About Us
Shevet Glaubach Fellowship Goals

Three branchs of the
Shevet Glaubach Fellowship
Community Engagement
Our vision is to empower communities across the United States, and engage them in impactful Jewish experiences. Program by program, conversation by conversation, Fellows don’t just engage communities, they transform them.
Working in teams of 4-6, Fellows will be partnered with communities across the United States, beginning with pilot programming based in Southern and New York regions primarily.
In these teams, Fellows will collaborate to develop meaningful Shabbat programming, acknowledging and addressing the needs of the specific community. These teams of Fellows will be diverse (in terms of gender, background, skills, etc.) to maximally effectively engage the community.
Relationship Building
Our values push us to cultivate strong, impactful relationships, built to last. Shevet Glaubach Fellows form transformative relationships both as a cohort, with their mentors, and with those whom they mentor.
Relationship building is critical both amongst the Fellows and with the communities and teens fellows connect with. NCSY is a relationship-based organization, therefore, it is critical that our fellows dedicate the time and space to deepening their relationships with those they interact with. As such, a major component of this fellowship will center around chavruta learning, and mentorship, where fellows will further their engagement with particular teens or community members who they have met by learning with them one-on-one, and have the opportunity to learn from mentors they connect with.
Leadership Training
Through offering unparalleled opportunity for hands-on leadership development and training with experts in their fields, our mission is to shape and support the largest pipeline of future Jewish Leaders in the United States.
Fellows will be provided with tools, perspectives, and resources to feel prepared and successful in engaging their communities. Leadership training offered will be both theoretical and practical
Theoretical Leadership Training includes:
- Participating in leadership development seminars.
- Listening to and conversing with powerful speakers both within the Jewish community, and beyond.
- Questioning and discussing with each other how to elevate their own, and their peers’ leadership qualities.
Practical Leadership Training includes:
- We believe that strong leaders, and particularly strong Jewish leaders, continually involve themselves in acts of Chesed
- Our Fellows will come together throughout the year to participate in different contexts and communities to partake in chesed together and to engage in conversations about why chesed and leadership are so inextricably linked in the Jewish tradition.