Avi Greenberg
Hi! I’m Avi Greenberg, from Woodmere, New York. I went to DRS for high school followed by two incredible years in Yeshivat Sha’alvim in Israel. This year, I plan on learning and studying business in Yeshiva University for my second year. I hope to major in Business Management and then go to the Semicha program. I am very excited to be a part of the NCSY Shevet Glaubach Fellowship for my second year so that we can strengthen the incredible relationships that we made last year and create new ones as well. This past summer I had the great opportunity of being one of the Madrichim for the Mechina Program on NCSY Kollel. We learned so much about how we can strive to become our best selves in the process. I look forward to working together with The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship in creating an environment where our teens are proud to be Jewish.