazing opportunity to be an advisor on TJJ Action, a four week summer program in Israel for public school teens. It was a truly life changing experience, and opened my eyes to how inspiring the world of outreach can be. I have since become an advisor for NCSY’s Northern California region, and am looking forward to a year of continued learning, growth, and inspiration. I am excited to have been given the opportunity to progress in my ability to teach Torah to teenagers at various levels of understanding and am looking forward to gaining valuable leadership skills.

Moshe Benhamu
From Brooklyn, NY

Hi! My name is Moshe Benhamu, hailing from Brooklyn, NY. I am currently a senior studying in Yeshiva University, majoring in Strategy and Entrepreneurship and looking to go into the REITS Semicha program after I graduate. I was an advisor on NCSY Next Step during the 2022 summer and had a life-changing experience on the program. I learned so much from the teenagers on the program, as well as gave over what I could as someone who has been around the different cultures within the Jewish world. I am absolutely thrilled to be given the opportunity to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow for the first time to give over all that I learned from the summer. The Fellowship doubles as an extremely exciting opportunity for someone who has primarily been exposed to the New York Jewish communities to travel across the country and experience new areas and people. As a Sephardic Jew who went to an Ashkenaz high school and Yeshiva, my primary takeaway is just how much there is to learn about the varying cultures of different Jewish communities, as well as how similar and connected we all are when it comes to our values and ideals.

Sholom Mordechai Benstein
From Toms River, NJ

Hey what’s up, my name is Sholom Mordechai Benstein I’m from Toms River NJ and I’m currently learning in yeshiva and working part time in cash advance and the music industry. I’m super stoked for this opportunity, the opportunity to give over, teach, and help the growth of teenagers is really something special, to have the ability to impact someone’s life in this way is a huge responsibility and is one of the most fulfilling and awesome things anyone could wish for, I’m truly lucky to be given this opportunity and I’m really excited and looking forward to everything In the near future.

Shimon Benzaquen
From Boca Raton, FL

Hi, my name is Shimon Benzaquen; I grew up in Los Angeles, California but recently moved to Boca Raton, Florida with my family. I attended YULA Boys High School and Yeshiva B’nei Torah post high school, where I am still a student. I am also currently finishing up my undergraduate and applying to law school. I look forward to another amazing year as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow filled with wonderful experiences and opportunities.

Shaindy Berman
From Far Rockaway, NY

Hey I’m Shaindy! I’m studying at TTI and aiming to go to Mount Sinai to continue my studies, specializing in nursing. I’m super excited for this coming year!!

Yona Berzon
From Baltimore, MD

Hi, I’m Yona! I’m from Baltimore, MD. I’m studying Biology and Economics at Stern. I am looking forward to being involved with NCSY and all the great Shabbatonim and learning experiences that make the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship the amazing program that it is!

Aaron Blustein
From Scarsdale, NY

My name is Aaron Blustein, I am from Scarsdale, New York. I went to SAR High School and then spent a year in Israel at Yeshivat Torat Shraga. I then went to University of Maryland for my freshman year before transferring to Yeshiva University this semester! I am now studying Business with a focus in finance. I was a counselor on Sulam last summer, and was a counselor for Southern TJJ this past summer. NCSY is a dream to be a part of and I cannot wait to get started! Having the opportunity to grow, learn, and have an awesome time with everyone involved in the program is something I am truly honored to be a part of. I am really looking forward to meeting everyone!

Batya Bosin
From Memphis, TN

My name is Batya Bosin and I am from Memphis, TN. I recently graduated Lander College for Women with a degree in Psychology. I currently teach Judaic Studies at Manhattan Day School. I’m excited for the opportunities that will be provided through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship like: building and expanding relationships with NCSYers through Torah learning and spending time together.

Shalom Brauser
From Hollywood, FL

Hey there! My name is Shalom Brauser, coming to you from Hollywood, FL. After attending Katz Yeshiva High School in Boca, I spent two years at Yeshivat Sha’alvim in Israel, and am now in my second year at Yeshiva University, studying Torah and other great classes for an incredibly useful History major. After working on NCSY Next Step for the past two summers, and being a Southern Glaubach Fellow last year, I’m supremely pumped to continue partnering with the other epic fellows in working directly with Jewish communities and teens to build the Jewish future.

Eliana Broide
From Boca Raton, FL

Hi! My name is Eliana Broide and I’m from Boca Raton, Florida. I’m currently a sophomore at Stern College for Women where I’m majoring in psychology. I attended Katz Yeshiva High School and then I spent a year learning at Sha’alvim for women. I am so excited about the opportunities that the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship offers, and the ability to connect to teens who will be the future leaders of our Jewish communities. I can’t wait to learn and have fun together, while hopefully helping us all feel a deeper connection to Hashem and Klal Yisroel!

Miri Camhi
From Chile

My name is Miriam Camhi, I’m from Chile and I’m 19 years old. I’m a bio major at LCW, planning on attending PA school after I graduate. I am excited to get to know new people and share my experiences with them. I love Torah and kiruv, so this is the perfect opportunity to combine both.

Sam Clarke
From Boca Raton, FL

Sam Clarke, born and raised in Boca Raton FL, is a third-year at The University of Florida, double majoring in Political Science and Criminology. Sam is excited to continue working with NCSY of North East Florida for his third year in a row as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow. This unparalleled fellowship provides meaningful and practical Jewish leadership skills, and Sam looks forward to applying these in Jacksonville and beyond. As a returning SGF Fellow, Sam has seen the positive impact NCSY SGF has on not only teens but communities as well. Sam cannot wait to warmly welcome you to Jax for an inspirational and fun Jewish experience!

Leeyan Cohen
From Aventura, FL

Hi! My name is Leeyan Cohen. I’m from Aventura, FL and I’m starting my bachelors in education at Broward College. I’m so excited for this incredible year of events and connections!

Coby Cohen
From Silver Spring, MD

Hi! My name is Coby Cohen and I’m from Silver Spring, MD. I went to Berman Hebrew Academy for high school and then spent a year and a half in Israel at Torat Shraga. I’m currently a senior at YU studying Strategy and Entrepreneurship where I then plan to enter the Semicha program. The past couple summers I have had the absolute privilege to be an advisor on TJJ ATS, where I experienced the most eye opening and life changing summers of my life. I cannot be more excited for the opportunities that Shevet Glaubuch Fellowship will offer to be able to learn, grow, and connect with teens on a deeper level.

Uriel Cohen
From Brookline, MA

My name is Uriel Cohen and I am from Brookline, MA. I currently attend Yeshiva University and am studying psychology. I am super excited for the different opportunities that NCSY Shevet Glaubach will provide in regards to inspiring teens about connecting to Hashem.

Raquel Cojab
From Miami, FL

My name is Raquel Cojab, I am originally from Mexico City. I moved to the states when I was 12 years old, I went to high school at Shaarei bina, then went to Israel for a year and a half and now I’m back studying in Miami dade college pursuing a degree in business. I am so excited to now be part of NCSY, to be a part of this amazing community that brings so much light into the world.

Daniel Cywiak
From Woodmere, NY

My name is Daniel Cywiak. I am from Woodmere, NY. I went to DRS for High School and then spent 2 years in Yeshivat Shaalvim. I am currently a freshman in YU. I am excited to have the opportunity to inspire Klal Yisroel and to build lifelong relationships.

Abby Dennis
From North Miami Beach, FL

Hi my name is Abby Dennis and I’m from Miami, FL. I am currently studying at Touro University’s Landers College for Women and am on a prenursing track. I’m super excited about all the opportunities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship as it allows me to take part in ensuring the continuity of the Jewish people.

Malkie Derdik
From Cedarhurst, NY

My name is Malkie Derdik, I’m from Cedarhurst NY. I am currently studying Psychology at Queens College. I’m really excited for all the opportunities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. I’m looking forward to meeting new people, instilling a love and appreciation of Judaism in the Southern teens and having a great time!

Shayna Dessau
From Edison, NJ

Hi! My name is Shayna Dessau and I am from Edison, NJ. After spending an amazing year in seminary in Israel at Tiferet, I studied at Stern College and recently started my Occupational Therapy degree at Columbia University. While I participated in NSCY events in high school, this past summer I officially joined the NCSY team of leaders and became an advisor on the TJJ New Jersey bus. This summer proved to me the impact that every individual has on the Jewish community despite religious observance. The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship allows me to continue to share my passion, enthusiasm, and excitement for Torah, community, and leadership to help others reach their potential and connect to the greater Jewish community. I value each person’s contribution to the community and strongly believe that each individual has the ability to impact those around them positively; therefore I can not wait to see what my impact will be!

Gedalia Dock
From Bergenfield, NJ

Hi. My name is Gedalia Dock. I was born in Boston, but have lived in Teaneck for most of my life. I’m currently taking classes in Landers. I am so excited to be returning as an Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this year for the incredible opportunities to help NCSYers grow into the best people they can be.

Gavi Domsky
From Chicago, IL

H!! My name is Gavi Domsky, I grew up in Chicago Illinois where I attended THE Yeshiva. I then learnt in Yeshivat Shaalvim in Israel for 2 years . I’m currently learning in Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak Elchanan and attempting to major in business. I’m super excited about being apart of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and meeting everyone else apart of this incredible group of people! I hope to bring a great new energy to the Shabbatons. Can’t wait to connect and grow with everyone in a meaningful and spiritual way.

Akiva Erlbaum
From Lower Merion, PA

I am currently a Junior in Yeshiva University studying Finance. As someone who has gained a tremendous amount from my college-aged mentors/advisors in the past, whether in camp or on NCSY programs, I find it so fulfilling to be able to pay those lessons forward and inspire today’s Jewish youth to the best of my abilities. I am an Atlantic Seaboard NCSY advisor during the year and I had the privilege of spending back to back summers as an NCSY Kollel Madrich and a TJJ Assistant Bus Director. I have confidence that being a Glaubach fellow will provide me with invaluable tools and techniques which will enable me to change the lives of so many Jewish teenagers, while simultaneously invigorating me religiously.

Jesse Felder
From Lawrence, NY

Hi, my name is Jesse Felder, I am from Lawrence New York. I attend Lander College for Men and am currently studying Psychology. I am excited about the opportunities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because I now have more chances to inspire and teach Torah to people that are on all different levels.

Rena Feldman
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi! My name is Rena Feldman, and I am originally from Philadelphia, but I now live in Teaneck, NJ. I went to Bruriah for high school, and MMY for my year in Israel. I am now a sophomore in Stern college, and I am currently undecided but I am excited to explore my options to find what suits me best! I am so excited to be taking part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship Program where I get to know and learn with NCSYers to create long lasting relationships.

Sheva Feldman
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi! My name is Sheva Feldman and I live in Teaneck, NJ. I went to Bruriah for high school, and then Tiferet for seminary! I now attend Queens College and am studying sociology and then going to get my master’s in education. I was fortunate enough to go on NCSY GIVE as a camper. I was a madricha on Michlelet and TJJ; they were the best summers ever! I am excited to join the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to strengthen my ability to learn, grow, answer questions and create relationships.

Jason Firestein
From Hollywood, FL

My name is Jason Firestein and I am from Hollywood, Florida. I am currently attending University of Maryland studying the field of Engineering. I am very excited about the opportunity to help out with NCSY because they did so much for me and changed my life. I want to be able to give back what I learned to other NCSYers to show they the amazing light and beauty of the Torah.

Leora Fischman
From Teaneck, NJ

My name is Leora Fischman and I am from Teaneck. I am a junior at Rutgers studying psychology and criminology. I look forward to furthering my involvement as an advisor, and having the ability to experience new opportunities I otherwise would not have.

Leora Fishman
From Silver Spring, MD

Hi! My name is Leora Fishman and I am from Silver Spring, MD. I went to Berman Hebrew Academy for high school, and then spent a year at Midreshet Amit and then another half a year at Midreshet Moriah. I am currently a senior in Stern majoring in Sociology. I am so excited be apart of the Shevet Glaubach team and get the opportunity to build meaningful relationships with teens by both teaching and learning Torah!!!

Zack Fogel
From Silver Spring, MD

My name is Zackary Fogel, and I am currently a junior at the University of Maryland business school. I was born in New York, and at the age of five my family moved to Silver Spring, Maryland, where I have been living since. I attended Berman Hebrew Academy for over 10 years. After graduating Berman, I attended Yeshiva for two years in Reishit Yerushalyim. I then went on to receive an associate’s degree from Community College in business. I am excited to join the NCSY Shevet Glaubach fellowship because I will be able to learn and develop skills from professionals that I wouldn’t be able to acquire otherwise. Also, meeting and learning from other advisors like me really opens an amazing opportunity that I would love to take advantage of.

Nachum Freedman
From Passaic, NJ

Hi my name is Nachum Freedman. I am from Passaic NJ. Went to YBH and TABC. I am really looking forward to helping people grow but in Judaism and personal. NCSY helped me I want to return that to others.

Shlomo Friedman
From Cedarhurst, NY

Hi! My name is Shlomo Friedman and I’m from Cedarhurst, NY. I’m currently learning in Shor Yushuv. I’m excited to get to know more growth oriented individuals to “close in” on perfection together!

Zack Goldberg
From Great Neck, NY

Heyyyy My name is Zack Goldberg I’m from Great Neck NY and I am currently learning in NYU. This year, I am studying tractate gitin and advancing my knowledge in Computer Science. The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship has had such a profound impact on me just over the course of this past year and I cannot wait for more. Looking forward to a gevaldik and uplifting year!!

Avi Greenberg
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! I’m Avi Greenberg, from Woodmere, New York. I went to DRS for high school followed by two incredible years in Yeshivat Sha’alvim in Eretz Yisroel. Currently, I am a senior in Yeshiva University studying business management and hoping to begin Semicha next year. I am very excited to be a part of the NCSY Glaubach Fellowship for my third year so that we can strengthen the incredible relationships that we made last year and create new ones as well. This past summer I had the great opportunity of being an advisor on Southern TJJ as well as spend the last 3 weeks of the summer with the Mechina Program on NCSY Kollel. We learned so much about how it’s Geshmak to be a Yid and how we can strive to become our best selves in the process. I look forward to working together with NCSY in creating a passion for Yidishkeit as well as an environment of being Geshmak to be a Yid.

Gidon Hagler
From Elizabeth, NJ

Hey everyone, my name is Gidon Hagler and I was born and raised in Elizabeth, New Jersey. I went to JEC for high school, and after two years at Yeshivat Sha’alvim I am now a senior at YU’s Sy Syms School of Business majoring in accounting. I am excited about the opportunities through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because I had the zechus of being a southern advisor last year, and it was an unbelievable experience that I want to have again this year! I am very excited to connect with Jews at all levels!

Sarah Hanian
From Edison, NJ

My name is Sarah Hanian and I have from Edison, NJ. I am currently in my junior year at Stern studying biology hoping to continue to dental school. I am very excited to be a part of this fellowship and for all the opportunities it will afford me.

Esther Hanz
From Aventura, FL

Hi! My name Esther (Valerie) Hanz from Miami, Florida! I just graduated from Stern College for Women where I majored in Psychology. I am now in Touro for my Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. This past summer I went on TJJ and it was amazing! I am very excited to be part of Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and have the opportunity to connect with teens from all over and coming from every type of background!

Risa Harris
From Queens, NY

My name is Risa Harris and I am from Queens, New York. I went to SKA for high school, Michlalah for seminary, and am currently in my senior year at Stern College. I am deeply indebted to my NCSY Summer role models, both my advisors and my NCSYers, for playing such crucial roles in my growth. I spent an amazing summer on NCSY Michlelet as a camper and was lucky enough to return as an advisor. It has always been a dream of mine to try and give over a piece of the gift that I have received from them and I am so excited to have that opportunity as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow.

Sarah Hertzberg
From Pittsburgh, PA

Hi! I am Sarah Hertzberg from Pittsburgh. I am majoring in Business Management at Touro Lander College for Women. I am extremely excited to learn from and with others and to integrate it into my life as an individual and as an advisor.

Dov Jacobson
From Teaneck, NJ

My name is Dov Jacobson, 23, I live in Teaneck, New Jersey and I am a psychology major at Yeshiva University. This will be my fourth year as an advisor for Southern NCSY and third as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow. I have learned and grown from training seminars, world class educators, and a dedicated community of advisors provided by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. The Glaubach Fellowship opens so many more opportunities to connect with teens. I have already seen the direct impact experienced by teens in NCSY as well as the jewish community at large. I can’t wait to continue this year!

Meirav Janus
From Silver Spring, MD

Hi! My name is Meirav Janus and I’m from Silver Spring, Maryland. I attended Berman for High school and then spent a year and a half at Sha’alvim for Women. I am now a Junior at Stern studying Speech Pathology and Audiology. After spending my summer on NCSY Michlelet, (best summer ever!) I am excited about the opportunities that I have been given through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and the ability to connect to the future leaders of klal yisroel. Through the fellowship, I hope to actualize all the skills and torah that my role models have invested within me all these years, and give back to the Jewish people. I hope I can inspire more Jews to feel connected to Hashem, share Torah with friends, and iy”H all grow together!

Eli Jesselson
From New York, NY

Hi, my name is Eli Jesselson and I am enrolled in the Sy Syms School of Business at Yeshiva University. I am very excited to meet and grow with a whole new group of people I’ve never met before!

Dina Joseph
From Monsey, NY

Hi! My name is Dina Joseph and I’m from Monsey, NY. I am currently a Judaic studies/education major in Touro’s Lander College for Women. I am passionate about education in any form, and look forward to contributing to a population of dedicated and passionate Jewish educators! I had the tremendous privilege of being a fellow this past year for Southern NCSY and am excited to continue! The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship has had an impact on me through the events, teen chavrusas, leadership seminars, and the ability to connect with other fellows/staff who are energetic and excited about the future of Klal Yisroel. I’m looking forward to all of these opportunities and much more over this next year IY”H!

Adira Kahn
From Boca Raton, FL

Hi! My name is Adira Kahn, I’m from Miami Beach but I currently live in Boca Raton, Florida. I am a senior at Stern College for Women, where I am studying psychology on the occupation therapy track. I spent 2 years in Israel at an amazing seminary called Baer Miriam, where I had the privilege of learning Torah and the beauty of a relationship with Hashem in so many new ways. I’m so excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach fellowship for another year to be able continue on this journey of growth and IY”H share the inspiration and love for Judaism that I my role models and teachers shared with me.

Rikki Kestenbaum
From Woodmere, NY

Hey! My name is Rikki Kestenbaum from Woodmere, NY. I am currently in Queens College as a psychology major, studying to be a physical therapist. I am super excited to be a part of NCSY Shevet Glaubach this year. NCSY is a huge part of my life and am always looking for ways to improve myself as my position as an advisor. With NCSY Shevet Glaubach it will give me more opportunities to get more involved and provide me with the support and motivation I need to strengthen myself.

Racheli Kirschner
From Woodmere, NY

My name is Racheli Kirschner and I am from Woodmere, New York. I went to SKA for high school and Michlalah for a year and a half and am now in Queens college. I am really looking forward to all the opportunities offered through Shevet Glaubuch Fellowship and am so excited to create relationships with NCSYers which will teach me an immense amount and iy”H last a lifetime.

Hayden Klein
From Los Angeles, CA

My name is Hayden Klein and I am from Los Angeles, CA. I am a graduate from both YULA boys high school in Los Angeles as well as Yeshivat Reishit Yerushaliam in Beit Shemesh, Israel. I am now currently a sophomore at Yeshiva University and am studying business. It is my first year in college and I am excited to meet a ton of new people. Can’t wait to have good schmoozes, maybe learn a little bit and God willing have a great time.

Shaina Knobel
From North Miami Beach, FL

My name is Shaina Knobel. I’m born and raised in Miami. I currently work as event hairstylist and wig stylist. I am looking to being apart of NCSY for another year. It is my honor to be apart of something so beautiful. I am looking forward to trying my best to teach Jewish teens more about Yideshkite & bringing them closer to ‘ (:

Coby Kohanim
From Great Neck, NY

Hi, my name is Coby Kohanim and I’m currently a junior studying Finance/Management at Baruch College. I’m from Great Neck NY and I’m excited to be apart of Shevet Glaubach for a second year because of the work done during last years session. From the teaching and the growing with the kids to the fun events we had as a region, I can’t wait to see what’s new and what’s possible with Shevet Glaubach!

Sabina Korman
From West Hempstead, NY

Hi, My name is Sabina Korman! I grew up in West Hempstead and received my undergrad degree from YU. I am now finishing my nursing degree at NYU and I’m so happy to again have the opportunity to be part of the SGF family!

Yoni Kosowsky
From Dallas, TX

Hi, my name is Yoni Kosowsky. I am from Dallas, TX and I currently attend Yeshiva University where I am studying biology. I am looking forward to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship program to grow closer to Hashem together with Klal Yisrael.

Sarah Leiderman
From Cedarhurst, NY

Hi! My name is Sarah Leiderman and I’m from Cedarhurst, New York. I’m currently studying in Stern College and for now my major is biology! I’m so excited to get to meet all the amazing people involved in NCSY and have awesome experiences together!

Racheli Lipner
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi! My name is Racheli Lipner and I’m from Teaneck, New Jersey. I went to Bruriah for high school and then spent a year and a half learning in MMY. After MMY, I completed a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Stern College for Women. I’m currently studying Jewish Education at Azrieli. I am so excited about the opportunities that the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship offers, and the ability to connect to the future leaders of klal yisroel. Through the fellowship, I hope to actualize all the skills and torah that my role models have invested within me all these years, and give back to the Jewish community. I am eager to take part in this fellowship and gain valuable skills in leadership and community development. I hope I can bring more Jews closer to Hashem, share Torah with friends, and iy”H grow together!

Michael Livi
From Great Neck, NY

My name is Michael Livi and I am 22 years old. I was blessed to attend North Shore Hebrew Academy my entire life, graduating as Speaker of the Class in 2017. I was privileged to then study at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh in Jerusalem for one year upon graduating High School. I just graduated from the Honors Program at Yeshiva University Sy Syms School of Business, with a a Major degree in Finance and a two Minors in both Real Estate and Accounting. My service to the wonderful Great Neck community officially began in high school for the Gym Minyan (a Minyan for High School teens of all backgrounds), where, alongside 2 peers, I helped run a Minyan that catered to 150+ teens every week. I was first exposed to NCSY by Jonathan Zar as a young high school student, falling in love with what NCSY offers. Upon my return from Yeshiva, I applied to be (and was accepted as) an Shevet Glaubach Fellow working with the New York (Great Neck) region and I currently seek to give back more to my community.

I currently spend my mornings learning Torah and afternoons working in a Lab Grown Diamond company that I started almost a year ago. My nights are dedicated to learning, teaching and community service.

Arieh Livieim
From Great Neck, NY

I’m Arieh Livieim from Great Neck, NY. I graduated HANC high school and spent a year and a half in Yeshiva Netiv Aryeh. I graduated Queens College last year with a degree in Economics. I am very excited to be part of the Glaubach Fellowship because I know how much the fellows brings to the table with regards to helping our teens reach their maximum potential.

