Daniel Aaron
Daniel Aaron currently lives in Monsey, NY, and is an upper sophomore attending Yeshiva University studying finance and mathematics. He went to Heichal Hatorah in Teaneck, NJ for high school and then took a year and a half to learn in a Yeshiva in Israel called Yeshivat Mevaseret Tzion. He spent his 10th grade summer with NCSY on their kollel program. He also has a strong passion for kiruv and inspiring people. He wasn’t as religious as he currently is right now and he can relate to many kids going through different stages of their life in a way that very few people can. He loves reaching out to people and making new connections while also advocating and supporting a cause that he fully believes in and is proud to be a part of. He loves learning and creating an aura and appreciation for Judaism in ways that is fun and exciting.