Taking NCSY’s advisor engagement to the next level, Shevet Glaubach Fellows are passionate leaders, innovative team-players, and are driven to inspire Jewish communities around them.
The Shevet Glaubach Fellowship strives to empower current NCSY advisors and college-aged leaders to explore their developing roles as leaders in the Jewish community.
Through the Shevet Glaubach Fellowship, Fellows engage communities across the United States in meaningful Jewish programming, while expanding their skill sets and comfortability in taking on an achrayut for the broader Jewish community.
Working in small cohorts of four to six, Fellows are partnered with communities across the United States, and collaborate in their teams to develop meaningful Jewish programming which acknowledges and addresses the particular needs of the specific community. Through the leadership training and educational materials offered through the fellowship, Fellows are provided with tools, perspectives, and resources to feel prepared and successful in engaging their communities.