Gaby Mamane
From Côte Saint-Luc, QC

My name is Gaby Mamane, I am from Montreal, Canada and I am currently studying Civil Engineering at McGill University. Most importantly, I am a proud talmid of Yeshivat Shaalvim. This will be my second year being a fellow of Shevet Glaubach in Ottawa and so I am familiar with the community’s teens and their potential. They have energy, desire for growth and anytime something has the letters NCSY in front of it, they come running. I hope to channel these qualities and foster them into a more defined relationship with Hashem for these teens and help them further develop said relationship on the intellectual scale and, through that, guide them to the next step of such a relationship, going beyond the intellectual realm and into the realm of defined actions.

Rivka Marcus
From Springfield, NJ

Hi everybody! I’m Rivka Marcus (will respond to either Rivka or Marcus,) and I’m a junior at YU studying marketing and business management. NCSY SGF enables me to meet amazing Jewish teens from all over who are dedicated to their growth, and we get to encourage each other through all of life’s ups and downs.

Aryeh Margolin
From Edison, NJ

Hi, my name is Aryeh Margolin and I live in Edison, NJ. I am a senior at YU studying accounting. I had the zechus to attend Shaalvim for two years and MTA for high school. I have been on NCSY Kollel and Camp Sports both as a counselor and a camper. NCSY has been a big part of my life and has really made me the person I am today. I am excited to be a fellow for the third time because it gives me the opportunity to give back what I received from so many selfless and dedicated people. I am also excited to be a part of the fellowship because it affords me the opportunity to learn about being a great leader from some of the greatest leaders in the Jewish community.

Leah Markowitz
From Monsey, NY

Hi! I’m Leah Markowitz from Monsey, New York and am currently studying Economics at Queens College. I am looking forward to being a part of the NCSY Sheet Glaubach Fellowship as I believe it will help me grow as an advisor, Jew, and overall individual. I am passionate about living a Torah life, and am excited to inspire others to pursue a similar path as we grow on this journey together. I am thrilled and honored to have this opportunity and cannot wait for the year ahead!

Rivki Markowitz
From Miami, FL

Hey! My names Rivki Markowitz, I’m from Miami, FL and I’m currently a full time photographer/videographer. I’m pumped to be apart of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. I feel so privileged to have this opportunity and I’m really looking forward to give over and be a part of such an incredible program!

Alicia Matsas
From Miami, FL

Hi! My name is Alicia Matsas, I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I moved to Miami, Florida where I attended Scheck Hillel community day High school. I had the privilege of getting to study in the old city in Midreshet Eshel for the last two years. A year and a half in, I became a mentor, taught Torah and psychology, and planned meaningful and fun events. I currently am pursuing my degree in in Jewish Education at Stern. I am so thrilled to be a part of the NCSY team!

Noah Meimoun
From Houston, TX

Hi! I’m Noah Meimoun from Houston, Texas. I am a junior at Yeshiva University studying biology/pre-med. I am an advisor for my hometown region- Southwest NCSY! NCSY has profoundly shaped the person I am today, and I feel so excited and privileged to take the next step in my NCSY journey as a Shevet Glaubach fellow and have even more incredible opportunities to connect with teens and inspire the Jewish future!

Brandon Zane Melamed
From Jacksonville, FL

Shalom chevrah! My name is Brandon Zane Melamed and I’m from Jacksonville, Florida! Currently I’m a sophomore at YU studying chemistry and psychology, and I’m more than excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach fellows for this year. Having the experience to join a community for the year and visit from time to time, interact with the teens there, and build relationships with others to bond and share Torah with, is truly a beautiful opportunity. I’ve been involved with NCSY all throughout middle school and high school and have now staffed summer programs for the last two years. I’m looking forward for what this upcoming year has to bring!

Rory Meyerson
From Scottsdale, AZ

Rory Meyerson was born and raised in Scottsdale, Arizona. Currently, he spends his days learning in Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv and nights study in Touro University in their predental program. After high school he learnt in Eretz Yisrael in Yeshivat Mevaseret. He is passionate about kiruv and enjoys the incredible bridge that the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship provides between teens and advisors. He is happy to be a part of a larger community aimed at creating an environment of authentic yiddishkeit for young Jewish teens to learn and grow in their connections to Hashem.

Matt Nathan
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Matthew Nathan and I’m from Woodmere, NY. I’m currently a student at YU Sy Syms School of Business, and am majoring in both Finance and Business Analytics. I spent this past summer in Israel as a counselor on a travel program, and I had the absolute best summer of my life with my campers. I cannot wait to further that experience and continue forming new relationships that will last a life time.

Liora Nimchinsky
From Houston, TX

My name is Liora Nimchinsky, I graduated from Stern and am currently in my gap year working with Southern NCSY exploring my interests in the realm of Kiruv and iyH planning to pursue a career in Occupational Therapy. I have the privilege to be from many places, Baruch Hashem, such as Houston, Pittsburgh, San Antonio, Ottawa, and Seattle. Due to the fact that I’ve moved around a lot in my life, I’ve been a member of, and a follower, in various types of communities. This leads me to why I’m excited about my opportunities through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. Through the Fellowship I hope to become an active leader by sharing my time, energy, dreams, and passions with a community, and God willing, see my efforts manifested into something meaningful for Klal Yisroel.

Shira Nimchinsky
From Houston, TX

Shira Nimchinsky is a recent graduate of Stern College for Women. She graduated with a Major in Psychology and Minor in Art. She was born in Houston, Texas and has moved to several different states since then, including Pennsylvania, Canada, and Washington. She is currently pursuing her career in social work while working as the Program Coordinator for the Religious Programs of Wurweiler. Shira is extremely passionate about kiruv, helping others and making sure every Jew is loved and respected.

Yonatan Noach
From Brooklyn, NY

Shalom! My name is Yonatan Noach, born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I am currently studying Finance at Yeshiva University yet how I got there particularly was not something I ever expected. Growing up in a traditional Israeli home where kosher and Friday night Shabbat meals were present, however an observant was out of the question. Around a year before I entered public high school from conservative Jewish day school I began my true spiritual journey. The truth of Judaism and my fascination with it grew into a fiery passion. My observance grew from a desire to feel closer to HaShem and my enamoration blossomed into a love that was inexpressible. My family as a result also began to appreciate its beauty much more. My history with NCSY unfolded. When I first went on TJJ which eventually culminated into three summers (TJJ AP and NCSY Kollel) and presence at events year round. The involvement I’ve had in the past has been an immense source of growth for me through my high school years and my year at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh to which I am endlessly grateful for. That being said, my passion to make an impact and show others the beauty and authenticity of Judaism has been a growing passion of mine and to be given this platform as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow is nothing but a gift. I am hopeful and excited to show the coming generation of the Jewish people the beauty and authenticity Judaism is and am anticipating the positive impact for what this unbelievable opportunity has in store.

Ahava Ohayon
From Toronto, ON

Hi! My name is Ahava Raizel Ohayon. I’m 23 and from Toronto, ON. I have my bachelor’s in psychology and plan on getting my MBA at Touro University in Manhattan. While I’ve only been an advisor with NCSY for about a year now, I’ve also been involved in outreach at Ashreinu. It made me so happy and inspired to see these kids have such a passion for growth. I want to continue to spread that light and passion for growth as much as I could. I’m so excited for this opportunity to be involved in Shevet Glaubach.

Miriam Orr
From Toronto, ON

Hi! My name is Miriam, and I have recently started a full-time corporate job after having been in school as a student and teacher (simultaneously!) for a few years. I’m excited to have NCSY programs and shabbatons to add some meaning and spice into the new routine!

Shira Palti
From Miami, FL

My name is Shira Palti and I live in Miami, Florida. I am very excited to be a part NCSY and am looking forward to creating connections, learning from each other and having fun and meaningful experiences with everyone involved!

Leora Papier
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi!!! My name is Leora Papier, I’m from Teaneck NJ, and I am currently studying nursing at Stern College for Women. After being a Shevet Glaubach Fellow last year and then spending my summer on Yeshivat TJJ, I am extremely excited to be coming back for more this year! The meaningful relationships, deep conversations, insightful learning, and fun experiences are just some of the reasons that I am looking forward to being a fellow this year. After meeting the most special people from Southern NCSY and having such impactful moments on TJJ, I have gained a large appreciation for NCSY and everything they do. I feel extremely passionate about Judaism and Torah and am really looking forward to sharing this love with others! I am a big believer in every Jew having his/her special light that they must share with the world, and I hope to be able to help enable others to find their own light. I feel incredibly lucky to be a part of such an amazing fellowship and I can’t wait for all that is in store for Shevet Glaubach this year IY’H!

Adina Peck
From Charlotte, NC

Shalom, my name is Adina Peck, and I’m from Charlotte, NC. I study psychology and anthropology at Emory University in Atlanta, and I’m looking forward to a fabulous year of connecting southern Jewish teens to each other and an incredible network of mentors. SGF provides encouragement and a structure to our ever-enduring goal of further enriching our lives and the lives of our teens through Torah.

Hannah Pollak
From Chile

My name is Hannah. I was born and raised in Chile and I’m currently pursuing a career in Jewish education at Stern College for Women.

Tamar Pollock
From West Hempstead, NY

My name is Tamar Pollock, I am from West Hempstead, New York, I am currently getting my masters in Jewish Education at Azrieli Graduate School and I am a 9th grade Navi teacher at Central High School. I have been involved in NCSY since I was in 9th grade and have always loved all that NCSY has provided for me. I am extremely excited about all the opportunities that will come through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Avi Polotsky
From Denver, CO

My name is Avi Polotsky, I am from Denver, Colorado and I am currently studying History at YU, with plans to go to law school. I am excited to continue being an advisor and I am looking forward to using the Glaubach Fellowship to keep connecting with NCSYers as well as expanding my leadership experience.

Josh Pomerantz
From Lawrence, NY

Hi, my name is Josh Pomerantz. I’m from Lawrence, NY, and I attended DRS for high school, then Yeshivat Hakotel for two years, and now I’m a Sophomore at YU planning on majoring in accounting. I am excited about the special opportunities at SGF to meet new people and to grow and learn from each other. Having that opportunity will have a tremendous impact in so many great ways and we can hopefully take those special connections with us for a lifetime!

Josh Rais
From Thornhill, ON

My name is Josh Rais and I am from Toronto, Ontario. I had the privilege of attending Darchei Torah in Toronto for Highschool followed by a year in Yeshivat Shaalvim in Eretz Yisrael. I currently am in my third year at York University and hope to graduate with a degree in Biology. I am extremely excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach fellowship and can’t wait to inspire and be inspired!!

Keren Raskin
From West Orange, NJ

Hi! My name is Keren Raskin, and I am from West Orange, New Jersey. I had the incredible zechus to attend Sha’alvim for Women and am now a Junior in Stern College for Women majoring in Speech Pathology/Audiology. When I was a camper, I had incredible counselors who unknowingly served as strong, religious role models for me. Because of these leaders that paved the path for me through their leadership and compassion, it has been a constant and long term goal of mine to go out and be that role model for others, and to actively help foster their own journeys regarding their relationships with Am Yisrael, HaShem, and even themselves. I am incredibly excited about the opportunities I will be able to take advantage of through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to iy’H make a positive difference in our Jewish communities today, and really be able to pay it forward to the next Jewish generation with the leadership, compassion, and love for Judaism that those before instilled and fostered in me.

Yisrael Richter
From Monsey, NY

Hey everyone, my name is Yisrael Richter and I’m from Monsey, NY. I’m currently in my second year at Lander College for Men in Queens. I’m really excited about this special opportunity that I was given for many different reasons. Just to focus on some, I can’t wait to connect with you guys and spend quality time over shabbos while singing, hanging out and just talking. I’m really looking forward to learning and gaining a tremendous amount from you NCSY’ers and developing friendships that hopefully will last well beyond this year. Looking forward!

Yitzy Richter
From Spring Valley, NY

Hey! My name is Yitzy Richter and I’m super excited for an awesome year at Southern. I’m from Spring Valley, NY and currently studying Computer Science at Yeshiva University. Looking forward to meeting you all!

Matan Rockowitz
From Fair Lawn, NJ

Hey everybody! My name is Matan Rockowitz from Fair Lawn, NJ. I’m currently studying Finance at Landers College for Men in Queens, NY. I’m extremely excited to be back for another year with the best NCSY chevra in the world! I can’t wait to see everybody soon, and BE”H this will be the best year yet!!

Maya Rockowitz
From Fair Lawn, NJ

Hi! My name is Maya Rockowitz and I’m from Fair Lawn, NJ. I spent a year in Midreshet Moriah before coming to Stern College. I just graduated and am pursuing a career in nursing iyh. I am extremely excited to be apart of this years Shevet Glaubach fellowship and to be able to continue on this journey of growth and love of torah together. I am eager to be able to share the beauty and depth I find in Yiddishkite with all those around me. Being apart of this fellowship grants me the opportunity to connect and form long-lasting relationships with teens from so many different places, and to help form and build their deepest connection and love of Hashem. I am honored to be a part of such an amazing team, and can’t wait to see the incredible things we do together.

Kenny Rosenfeld
From Lawrence, NY

Hi! My name is Kenny Rosenfeld. I am from Lawrence NY, went to DRS for high school, Shaalvim for yeshivah, and I am currently in YU majoring in either Finance or Computer Science. After this previous summer on NCSY Kollel, I had an amazing time learning and hanging around with teens, so I can’t wait to grow, hang out, and learn with teens throughout the whole year!

Miriam Rozin
From Columbia, SC

Hey everyone! My name is Miriam Rozin and I am from Columbia, SC. I went to public school practically my whole life. I made the big jump to attend Machon Ma’ayan for Seminary. I currently attend the University of South Carolina, majoring in Mathematics towards my goal of becoming a high school math teacher. Growing up, I had practically been the only involved teen in my shul community and one of the few teens involved in the greater community. Being a Fellow allows me to give back to the community that gave me sustenance in my yiddishkeit in order to continue growing the future for these teens. Very excited for what this year brings to us!

Ben Sadik
From Rochester, NY

Hi! My name is Ben Sadik, I am from Rochester, NY and am currently a senior in Yeshiva University, studying Political Science. I went to Brighton High School, which is a public school, and due to the influence that NCSY had on me, I made the decision to go to Yeshiva Netiv Aryeh for a year and a half. I have been an advisor for Central East NCSY for the past 2 years and this past summer I was an advisor on TJJ ATS2, and I am so excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow so I can continue to help teens explore their Judaism and grow as Jews and as people.

Isaac Safran
From Montreal, QC

Hi! My name is Isaac Safran, I was born in Montreal and went to Hebrew Academy, following that I spent 2 years in Yeshivat Hakotel. I am a senior in Yeshiva University studying accounting, and I have just started my first year of Smicha in Yeshiva University.

Yedidya Schechter
From Spring Valley, NY

Hi my name is Yedidya Schechter and I am from Spring Valley (Monsey) New York. I am at Yeshiva University and I am studying Psychology and Biology. I have been privileged to be involved with NCSY for the past year and spend the summer on life changing NCSY program. I am very excited about the special and unique leadership opportunities such as speakers and programs which will be available through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Yonah Schneier
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi, my name is Yonah Schneier and I’m from Teaneck, NJ. I went to TABC for High School then spent 2 year learning in Yeshovat Hakotel. I am currently an accounting major in YU. I am excited to meet, grow, and chill with the incredible teens in NJ.

Noam Schoenfeld
From Baltimore, MD

Hi! My name is Noam Schoenfeld, and I’m from Baltimore, MD. I went to Beth Tfiloh for high school and then spent a year and a half in Israel at Yeshivat Torat Shraga. I am currently attending Yeshiva University and majoring in finance. After being an advisor on TJJ this summer and becoming more involved with NCSY as a whole, I am super excited for the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. I am looking forward to developing meaningful relationships and contributing to the endless inspiration that is so intrinsic to NCSY.

Shira Schwartz
From Woodmere, NY

hi!! I’m Shira Schwartz from Woodmere, New York. I went to Central for high school, MMY last year, and now I’m a junior in Queens College majoring in Psychology and minoring in both Business and Liberal Arts, as well as history. I’m so excited to be part of Shevet Glaubach, and to combine my passions for Torah learning and forming lasting relationships to inspire Klal Yisrael!

Yehuda Schwartz
From New York, NY

My name is Yehuda Schwartz and I am from Monsey, NY. I spent the last 3 years in Israel studying in Yeshiva. I now work as a AIT for Marquis Health Consulting Services in Oakland NJ. I am honored to Join the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. Joining this program allows me to share my passion for Judaism with the best people on earth.

Aaron Sebbag
From Passaic, NJ

Hi! My name is Aaron Sebbag. I am from Passaic, New Jersey and am in Lander College for Men getting a bachelors in biology. I am really excited for another amazing year with NCSY Shevet Glaubach. Last year I had such a great opportunity to be a part of Shevet Glaubach’s Denver chapter and was incredibly inspired by the active role that I was able to take in the development of our teens. I look forward to watching and assisting these amazing teens in continuing to grow and evolve in their religious journeys.

Sandy Shaoolian
From Great Neck, NY

Hi! I’m Sandy Shaoolian, I’m from Great Neck, NY, and I’m a PA student at Touro University. I’m really looking forward to the Shevet Glaubach fellowship because I’m excited to be given the opportunity to learn and grow with the teens, side by side, and I really love the message of community that this fellowship is trying to get across!

Celia Shaoul
From Brooklyn, NY

My name is Celia Shaoul. I am from Brooklyn NY, went to Barkai Yeshivah, SKA, Shaalavim, and now Brooklyn College in the macaualay honors program. I am majoring in Psychology and planning to go into Jewish Education BezH. I am super excited to be able to be a part of the many wonderful opportunities offered by the NCSY Shevet Glaubach program.

Ahava Sheer
From Passaic, NJ

Hi my name is Ahava Sheer and I am from Passaic NJ. I am a senior at Queens College and I am going into Digital Marketing. I am super excited to be a part of Shevet Glaubach so that I can connect to the NCSY teens and help create a community in NorCal!

Batsheva Shekhter
From Hollywood, FL

Hi! I’m Batsheva Shekhter and I’m from Hollywood, FL. I spent a year learning in Israel at MMY and just started my sophomore year at Columbia University, studying Computer Science. I’m so excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow this year and be able to share my love of Torah with incredible NCSYers.

Rachel Sherin
From Rochester, NY

Hi! My name is Rachel Sherin and I am from Rochester, NY. I spent a year at Machon Maayan before attending Stern College where I am a Senior majoring in Political Science. I am so excited to be apart of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to continue to learn and teach torah and to make an impact on the Jewish community.

Elana Silkin
From Boca Raton, FL

Hi my name is Elana Silkin, I’m from Boca Raton Florida. I’m so excited to be involved in this fellowship and all the opportunities NCSY provides. I’m majoring in Jewish Education, and the Shevet Gluabach Fellowship is an amazing opportunity for me to get involved in informal education. I’m looking forward to getting involved in these communities and making long lasting friendships that will help guide teens on the paths of learning more about Judaism.

Raphi Tzvi Singer
From Toronto, ON

Raphi Singer, from Toronto, Canada. Go to YU, studying Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Sy Syms School of Business. Excited to be able to connect and inspire teens in different parts of the country.

Shira Sredni
From Miami, FL

Hi! My name is Shira Sredni and I am from Miami, FL. I am currently studying Biology at Yeshiva University, and am so excited for another year as a Shevet Glaubach fellow in Southern NCSY. I cannot wait to continue my growth journey alongside my NCSYers and have the most fun year yet!

Danny Srulowitz
From Lawrence, NY

My name is Danny Srulowitz, I am from Lawrence. I am currently studying in business school at yeshiva university. I am excited to join NCSY for many different reasons. Aside from my own personal growth and the incredible experience that I will get, I am mainly excited to get out there and help Klal Yisrael. This is an extremely real opportunity to make a difference. NCSY is an incredible organization and I am for sure excited to add to their cause.

Andrew Stein
From Freehold, NJ

Wsp guys, I’m Andrew Stein and I am from Marlboro, NJ. I am currently a sophomore in Columbia University studying math and philosophy. I’m super excited about NCSY because it allows me to have a blast and connect and grow with Jewish teens. I loved my NCSY advisors and I am excited to follow in their footsteps.

Meira Steiner
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Meira Steiner and I’m from Woodmere, New York. After graduating from SKA High School I spent a year and a half at MMY. I am currently a junior at Stern College, majoring in history, and looking to pursue a career in medicine. I’ve been a Northeast advisor since getting back from Israel. I am super exciting to be participating in the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship! I am passionate about focusing on becoming a better eved Hashem, learning, and getting to spend as much time as possible facilitating environments filled with Torah. I am so excited about the ability to be involved in different communities. I can’t wait to see where this takes me-I’m sure it will be epic!

Ayala Stolper
From Brooklyn, NY

Hi my name is Ayala Stolper. I’m from Brooklyn New York. For high school I went to Prospect Park yeshiva and for seminary I went to Sharfman‘s and Iyh plan to go to the New York film academy I think being involved with this program will help me help bring a yid closer to torha life but to also keep me in a growth oriented mindset and an inspiring one.

Moshe Strauss
From West Hempstead, NY

Hey guys! My name is Moshe Strauss and I am from West Hempstead, New York. I went to DRS for High School, and had a big privilege of learning 2 years in Yeshivat Shaalavim in Israel. I am now a senior in Yeshiva University and majoring in Business Management with a minor in Marketing. This past summer, I had a tremendous privilege of going back for a 2nd summer as a staff member on NCSY Kollel, and prior to that, I attended Camp Dora Golding, Camp Morasha, NCSY Kollel, Camp Kaylie and Camp HASC. Shevet Glaubach is known to be an incredible fellowship program, one that is known to change peoples lives. What I am most excited about is being able to give back to the community and the Jewish people by doing something that I deeply care about. Helping people is what I love doing more than anything and the idea of doing it in this incredible way is one that I am truly looking forward to.

Batel Suissa
From Toronto, ON

I’m Batel Suissa, from Toronto. I am 20 years old and majoring in communications and media studies . I’m excited to grow and meet new people. Inspire and help create a greater impact for all Jews no matter where they come from.

Sarit Swift
From Boca Raton, FL

My name is Sarit Swift and I’m from Boca Raton, FL. I’m currently a junior studying economics at Florida International University. I’m so excited to be an advisor for another year with Southern NCSY and the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. I look forward to all the amazing programs and shabbatons and to learning with and from the amazing teens in NCSY.

Eli Taragin
From Baltimore, MD

Hi! My name is Eli Taragin, I’m from Baltimore, MD and I’m currently a Junior at Lander College for Men in Queens, NY. I’ve been an NCSY advisor for two years, and spent this past summer on TJJ West Coast. I’m so excited to join the Shevet Glaubach family and continue to build
relationships with amazing teens and other NCSY staff!

