Shlomo Friedman
Shlomo Friedman lives in Cedarhurst, NY and is currently in Queens college studying psychology and learning at Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv. After HAFTR high school, he attended Yeshivat Lev HaTorah in Ramat Beit Shemesh Israel and that gave him a whole new perspective on almost everything. He is starting to see things differently and in a more real way which he has never experienced before that first time he attended yeshiva. Since then he has developed something- a passion- but not exactly- of trying to connect with people in a similar background as he came from, perhaps in the early stages of coming to look at their Jewish roots but also just in general, the yearning to know more about life. If he can become for someone else, that person/friend that he would’ve wanted and benefited greatly from in his own life, he can’t think of a bigger opportunity, honor and goal that he would want to accomplish.