Sims Tauber
From Brooklyn, NY

Hi! My name is Sims Tauber and I hail from Brooklyn, NY. I’m currently in Sara Schenirer, going for Psych. I’m also a teacher and love any opportunity to share and learn Torah with others. After having the incredible opportunity of being an NCSY advisor last year, I was exposed to the inexplicable magic of NCSY and what they do for Am Yisroel. I feel truly blessed to be part of such a program and wish to learn and grow more with the awesome staff, advisors, and teens at NCSY, G-d willing, as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow!

Ayli Tavakoly
From Great Neck, NY

My name is Ayli Tavakoly and I am from Great Neck, NY. I went to Manhattan High School and Darchei Binah for seminary. I am currently a junior at LCW getting my BS in Biology. I am so excited to be part of this wonderful organization that brings together people from several different backgrounds. I am looking forward in building as sense of community and getting a chance to give back!

Sydney Teigman
From Englewood, NJ

My name is Sydney Teigman. I live in Englewood, NJ. I went to SAR High School and spent a year in Israel at Sha’alvim for Women. I am currently a sophomore in Stern where I am majoring in marketing and minoring in psychology. I am super excited to meet and get to know everyone! I am especially looking forward to learning in chavrusas with teens in my region!

Aryeh Teller
From Bergenfield, NJ

My name is Aryeh Teller. I’m from Bergenfield, NJ. I am currently in YU studying mainly to eventually do something in business. I’m excited, through the NCSY Shevet Glaubach fellowship, to develop and cultivate leadership skills I need to help our communities in any ways possible while also impacting and learning from the future leaders of our communities, through shabbatons and other interactive events.

Nathalie Tick
From Milwaukee, WI

Hi! My name is Nathalie Tick and I am proud Midwesterner from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. After spending a year and a half in Israel, I went to Lander College for Women. I am now a grad student in speech pathology at Touro. Growing up, I didn’t have the opportunity to be involved with NCSY, but when I learned what an impact it had on my friends and I heard about all the amazing things NCSY, does I knew I wanted to be involved. This is my second year involved with Shevet Glaubach and after an amazing experience last year, am looking forward to an incredible upcoming year.

Nadiv Turitz
From Silver Spring, MD

Nadiv Turitz, from Silver Spring, MD. I go to YU and am studying Business Analytics. Love NCSY and what they do for the Jewish communities in America.

Hadar Vaanunu
From Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Originally from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Hadar grew up with a strong Israeli identity. Her Jewish identity cultivated later on when she became involved in Southern NCSY as a teen. She filled leadership roles in her local NCSY chapter and Regional board, as well as on her high school campus. Her strive for truth accompanied her throughout her Seminary years in Israel. Initially attending Sharfman’s, she went on to attending Darchei Binah for her second year and eventually became a Madricha dedicating her time to students, and subsequently joining the Seminary’s Poland trip as Madricha. Hadar graduated with a degree in Psychology and Judaic Studies from LCW last year and is currently working and pursuing a graduate degree in Judaic studies, and hopes to pursue an MSW in the future.

Mattie Watson
From Silver Spring, MD

Hi! My name is Mattie Watson and I am from Silver Spring, MD. I went to JDS for high school and then attended Midreshet Moriah for a year. I am currently a junior in Stern studying sociology. I’m super excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because I hope to inspire teens to love Torah and Judaism as much as I do. In high school, NCSY and my advisors had a huge impact on my life and I hope to have the same affect on the teens.

Aharon Weiden
From Atlanta, GA

HEY!! What’s going on Y’all! My name is Aharon Weiden. I am from THE ATL. Capital of the south, and well known for blowing 28-3 leads. I had the privilege of attending Yeshivat Mevaseret Tzion and Senters for 2.5 years. I am in my second semester at Yeshiva University studying Marketing and Finance. I participated in NCSY Atlanta during my freshman and sophomore years, before traveling up north for my junior and senior years at Torah Academy of Bergen County. I am excited about joining the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. To be a role model for every NCSYer is a dream come true, just as my advisors were role models for me, and I can’t wait to be able to grow long side them!

Marnie Weingarten
From Queens, NY

Hi everyone!! My name is Marnie and I am from Queens, New York. I had the privilege of attending Central for high school followed by Michlalah in Eretz Yisroel. I recently graduated from Stern College and have begun studying nursing at SUNY Downstate’s College of Nursing. I am so grateful for the meaningful relationships I was lucky enough to form last year and I can’t wait to continue meeting new people, growing with and learning from my teens! Looking forward to a year of incredible growth, bezras hashem!

Michelle Weingarten
From Holliswood, NY

Hi! I’m Michelle Weingarten from Queens, New York. I went to Central for high school and then attended Michlalah for seminary. I just graduated from Stern College with a degree in Psychology. I am taking a gap year and then I plan on attending dental school next year. As a Shevet Glaubach Fellow, I am looking forward to making an impact and forging relationships.

Zippy Wilson
From San Diego, CA

Hi! My name is Zippy Wilson from San Diego, CA. I am currently a Freshman at Barnard College. I haven’t quite decided on my major yet, but luckily I have time to figure it out. I went to Torah High School and spent this past year at Sha’alvim for Women. I am so excited to have the opportunity, through Shevet Glaubach, to further develop my leadership skills and meet all the incredible teens this year!

Shayna Zeldman
From Toronto, ON

Hi! My names Shayna and I’m from Toronto. I’m in my second year at York University studying psychology and I’m super excited to be joining the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this year! I’m really looking forward to getting to know everyone and am ready for some amazing programs! I think that this fellowship makes a tremendous impact by inspiring the community and forming life long connections. Looking forward to a incredible year!

Tamar Zinnar
From North Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Tamar  Zinnar and I’m from New York. I just finished my seminary year at Baer Miriam and I’m currently studying at Sara Schneirer college for women as a Psych major. As a former NCSY kid myself, I am super excited for this amazing opportunity to be a part of something as great as the shevet Glaubach fellowship. I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

Talia Zymelman
From Baltimore, MD

Hi! My name is Talia Zymelman, and I’m from Baltimore, Maryland. I graduated Stern in May, and I’m currently a nursing student at Mt. Sinai’s nursing school. I’m so excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship! I’m looking forward to fostering connections with teens, helping them grow and create a deeper connection with Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Can’t wait for an awesome year!!

Daniel Aaron
From Monsey, NY

Hi! My name is Daniel Aaron, and I’m from Monsey, NY. I’m a junior at Yeshiva University, studying finance. I’m very excited to continue with the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship! I had an amazing time last year connecting with my teens in Hollywood over zoom, and I hope to continue in the Southern Region but this time around in-person! My goal is to keep striving to make a difference in their lives, show them what there is to connect to, and hopefully inspire change and a growth oriented mindset!

Daniella Abekassis
From North Woodmere, NY

Hi, my name is Daniella Abekassis. I am from North Woodmere, New York and I am currently at senior at Stern College studying Psychology. I am so excited for this upcoming year with the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and gd willing being able to do more in person events with our teens!

Ely Abitbol
From Toronto, Canada

Hi! My name is Ely Abitbol. I was born in Caracas, Venezuela and currently live in Toronto, Canada. I’m a second year business management student at the Ted Rogers School of Business majoring in Entrepreneurship. I was blessed to be given the opportunity to be a part of NCSY throughout high school and gained so much from what they had to offer me. I am very excited to be starting the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. I’m looking forward to building a strong kesher with the teens through Torah and mitzvot. I am very humbled to be given this opportunity to give back to the NCSY family. Thank you!

Eric Abraham
From Boynton Beach, FL

Hi, my name is Eric Abraham and I’m from Boynton Beach, Florida. I was an NCSYer in Southern NCSY and I know the profound impact that NSCY can have on teens. I’m excited about the opportunities through The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because they are unlike any other opportunity out there.

Esther Ackerman
From West Hempstead, NY

Hi! My name is Estee Ackerman, I am from West Hempstead NY, and I am currently a junior in Stern College. My major is technically undecided, but I am considering Judaic studies or Psychology. I am so excited for all the opportunities through Shevet Glaubuch Fellowship because I love spreading the light of Torah onto others. I look forward to sharing my passion for Yiddishkeit through the amazing programs and activities we have in store!

Elisheva Adouth
From Miami, FL

Hi! My name is Elisheva Adouth and I am from Miami, Florida. I attended Sha’alvim for Women my year in Israel and I am currently attending Stern College for Women. After being an advisor on NCSY Israel ID this past summer (best summer ever!). I am excited about the opportunities that I have been given through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. I feel as if the resources within the fellowship will allow me to learn about teaching and bringing people closer to Hashem in general. I also am very excited to create and foster relationships with NCSYers which I am sure will teach me an immense amount and bzh last a lifetime.

Sharon Aharonoff
From Los Angeles, CA

Hey! My name is Sharon Aharonoff and I am from Los Angeles, CA. I went to valley Torah for High School and Midreshet Tehillah for seminary. I am currently a Film Major at Stern College. I went on TJJ this past summer with the Southern Region, and I am excited to go again this summer! It is an honor to be apart of the Glaubach TJJ community, and I am excited to work with such amazing teens.

Talya Alter
From Bergenfield, NJ

Hi! My name is Talya Alter and I’m from Bergenfield, New Jersey. I’m currently a junior at Stern College for Women where I’m majoring in biology and minoring in Jewish Studies. After Bruriah High school I went to Sha’alvim for Women for a year and a half. I am so excited about the opportunities that the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship offers, and the ability to connect to the future leaders of klal yisroel. Through the fellowship, I hope to actualize all the skills and torah that my role models have invested within me all these years, and give back to the Jewish people. I hope I can bring more Jews closer to Hashem, share Torah with friends, and iy”H just grow together!

Aviel Avidan
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi, my name is Aviel Avidan and I am from Teaneck, NJ. I recently graduated from Yeshiva University, Sy Syms School of Business where I majored in entrepreneurship and minored in marketing. I am B”H currently learning in REITS and plan to spend the next four year there receiving semikha. I am excited about the opportunities through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it’s clear that the resources and vision of the fellowship are setting us up for tremendous impact and it really is a zechut to be part of such a team!

Esther Avidan
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi! My name is Esther Avidan and I am from Teaneck, NJ. I attended MYHS for high school, and then studied in Israel. I am blessed to have spent the past three summers at camp HASC. I am currently studying psychology at Landers College for Women, as well as, working as a Realtor Associate for Russo Real Estate. I had the privilege of being a Shevet Glaubach Fellow last year, and look forward to another incredible year, filled with tremendous growth and genuine connection. Throughout my life, I have gained something valuable from every individual I have crossed paths with. I am truly grateful for this opportunity to now give over all that which I have received.

Shimon Benzaquen
From Boca Raton, FL

Hi, my name is Shimon Benzaquen; I grew up in Los Angeles, California but recently moved to Boca Raton, Florida with my family. I attended YULA Boys High School and Yeshiva B’nei Torah post high school, where I am still a student. I am also currently attending Florida Atlantic University as a History major. I look forward to an amazing experience filled with wonderful opportunities through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Tzvi Berke
From Cedarhurst, NY

Hi. My name is Tzvi Berke and I’m from Cedarhurst, NY. I go to NYIT for college and I’m studying architecture. I’m so excited to be apart of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this year. I can’t wait to meet everyone involved in this incredible fellowship from the teens to the other fellows. I’m most excited to be apart of such an amazing program where I get to know and talk to such a fantastic group of people where we can grow and strengthen each other.

Sam Bernstein
From Woodmere, NY

Hi. My name is Sammy Bernstein, I am from Woodmere NY, I am currently a senior in Lander College For Men, majoring in Marketing and management. I am extremely excited about joining the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because this is a great chance for me and Jewish teens on other sides of the country to connect to each other in a deep spiritual way through our learning and shabbatons. I am happy to be bringing a new level of energy and hopefully strengthen the way these NCSYers will connect to Hashem.

Yona Berzon
From Baltimore, MD

Hi! I’m Yona. I’m from Baltimore, MD, and I am currently in school at Stern College for Women, studying Biology to enter the field of Biotech. I am looking forward to being involved with NCSY and all the great Shabbatonim and learning experiences that make the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship the amazing program that it is!

Aaron Blustein
From Scarsdale, NY

Hi!! My name is Aaron Blustein, I am from Scarsdale, New York. I went to SAR High School and then spent a year in Israel at Yeshivat Torat Shraga. Followng that I attended University of Maryland for my freshman year before transferring to Yeshiva University this semester! I am now studying Business with a focus in finance. I was a counselor on Sulam this past summer in which I had one of the best summer’s of my life. The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship is a dream to be a part of and I cannot wait to get started! Having the opportunity to grow, learn, and have an awesome time with everyone involved in the program is something I am truly honored to be a part of. I am really looking forward to meeting everyone!

Rachel Bodek
From Lawrence, NY

Hi! My name is Rachel Bodek and I’m from Lawrence, went to SKA, and then spent a year in Shaalvim. I am currently in Stern and planning on majoring in Math. I spent all my summers at Camp Morasha and was lucky enough to be a counselor this summer for girls going into 10th grade. I am excited about the opportunities from the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it’s another chance to inspire and build strong relationships with teens, something that I value and look forward to.

Keith Bonwitt
From Miami, FL

My name is Keith Bonwitt, I was born in North Miami Beach and grew up there. I am currently at school in the University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering studying Computer Science. I am excited for the opportunity to be in The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to give to the Jewish people in a concrete way, connect to others in helping them reach their fullest potential, and to help myself grow by being a mentor.

Shalom Brauser
From Hollywood, FL

Hi. My name is Shalom Brauser, coming to you from Hollywood, FL. After attending Katz Yeshiva High School in Boca, I spent two years at Yeshivat Sha’alvim in Israel, and am now beginning my first year at Yeshiva University, studying Torah and other great classes for an as yet undefined major. After working on NCSY Next Step this past summer, I’m excited and honored by the opportunity to join Shevet Glaubach in working directly with Jewish communities and teens to build the Jewish future.

Ayelet Brown
From Silver Spring, MD

Hi! My name is Ayelet Brown and I am from Silver Spring, MD. I went to the Berman Hebrew Academy for high school, and then spent a year at Midreshet Lindenbaum. I am currently a junior in Stern studying Psychology and Public Health. I am extremely excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow and to have the opportunity to create relationships through learning Torah and inspiring each other!

Yocheved Charlap
From Woodmere, NY

Hi!!! My name is Chevi Charlap and I’m from the Five Towns. I’m a psychology major at Stern college, and I’m super excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship! I can’t wait to see the different Jewish communities in the Southern region and get to meet so many amazing people. Looking forward to learning Torah and exploring Judaism.

Sam Clarke
From Boca Raton, FL

Hi. My name is SamClarke, a Boca Raton native, studied at Yeshivat Orayta for Shana Aleph and for Shana Bet. I currently attend the University of Florida. I plan to double major in Political Science and Criminology. I served as the Shevet Glaubach Fellow for NCSY Jacksonville in 2020-2021 and am excited to return to the JAX family this year! I am passionate about my Judaism and am excited to help teens, communities, and everyone feel inspired about their Judaism. I am a Shabbaton fanatic and can’t wait to participate in all the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship’s Shabbatonim! I also looks forward to the learning and mentorship opportunities, and hopes to make the best impact I can.

Leeyan Cohen
From Aventura, FL

Hi! My name is Leeyan Cohen, I’m from Aventura, FL. I’m currently studying psychology in Broward College. I’m so excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and all the opportunities it presents throughout the year. Truly excited for another amazing year together of relationship building and growth.

Tehila Cohen
From Queens, NY

Hi. My name is Tehila Cohen and I am from Queens, NY. I went to Central for high school, then to Shaalvim in Israel and I just graduated from Stern with a degree in Elementary Education. I will be working at Yeshiva Har Torah this year while getting a masters in Special Ed at Wurzweiler. This will be my third year in the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and I am constantly looking forward to the set times for chavrutahs, planning events, and getting to know communities.

Uriel Cohen
From Brookline, MA

My name is Uriel Cohen and I’m from Boston, MA. I went to Maimonides School for high school, then spent two years at Torat Shraga. I am currently in my first year at Yeshiva University where I hope to graduate with a major in Psychology. I’m so excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship where I can learn and teach Torah while also building inspiring relationships!

Ezra Cooper
From Memphis, TN

Hello everyone! My name is Ezra Cooper from the great city of Memphis, TN and am currently studying in my first semester at Yeshiva University. I had my first taste of NCSY when I went on NCSY’s JOLT when I was in high school, an experience that was instrumental in shaping my Jewish identity. I look forward to being able to work with others to help encourage and facilitate their growth, and that will my own growth as well.

Chana Coughlan
From Denver, CO

My name is Chana Coughlan and I’m from Denver, Colorado! I attend Stern College for Women and I am majoring in psychology and minoring in English. I am so excited to be apart of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship for a second year! I am really looking forward to connecting with new people, learning from and with different people from different places, and broadening my Torah knowledge through different mediums.

Lynn Dahan
From Dallas, TX

Hii! My name is Lynn Dahan and I am originally from Dallas, Texas! I attend Yeshiva University Stern College for Women and I am studying business at their Sy Syms school of Business! I am excited about the opportunities through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because I want to give back to others all the inspiration and growth I received from my advisors when I was a student! I am excited to learn from each and every individual and gain more growth through their empowerment!

Ethan Dalva
From Potomac, MD

Hi everyone! My name is Ethan Dalva, I’m originally from Potomac, MD but moved to Boca Raton the summer before my Shana Alef in Israel. I spent two amazing years at Yeshivat Hakotel, and am currently in my third year at YU, studying mathematical economics. I’ve always been an avid NCSYer, having spent my high school summers on TJJ, Euro ICE and Kollel, and two of my post-high school summers as a madrich on Kollel. I can’t wait to get started as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow, and I look forward to developing meaningful relationships and helping others grow the same way so many have helped and continue to help me!

Danielle Dekelbaum
From Potomac, MD

Hi! My name is Danielle Dekelbaum and I’m from Potomac, Maryland. I went to Berman for high school and then Tiferet for a year and a half. I now go to Stern and I’m studying business. I did NCSY all throughout high school and I am so excited to give back to NCSYers like my advisors did for me. With this fellowship, I hope to gain skills that can help me on my own Jewish journey
as well as how to encourage the Jewish values that have been in me by my mentors. I hope to become the person that I needed when I was younger.

Gedalia Dock
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi. My name is Gedalia Dock. I was born in Boston, but have lived in Teaneck for most of my life. I’m currently taking classes in Landers. I am so excited to be returning as an Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this year for the incredible opportunities to help NCSYers grow into the best people they can be.

Esther Leah Dyckman
From Queens, NY

Hi! My name is Esther Dyckman, I’m from Queens, NY and I’m currently a math major in Stern College for Women. I feel so privileged to be able to participate in the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship for this upcoming year for numerous reasons, one of which is that it will offer me a chance to take a leadership role in terms of organizing shabbatons and programming and planning events down to the smallest detail. Another exciting aspect of the fellowship is that it will provide me with a platform to develop my ability to give over Torah in a way that’s accessible and enjoyable for individuals coming from all different backgrounds and levels of religiosity. Lastly, I’m really looking forward to getting to know all the amazing teens:) Thank you.

Oren Eisenstadt
From Silver Spring, MD

Hi! My name is Oren Eisenstadt and I am from Silver Spring, MD. I’m currently a sophomore at Yeshiva University majoring in business. I am honored to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship which enables me to empower and inspire teens in their yiddishkeit. I look forward to building relationships and growing with them over this coming year!

Aleesa Elbaum
From Baltimore, MD

Hi! My name is Aleesa Elbaum and I am thrilled to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this year! I am originally from Baltimore, Maryland but am currently living in New York City. I am student at Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women and am studying biochemistry in hopes to become a doctor someday! As a true “lover of learning and growing,” I am extremely excited for the opportunities presented to me through the Shevet Galubach Fellowship! These resources and experiences will enable me to assist others in fostering a love for Judaism and in forming a personal, palpable connection with Hashem.

Rivkie Elman
From Brooklyn, NY

Hi! I’m Rivkie and I’m from Brooklyn. I’m studying in Queens college, studying psych (classic). I was a Shevet Glaubach Fellow last year and literally had the time of my life. I loved meeting the teens and connecting with them, but I also loved meeting the other advisors! I’m very excited to see where this year will take me and the relationships which will be forged. Connecting with people over Torah and Judaism is extremely meaningful and enjoyable and I can’t wait to do more of that this year!

Akiva Erlbaum
From Lower Merion, PA

Hey everyone! My name is Akiva Erlbaum (most of my friends just refer to me as “Erl”.) I recently finished my two year tenure learning in the Old City of Jerusalem at Yeshivat Hakotel. I am currently a student at Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms School of Business. I feel extremely privileged to be partaking in the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship for a variety of reasons. On a more personal level, I think this program will enable me to exercise my creative muscles and build up my leadership qualities, which will hopefully benefit me long term. On a more general level, I see tremendous value in giving back to my community and having an impact on the younger generation, just as my mentors had on me.

Judah Esses
From Lower Merion, PA

Hi! I’m Judah Esses, and I’m from Philadelphia. I am currently in my junior year at Yeshiva University, where I am studying finance. I am really excited about the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it will allow me to create relationships with more teens through NCSY and will help me learn more about myself during the process.

Judah Frankel
From West Hempstead, NY

Hi! I’m Yehuda Frankel from West Hempstead. I just finished my second year of learning in Yeshivat Sha’alvim in Israel. I am now beginning my first year in the Sy Syms School of Business at Yeshiva University. I’m very much looking forward to the oppurtunity the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship is giving me to meet and connect with Jews from all different backgrounds.

Jakey Friedman
From West Hempstead, NY

My name is Jakey Friedman, and I am from West Hempstead, New York. I attended DRS for high school and then had the privilege of learning in Yeshivat Shaalvim for two years in Eretz Yisroel. I am in my third semester in Yeshiva University, and I plan on majoring in psychology and hopefully receiving smicha. Throughout my childhood and teenage years I was blessed with incredible role models, counselors, and Rebbeim, and it has been a dream of mine to be able to give over what I have received from them.

Shlomo Friedman
From Cedarhurst, NY

I’m Shlomo Friedman from Cedarhurst, New York. I’m very much looking forward to being part of The Shevet Glaubach, and meeting people that look to enhance their vision of truth in their lives and the world at large. Thank you for creating this incredible fellowship.

Sruli Fruchter
From Woodmere, NY

My name is Sruli Fruchter, I’m from Woodmere, NY, and I’m a senior at Yeshiva University studying International and Global Affairs. Simply put, I love Hashem, I love Torah, and I love the world. The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship gives me the opportunity to bridge those three loves by sharing it with other Jews in the Southern Region. Connection is what drives our lives, and NCSY is the hub for ultimate connection between ourselves, Judaism, and other Jews.

Eli Fuchs
From Johns Creek, GA

Hey, my name is Eli Fuchs and I’m from Johns Creek, GA. I’m currently a sophomore studying Political Science-Pre Law at the University of Central Florida after a year at Yeshivat Sha’alvim. I’m excited to be a part of The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to learn & growing, being part of a greater Jewish community, and getting to enjoy authentic religious experiences during the school year.

Yaakov Fuchs
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! My name is Yaakov Fuchs, and I hail from Woodmere, NY. After attending DRS Yeshiva High School, I spent two years learning at Yeshivat Shaalvim, and I am currently a sophomore at Yeshiva University, both learning Torah and studying political science. I am hoping to continue learning for semichah after I graduate. I was heavily impacted by NCSY as a high schooler, both as a member of NCSY’s JUMP leadership program, and as an NCSY’er on the NCSY Summer Kollel. Those formative experiences and the madrichim who made them happen shaped many of my decisions throughout high school, and their reverberations are felt in an inexplicably real way today. I am excited to have the opportunity to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, G-D willing, create those experiences for others!

Tikva Goldberg
From Queens, NY

Hi, my name is Tikva Goldberg from Queens NY. I’m currently a junior studying phycology. I spent a year in Midreshet Torat Cheesed, and than was a Madricha in Midreshet Tehila. Since high school NCSY has been a huge part of my life and has really impacted me. I went on two summer programs and went on every regional! This past summer I had the opportunity to be an adviser on Jolt Israel, it was an incredible experience! I have a passion for Chessed and Kirov and NCSY has really been my spark! I am am truly humbled and thankful for the opportunity to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow and the bracha I have been given to be able to share it with you all.

Zachary Goldberg
From Great Neck, NY

Shalom! My name is Zack Goldberg and I am from Great Neck, NY. I learned in Shaalvim for two years and now I am taking classes in computer science at NYU. I can’t wait to be around such great people who I have so much to learn from. It will be exciting to grow and be part of The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Avi Greenberg
From Woodmere, NY

Hi! I’m Avi Greenberg, from Woodmere, New York. I went to DRS for high school followed by two incredible years in Yeshivat Sha’alvim in Israel. This year, I plan on learning and studying business in Yeshiva University for my second year. I hope to major in Business Management and then go to the Semicha program. I am very excited to be a part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship for my second year so that we can strengthen the incredible relationships that we made last year and create new ones as well. This past summer I had the great opportunity of being one of the Madrichim for the Mechina Program on NCSY Kollel. We learned so much about how we can strive to become our best selves in the process. I look forward to working together with The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship in creating an environment where our teens are proud to be Jewish.

Noah Greenblatt
From Albany, NY

Hi. My name is Noah Greenblatt and I’m from Albany, New York. I’m currently studying outdoor education at SUNY Adirondack in upstate New York. I love being outside and playing games but most of all teaching and interacting with other people in those settings. I’m so excited to be part of The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to meet so many new people and help make an impact in whatever way I can.

Gidon Hagler
From Elizabeth, NJ

My name is Gidon Hagler and I was born and raised in Elizabeth, New Jersey. I went to JEC for high school, was lucky enough to then spend two years in Sha’alvim, and am now beginning my Junior year at YU. I still have not decided my major yet. I worked in four different sleep away camps over the past few summers and have always enjoyed the field of informal chinuch, which is why I am super excited to join the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to try to build relationships with NCSYers, mutual relationships in which I can learn from them and they can learn from me. I believe that it is my duty to try to give back to the Jewish community as much as possible, and this opportunity aligns with that belief. I am really looking forward to what should an amazing year!

Valerie Hanz
From Aventura, FL

Hi! My name is Valerie Hanz from Aventura, Florida! I study at Stern College and I am majoring in Psychology and minoring in Education. I am very excited to be part of Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and have the opportunity to connect with teens from all over and coming from every type of background! Thank you for all that you do!

Risa Harris
From Kew Gardens, NY

My name is Risa Harris, and I am from Queens, New York. I had the privilege of attending SKA for high school and spending a year in Michlalah for seminary. I am currently in my junior year at Stern College studying biology. I am deeply indebted to my NCSY Summer role models, both my advisors and my NCSYers, for playing such crucial roles in my growth. I spent one amazing summer on NCSY Michlelet as a camper and was lucky enough to return as an advisor this past summer. It has always been a dream of mine to try and give over a piece of the gift that I have received from them and I am so excited to have that opportunity as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow.

James Heisler
From Great Neck, NY

Hi! I’m James Heisler from Great Neck, NY currently studying Marketing at Yeshiva University. Through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, I’m really excited to get to learn with new people, get to know them and explore deep topics with them while challenging our preconceptions on the path to truth..

Nava Israel
From Silver Spring, MD

Hi! My name is Nava Israel and I’m from Silver Spring, Maryland. I attended Berman Hebrew Academy from nursery through 12th grade, I went to seminary at Sha’alvim for Women, and now I’m a Biology major at Stern! I’m so honored to participate in the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship program because I’ve been blessed to witness firsthand the impact that inspiring Torah and powerful people can have on others, and I can’t wait to be a part of it. I’m excited for the growth, connection, and leadership opportunities that The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship offers, and I feel privileged to be here.

Ethan Jach
From Potomac, MD

Hi. I’m Ethan Jach. I am currently at University of Maryland. I am very excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and connect with teens through meaningful programming.

Dov Jacobson
From Teaneck, NJ

My name is Dov Jacobson, 22, I live in Teaneck, New Jersey and I am a psychology major at Yeshiva University. This will be my third year as an advisor for Southern NCSY and second as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow. I have learned and grown from training seminars, world class educators, and a dedicated community of advisors provided by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. I have already seen the direct impact experienced by teens in NCSY as well as the Jewish community at large. I can’t wait to continue this year! Thank you for this opportunity.

Dina Joseph
From Monsey, NY

Hi! My name is Dina Joseph and I’m from Monsey, NY. I am currently a special education/education major in Touro’s Lander College for Women. I am passionate about education in any form, and look forward to contributing to a population of dedicated and passionate Jewish educators! I had and still have a close relationship with my own NCSY advisor from high school, and in general love the work that NCSY does. I had the privilege of being an advisor on NCSY Next Step in Israel this past summer and loved the ability to connect with the teens, work collaboratively with others and most of all teach torah!! I’m looking forward to continuing being a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowshup to do these things and much more this year!

Adira Kahn
From Boca Raton, FL

Hi! My name is Adira Kahn, I’m from Miami Beach but I currently live in Boca Raton, Florida. I am a junior at Stern College for Women, where I am studying psychology on the occupation therapy track. I spent the last 2 years in Israel at an amazing seminary called Baer Miriam, where I had the privilege of learning Torah and the beauty of a relationship with Hashem in so many new ways. I’m sooo excited to be a part of this year’s Shevet Glaubach fellowship to be able continue on this journey of growth and IY”H share the inspiration and love for Judaism that I my role models and teachers shared with me.

Shmuel Kaplan
From Teaneck, NJ
Ilana Katz
From Lawrence, NY

Hi! My name is Ilana Katz and I am from Lawrence, New York. I went to SKA for high school and then spent a year in Israel learning at MMY. Currently I am studying Chemistry and Psychology at Hunter College. I went on NCSY GIVE and JOLT and had the absolute best summers of my life! I was so fortunate to be an advisor in Las Vegas and then continue to watch the NCSYers grow as their l advisor on TJJ this past summer. I was able to form such strong connections with so many incredible teens through NCSY and TJJ and it is something so would love to continue. I know that the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship will allow me to maintain these connection and continue to form new ones.

Hanna Karben
From Monsey, NY

My name is Hanna Karben from Monsey, NY. I went to Frisch for high school and then went to Sha’alvim for Women in Israel. I am currently in Stern studying Jewish Education. I am very excited to teach Torah and am excited to spread more torah through the opportunities that arise in The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Felicia Kingsbury
From Thornhill, NY

Hi! My name is Felicia Kingsbury and I am from Toronto. I am currently studying at George Brown College for recreation management in gerontology and I am super excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. I am really looking forward to helping NCSYers and being able to give them the opportunity to learn and grow in their Judaism and in life in general.

Shira Knapp
From Bergenfield, NJ

My name is Shira Knapp, and I am from Bergenfield, New Jersey. I attended Bruriah for high school, followed by a year and a half in MMY for seminary. I am currently in my junior year at Stern College studying Psychology. I was privileged to spend many amazing summers in camp, including one on NCSY give, where I was lucky enough to build relationships and learn from so many mentors and counselors. I am so excited for the opportunity to form connections with and gain from my NCSYers as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow.

Jacob Kohanim
From Great Neck, NY

Hi! My name is Jacob Kohanim from Great Neck and I’m so excited to for the opportunities given by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and to connect with all the people around me through leadership and growth. I’m also excited to grow alongside great amazing people and plan amazing events with my team. I’m currently in Baruch college studying actuarial sciences (to be an actuary).

Sabina Korman
From West Hempstead, NY

Hi! My name is Sabina Korman. I am an undergraduate student at Stern College for Women where I’m pursuing a major geared towards a future in nursing. I’m happy to have the chance to be a part of the Glaubach fellowship and hope to make an impact on the Jewish community.

Yoni Kosowsky
From Dallas, TX

Hi, my name is Yoni Kosowsky. I am from Dallas, TX and I currently attend Yeshiva University where I am studying biology. I am looking forward to being a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship program to grow closer to Hashem with the rest of Klal Yisrael.

Jonathan Krombach
From Los Angeles, CA

My name is Jonathan Krombach, I was born in Los Angeles. I’m currently studying Computer science at Yeshiva University. I’m super excited about The Glaubach Fellowship because I’ve been looking forward to meaningfully share all that I’ve learned and grown from with others to help them upgrade their lives, and live as their truest and thereby most wonderful selves! !!!עם ישראל חי

Camilla Krugman
From Brookline, MA

My name is Camilla Krugman and I’m from Boston, Massachusetts! I’m a sophomore at Yeshiva University studying finance and computer science, and I’m so happy to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship! I’m most excited to meet the NCSYers, learn in chavrutas, and share some Torah!

Yonatan Kurz
From Teaneck, NJ

My name is Yonatan Kurz, and I’m from Teaneck, New Jersey. After having attended TABC for high school, followed by two years in Israel learning at Yeshivat Sha’alvim, I am currently a student at Yeshiva University, where I am majoring in Political Science and Jewish Studies with a minor in Psychology. The amazing myriad of opportunities provided by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship which in turn allows aspiring Jewish leaders to have a profound impact on various communities is really incredible and truly one-of-a-kind, and I cannot wait to be included in this tremendous cohort and return to the SGF for my second year.

Daniel Libesman
From Bala Cynwyd, PA

Hi! My name is Daniel Libesman and I’m from Bala Cynwyd, PA. I currently am a sophomore at Baruch College studying finance and math. I attended MTA for high school followed by 2 years at Yeshivat Hakotel. It is very exciting to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it gives me the opportunity to help teens from my community grow in the best way possible, while also being able to benefit and grow myself in many different ways.

Meital Lindenberg
From Cherry Hill, NJ

Hi! My name is Meital Lindenberg and I’m from Cherry Hill, NJ. I spent a year in Tiferet before coming to Stern where I am studying Music! I was heavily involved in NCSY throughout high school (Shabbatons, Jump, summer program) where I developed meaningful relationships with my advisors and witnessed the love and care NCSY has for their teens and this past summer I was an advisor on Jolt Israel. I strongly believe in NCSY’s mission and am looking forward to the unique opportunities that the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship offers to help others find the same love for Judaism that I have discovered in my own life.

Michael Livi
From Great Neck, NY

My name is Michael Livi and I am 22 years old. I was blessed to attend North Shore Hebrew Academy my entire life, graduating as Speaker of the Class in 2017. I was privileged to then study at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh in Jerusalem for one year upon graduating High School. I just graduated from the Honors Program at Yeshiva University Sy Syms School of Business, with a a Major degree in Finance and a two Minors in both Real Estate and Accounting. My service to the wonderful Great Neck community officially began in high school for the Gym Minyan (a Minyan for High School teens of all backgrounds), where, alongside 2 peers, I helped run a Minyan that catered to 150+ teens every week. I was first exposed to NCSY by Jonathan Zar as a young high school student, falling in love with what NCSY offers. Upon my return from Yeshiva, I applied to be (and was accepted as) an Shevet Glaubach Fellow working with the New York (Great Neck) region and I currently seek to give back more to my community.

I currently spend my mornings learning Torah and afternoons working in a Lab Grown Diamond company that I started almost a year ago. My nights are dedicated to learning, teaching and community service.

Arieh Livieim
From Great Neck, NY

Hi, I am Arieh Livieim, I am from Great Neck, NY. I am currently in Queens College studying Finance and Economics. I am excited about the opportunities through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it gives me the opportunity to give back to the community and make sure the kids have someone relatable to go to in the need of advice.

Gaby Mamane
From Côte Saint-Luc, Canada

Hello everyone!! My name is Gaby Mamane. I am from Montreal and I am studying to be a Civil Engineer at McGill University. I am so excited to be a part of NCSY Ottawa through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this year and I can’t wait to start contributing to the spiritual growth of the community with so many incredible people!!

Aliza Mandelbaum
From Queens, NY

My name is Aliza Mandelbaum and I am from Queens, NY. I am studying Neuroscience and Psychology at Queens College and I hope to be a genetic counselor. I am excited to have more opportunities through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to learn and shmooze regularly with my NCSYers and have a great time! Can’t wait for an amazing year!

Aryeh Margolin
From Edison, NJ

Hi, my name is Aryeh Margolin. I live in Edison, NJ and I am currently a junior in YU studying accounting. I’m so excited to be a part of The Shevet Glaubach fellowship for my second year because of the amazing relationships I made last year with my NSCYers. Had it not been for this beautiful program, I would have probably never met them and my life would look very different. The joy I saw in them from their limud haTorah has left an indelible mark on me and has forever changed they way I learn Torah and connect with Hashem. I’m so excited to have the same opportunity again this year.

Lauren Markowitz
From Suffern, NY

Hi, I’m Leah Markowitz! I was born and raised in Suffern, New York (better known as Monsey) and am currently a student at Queens College studying Business. I am super excited to be a part of The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, because it will grant me the opportunity to truly explore my Jewish identity, and help others do the same. I am passionate about living a Torah lifestyle and hope that as I continue to grow into my Judaism and build my leadership skills, I can inspire those around me to pursue a similar path. I am thrilled and honored to have this position as a Glaubach Fellow because I genuinely believe it will play a crucial role in helping shape my future as an active member of my Jewish community and enable me to connect with the Denver community in a meaningful and iy”H impactful way.

Samantha Maryles
From New Rochelle, NY

My name is Samantha Maryles and I’m from New Rochelle, NY. I’m currently in Cornell university studying communications! I am so excited to be a part of The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship for the leadership and inspiration opportunities!

Rory Meyerson
From Scottsdale, AZ

Scottsdale, AZ Hi! My name is Rory Meyerson from Arizona. I currently attend Yeshiva University where I spend my time learning in R’Adler’s shiur and studying Biochemistry. This past summer I had the privilege to be an advisor on Southern TJJ and it opened my eyes to the beauty of being in an environment of authentic growth through meaningful relationships and I am thrilled to continue to be a part of The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this coming year!

Noa Muscat
From Toronto, Canada

Hi! My name is Noa Muscat. I am from Toronto and I am so excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this year! I am currently studying Jewish studies, music and education at York University, and hoping to become a teacher IY’H. I’m looking forward to the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because I love connecting with teens about their Judaism and helping them discover what is meaningful to them.

Liora Nimchinsky
From Houston, TX

My name is Liora Nimchinsky, I am currently in Stern College pursuing a career in nursing while also exploring my interests in the realm of Kiruv through my involvement in Southern NCSY. I have the privilege to be from many places, Baruch Hashem, such as Houston, Pittsburgh, San Antonio, Ottawa, and Seattle. Due to the fact that I’ve moved around a lot in my life, I’ve been a member of, and a follower, in various types of communities. This leads me to why I’m excited about my opportunities through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. Through the Fellowship I hope to become an active leader by sharing my time, energy, dreams, and passions with a community, and God willing, see my efforts manifested into something meaningful for Klal Yisroel.

Shira Nimchinsky
From Houston, TX

Hi my name is Shira Nimchinsky, I am originally from Houston, Texas but I moved around a lot since then. Now my family lives in Seattle, Washington. I am currently in my senior year in Stern College for Women studying Psychology. I am excited about the opportunities through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because in the past years that I have been a Fellow, I was given many new opportunities to learn from mentors and Rabbis. I was also given the once in a lifetime opportunity to connect and make real relationships with teens in Public school who strive and work for growth in Judaism on an every day basis. I have felt extremely blessed to have been a part of the fellowship and hope to continue as a Fellow this coming year to strengthen my connection with the teens, mentors, fellows, and with my own Judaism.

Moshe Nissanoff
From Los Angeles, CA

My name is Moshe Nissanoff and I am from Los Angeles, California. I recently graduated from Yeshiva University with a major in Business of Medicine and am now studying for my MCAT to continue on my path of becoming a physician. The past three years I have been an NCSY advisor for the southwest region and I am ecstatic to continue building that relationship! The opportunities being offered in the Shevet Glaubach fellowship will allow me to learn bechavrusa with other NCSYers, attend additional shabbatons and other community events, and ultimately strengthen my bond with the teens. I look forward to the programming and workshops that NCSY has prepared for us so we can do our very best at being a mentor to the NCSY teens.

Yonatan Noach
From Brooklyn, NY

Shalom! My name is Yonatan Noach, born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I currently am studying Finance at Yeshiva University yet how I got there particularly was not something I ever expected. Growing up in a traditional Israeli home where kosher and Friday night Shabbat meals were present, however an observant was out of the question. Around a year before I entered public high school from conservative Jewish day school I began my true spiritual journey. The truth of Judaism and my fascination with it grew into a fiery passion. My observance grew from a desire to feel closer to HaShem and my enamoration blossomed into a love that was inexpressible. My family as a result also began to appreciate its beauty much more. My history with NCSY unfolded. When I first went on TJJ which eventually culminated into three summers (TJJ AP and NCSY Kollel) and presence at events year round. The involvement I’ve had in the past has been an immense source of growth for me through my high school years and my year at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh to which I am endlessly grateful for. That being said, my passion to make an impact and show others the beauty and authenticity of Judaism has been a growing passion of mine and to be given this platform as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow is nothing but a gift. I am hopeful and excited to show the coming generation of the Jewish people the beauty and authenticity Judaism is and am anticipating the positive impact for what this unbelievable opportunity has in store.

Eitan Northman
From Cleveland, OH

My name is Eitan Northman and I’m from Cleveland, Ohio. I’m currently a student at Yeshiva University majoring in Political Science. The thing I’m most excited for is getting to connect with NCSYers from across the country and inspire growth within the young leaders of our Jewish communities through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Adina Peck
From Charlotte, NC

My name is Adina Peck, and I’m from Charlotte, NC. I study psychology and anthropology at Emory University in Atlanta and participate in many activities pertaining to environmental sustainability and Jewish life. I’m looking forward to connecting Jewish teens to Torah, to other students, and to mentors with whom they can grow enduring relationships. I’m thrilled to be a part of The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. I’m excited to continue improving my organizational and leadership skills and can’t wait to learn from and with teens in the Greater South.

Esther Perez
From Brooklyn, NY

Hello everyone! My name is Esther Perez and I am a current full-time student. I grew up in Brooklyn, New York and have been here my whole life. I currently study at Stern College for Women and am pursuing a career as a Social Worker with a specificity in non-profit development. I also previously attended Shaalvim for Women in Israel. I am extremely excited for the opportunities brought by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it will hopefully allow me to get involved with NCSY’s amazing community and to get in touch and build relationships with NCSY members I would have never met previously!

Ayelet Pfeiffer
From Bergenfield, NJ

Hi! I’m Ayelet Pfeiffer, and I went to Bruriah High School and then had a great experience for two years at Tiferet Seminary. Now I am currently in Touro studying psychology, hoping to pursue a career in education. Shevet Glaubach Fellowship provides a warm, driven, and fun environment that I am very excited to be a part of!!!

Neima Pollak
From Los Angeles, CA

Hello! My name is Neima Pollak. I am a proud LA native but currently live in Manhattan. I completed my MA in Special Education this past spring and have just started my MSW. I am beginning my fifth year with West Coast NCSY and I am grateful to the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship for the effect it has had on teens and on broader Jewish communities. I am delighted to take part in this fellowship because I know that I will gain valuable skills in leadership and community development that I can implement presently and will continue to use in the future.

Batsheva Rabinowitz
From Silver Spring, MD

Hi, my name is Batsheva Rabinowitz, I’m from Silver Spring, Maryland. Currently I’m at Stern College in Manhattan studying biology! I am so excited to be a part of Shevet Glaubach Fellowhsip and to take advantage of all of the opportunities that it has to offer.

Maytal Rahimzada
From Great Neck, NY

Hi! My name is Maytal Rahimzada, I grew up in Great Neck, NY and am currently majoring in Speech Pathology at Stern College for Women. I have been involved in NCSY for the past 6 years and was lucky enough to be a part of the Great Neck NCSY chapter as well as a current board member for Ahavat Shalom Youth. One thing that has stood out to me was the dedication and enthusiasm that advisors had while learning with their NCSYers, that’s something that I genuinely can’t wait to experience through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship; being on the other side and bringing that enthusiasm and dedication to the table.

Marisol Rams
From Miami, FL

Hi! My name is Marisol, I am from Miami, I go to Landers College for Women in Manhattan. I am majoring in Chemistry. I am so excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship. I love meeting new people and connecting through torah. I am so happy to have this opportunity to grow with you and have fun while doing it.

Yitzy Richter
From Spring Valley, NY

Hey y’all! My name is Yitzy Richter and I’m super excited for an awesome year of NCSY Southern! I’m from Spring Valley, NY and currently studying Computer Science at Yeshiva University. I am excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and build strong relationships with my teens. I taught spray paint art at Camp Morasha for two summers and was consistently blown away by the campers and their artistry—it’s amazing to see what people can do with a can of paint and just bit of inspiration.

Matan Rockowitz
From Fair Lawn, NJ

Hey guys! I’m Matan Rockowitz. I’m originally from Phoenix, AZ but in 2016, I moved cross country to where I now live in Fair Lawn, NJ! I’m currently a Sophomore studying Accounting and Finance at Touro College in the Big Apple! I’m extremely excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and create long lasting relationships with all of you. Can’t wait to meet you soon!!

Ariella Rosencrantz
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi! My name is Ariella Rosencrantz and I am from Teaneck, New Jersey. I had the zechus of attending Machon Ma’ayan for Shana Aleph and Tiferet for Shana Bet. I currently attend Sy Syms School of Business, where I am studying to receive a degree in finance. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a part of such a special organization like NCSY., and specifically a member of The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship I am so excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, as it will allow me to share my experiences of inspiration and connection with the next generation of Jewish leaders.

Miriam Rozin
From Columbia, SC

Hey everyone! My name is Miriam Rozin, I was born in Ukraine and raised in Columbia, SC! I went to public school for middle and high school and Machon Ma’ayan for Seminary. I currently attend the University of South Carolina studying Mathematics (Secondary Education). I am super excited to go into my second year as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow, as I love working with the teens locally, giving them the experiences and knowledge I wish I had going through high school. I am also excited to go back to having in person events and shabbatons and bringing the teens back to their roots.

Joseph Rubin
From Oakton, VA

Hi! My name is Joseph Rubin, and I’m from Northern Virginia. After spending time at Shor Yeshiva in the Five Towns, I am currently studying at New York University’s Stern School of Business. I’m looking forward to being a part of The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and engaging in chesed with other motivated Jewish leaders and building strong mentor relationships with NCSY teens.

Elan Sachs
From West Hempstead, NY

Hi, my name is Elan Sachs. I’m from West Hempstead and went to HANC for High School. I learned in Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel and now I am in my third year of Semicha at RIETS. I am extremely excited about the opportunity to work with the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship!

Eli Schloss
From Bergenfield, NJ

Hi! My name is Eli Schloss, from Bergenfield, NJ. I currently attend YU, and I am in the Sy Syms School of Business. I am excited to get involved with NCSY’s Shevet Glaubach Fellowship this upcoming year, and getting to know some of my brothers and sisters down south. I am looking forward to growing with many of you, whether it be on Shabatonim, learning Torah with some of you, or just even hanging out.

Joshua Schmutter
From Miami, FL

Hello, my is Joshua Schmutter and I am from Miami, Florida. I am currently enrolled in University of Florida in Gainesville, but took a semester to pursue studies in yeshiva. In Gainesville I study Computer Science and Engineering, with an independent pursuit of audio/music engineering on the side. I’m excited for this opportunity to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and connect with the young Jewish population through the words of the Torah. I think it’s vital to get a young Jew acquainted with Torah values and concepts so they can take it anywhere they go in life.

Aaron Sebbag
From Passaic, NJ

Hi! My name is Aaron Sebbag. I’m from Passaic, New Jersey. I am currently in Landers College studying Biology. I’m so excited to be apart of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it provides a more personal connection and opportunity to connect with Jewish teens and the Jewish community at large.

Claire Segal
From Bucks County, PA

Hi! I’m Claire Segal from Bucks County, PA. I was an NCSYer throughout high school and have been honored to be an advisor for the last few years. I’m currently a junior at The College of New Jersey, and I’m double majoring in Psychology and English. I’m so excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow this year! As someone who grew up in a kiruv environment, I feel blessed to have the opportunity to give back, inspiring and educating the next generation of Jewish youth. I’m looking forward to an inspiring year ahead!

Sandy Shaoolian
From Great Neck, NY

Hi! I’m Sandy Shaoolian, I’m from Great Neck, NY, and I’m a biology major in my senior year at Stern College. I’m currently on the both the youth board and young professionals board at my shul (Ahavat Shalom) and I help in making decisions, planning events/shiurs, etc. I’m really looking forward to the Shevet Glaubach fellowship because I’m excited to be given the opportunity to learn and grow with the teens, side by side, and I really love the message of community that this fellowship is trying to get across!

Ahava Sheer
From Passaic, NJ

My name is Ahava Sheer and I am from Passaic, New Jersey. I currently attend Queens College and I am studying Media Studies and Business. I am so excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to meet and connect with the amazing teens and to help faculty incredible programs and learning opportunities.

Avigail Sheinbein
From Bergenfield, NJ

Hi! My name is Avigail Sheinbein, I live in Bergenfield, NJ and I am currently a junior in Stern College, Yeshiva University studying Biology! My past education includes RYNJ, Bruriah High School, and 1.5 years at Midreshet Moriah. While I enjoy a good adventure or a solid kumzits, I’m also passionate about creating strong heartfelt relationships that enable others to feel connected to klal yisrael. I strongly believe that every person has their own spark to add to the world, and I look forward to delving deeper into NCSY and growth through Torah. A Glaubach fellow is more than just positive energy, as it demands hard-work and deep thought. I hope to sharpen my understanding of true Avodas Hashem as I surround myself with people who are looking to understand more about who we are on an individual and national level. Can’t wait to establish vibrant energies and a newfound appreciation for Judaism!!

Batsheva Shekhter
From Hollywood, FL

Hi! I’m Batsheva Shekhter and I’m from Hollywood, FL. I spent the past year learning in Israel at MMY and just started my freshman year at Columbia University, studying Computer Science. I was an Emtza advisor in high school and really loved the Shabbatons, programming, and opportunities to meet awesome people. I’m so excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow this year and be able to share my love of Torah with incredible NCSYers.

Rachel Sherin
From Rochester, NY

Hi! My name is Rachel Sherin and I am from Rochester, NY. I spent a year at Machon Maayan before attending Stern College where I am majoring in Political Science. I am so excited to be apart of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to continue to learn and teach torah and to make an impact on the Jewish community. I hope to inspire others the way my advisors did for me when I was an NCSY’er.

Julia Sherman
From Flushing, NY

Hi! My name is Julia Sherman. I’m going into my final year at Lander College for Women. I started my NCSY journey in 9th grade and after an amazing seminary year at Machon Maayan, I continued my NCSY journey as a New Jersey advisor for two years. Last year, I decided to go back to my roots and become a New York advisor, as well as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow for the Queens chapter. I am excited for another amazing year as a Glaubach fellow because I want to inspire teens through thoughtful programming and events (in person!).

Shira Shicker
From Chicago, IL

Hi, my name is Shira Shicker and I’m from Chicago, Illinois. After high school, I spent a year and half learning in Israel at MMY. Following MMY, I completed a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Touro’s Lander College for Women. I currently work full time as a recruiter, and I am very excited to a part of The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and devote my spare time to one of my passions, the Jewish community. I look forward to working with others in being an active member of the Jewish Community, building lasting relationships, implementing meaningful programming and learning from the educational seminars this fellowship has to offer.

Elana Silkin
From Boca Raton, FL

Hey guys my name is Elana Silkin. I hail from sunny Florida, though I’m currently in New York at Stern College for Women where I’m studying Jewish Education. I’m so excited that I have an opportunity to join Shevet Glaubach Fellowiship and meet all the NCSY’rs this year and form connections that will last a lifetime!! I also am looking forward to all the learning opportunities we will have over this coming year iy”h!!!!

Bracha Smith
From Los Angeles, CA

Hi. I’m Bracha Smith from Los Angeles and I graduated from Touro College Los Angeles with a degree in psychology. I went on to earn my teacher’s credentials through Hebrew Union College. I spent the past three years as an advisor for NCSY, first for West Coast NCSY and then for New York NCSY. I feel very fortunate to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow. I hope to inspire the next generation and contribute to the NCSY community.

Shira Sredni
From Miami, FL

Hi!! I’m Shira Sredni from Miami, Florida and I’m currently at YU majoring in Bio on the premed track. I went to Hillel and was involved in NCSY myself and can’t wait to be back in Southern :)) I am extremely excited to be a part of The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, and build strong relationships.

Moshe Strauss
From West Hempstead, NY

My name is Moshe Strauss and I am from West Hempstead, New York. I went to DRS for High School, and had a big privilege of learning 2 years in Yeshivat Shaalavim in Israel. I am now in my third semester of Yeshiva University and am planning majoring in Business Management. This past summer, I had a tremendous privilege of being a Madrich on NCSY Kollel, and prior to that, I attended Camp Dora Golding, Camp Morasha, NCSY Kollel, Camp Kaylie and Camp HASC. Shevet Glaubach is known to be an incredible fellowship program, one that is known to change peoples lives. What I am most excited about is being able to give back to the community and the Jewish people by doing something that I deeply care about. Helping people is what I love doing more than anything and the idea of doing it in this incredible way is one that I am truly looking forward to.

Sarit Swift
From Boca Raton, FL

Hey! My name is Sarit Swift, and I’m from Boca Raton, FL. I’m currently going to college online at Broward College, where I am majoring in economics. This is my second year being a Shevet Glaubach Fellow. I had the best time and met the most amazing people last year! I’m so excited to see what this year brings!!

Adina Strong
From Hillside, NJ

Hi, I’m Adina Strong and I’m from Hillside, NJ. I go to Stern College and I am majoring in biology, hoping to one day become a dentist. I have always been passionate about Judaism, and this past summer I was lucky enough to translate that into action and get involved in NCSY when I staffed a The Jerusalem Journey (TJJ) bus! One of my favorite parts of the program was forming relationships with the teens. This is something which I am really looking forward to as part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship – forming connections with others, especially through chevruta learning! I love to not only learn Torah, but to share it as well, especially through discussions. I cannot think of a better opportunity to do so!

Nathalie Tick
From Milwaukee, WI

Hi! My name is Nathalie Tick and I am proud Midwesterner from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I spent a year and a half in Israel and am now a student at Touro in Manhattan studying speech pathology. Growing up, I didn’t have the opportunity to be involved with NCSY, but I saw what an impact it had on my friends and I learned about all the amazing things NCSY does I knew I wanted to be involved. This is my first year involved with Shevet Glaubach and I’m looking forward to an incredible upcoming year.

Yosef Tropp
From Teaneck, NJ

Hi! My name is Yosef Tropp and I’m from Teaneck, New Jersey. Currently, I am in YU studying Gemara Bava Basra and majoring in Computer Science. I spent this past summer at NCSY Kollel. I’m very excited about the opportunity Shevet Glaubach gives me to connect with the guys and share Torah.

Hadar Vaanunu
From Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Hi. I’m Hadar, from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. I grew up with a strong Israeli identity. My Jewish identity cultivated later on when I became involved in Southern NCSY as a teen. I filled leadership roles in my local NCSY chapter and Regional board, as well as on my high school campus. Spending a year learning in Israel was extremely important. Initially attending Sharfman’s, I then switched to Darchei Binah for her second year and eventually became a Madricha dedicating time to students, and subsequently joining the Seminary’s Poland trip as Madricha. I am now studying Psychology at Touro Landers College for Women in Manhattan. I am truly excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Judah Waitman
From Monsey, NY

Hi, my name is Yehuda Waitman! I’m from Monsey, NY, and currently enrolled in Yeshiva University. I’m entering my senior year at YU studying Accounting & Finance. I’m really excited about the opportunities through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to connect with high schoolers from the South and inspire them to live a life full of meaning & purpose.

Marnie Weingarten
From Queens, NY

Hi! My name is Marnie Weingarten and I am from Queens, New York. I went to Central for high school and then had the privilege of learning at Michlalah in Eretz Yisroel. I am currently in my final year at Stern College and hope to ultimately become a Psychiatric Nurse practitioner bezras hashem. I am so grateful for the NCSY Summer advisors, role models and mentors who played an integral role in my growth. I am very much looking forward to being able to serve in that role for others. Furthermore, I am excited to help others grow in their Avodas Hashem through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, while of course concurrently gaining and being inspired by all that I am privileged to meet.

Michelle Weingarten
From Queens, NY

Hi! I’m Michelle Weingarten from Queens, New York. I went to Central for high school and then attended Michlalah for seminary. I am currently a senior at Stern College. I am majoring in Psychology and planning on attending dental school next year. As a Shevet Glaubach Fellow, I am looking forward to making an impact and forging relationships.

Naomi Weintraub
From Miami, FL

Hi, I’m Naomi and I’m from Miami! I am triplet; I have a brother and sister and no, we are not identical nor have any telepathic connection (unfortunately). I am a sophomore at the University of Florida and am majoring in International Studies with a focus on the Middle East. I want to defend Israel as best as I can and to do that I believe we must open our hearts to different perspectives to understand the human connection that unites us while also recognizing the deep historical pain that divides us. On the side I run a graphic design website where I like to combine my love with photography with my love for genealogy and old family photos.

I am so excited to once again be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, it truly is an honor. When I was a teen in NCSY I so much looked up to my advisors and I wanted to be them so badly. As a public school kid I thought that was impossible, that it was unattainable for me since I never received such a formal Jewish education. After going to seminary, Baer Miriam, I was encouraged by a NCSY staff member to apply to SGF, and when I was accepted it was a “made it” moment for me. I very much connect with the saying “if you just know aleph, teach aleph”, that the growth I have made and the inspiration that has touched me can have have an impact on other people. I am ready to dedicate myself wholeheartedly and am looking forward to what this new year will bring.

Simon Weisfish
From Los Angeles, CA

My name is Simon Weisfish. I love the outdoors and primitive camping and hiking, love animals, I ski and snowboard, I work as an EMT and took computer science in college so I work part time for a tech company as a data analyst/developer. I am excited to build relationships with my NCSYers through The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.!

Sara Weiss
From Chicago, IL

My name is Sara Weiss, I am originally from Chicago, Illinois, and am currently in Stern College for Women studying Jewish Education. I am excited to have this opportunity and work together with other fellows in The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and create community programming for teens in Boston. My goal is to create relationships not just with my fellows, yet even more so with the teens around us enhance their learning and programs in Boston.

Daniel Aaron
Assigned to Hollywood
From Monsey, NY

Daniel Aaron currently lives in Monsey, NY, and is an upper sophomore attending Yeshiva University studying finance and mathematics. He went to Heichal Hatorah in Teaneck, NJ for high school and then took a year and a half to learn in a Yeshiva in Israel called Yeshivat Mevaseret Tzion. He spent his 10th grade summer with NCSY on their kollel program. He also has a strong passion for kiruv and inspiring people. He wasn’t as religious as he currently is right now and he can relate to many kids going through different stages of their life in a way that very few people can. He loves reaching out to people and making new connections while also advocating and supporting a cause that he fully believes in and is proud to be a part of. He loves learning and creating an aura and appreciation for Judaism in ways that is fun and exciting.

Talia Yahav
From Skokie, IL

My name is Talia Yahav, I’m a computer science major at Touro LCW. I’m excited to spend the year continuing to learn one on one with NCSYers and continue being a Shevet Glaubach Fellow and building relationships with my teens.

Daniella Abekassis
Assigned to Manhattan
From North Woodmere, NY

Daniella Abekassis is originally from North Woodmere, NY. She is currently a junior at Stern College studying psychology. She has been a NY advisor this past year as well as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow. Although she did not have a chance to do much this past year, she is super excited to make up for it and get started!

Eric Abraham
Assigned to Ben Gamla
From Boynton Beach, FL

Eric Abraham is from Boynton Beach, FL. Currently he does not attend college but plans to in the next school year. Previously he was in the Glaubach Fellows last year. He is excited about opportunities through the fellowship because he has experienced them before and knows they’re amazing.

Elisheva Adouth
Assigned to YDS
From Miami, FL

Elisheva Adouth, from Miami Florida, just finished a year in Israel at Sha’alvim for Women. She
is planning on attending Stern College for Women this fall and plans to study Jewish Studies IYH. She did NCSY all throughout high school (summer programs, regionals, learn and earn, etc), and upon returning home from Israel early due to the Coronavirus pandemic she began learning with an NCSYer a year below her. She engaged heavily in a Chaburah Workshop in seminary in preparation for learning with students in the future, as she wants to go into Jewish Education IYH. She is excited about the opportunities through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because she has already been learning with someone for a few months and would like to be able to learn with more NCSYers who are open to that. Additionally, she feels as if the resources within the fellowship will allow her to learn a lot about teaching and bringing people closer to Hashem in general. She really wants to be able to be as involved in NCSY and with the NCSYers as possible. She felt that so many of her advisors were with her. She would love to use what she has to help others with what people once helped her with.

Benjy Aryeh
Assigned to Israel Advocacy
From West Hempstead, NY

Benjy Aryeh from West Hempstead, NY is currently a student at Yeshiva University where he is majoring in Finance and minoring in Marketing. As a high schooler, he participated in Latte and Learning and went on spring regional. Last summer he was a counselor on Yad B Yad and valued spending time and connecting with all of the participants. He has given a chabura every week
to his participants ever since that summer and is looking forward to giving it for another year! He is so excited to join the Glaubach Fellowship as it gives him the ability to connect with more people and put a smile on their face along with building a long term connection. He also loves planning and participating in activities so this should be fun!

Eytan Aryeh
Assigned to Five Towns
From Woodmere, NY

Eytan Aryeh is from Woodmere, NY. He is currently a senior in YU studying Psychology and Business Management and has just begun the Semicha Program at RIETS as well. He has always had an interest in impacting those around him and has searched for opportunities that would help him succeed in that goal. He was a core member of Yeshivat Hakotel’s leadership program which gave him the training and hands on experience needed to impact. Additionally, he has been a Coordinator for Senior Yachad for the past two years and an RA on YU’s Wilf campus which aided in his goal to impact as well. He is hoping that the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship can be another one of these amazing opportunities for him to continue his self growth while simultaneously being able to impact those around him.

Aviel Usher Avidan
Assigned to TJJ
From Teaneck, NJ

Aviel Avidan, a senior at Yeshiva University, currently lives in Teaneck, NJ. He currently has the opportunity to partake in a program like the Shevet Glaubach Fellow this coming year. Over the 20 years that Hashem has blessed him with, he has been in many different places—spiritually not geographically. He started off life as a nonobservant Jew. Aviel’s father spent a significant portion of his teenage years at an anti-religious kibbutz, while his mother, a Russian immigrant, was not familiar with being religious until her late teenage years. Although this was the case, ever since a young age, he had a natural draw to being an observant Jew, but was unable to make anything of it because of his family’s circumstance. As time went on, he slowly incorporated different Mitzvot into his everyday life. When it came to deciding his high school, he was at a crossroads between Solomon Schechter of Westchester, a conservative program he had just spent 13 years alongside many friends, versus Torah Academy of Bergen County, an all-boys modern-orthodox high school. Even though it was difficult for him to make the switch, he felt like TABC was the right move. In high school, for the most part, he was a classic modern orthodox teenager. Although he did not devote much time to learning and was not strict on keeping Halacha, being religious always had a special place in his heart, sparking his involvement with NCSY. Rabbi Reuven Lebowitz, his chapter director, encouraged him to spend a year in Israel. Although there was a large financial burden, NCSY gave tremendous help, and served as the main reason for why he went to Israel—an experience that changed his life!

Esther Avidan
Assigned to Hollywood
From Teaneck, NJ

Esther Avidan grew up and currently lives in Teaneck, NJ. She had the zechus of attending Ma’ayanot for high school, Tomer Devorah for seminary, and will I”YH be attending Touro this coming fall. She hopes to next semester, be’ezras hashem, begin studying towards either working in chinuch or special education (speech pathology or developmental psychology). She will also be’ezras hashem be getting her real estate license at some point in the near future… but that’s mamish a story of its own! She is so excited for the opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with you all! Together, we can build a strong community focused around strengthening each other and our kesher with Hashem. She is optimistic to see what the future holds for us, and is truly humbled and thankful for this very special opportunity and the bracha she has been given to be able to share it with you all.

Tzvi Berke
Assigned to Manhattan
From Cedarhurst, NY

Tzvi Berke from Cedarhurst, NY is currently in NYIT studying architecture. He has been an NCSY advisor since last summer when he did TJJ for NJ. Since the summer over this last year he went to the Winter Regional/Yarchei Kallah. He also been on two mission trips to New Orleans with NJ teens. Although not an NCSY program, he did go to Winnipeg for a shabbos retreat to meet high schoolers from the only Jewish school there, although it’s not a very religious community. He has mostly done NCSY programs associated with less religious teens. But one of the mission trips with a yeshiva and gave chaburahs to yeshiva teens at the winter regional. He is very excited about the opportunities through the Glaubach Fellowship because it means he gets to be involved more with
NCSY. He’s excited to have the chance to meet with more teens through NCSY and on a more consistent basis and develop deep and meaningful connections with them.

Zachary Berlin
Assigned to Orlando
From Edison, NJ

Zachary Berlin is from Edison, NJ and is currently at Lander College. He attended NCSY Kollel as a highschooler and worked at Camp HASC. He is very excited for this program to start and to meet everyone.

Yonatan Berner
Assigned to Plainview
From Teaneck, NJ

Yonatan Berner from Teaneck, NJ is currently studying Computer Science in Yeshiva University. Going on NCSY JOLT was his first NCSY experience. This was a life changing, transformational
experience which left a big impact on him. Last summer, he had the amazing opportunity to be an adviser on NCSY Hatzalah Rescue. Walking away from this program, he took with him not only an amazing experience, but realized that he learned and grew so much. Not only did he enjoy being part of the NCSY mission and helping others grow, but it helped him grow personally as well. Being able to be part of NCSY is an amazing experience and he very much looks forward to facilitating growth for others as well as himself.

Keith Bonwitt
Assigned to Ben Gamla
From Miami, FL

Keith Bonwitt was born in Miami, FL and grew up there his entire life. He is currently at school in the University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering studying Computer Science. He has had past work experience as a counselor at a Zionist youth camp, as a Machine Learning engineering, and as a coding instructor. He is excited for the opportunity in this Fellowship to give to the Jewish people in a concrete way, connect to others in helping them reach their fullest potential, and to help himself grow by being a mentor.

Binyamin Ciment
Assigned to Plainview
From West Hempstead, NY

Binyamin Ciment, from West Hempstead, NY is currently in YU, along with being pre med. He is excited to be given the opportunity to help individuals connect to God from where they are holding.

Sam Clarke
Assigned to Jacksonville
From Boca Raton, FL

Sam Clarke was born and raised in Boca Raton, Fl. Sam studied at Yeshivat Orayta and currently attends the University of Florida. He plans to major in Political Science and Criminology. Sam has served as a Group Leader for Boca Raton Synagogue, Emtza and Freshmen NCSY Advisor, and looks forward to continuing his involvement within NCSY and the Jewish community. Sam is passionate about his Judaism and is excited to help teens, communities, and everyone feel inspired about their Judaism. Sam is a Shabbaton fanatic and can’t wait to participate in all the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship’s Shabbatonim! He also looks forward to the learning and mentorship opportunities, and hopes to make the best impact he can.

Leeyan Cohen
Assigned to Miami
From Miami, FL

Leeyan Cohen is from Miami, FL. She just got back from her year in Sharfman’s seminary, which was unfortunately cut short due to Coronavirus. Leeyan is currently studying psychology in Broward College. She was a NCSYer in her Junior and Senior years of high school, where she started her religious journey. In her senior year she was the Southern NCSY Regional president and now she’s hoping to come back as an advisor or even better a Glaubach Fellow, to be able to give back to the organization that gave so much to her, along with being there for NCSYers who are in the same shoes she was just a few years ago!

Liat Cohen
Assigned to YDS
From Brooklyn, NY

Liat Cohen from Brooklyn, NY went to Central and studied for a year in Israel at Midreshet Moriah. She is currently enrolled in her second year at Stern/Sy Syms School of Business. She is looking forward to being a Shevet Glaubach Fellow for the Southern Region and serving on SGF Leadership Board.

Tehila Cohen
Assigned to Great Neck
From Queens, NY

Tehila Cohen is from Queens, NY. She went to Central for high school, and then to Shaalvim for Women in Israel. She now attends Stern College where she is a senior majoring in Elementary education. In the summer of 2019, She worked on TJJ and that really got her involved in NCSY and kiruv in general. She also had the opportunity to be a Glaubach Fellow last year and appreciated the message tremendously!

Moshe Cohen Benguigui
Assigned to Miami
From Miami, FL

Moshe Cohen currently lives in Miami, but has also lived in many different places, such as Seattle WA, Greatneck NY, and Lima Peru. He is excited to work with Shevet Glaubach this year. Currently he’s in Yeshiva University studying History, with hopes to go to law school after graduation. He’s really excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because he think it provides a unique platform for different members of many diverse Jewish communities to spend time and strengthen their bonds, all within the scope of the Torah. Moshe worked with NCSY in the past, most notably as an advisor in Camp Sports last summer, and is incredibly excited for the opportunity to work with Shevet Glaubach this coming year.

Chana Caley Coughlan
Assigned to Orlando
From Denver, CO

Chana Caley Coughlan, from Denver, CO, is currently going to Stern studying psychology. She has been involved in Jewish leadership throughout high school, her year and a half in Israel, her home, her community, and currently in university as well. She is excited about the opportunities through the Shevat Glaubach Fellowship because all of her knowledge of Judaism has been from
only two places: high school and seminary – and she is excited to broaden her scope of Torah knowledge, specifically the practicality of it all, and how to infuse her life with rich Torah values.
From the array of speakers and opportunities that the Shevat Glaubach Fellowship gives access to, she will have the opportunity to expand her knowledge and application of it all.

Gedalia Dock
Assigned to CS/WPB
From Teaneck, NJ

Gedalia Dock is from Teaneck, NJ. This year he will be attending Touro’s Lander College for Men and majoring in Biology. He was an SGF last year and is look forward to reaching out and connecting to as many Jews as possible through the SGF this year.

Rivkie Elman
Assigned to Savannah
From Brooklyn, NY

Rivkie Elman, from Brooklyn, NY, is starting Queens college and is not exactly sure what she is going into, but has many interests. She don’t have any real background in NCSY but has ALWAYS been interested in kiruv; before her year in seminary, she was upstate with a friend talking to her non-religious neighbors. They ended up speaking for almost 2 hours about Jewish life and
what it means to be religious young girls; she found that she heavily enjoyed the experience and wondered if she should seek out other opportunities to “recreate” it. Obviously, this program is a perfect way to do so! She absolutely loves speaking to people, especially when it comes to Judaism, paired with deep, meaningful ideas. She also really enjoys learning and has had several chavrutas throughout this year. She believes that this program encapsulates these two things she’s most passionate about in the best way possible learning and creating close connections to people. Rivkie is truly excited to see how this will play out and what she can gain from these experiences, as well as how the larger Jewish community will hopefully be effected!

Neeli Fagan
Assigned to Ben Gamla
From Skokie, IL

Neeli Fagan grew up in Skokie, IL and is currently attending Stern College. She is majoring in Biology and plans to pursue a career in nursing IY’H. For the past two years she has been an NCSY advisor for the Southern Region. She was also supposed to be a TJJ advisor this summer. NCSY has come to hold a very special place in her heart, and she has formed very close connections with some of the teens within her region. While the past two years have been great, since she doesn’t live in Florida, she have really only been able to attend two to three shabbatons a year. Shevet Glaubach, which expects their advisors to attend more than 2/3 shabbatons a year, as well as to have a certain number of chavrusas throughout the year, would be a great opportunity for her to strengthen her bond with the teens, and to become the best advisor that she can be.

Zahava Fertig
Assigned to Israel Advocacy
From Woodmere, NY

Zahava Fertig from Woodier, NY is currently a senior at Stern College for Women, studying Political Science. Prior to Stern, she went to MMY for seminary, and Midreshet Shalhevet for high school. After spending some summers working at Moshava I.O., this summer she co-created and facilitated a two-week mental health advocacy program for Jewish teens with a grassroots nonprofit called Project Proactive. As a returning Shevet Glaubach Fellow (and Leadership Board member) and Southern NCSY advisor, she is eagerly anticipating the start of the new academic year filled with meaningful learning opportunities and programs, development training workshops, and actively participating in new collaborative projects. Whether it will be in person or over Zoom, she looks forward to meeting and working with this year’s cohort of Shevet Glaubach Fellows as they transform the present and future development of our beloved Jewish community.

Jacob Fisher
Assigned to Boca Raton
From Edison, NJ

Jacob Fisher is currently enrolled in Lander College majoring in psychology. He attended 2 years in Israel at Mevaseret. He loves to swim (certified lifeguard), play tennis, and play guitar and violin. He lives in Edison NJ, where he is attending college (virtually) and working as a Behavior Tech providing ABA therapy. He has extensive experience working with all types of children and teenagers, at all religious observance levels. At HASC, Shalva (in Israel for two years), Camp Simcha, or as a life guard in his community Jewish camp, outreach was always part of his focus. Whether it’s Shabbos, learning, or simply doing a daily activity, his passion about Judaism is always present, and he welcomes the opportunity to share his enthusiasm.

Jakey Friedman
Assigned to CS/WPB
From West Hempstead, NY

Jakey Friedman, from West Hempstead, NY, attended DRS for high school and then had the privilege of learning in Yeshivat Shaalvim for two years in Eretz Yisroel. He is in his first semester in Yeshiva University, and although he is undecided major, he is highly considering majoring in Psychology/smicha, or possibly pre-med/smicha. Throughout his summer experiences, he has been blessed with incredible role models, counselors, and mentors, and it has been a dream of his to be able to give over what he have received from them.

Shlomo Friedman
Assigned to Israel Advocacy
From Cedarhurst, NY

Shlomo Friedman lives in Cedarhurst, NY and is currently in Queens college studying psychology and learning at Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv. After HAFTR high school, he attended Yeshivat Lev HaTorah in Ramat Beit Shemesh Israel and that gave him a whole new perspective on almost everything. He is starting to see things differently and in a more real way which he has never experienced before that first time he attended yeshiva. Since then he has developed something- a passion- but not exactly- of trying to connect with people in a similar background as he came from, perhaps in the early stages of coming to look at their Jewish roots but also just in general, the yearning to know more about life. If he can become for someone else, that person/friend that he would’ve wanted and benefited greatly from in his own life, he can’t think of a bigger opportunity, honor and goal that he would want to accomplish.

Sruli Fruchter
Assigned to YDS
From Woodmere, NY

Sruli Fruchter is a junior at Yeshiva University, and has been a Southern NCSY advisor for the past year. The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship is a fantastic opportunity to both strengthen friendships with NCSYers and deepen our discussions as we continue to learn about our relationship to ourselves, Am Yisrael, and Hashem — he can’t wait for what comes next!

Daniella Furman
From West Hempstead, NY

Daniella Furman, from West Hempstead, NY, went to SKA for high school, and then MIDMO for seminary. She now attends Adelphi University studying to become an RN in a joint BSN program. She went on GIVE Israel going into 11th grade. Little did she know she would come back with a new passion and outlook on torah and religion. She was raised in a frum halachik home, however GIVE made her have an excitement and passion of her own! She got extremely close with one of her advisors and through watching her pure love of torah and Judaism, and countless conversations with her, Daniella was given a new outlook and took on a new approach to making Judaism her own. Joining the scholarship would give her the opportunity to give back to the organization that gave so much to her. She would love to have the opportunity to effect the lives of teens just like her advisor affected her!

Rachel Gilder
Assigned to Jacksonville
From White Plains, NY

Rachel Gilder is from White Plains, NY and is currently in college to get her Bachelor’s in Nursing. She has been doing NCSY for a very long time including being an NCSYer, as well as an advisor. She was a Shevet Glaubach Fellow last year and she is so excited to continue to build relationships with her community as well as with NCSYers in addition to learning with them. Her goal as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow is to develop a closer relationship with the teens.

Tali Goldman
Assigned to Five Towns
From Highland Park, NJ

Tali Goldman is from Highland Park, NJ. She goes to Stern and is studying Business Analytics and Computer Science. She loves learning and teaching Torah and is excited to spread more torah through the fellowship.

Avi Greenberg
Assigned to Orlando
From Woodmere, NY

Avi Greenberg, from Woodmere, NY, just started YU and studying Business. Three and four summers ago he had the privilege of being in NCSY Kollel where he had the most amazing summers and Iearned so much about what it means to be a Jew. In his second summer in Kollel he roomed with 4 friends and 4 kids from Vegas who were part of the Mechina Program. Having this setup was incredible for him and for the others. They would have very meaningful conversations about Yidishkeit which helped him a lot and I’m sure it helped them as well. It helped him because he needed to know the reasons for why we do many things that we do in Judaism. Many of these things he realized that he didn’t know before they asked me, so he went to a rebbe or Madrich and asked the question to them so that he can give them the correct answer. Over the course of the 6 weeks we became very close with them and even some of them he has spoke to recently. this summer he had the privilege of being an advisor for New York NCSY and he felt that he was able to have an impact even in the few short weeks he spent with the NCSY’ers. He is very excited about opportunities of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it can give him the opportunity to give over why he feels it’s Geshmak to be a Yid. It will also allow him to form relationships with teens whom he can speak to on a daily basis and have an impact on.

Asher Gritz
Assigned to CS/WPB
From Boca Raton, FL

Asher Gritz, from Boca Raton, FL, became observant over a decade ago, and has been striving to grow as a Jew and Ben Torah. His High School NCSY experiences including Chapter, Regional, and National boards and summer programs Camp Sports, Kollel, and JOLT infused within him that drive as well as the resources to quench it. Along the way he has gained tremendously from all the experiences he has had; whether being the only religious Jew in his Jewish Day school, the transplanting of his family to the Boca Raton Synagogue Jewish Community, or his years in Israel. But the biggest blessing has been the impact he has had on others along his journey. His whole family is now frum and admiringly he can say that his sister, Michal, has surpassed him in countless ways. After graduating from DKJA, he spent three years studying and growing at Yishrei Lev in Eretz Israel. He am currently 2nd year in Yeshiva University where he is learning in Rabbi Sobolofsky’s shiur, the Undergraduate Halacha B’Iyun Chabura, and majoring in ‘Psychology in the Community’. He has been an advisor for NCSY Camp Sports for the past 3 Summers including as Learning Coordinator as well as a Southern NCSY Advisor since returning from Israel. He is excited to to be able to put his passion, skills, and knowledge into action and sharpen them through the opportunities afforded by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship.

Michal Gritz
Assigned to TJJ
From Hollywood, FL

Michal Gritz is a home grown NCSY advisor from Southern Florida. She discovered NCSY in high school, and fell in love! It helped her discover her passion of spreading Yiddishkeit to the world. Now, she is currently a full time student and a full time teacher of Torah. She is finishing her degree from Lander’s in Psychology and Judaic Studies while also teaching 2nd and 3rd graders Limudei Kodesh at The Jewish Academy in Hollywood, Florida. She is excited about the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because she knows it offers high leveled professional development opportunities. She is looking forward to learning and growing together, to create a stronger Jewish nation.

David Haymov
Assigned to South Carolina
From Monsey, NY

David Haymov, from Monsey, NY, is currently studying business management in Landers College for Men. After spending two years in Yeshivat Reishit he realized what it really means to be a Jew. He also spent a Summer in Camp HASC which helped him grow as a person and with NCSY Camp Sports Kollel which sharpened his learning skills. He is excited to work with Shevet Glaubach because it’s an amazing opportunity to create a positive relationship with teens and show them a path he wishes he had known about in high school. He is also interested in pursuing chinuch as a possible career and he sees this as the perfect chance to develop that interest and gain the skills required for it.

Michal Herman
Assigned to Orlando
From Teaneck, NJ

Michal Herman is currently a junior at Stern College and studied at Sha’alvim for Women for seminary. She lives in Teaneck, NJ, and she is the oldest of three. Some of her hobbies include dancing, playing guitar, playing volleyball, reading, etc. She is a very outgoing and energetic person and bring her excitement with her wherever she goes! Though she is a serious student, she also loves to relax with friends and have a good time. She is really looking forward to bringing her energy to all future NCSY events!

Sivan Import
Assigned to Manhattan
From Columbus, OH

Sivan Import, from Columbus, Ohio, went to Columbus Torah Academy and then to Sha’alvim for Women. Now she is in Stern College for Women studying speech pathology and audiology. She was a Shevet Glaubach Fellow last year. Being a Shevet Glaubach Fellow is an incredible opportunity. It gives you the chance to inspire the Jewish future. She grew up doing NCSY and thinks that NCSY has really helped shape who she is today. She wants to be that advisor for someone else. She thinks it’s important to show people the fun parts of Judaism and that the halachot aren’t just there as barriers. Staying connected to HaShem gives you a happy and meaningful life.

Gabe Isaacs
Assigned to Five Towns
From Teaneck, NJ

Gabe Isaacs will be in his first year in Yeshiva University this year. He went to MTA even though he lives in Teaneck and currently is planning on majoring in Computer Science. In the past he has attended camp Mesorah, went to NCSY Kollel, worked at Morasha, Kaylie, and Mesorah. He is excited about the opportunities from the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it gives him the opportunity to give back to the Jewish people, while doing something he cares about. Helping people grow in their Jewish ways is something he loves doing even though it is a different experience for each person. It is something he feels very strongly about and hope he will be able to do for years to come.

Dov Jacobson
Assigned to YDS
From Teaneck, NJ

Dov Jacobson lives in Teaneck, NJ and teaches at RYNJ. He is also pursuing his Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and he hopes one day to use that background to help people navigate life. Glaubach is a really exciting opportunity to take NCSY to the next level in terms of connection with the NCSYers and he can’t wait to get started.

Shmuel Kaplan
Assigned to South Carolina
From Teaneck, NJ
Jaclyn Kholodenko
Assigned to Israel Advocacy
From Toronto, Canada

Jaclyn Kholodenko is from Toronto, Canada. She spent the last two years learning in seminary in Israel and Brooklyn, New York. She is a first year at University of Toronto majoring in Cognitive Science. It is a fundamental idea that every Jewish soul has their personal stake in Torah, regardless of background and therefore it is our responsibility to ensure that every Jew has the capacity to realize how precious they are as a member of Klal Yisrael. It is largely for this reason that I’m passionate about the work NCSY does. NCSY is where she, along with many others, are given a once in a lifetime opportunity to discover the meaning of Jewish identity and use it to create a palpable connection to our past, present, and future. She was an active participant in NCSY in high school, serving as vice president for our Student Board in her senior year of high school. In her time as an NCSYer, she found that the most meaningful and impactful experiences came in the form of leadership programming. She looks back on those leadership seminars and summer programs with so much fondness and gratitude because it was through them that she was able to carve out a personal identity in the bigger picture of Jewish nationhood. She is especially excited about Shevet Glaubach’s mission of building a cohesive unit of like-minded individuals committed to the preservation of tradition. She looks forward to the opportunity to discuss issues our respective communities face and collaborate on strategies to bring the Jewish world closer together.

Sabina Korman
Assigned to CS/WPB
From West Hempstead, NY

Sabina Korman is an undergraduate student at Stern College for Women where she is pursuing a joint nursing program. She is happy she had the chance to be a part of the Glaubach fellowship and hope to continue making an impact on the Jewish community.

Yonatan Kurz
Assigned to Manhattan
From Teaneck, NJ

Yonatan Kurz is originally from Teaneck, NJ. After having attended TABC for high school, followed by two years in Israel learning at Yeshivat Sha’alvim, he is currently a student at Yeshiva University, where he is majoring in political science and psychology. He has previously been an advisor on NCSY Summer for the past two summers on different programs after having been a camper on NCSY Summer, and he has also been a youth leader in his community and an older mentor in his school. He is very eager and enthusiastic about all the potential that comes with the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, as he knows that it is a tremendous opportunity for growing Jewish leaders to have a profound impact on various communities. The ability to share one’s excitement for Torah and Jewish life with others while building lifelong relationships is truly an incredibly enriching and meaningful experience, and having such hands-on experience in other communities with fellow leaders of the Jewish Future who share the same passion and devotion to communal growth and leadership is an incredible opportunity. The chance to give back and have a tremendous impact on the Jewish community while making a difference in the lives of others and emulating those who have had a lasting influence on his religious growth means everything to him, and he is very excited about the possibility of joining this fellowship.

Miriam Rivkah Lapson
Assigned to Plainview
From Skokie, IL

Miriam Rivkah Lapson grew up in Skokie, IL. She is currently a senior at Touro College finishing her B.A in Biology and Judaic Studies. She was a fellow last year and really enjoyed the experience. So much so, that this year she has joined the board in order to make the experience even better for the upcoming year!

Eitan Lavian
Assigned to Hollywood
From Los Angeles, CA

Eitan Lavian is currently a senior at Yeshiva University majoring in Finance. He was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA, went to YULA for high school and spent one year at Lev HaTorah. Last year, he worked as an advisor for NCSY’s southern region and had a life changing experience as he was able to build numerous relationships with the kids. Since then, he has been inspired to continue to give back and create new lasting relationships.

Anna Lis
Assigned to YDS
From Skokie, IL

Anna Lis, from Skokie, IL, just started Touro’s Graduate School of Education. She is studying both typical education and special education with a focus on Grades 1-6. Last year, she was fortunate to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow (SGF) and loved it. She also has been involved with NCSY and Yachad for years! She is excited about the many opportunities that the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship affords its participants. She loves being able to exercise leadership. She loves getting to build lasting relationships with mentors, peers, and NCSYers. Most of all, She hopes to continue to help and give back to the Jewish community as a Shevet Glaubach Fellow.

Michael Livi
Assigned to Great Neck
From Great Neck, NY

Michael Livi was blessed to attend North Shore Hebrew Academy his entire life, graduating as Speaker of the Class in 2017. He was privileged to then study at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh in Jerusalem for one year upon graduating High School. He is currently enrolled in the Honors Program at Yeshiva University Sy Syms School of Business, where, Be’ezrat Hashem, he plans to graduate with a Major degree in Finance and a two Minors in both Real Estate and Accounting. His service to the wonderful Great Neck community officially began in high school for the Gym Minyan (a Minyan for High School teens of all backgrounds), where, alongside 2 peers, he helped run a Minyan that catered to 150+ teens every week. He was first exposed to NCSY by Jonathan Zar as a young high school student, falling in love with what NCSY offers. Upon his return from Yeshiva, he applied to be (and was accepted as) an NCSY advisor for the New York (Great Neck) region and he currently seeks to give back more to his community.

Arieh Livieim
Assigned to Great Neck
From Great Neck, NY

Arieh Liviem, from Great Neck, NY, is currently attending Queens College and double majoring in Finance and Economics. He just spent the past year and a half in Israel at Yeshiva Netiv Aryeh. He would love to give back to the community and make sure the youth have someone relatable to look up to.

Aryeh Margolin
Assigned to Five Towns
From Edison, NJ

Aryeh Margolin lives in Edison, NJ. He plans on attending YU this semester to major in accounting. He was a counselor for post tenth graders this past summer and helped change his perspective on viewing other people’s personal situations. After meeting one of his campers, Aryeh figured he was a typical kid; he was energetic, always had a smile on and a positive attitude. He would have never guessed that there were any difficult things going on in his family. His challenges had nothing to do with the Coronavirus but it made the problem much worse. This experience has helped him tremendously to always be cognizant of how other people react to situations they are placed in and therefore being sensitive to their individual needs. This is especially true during these scary times.

Travis Melamed
Assigned to Jacksonville
From Jacksonville, FL

Travis Melamed grew up in Jacksonville, FL and was an active Southern NCSYer during his high school career, where he attended public school in Jacksonville. For the past two years he has studied at Yeshiva Aish HaTorah, after being pushed by NCSY to attend a gap-year yeshiva program in Israel. Currently he is starting his first year at Yeshiva University and plans to pursue a psychology degree. He is excited about the opportunities that the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship presents because it is a chance to give back to the community that gave him so much. He looks forward to inspiring the next generation to take full advantage of their lives and the opportunities presented to them. Through this he looks forward to building on his own Judaism and leadership skills.

Liora Nimchinsky
Assigned to Ben Gamla
From Houston, TX

Liora Nimchinsky is originally from Houston, Texas. She is in Stern College for Women pursuing a career in nursing, hoping to one day be a labor and delivery nurse. Liora’s family moved around as she grew up, oftentimes to a relatively small Jewish community, thus giving her the opportunity to develop personal relationships with community leaders as well as get involved with NCSY. Liora is excited about the chavruta opportunities that the SGF will offer her and her NCSYERs.

Shira Nimchinsky
Assigned to CS/WPB
From Houston, TX

Shira Nimchinsky is originally from Texas but moved around a lot and haven’t settled down yet. She is currently in Stern College for Women and she is studying Psychology. She was an NCSYer back in Texas and knew that doing Kiruv was something extremely important to her even back in high school. She is an adviser for Southern NCSY. She is super excited for the opportunities the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship is providing because she will better herself as an adviser and she will have more chances to interact and learn with her NCSYers.

Adina Peck
Assigned to South Carolina
From Charlotte, NC

Adina Peck is currently studying Psychology and thinking about minoring in Quantitative Sciences at Emory University. She grew up as a curious and proud Jew in Charlotte, NC; yet, until high school, she didn’t know how deeply she loved learning Jewish topics, and she didn’t know that there were others – let alone thousands – who were serious about becoming a better person and more educated Jew. Recently, she studied in Israel at Midreshet Tehillah, led a chabura with a handful of holy teens over Zoom, initiated a Charlotte NCSY chapter, worked as a Southern Region advisor, and has been teaching folks how to read Hebrew. She has been blessed to learn from brilliant, compassionate role models who’ve helped her to see Judaism as a boundless source of wisdom and community, and it would be her greatest privilege and joy to be such a mentor for others. I’m excited to build connections with thoughtful individuals through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and reveal and arouse teens’ love of Torah and Yiddishkeit. She hopes to empower them to continue lifelong journeys of Jewish enrichment and self-development, and she looks forward to guiding and supporting them to the best of her ability.

Esther Perez
Assigned to Hollywood
From Brooklyn, NY

Esther Perez is a current full-time student. She grew up in Brooklyn, NY, and has been here her whole life. She is currently studying at Stern College for Women, pursuing a career as a Physical Therapist. She also recently attended Shaalvim for Women in Israel. She has never been involved with NCSY, however she is extremely excited for the opportunities brought by the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because it will hopefully allow her to get involved with NCSY’s amazing community and to get in touch and build relationships with NCSY members she would have never met previously!

Kayla Plutzer
Assigned to Five Towns
From Manhattan, NY

Kayla Pulitzer is a current student at Azrieli Graduate School for Jewish Education and she teaches at Bais Yaakov of The Lower East Side in Manhattan! She teaches first through third grade art, sixth through eighth grade computers and also teaches second grade Ivrit. She has been a NY NCSY advisor for the past two years and was a Shevet Glaubach fellow last year!

Maytal Rahimzada
Assigned to Plainview
From Great Neck, NY

Maytal Rahimzada grew up in Great Neck, NY and is currently majoring in Speech Pathology at Stern College for Women. She has been involved in NCSY for the past 5 years and was lucky enough to be a part of the Great Neck NCSY chapter as well as a current board member for Ahavat Shalom Youth. One thing that has stood out to her was the dedication and enthusiasm that advisors had while learning with their NCSYers, that’s something that she genuinely can’t wait to experience; being on the other side and bringing that enthusiasm and dedication to the table.

Shoshana Rockoff
Assigned to Boca Raton
From West Hempstead, NY

Shoshana Rockoff, from West Hempstead, NY, went to SKA for high school and then spent the next year and a half learning in Israel at MMY. She is currently a junior at Stern College, majoring in neuroscience. She is excited about the opportunities through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because she is determined to develop strong, lasting relationships, to grow and be impacted by Jewish communities and to learn with and from the people around her.

Daniel Rosenthal
Assigned to Queens
From Five Towns, NY

Daniel Rosenthal had an amazing four years at DRS before spending a year studying at Aish Gesher, before staying for the summer at Aish HaTorah where he was able to learn Jewish outreach tools, have ‘one-on-ones,’ and even teach classes. Now he is starting the third year of his Computer Engineering degree at the City College of New York where he is on the board of the Chabad club. Last year, he had the amazing opportunity to be a part of the first year of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, and he is excited to hopefully continue to have the opportunity to impact his community this year.

Miriam Rozin
Assigned to South Carolina
From Vinnitsya, Ukraine

Miriam Rozin was originally from Vinnitsya, Ukraine, but her family immigrated to the States in August of 2001 when she was only 7 years old. She currently goes to the University of South Carolina and will be (b’ezrat Hashem) double majoring in Mathematics and Psychology, and hoping to use both to either be a High School Math Teacher or a School Psychologist. This year alone, she will be tutoring one of the Shluchim’s children in math and will be teaching Jewish Studies to the 3s and 4s at the local Jewish Day School. She has previously been a camp counselor and assistant director at the local Gan Israel and was a co-teacher at the Conservative synagogue’s Sunday School program for 6th/7th graders. She is super excited to be a part of the Shevet Glaubach because she wants to give back to her community opportunities that she was unable to have growing up. She had a very unique upbringing where her family is from, but ba’al teshuva at the same time, and other than the day school and Gan Israel, there wasn’t much else for her. She wants to be able to learn with teens and have the conversations with them that she was unable to ask as a teen and she wants to be as open as possible with them. She believes that if teens have a great connection to someone a bit older than them and can truly give their questions and emotions about their yiddishkeit, then less would leave the community in general.

Sara Saiovici
Assigned to Miami
From Miami, FL

Sara Saiovici was born in Miami, FL, but grew up in Venezuela. She is currently a student in Florida International University, majoring in Dietetics and Nutrition. She was a part of NCSY for most of her high school years, and it’s something she doesn’t want to let go of now that she has graduated. The impact her advisors made on her as an NCSYer is inexplicable – she truly doesn’t know where she would be without them. She wants to give back to NCSY and do the same for teenagers now. After high school, her year in Israel, and this past year in college, she feels like she has been able to grow a lot and she is ready to help others as well. Sara is excited because not only does she think she will be able to inspire the kids, but they will inspire her and help her grow insane amounts! She is also really looking forward to building life-long relationships with them like she has with her former advisors, whom she continues to learn from daily.

Lori Schneider
Assigned to Boca Raton
From Boca Raton, FL

Lori Schneider, from Boca Raton, FL, is currently going to Lander College for Women and studying Marketing. She has been an advisor for the past two years. Previously, she was an advisor for the New Jersey region and last year she was an advisor for Southern. Lori was part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship last year and really enjoyed her experience. She is grateful for the Glaubach Fellowship because she was put out of her comfort zone and really thrived and grew from the experiences. She hopes to continue to do so and grow even more as an advisor!

Sandy Shaoolian
Assigned to Great Neck
From Great Neck, NY

Sandy Shaoolian, from Great Neck, NY, is a biology major going into her junior year at Stern College. She is currently on both the youth board and young professionals board at her shul (Ahavat Shalom) and she helps in making decisions, planning events/ shiurs, etc. She is really looking forward to the Shevet Glaubach fellowship because she is excited to be given the opportunity to learn and grow with the teens, side by side, and really loves the message of community that this fellowship is trying to get across!

Ariel Shayesteh
Assigned to Great Neck
From Great Neck, NY

Ariel Shayesteh from Great Neck, NY has been with NCSY for 3 years now and this will be his second year in Glaubach.

Julia Sherman
Assigned to Queens
From Flushing, NY

Julia Sherman is currently a senior at Lander College for Women and studying Psychology, but is planning on staying an extra year to get a Judaic Studies major as well. She has been involved with NCSY since 9th grade, serving on both chapter and regional board. She also had the opportunity to go on NCSY GIVE in the summer of 2015. After an amazing seminary year in Machon Ma’ayan, she had the privilege to be an advisor for New Jersey NCSY for the past two years (for the Teaneck and Metro West chapters). She also had the amazing opportunity to attend a chessed mission to Houston, TX with Bruriah students where we rebuilt houses, volunteered at a food bank, and more. She is excited about the opportunities that come with the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because she wants to be even more involved with NCSY and inspiring teenagers through Torah, Chessed, and fun events.

Chananya Shiff
Assigned to TJJ
From Passaic, NJ

Chananya Shiff, from Passaic, NJ, recently graduated from Lander College for Men with a degree in Psychology. He has been a Glaubach Fellow for a year now and is looking forward to the continuous opportunities that being a fellow offers.

Shoval Shoshani
Assigned to Boca Raton
From Queens, NY

Shoval Shoshani was born and raised in Queens, NY and currently lives in Washington Heights. He is currently a student at Yeshiva University and also attended Yeshiva of Central Queens for Middle School, then attended North Shore Hebrew Academy High School, and Yeshivat Torat Shraga for his gap year in Israel. He considers himself a friendly, outgoing young adult who’s trying to grow in Derech Eretz and Avodat HaShem. He would like to consider himself a proud, passionate and observant Jew who’s attempting to share the light of Torah and Derch Eretz with others.

Sam Sicklick
From Woodmere, NY

Sam Sicklick, from Woodmere, NY, went to Rambam followed by Shaalvim. He is currently starting YU and intends to major in Computer Science Distributed Systems. He was previously an NCSYer on Kollel and has been involved with several summer camps in terms of working with kids to try to help foster, strengthen, or enliven their relationship with ׳ה . He is excited about the opportunities of the fellowship because he has seen the effect that close relationships with this dynamic can have on an individuals religious experience. He and many of his friends of similar modern orthodox background have experienced it in one form through Kollel, but he also has some friends who were in public school in Jacksonville who ended up going to Yeshiva in Israel because of the affect NCSY had on him. He also has mentors who have done similar things and he is excited to follow in their footsteps. Additionally, he feels that the fellowship will give him a window into some of the other streams of Judaism and direction in terms of how to relate to them.

Bracha Smith
Assigned to Queens
From Los Angeles, CA

Bracha Smith is from Los Angeles and graduated from Touro College Los Angeles with a degree in psychology. She then went on to earn her teacher’s credentials through Hebrew Union College. She has spent the past two years as an advisor for NCSY, first for West Coast NCSY and then for New York NCSY. She is looking forward to continuing her involvement with NCSY as a fellow. She hopes to inspire the next generation and contribute to the NCSY community.

Devorah Stuart
Assigned to CS/WPB
From Toronto, Canada

Devorah Stuart, from Toronto, Canada, is currently living in Boca Raton, FL. She attended Tomer Devorah seminary this past year and will be iy’h attending Touro College this fall semester to study nutrition. Her love towards NSCY truly sparked a few summers ago when she attended their summer program called GIVE. Throughout her experience on GIVE, she was fortunate to witness the utmost love NCSY has for their participants and how much they care about their growth and success within Judaism. When she heard about the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, she immediately wanted to be a part of it. Having the ability to learn, grow, answer questions and create a relationship is something she would be very fortunate to do with someone who may never have had the opportunity to do so. There are infinite topics and ideas in Judaism that she has been fortunate enough to learn, which have changed her life for the better. Sharing and learning these ideas as well as many more would be such an amazing opportunity and she looks forward to Iy’h doing so.

Sarit Swift
Assigned to Boca Raton
From Boca Raton, FL

Sarit Swift, from Boca Raton, FL was blessed to spend two incredible years in Israel after high school. One and a half of which were spent studying in seminary and the other half a year being a madricha at a seminary. Before that, as an NCSYer, she spent a lot of time in leadership programs run by Rabbi Gonsher. She was also on chapter board for two years and was an advisor for Emtza NCSY. Her involvement in NCSY deepened her love for Judaism, kiruv, and leadership. Her plan for this year is to, God willing, learn Torah, study Hebrew, and work. She looks forward to partaking in this fellowship as well, and investing herself in helping to inspire the Jewish future, just like she was, and continues to be.

Yisroel Tannenbaum
Assigned to Miami
From Edison, NJ

Yisroel Tannenbaum, from Edison, NJ, just returned from two years studying in Israel and is about to start his college career at YU on route to a major in some business field (currently undecided). He has worked in a number of different camps including Moshava I.O. for 5 years. He has worked along side a wide range of different kids and staff. He is excited to hopefully be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship to broaden his horizon in torah related subjects, and hopefully to connect and inspire kids which were in similar situations to him growing up.

Yosef Tropp
Assigned to Savannah
From Teaneck, NJ

Yosef Tropp is from Teaneck, NJ. The past 2 years he was in Israel and then enrolled in YU for their Post-Pesach Program online. With God’s help he plans on continuing to attend YU this fall looking to possibly get a BS in Data Science. His summer working experience include being a counselor for Yachad at Lavi 2 years ago, working at Hasc last year, and working at Ncsy Kollel’s Project community in Teaneck this year. This past summer he felt especially prepared him for what he would do for Shevet Glaubach as he was giving Chaburas and connecting with high schoolers at the community NCSY program. He’s very excited about the opportunity Shevet Glaubach gives him to be able to spread Torah to Am Yisrael. Once being a high schooler himself, he has somewhat of an idea what it means to be struggling with connecting to Torah and know having a role model and somebody to talk to in high school would mean the world. Coming off a year and half in Eretz Yisrael and being able to really nurture a connection to Torah he’s very excited for the opportunity to give back to the Jewish teens of the Southern region.

Hadar Vaanunu
Assigned to TJJ
From Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Hadar Vaanunu, originally from Ft. Lauderdale, FL, grew up with a strong Israeli identity. Her Jewish identity cultivated later on when she became involved in Southern NCSY as a teen. She filled leadership roles in her local NCSY chapter and Regional board, as well as on her high school campus. Her strive for truth accompanied her throughout her Seminary years in Israel. Initially attending Sharfman’s, she went on to attending Darchei Binah for her second year and eventually became a Madricha dedicating her time to students, and subsequently joining the Seminary’s Poland trip as Madricha. Hadar now studies Psychology at Touro Landers College for Women in Manhattan and works as a teacher’s assistant.

Naomi Weintraub
Assigned to Jacksonville
From Miami, FL

Naomi Weintraub, from Miami, FL, currently goes to school at the University of Florida studying International Studies with a focus on the Middle East. Over her time in seminary, she volunteered with Friendship Circle where she had the opportunity to work with an Israeli family and their children for five months. In addition to forming meaningful relationships with the children, she feels like that hands-on experience gave her the confidence to trust herself when being responsible for someone else. She is very excited about what the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship has to offer because she believes it will give her the tools she needs to be the most well rounded, knowledgeable, and impactful mentor that she can be.

Rebecca Weiss
Assigned to Queens
From Woodmere, NY

Rebecca Weiss was born and raised in Woodmere, NY. She is currently in Stern studying Speech Pathology. She was a counselor at Camp Morasha for three summers and this past summer she was a counselor at Camp Mesorah, although her original plan was to be an advisor on NCSY Give. She loved having meaningful conversations with her campers and helping them to further understand different areas of Judaism that they had questions about. She loves being able to connect to different types of people she meets and she wants to help others find the same love for Judaism that she have discovered in her own life. She is hoping to be able to do this through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship!

Josh Wiener
Assigned to Queens
From Woodmere, NY

Josh Wiener is a 20 year old YU student living in Woodmere, NY. He is fortunate to have 5 sisters and be the only male sibling in his family. He feels very strongly about the continuity of the Jewish people. He realizes that observing a Torah way of life is the only guarantee that we, as diaspora Jews have, in order to continue the link to our past heritage. He has joined with his grandparents to visit many Jewish communities as part of his grandfather, Steve Savitsky’s, speaking engagements. As a former OU president, he has been very active with NCSY. Josh has witnessed first hand the tremendous impact that NCSY has made on Jewish teens. This has motivated him to do all that he can to stop assimilation and intermarriage in our community. He has been involved in Partners in Torah, an organization that fosters one on one learning between a mentor and a mentee. On the local level, he has been involved in Yachad as an advisor and have attended many shabbatonim. It would be an honor to be a Shevet Glaubach fellow and spend the next year fulfilling his dreams and aspirations to help the Jewish community.

Talia Yahav
Assigned to Miami
From Chicago, IL

Talia Yahav, is currently enrolled at Lander College for Women studying Computer Science. She worked this past year in southern NCSY and was deeply connected with the kids and the region and loved it. She can’t wait to continue these relationships and connections!

Daniella Abekassis

Assigned to Manhattan community, From Five Towns, NY


Hi my name is Daniella Abekassis!! I’m from the 5 Towns, New York. I went to public school for most of my life. I was apart of New York NCSY as an NCSYer and went on TJJ. I grew so much through my years in NCSY that I decided to take the next step and go to learn Torah in Israel at Meorot Yerushalayim. Now I’m in Stern College for Women majoring in Neuropsychology. I decided to come back to NCSY as an advisor to give teens all that was given to me!

Aliza Zavdi
Assigned to Manhattan
From Los Angeles, CA

Aliza Zavdi, from Los Angeles, CA, has attended Tiferet seminary this previous year and she will be attending Stern this year. She is interested in the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship because she strongly believes that connecting and having a relationship with someone goes beyond your religious observance. And by learning with someone who may see things from another perspective could lead to really growth oriented and thought provoking discussions. Another thing that makes her especially interested in the fellowship is that she was raised in a chabad household but it wasn’t until she was older when her parents put her in a non chabad high school that she gained an appreciation for the outreach that chabad does and she started a chabad club at her school. She would go with groups of girls to hand out candles for shabbos to Jewish women who otherwise wouldn’t have lit shabbos candles. She thinks it’s so beautiful to see that we are all a part of am yisrael and even if someone isn’t necessarily observant we can still connect and help each other grow.

Simon Assouline

Assigned to Emtza community, From Miami, FL


Simon was born and raised in Miami, Florida where he went from attending public school growing up to becoming involved with NCSY, and eventually spending two years at Derech Ohr Somayach in Israel. Simon is currently going to school to be a nutritionist. The reason Simon says motivates his to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow is because it’s been a dream of his to be able to give back to the organization that gave him so much.

Yael Attias

Assigned to Miami community, From Monterrey, Mexio


Yael Attias is originally from Mexico, and she moved with her family to Miami Florida when she was nine years old. She went to Katz Yeshiva High School, spent a year studying Torah in Shaalvim for Women in Israel, and is currently a senior majoring in Judaic Studies and Jewish History at Stern College. She is always looking for opportunities to be involved in her community whether it is spending her Friday mornings teaching underprivileged kids in Washington Heights, giving of herself to her campers from NCSY JOLT, being a Teacher Assistant for Hebrew Language, or being on the Holocaust Education Board at Stern.

Aviel Avidan

Assigned to Hollywood community, From Teaneck, NJ


Over the 20 years that Hashem has blessed me with, I have been in many different places—by places I mean spiritually not geographically. I started off life as a non-observant Jew. My father spent a significant portion of his teenage years at an anti-religious kibbutz, while my mother, a Russian immigrant, was not familiar with being religious until her late teenage years. Although this was the case, ever since a young age, I had a natural draw to being an observant Jew, but was unable to make anything of it because of my family’s circumstance. As time went on, I slowly incorporated different Mitzvot into my everyday life. When it came to deciding my high school, I was at a crossroad between Solomon Schechter of Westchester, a conservative program I had just spent 13 years in alongside many friends, versus Torah Academy of Bergen County, an all boys modern-orthodox high school. Even though it was difficult for me to make the switch, I felt like TABC was the right move. In high school, for the most part, I was your classic modern orthodox teenager. Although I did not devote much time to learning and was not strict on keeping Halacha, being religious always had a special place in my heart, sparking my involvement with NCSY. Rabbi Reuven Lebowitz, my chapter director, encouraged me to spend a year in Israel. Although there was a large financial burden, NCSY gave tremendous help, and served as the main reason for why I went to Israel—an experience that saved my life! I live in Teaneck, NJ and am currently a junior at Yeshiva University.

Abraham Bahar

Assigned to Miami community, From Queens, NY


My name is Avi Bahar and I’m from Queens NY. I’ve went to MTA for high school and Mevasert for Yeshiva. I am currently majoring in finance and minoring in math at Yeshiva University. I have been involved with NCSY (southern) for approximately a year now and appreciate any opportunity to get involved.

Racheli Blanshay

Assigned to Five Towns community, from Montreal Quebec


Hi, my name is Racheli Blanshay. I am an Education major at Yeshiva University. I grew up in Montreal Quebec in a strong, dedicated Jewish family. My upbringing sparked my passion for Judaism and specifically aiding those to partake in a robust Jewish community. The way I connect to my Jewish heritage is through the sense of community and I am committed to growing into the leader that ignites the passion of Judaism in others.

Ariel Bugay

Assigned to Boca Grove, Coral Springs, From North Miami Beach, FL


I’m Ariel Bugay. After graduating from Weinbaum Yeshiva High School I went to Yeshivat Sha’alvim in Israel where I joined the Machal Hesder program. The program is one that combines learning with subsequent army service. Thus, I had the distinct honor to serve in the combat engineers corps of the IDF. After my service, I returned to Florida to pursue a degree in psychology at Florida International University. I am currently in the midst of such a degree. Since my return to the states, I have also been working. Currently, I am employed by Southern NCSY as both their Assistant Director of Emtza and Male Advisor Coordinator. In addition to that, I teach at an after-school middle school program at Temple Menorah

Liat Cohen

Assigned to Englewood community, From Brooklyn, NY


Hey everyone! My name is Liat Cohen and I’m from Brooklyn, New York. I went to Central, and just came back from a year at Midreshet Moriah. I’m currently at my first semester at Stern/Sy Syms School of Business. I’m an advisor for the Teaneck region, and this is my first year doing NCSY. Looking forward to meeting you all!

Tzvi Hirsch Cohen

Assigned to Manhattan community, From Manhattan, NY


Tzvi Hirsch Cohen is on his way to graduate Yeshiva University with a degree in psychology this coming spring, and dreams to become a rabbi in the future.He has experience in bringing the love and the warmth of Torah to people of all ages, little kids, teens, adults, and the elderly, because he truly believes that every yid should uncover his or her own unique strengths and connection with HaShem. He’s thrilled to be working for NCSY, particularly in the Long Island region this year, and can’t wait to bring the fire of Yiddishkite to his community.

Tehila Cohen

Assigned to Great Neck community, From Queens, NY


My name is Tehila Cohen and I am from Queens, NY. I went to Yeshiva University High School for Girl (Central) for high school. I then took a gap year and attended Shaalvim for Women in Israel. I now attend Stern College where I am a junior, majoring in Elementary Education. This past summer, I was an advisor on TJJ which really got me involved in New York NCSY and kiruv in general. I find such joy in sharing Torah knowledge and experiences through NCSY and am excited to continue to do this through the Glaubach Fellowship!

Gedalia Dock

Assigned to Jacksonville community, From Boston, MA


Gedalia Dock was born in Boston, Massachusetts where he spent the first five years of his life. After a short stint in Cleveland, Gedalia and his family moved to Teaneck, New Jersey where they currently reside. Gedalia went to Heichal Hatorah for high school and is currently learning in the Bais Medrash program there. The son of balei teshuvah, Gedalia is driven to make a difference in the lives of all kinds of Jews and hopes to inspire them to take the next steps in their Avodas Hashem.

Josh Dukas

Assigned to Englewood community, From Teaneck, NJ


Hi! I’m Josh Dukas and I’m from Teaneck New Jersey. I went to the Frisch School for high school and then spent two years learning in Torat Shraga in Israel. I’m now in YU studying Psychology, and hopefully Smicha. Last summer, I was division head for pre-ninth grade boys in Camp Morasha, where I built a passion for education. I love to give over Torah and build relationships with high schoolers and look forward to going forward in a life of inspiring others!

Zahava Fertig

Assigned to Palm Beach community, From Woodmere, NY


Zahava Fertig is from Woodmere, NY and is a junior at Stern College for Women. Following her year in MMY, Zahava is now studying political science with an added interest in a future career in non-for-profit work, primarily in the Jewish community. Active in the YU community and in the broader Jewish community, Zahava is always looking for new ways to get involved. For example, Zahava is a Shabbat Ambassador at Stern, helping to assist and facilitate Shabbat programing on campus multiple times a semester. She is also a YUPAC lobbying mission participant, a YU Model U.N. co-chair, a two time Torah Tours participant, and is currently a second year Southern NCSY advisor. In whatever spare time Zahava has, (that is not spent dedicated to her studies or her communal engagement), Zahava enjoys spending time with her friends, playing around on the piano, and avoiding tourists in Manhattan.

Ben Freund

Assigned to Five Towns community, Fromo Minneapolis, MN


Hello there! My name is Benjamin Freund and I’m originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I spent a year at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh in Kvutzat Yavne, Israel, before heading to Yeshiva University in New York. I’m now a senior studying data analytics, marketing, and psychology. I’m super excited to be a Shevet Glaubach fellow because I love connecting with Jews from around the world and learning from all of the different types of people. I also love traveling and having new experiences. I can’t wait for the future that this fellowship brings!

Rachel Gilder

Assigned to Jacksonville community, From White Plains, NY


My name is Rachel Gilder and I am from White Plains, New York. I attended Machon Ma’ayan for a year after graduating from high school. I am currently a health sciences major at York College. I love being an advisor and my favorite part is just staying up all night talking with the NCSYers and also having a chavruta with them. Being a Shevet Glaubach Fellow I am so excited to meet all of the awesome NCSYers and I can’t wait to build relationships with them in addition to learning with them.

Pearl Goldman

From Manhattan, NY


Hi! My name is Pearl Goldman, I am was born and raised in the lower east side of Manhattan. After attending high school at maayanot, I spent a year and a half learning in Midreshet Moriah. Coming back from my time in Israel, I got my degree in psychology from Stern College. I am currently in Hunter’s master program for social work. In my past summers I have had the privilege to be a counselor in Camp HASC, an advisor on TJJ, and a chinuch head at Camp Morasha. After being an advisor in NCSY’s southern region for two and half years, I now have the honor of being the girls head advisor in Southern NCSY

Reina Goldman

Assigned to Coral Springs, From Manhattan, NY


My name is Reina Goldman, I’m from the lower east side of Manhattan. I went to Maayanot for high school then spent a year and a half in Midreshet Moriah. I recently started college at Landers College for Women and I am a bio major. I am a new advisor for Southern NCSY, and I wanted to get involved because I want to help everyone realize their potential while also trying to reach mine. Its an honor to be a fellow!

Tali Goldman

Assigned to Great Neck community, From Highland Park, NJ


My name is Tali Goldman and I am from Highland Park, NJ. After going to Ilan High School, I spent a year in Israel at Shaalvim for Women. I’m currently a junior in Stern College studying Business Analytics and Computer Science. After being a NY advisor for a year, I was so lucky to staff TJJ this past summer which furthered my passion for NCSY and Kiruv!

Racheli Goldstein

Assigned to Great Neck community, From Passaic, NJ


Racheli Goldstein is from Passaic, NJ. She went to Bruriah for high school, following which she attended Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim (MMY). Racheli is at present a junior at Stern College, studying Biology, and will be pursuing a career in Physical Therapy. She has experience in working with teens both as a counselor in Camp Kaylie and Camp HASC. She joins New York NCSY this year, bringing her creativity, energy, and warmth, and is excited to be part of an organization that does so much for perpetuating Judaism. Being a part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach fellowship is the perfect opportunity for Racheli to enhance her leadership skills through connecting with teens around the New York area.

Meira Greenland

Assigned to Boca Montoya Circle community, From Chicago, IL


Hi! My name is Meira Greenland and I am from Chicago. I spent a year learning in Israel at MMY and am currently studying Jewish Education at Yeshiva University. I hope and plan to get a Master’s degree in Jewish education at Azrieli Graduate School starting next year. I am passionate about Jewish education, connecting and learning with Jewish teens and creating relationships with Jews of all types. I have spent the last two years doing just that as an advisor for Midwest NCSY. However, the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship is giving me an opportunity to broaden my horizons, gain more hands-on experience and is opening doors to allow me to connect with even more Jews around the country. I cannot wait to get started.

Michal Gritz

Assigned to Boca Grove community, From Boca Raton, FL


Michal Gritz grew up in Boca Raton, Florida. Her family was first exposed to the Jewish community during her older brother’s successful battle with childhood Leukemia. However, it was not until Michal was a teen that she found meaning in Jewish life. As an inspired teen, Michal grew into Southern NCSY’s Regional President. She carried this inspiration throughout her years in Seminary, first in Sharfman’s and then in Michlalah. Michal is now studying Psychology and Judaic Studies at Lander College for Women. She spends her time working in Student Government, as a Resident Advisor, an ABA Therapist, and a Southern NCSY and TJJ advisor.

Aaron Hekmati

Assigned to Great Neck Community, From Great Neck, NY


Hi! My name is Aaron Hekmati, I am from Great Neck, New York. Currently in Queens college going for a degree in Psychology, aswell as being in Yeshiva beis medrash of Great Neck for Night Seder. Something that really pushes me to be an advisor is the fact on how whenever I was a younger kid doing NCSY, my advisors were always the ones guiding me and pushing me to become the best version of myself possible. I’m not sure where I would be right now in my life without them, so there is nothing that gives me more of a push then trying to do the same for others as was done for me. Such a honor to be apart of this big family and can’t wait for what’s coming in the future.

Michal Herman

Assigned to Coral Springs community, From Teaneck, NJ


Hi! My name is Michal Herman. I am currently a sophomore at Stern College and studied at Sha’alvim for Women last year. I live in Teaneck, NJ and am the oldest of three. Some of my hobbies include dancing, playing guitar, playing volleyball, reading, etc. I am a very outgoing and energetic person and bring my excitement with me wherever I go! Though I am a serious student, I also love to relax with friends and have a good time. I am really looking forward to bringing my energy to all future NCSY events!

Sivan Import

Assigned to Hollywood community, From Columbus, OH


Sivan is from Columbus, Ohio. She went to Columbus Torah Academy and then attended Sha’alvim for Women. Currently she attends Stern College for Women and is studyinh speech pathology and audiology. Sivan has a strong passion for Torah and wants to teach others.

Roni Kahan

Assigned to Five Towns community, From Skokie, IL


Roni Kahan is from Skokie, Illinois. She attended Ida Crown Jewish Academy for high school and then spent a year and a half in Israel at MMY. She is now finishing up her last semester at Stern College and graduates in May with a degree in Psychology. She has spent the past two summers as an advisor on NCSY GIVE and is looking forward to going back this summer as the assistant director. She is a New York NSCY and 4G advisor and is very excited to be a part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellows because she is always looking to strengthen her leadership skills

Shimon Kanter

Assigned to Palm Beach community, From Chicago, IL


Hello, my name is Shimon Kanter and I am from Chicago. IL. I spent two years in Israel studying at Netiv Aryeh, and I am currently studying at Lander College for Men, concentrating on Marketing and Management. For me, the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship is so important because to impart any measure of spiritual well-being on those around me as possible is incredibly valuable. I am extremely passionate about emotional wellness, and I believe it is imperative to spread this notion, for hopes of a more self-aware future.

Tzvi Kaplan

Assigned to Englewood community, From Miami, FL


Hello, my name is Tzvi Kaplan and I am from Miami. FL. I spent two years in Israel studying at Torat Shraga, and I am currently studying at Yeshiva University, concentrating in business management. What draws me to NCSY and the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship is my passion for keeping the Jewish heritage alive, and striving and to inspire the youth to connect to their rich heritage.

Sabina Korman

Assigned to Palm Beach community, From West Hempstead, NY


Sabina Korman grew up in West Hempstead and is now an undergraduate student at Stern College for Women where she is pursuing a joint nursing program. She’s happy to be a part of the Glaubach fellowship and hopes be an impactful leader in the Jewish community.

Rachel Krasner

Assigned to Emtza community, From Detroit, MI


Shalom! My name is Rachel Krasner and I’m from Detroit, Michigan! I spent a beautiful year learning at Machon Maayan in Eretz Yisroel, and now I’m studying psychology at Barnard college. I am so excited to be a Glaubach Fellow and for the opportunity to share the Ribono Shel Olam’s love, Torah, and light with others!

Israel Lallouz

Assigned to Coral Springs community, From Queens, NY


Hi my name is Israel Lallouz. I’m originally from Queens NY but grew up in the Five Towns. I went to HAFTR for high school and studied at Yeshivat Reishit for my year in Israel. I attend Queens College as a Finance and History student. I enjoy hiking and kiruv!

Miriam Rivka Lapson

Assigned to Kew Gardens Hills community, From Skokie, IL


I grew up in Skokie, Illinois a suburb of Chicago. I attended Hanna Sacks for high school, and I am currently majoring in Biology and minoring in Judaic Studies at Touro College in New York. I’m so excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow because it gives me, and an awesome team of advisors, the opportunity to meet and create amazing relationships with communities outside of the regular regions we take part in. I’m really looking forward to being able to partner with these communities in sharing and spreading more Torah through weekly learning and Shabbatonim!

Meir Lightman

Assigned to Boca Montoya Circle community, From Bergenfield, NJ


My name is Meir Lightman and I am diligent, determined and ambitious. I am always eager to work collaboratively and take initiative in any project or organization that I am involved in. Raised in Bergenfield, NJ, I attended TABC for high school, Yeshivat Hakotel for a year and a half and I am currently a student in Yeshiva University. I have a passion for finance, politics and Israel, as I have interned and volunteered in these fields and I continue to pursue them while in Yeshiva University. In addition, I am motivated to give back to others and therefore I have been involved in organizations including Yachad and the Yeshivat Hakotel Leadership Program. A few summers ago I worked as a counselor at Camp Morasha and I had a life changing experience as I was able to build relationships as a role model to my campers and I continue to be in contact with them. With these interests, passions and experiences, I hope I can greatly contribute and impact many others through my involvement in the NCSY Shevet Glaubach fellowship.

Avrumi Linfield

Assigned to Jacksonville community, From Springfield, MD


Hello, my name is Avrumi Linfield. I’m from Silver Spring, Maryland and attended Berman for High School and Mevaseret in Israel. I am currently at Yeshiva University, learning Masecechet Chulin in the mornings and accounting in the afternoons. The reason I want to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow is because I was fortunate enough to grow up with a Jewish Education, and I want to help people who weren’t as fortunate as me learn about Judaism.

Anna Lis

Assigned to Boca Montoya circle community, From Skokie IL


My name is Anna Lis and I am so excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow! Here is some general background about me: I am originally from Skokie, Illinois, but I currently reside in Washington Heights, New York. I went to MMY for my year in seminary. I am currently in my last semester at Touro’s Lander College for Women. I am double majoring in History and Judaic Studies and am minoring in Digital Multimedia Design. I am drawn to being a Shevet Glaubach Fellow because I love Judaism and I want to help spread that love through collaboration and by creating impactful programming.

Mikey Livi

Assigned to Great Neck community, From Great Neck, NY


My name is Michael Livi and I am 21 years old. I was blessed to attend North Shore Hebrew Academy my entire life, graduating as Speaker of the Class in 2017. I was privileged to then study at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh in Jerusalem for one year upon graduating High School. I am currently enrolled in the Honors Program at Yeshiva University Sy Syms School of Business, where, Be’ezrat Hashem, I plan to graduate with a Major degree in Finance and a two Minors in both Real Estate and Business Analytics. My service to the wonderful Great Neck community officially began in high school for the Gym Minyan (a Minyan for High School teens of all backgrounds), where, alongside 2 peers, I helped run a Minyan that catered to 150+ teens every week. I was first exposed to NCSY by Jonathan Zar as a young high school student, falling in love with what NCSY offers. Upon my return from Yeshiva, I applied to be (and was accepted as) an NCSY advisor for the New York (Great Neck) region and I currently seek to give back more to my community.

Michael Nassimi

Assigned to Great Neck community, From Great Neck


Michael Nassimi joins the NCSY team as the Great Neck Fellow. He will work with the local communities to run programs for the day school and public school students and focus on developing more chesed opportunities. After attending Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh, he has been leading Friday chaburas in HANC Highschool. Michael graduates from YU in the spring with a bachelor’s in mathematical- economics and will be pursuing a career in actuarial science.

Shira Nimchinsky

Assigned to Palm Beach community, From Houston, TX


Hi my name is Shira Nimchinsky. I was born in Houston Texas but I’m from all over. I’m currently a sophomore in Stern College for Women and living in New York City. Last year I went to Israel for the first time in my life and it was the best experience I’ve ever had. I spent my gap year in Shaalvim for Women, a seminary in Jerusalem. Because my family moved very often while I was in high school, I started to do NCSY so I could meet the Jewish kids in my new community. I felt like I was touched by NCSY just like anyone would be, but inspired to come back after I graduated. That brings me to where I am now, an adviser for Southern NCSY.

Liora Nimchinsky

Assigned to Hollywood community, From Houston, TX


My name is Liora Nimchinsky and I’m a student in Stern College. I’ve lived in Houston, Texas, and moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, San Antonio, and Ottawa Canada (And hopefully Israel is my last stop!). Because I’ve moved so much, my high school situation has been incredibly challenging and rewarding at the same time. I was hesitant to start doing NCSY in high school but the ncsy community opened up their arms to me and I never looked back. To me every Shabbaton is just on very big family reunion. I knew that after my high school experience with NCSY, that I wouldn’t be done there, and that I HAD to give back. After my gap year in Israel where I studied in Shaalvim for women, I went to stern and started my journey with Southern NCSY!

Noah Ohayon

Assigned to Miami community, From Miami, FL


My name is Noah Ohayon, and I currently live in Miami FL. I’m 19 years old and would consider myself to be a very passionate guy. I’m a huge fan of inspiring people and making sure that I’m Mekarev in the best way possible. As well I’m just a simple guy.

Sarit Perlman

Assigned to Great Neck Community, From Skokie, IL


My name is Sarit Perlman and I am from Skokie, Illinois. I went to Ida Crown Jewish Academy for high school, then to Tiferet for my gap year in Israel. I now attend Stern College where I am a senior, majoring in Early Childhood education and I am hopefully going to graduate school for my masters in special education. My involvement with NCSY started in 2013 when I attended TJJ as an ncsyer. Because of the inspiring and life changing summer that I had, I became active in Midwest NCSY, went on GIVE in 2014, JOLT in 2015 and eventually joined regional board and became Vice President of summer programs. I was also an advisor for Midwest junior Ncsy and this past summer I had the privilege of being an advisor for a New York TJJ bus which got me to become involved in New York NCSY.

Kayla Plutzer

Assigned to Kew Garden Hills community, From Plainview, NY


My name is Kayla Plutzer and I am from Plainview,NY. I am a current senior at Stern College for Women studying Jewish Education, I will be graduating in January and working at Bais Yaakov of the Lower East Side. I am a Plainview advisor and help with JSU Club at Bard High School in Long Island City. I plan on going into formal education for a few years and eventually going into kiruv full-time. I am also a photographer on the side, which is something I really enjoy

Ariella Robinson

Assigned to Emtza Community, From Manhattan, NY


Hi! My name is Ariella Robinson and I’m from the Upper west side in Manhattan. I went to Maayanot for high school and then attended MMY in Yerushalaim for a year and a half. Now I am currently in Stern college in midtown NY. I’m so excited to be part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship and become more involved in NCSY and have the opportunity to connect to specific communities!

Daniel Rosenthal

Assigned to Five Towns community, From Five Towns, NY


Hi! My name is Daniel Rosenthal and I am from Woodmere, New York. After four amazing years at DRS Yeshiva High School, I went to the Aish Gesher Yeshiva program at Aish HaTorah. I continued to stay at Aish HaTorah for the summer learning invaluable leadership and outreach skills. I am currently living in Washington Heights and studying Computer Engineering at The City College of New York. I was motivated to become a Shevet Glaubach Fellow to give myself the opportunity to help others have the same inspiring experiences that my role models and educators gave to me

Tzvi Rotblat

Assigned to Kew Gardens Hills community, From Teaneck, NJ


My name is Tzvi Rotblat and I am currently in my third year at Yeshiva University where I am studying accounting and am in Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger’s MYP shiur. I am originally from Teaneck, NJ, went to TABC for high school, and then had the opportunity to spend two years in Israel at Yeshivat Sha’alvim. I spent four summers on NCSY Kollel, two summers as a camper and two summers as a madrich and have also been involved with the CBM program and was a counselor in Camp Kaylie. During my spare time I like to listen to music, spend time with friends and family, and play basketball

Sarah Sasson

Assigned to Manhattan community, From Brooklyn, NY


Sarah Sasson is currently a sophomore at Barnard College studying History and Jewish Studies and is working towards a minor in Psychology as well. Prior to her time at Barnard, she attended Yeshivah of Flatbush and then continued on to take a gap year at Shaalvim for Women. Sarah is currently exploring her interests in history but in the long run, hopes to continue her education journey by becoming a teacher– in special ed, regular ed, or Jewish education. Much of her prior experience involves working with special needs children, as well as Jewish teens through NCSY GIVE, NCSY NY, and those in her own community. Sarah’s dream free time activity would be to go on a beautiful hike, have an awesome chevruta on the top of a mountain while enjoying the views, and then break out into a rockin’ chagiga… but toning it down to NYC she enjoys taking the time to appreciate the nature around her while listening to her Jewish music playlist, trying to make the average day filled with gratitude and happiness

Leah Savir

Assigned to Miami Community, From Hollywood, FL


My name is Leah Savir I’m 20 years old from Hollywood Florida. I currently study in Yeshiva University as a sophomore. I love being around family and friends and have a passion for kiruv!

Lori Schneider

Assigned to Boca Montoya Circle Community, From Springfield, NJ


My name is Lori Schneider. I am originally from Springfield, New Jersey but later in middle school I moved to Boca Raton, Florida. I grew up in a Modern Orthodox home, but never appreciated Judaism, until becoming involved with Southern NCSY in high school. I went from attending the occasional program to not missing a Shabbaton, and did all things NCSY (and JSU at my high school). I took on many leadership roles in both NCSY and JSU. Before my senior year I went on TJJ, the NCSY Summer program in Israel for public school kids. This incredible experience inspired me to attend seminary, which was not the norm in my family. I went to Machon Maayan and loved it. Now, I am currently at Lander College, an all girls school in Manhattan. I was an advisor for New Jersey in 2018-2019 and I am now a Southern NCSY advisor. I am so excited to give back to my region and inspire other teens, just as I have been inspired

Yehoshua Segal

Assigned to Kew Gardens hills community, From Manhattan, NY


Yehoshua Segal is form the Lower East Side of Manhattan. He attended TABC for high school, Yeshivat Hakotel for a year and a half, and is now a senior at Yeshiva University studying Economics. Yehoshua is looking forward to developing and creating programming in Kew Garden Hills while building a strong relationship with the community.

Ariel Shayesteh

Assigned to Great Neck community, From Great Neck, NY


My name is Ariel Shayesteh. I am from the Great Neck region. I was raised in Great Neck went to Yeshiva my entire academic life. I currently am the Youth President of Ahavat Shalom Synagogue and a staff member of NCSY Great Neck. I want to continue my role in kiruv and become a Glaubach fellow so I can bring our community closer together.

Chananya Shiff

Assigned to Boca Grove community, From Passaic, NJ


Hey, how’s it going. My name is Chananya Shiff and I am honored to be involved with a program such as this. I currently live in Passaic, NJ and I am studying psychology in Lander College for Men. Thank god I have parents who for a large majority of their lives dedicated their lives towards kiruv and bringing the jewish people closer to God. I hope that with this opportunity I can continue in that path. Thank you

Mikayla Shkedy

Assigned to Miami community, From Houston, TX


My name is Mikayla Shkedy and I’m from Houston, Texas. I attended Robert M. Beren Academy and I continued onto take my gap year in Israel at Sha’alvim for Women. I’m currently studying Psychology at Queens College, and am applying to schools to go into Radiation Therapy. I’m excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow because the program seems like an incredible opportunity to create lasting relationships, encourage the Jewish future, and gain a tremendous amount of knowledge along the way.

Shoval Shoshani

Assigned to Palm Beach community, From Queens, NY


Hello! My name is Shoval Shoshani and I am currently a student at Yeshiva University. I was born and raised in Queens, New York and currently live in Washington Heights. I attended Yeshiva of Central Queens for Middle School, then attended North Shore Hebrew Academy High School, and Yeshivat Torat Shraga for my gap year in Israel. I consider myself a friendly, outgoing young adult whose trying to grow in Derech Eretz and Avodat HaShem. I would like to consider myself a proud, passionate and observant Jew whose attempting to share the light of Torah and Derch Eretz with others.

Etan Soclof

Assigned to Manhattan community, From Cleveland, OH


Etan Soclof is a first year Computer Science student at YU from Cleveland Ohio. He has spent the past three summers as a Madrich on NCSY Kollel. Etan enjoys learning, teaching, and ball, like any good Kollel Madrich would, plays piano and is working toward becoming a Sofeir. Etan is very excited to be working with the Brooklyn community!

Chani Swimmer

Assigned to Jacksonville community, From Lawrence, NY


I am from Lawrence, NY. I went to HAFTR for High School and to Midreshet Eshel for seminary. I am currently studying at Queens College.What inspired me to become a part of the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship is that I want to be able to use my knowledge and take the beautiful light of torah that my mentors, teachers, and friends have given to me and pass it on to others. I believe every jew is a beautiful soul and I am so excited to be apart of program in which inspires and facilities the growth in every individual.

Zach Tuchman

Assigned to Hollywood Community, From East Brunswick, NJ


Hi, my name is Zach Tuchman and I live in East Brunswick. I went to Kushner for High School and then afterward studied at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh in the old city of Jerusalem for a year and a half before returning to America. The past two summers I worked in Camp Hasc and I am currently finishing up my second semester at Yeshiva University and am pursuing a double major in accounting and finance. I started working for NCSY this past September and I am an advisor in the Southern region. While under the tutelage of Ariel and Pearl, I have gained a tremendous appreciation for NCSY and all that they do. My first Shabbaton was last month in Tampa Bay, Florida and am looking forward to many more

Asya Tucker

Assigned to Coral Springs Community, From Columbus, OH


Hi! My name is Asya Tucker! I’m from Columbus, Ohio. I attended Bexley High School. I then studied at Machon Ma’ayan for for two full years. I’m currently attending Lander College for Women. I’m an undecided but most likely will pursue healthcare. I decided to be an advisor/ Shevet Glaubach Fellow because I was so impacted from NCSY and it changed my life. I wanted to give back to the program that so much to me. I also just love genuinely connecting with people and being an advisor helps me meet so many incredible teens and people!!!! I’m so excited be a fellow and so honored to have this opportunity!!!

Hadar Vaanunu

Assigned to Boca Grove Community, From Ft. Lauderdale, FL


Originally from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Hadar Vaanunu grew up with a strong Israeli identity. Her Jewish identity cultivated later on when she became involved in Southern NCSY as a teen. She filled leadership roles in her local NCSY chapter and Regional board, as well as on her high school campus. Her strive for truth accompanied her throughout her Seminary years in Israel. Initially attending Sharfman’s, she went on to attending Darchei Binah for her second year and eventually became a Madricha dedicating her time to students, and subsequently joining the Seminary’s Poland trip as Madricha. Hadar now studies Psychology and Judaic Studies at Touro Landers College for Women in Manhattan, working as an ABA Therapist, and spending her time as a strong Southern NCSY and TJJ Summer Advisor.

Michal Yacker

Assigned to Great Neck Community, From Lawrence, NY


Michal is currently a senior at Stern College for Women majoring in Judaic Studies and Psychology while in the BA/MA program with Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration. She is originally from Lawrence, NY and attended Stella K. Abraham HS for Girls before spending a year studying in Israel at Michlelet Mivaseret Yerushalayim (MMY). She is excited to be part of the Glaubach fellowship and take an active role in building and strengthening the future of klal yisrael.

Tal Yaron

Assigned to Boca Grove Community, From Miami, FL


Hi my name is Tal Yaron I am from Miami Florida. I grew up modern orthodox/traditional and went to public school for high school. For my gap year I went to Midreshet Eshel! I love NCSY because as a teen that’s what mekaraved me, and I owe a lot of who I am to NCSY! This is the reason I came back as an advisor I wanted to try and be there for the teens and open their eyes to beauty of torah as mine were! I am super involved with the Southern TJJ community and with NCSY in general. I really love this organization and am so lucky to be a part of it!

Hannah Zar

Assigned to Hollywood Community, From Boston, MA


Hi! My name is Hannah Zar and I’m from Boston! I went to Maimonides for high school and then spent a year and a half at Midreshet Moriah. I am currently at Stern pursuing a major in psychology.I’m so excited to be a part of NCSY shevet Glaubach fellows because I think it’s so important to spread a love, passion and excitement of Torah and mitzvos to all communities!

Rachel Zemble

Assigned to Englewood Community, From Edison, NJ


Hi, my name is Rachel Zemble and I am from Edison, NJ. I went to MMY for seminary and am currently studying Biology at Touro College. NCSY was a very large part of my life in high school, and it was a dream of mine to return as an advisor and work with the organization that did so much for me. I am so thankful and excited to be a Shevet Glaubach Fellow this year.